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Re: [Ayatana] Farewell to the notification area
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 23:04, Shane Fagan <shanepatrickfagan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey mpt,
> I think the target is far enough but I wouldnt like to remove it from
> the default install until upstreams adopt the new spec fully. Which will
> take a long enough time. I think remove it cold turkey from the next LTS
> release just to give it fair warning to universe app
> developers/maintainers to patch their apps accordingly.
LTS sounds like an intelligent goal.
if things upstream happen to move along faster due to the evolutive
leaps in overall usability nowadays, earlier dates might become
possible as we go..
pioneering important ideas and implementing them is what Ubuntu is
known for, keep it up!