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[Ayatana] ApplicationIndicators design decision and its application to Rhythmbox

Hi all,

I'd like to (strongly) vote against the change to Application
indicators. Yes I have read
and even though the goal seem laudable, its (current) implementation
is severely broken IMO.

First, the implementation is broken because it heavily reduce
usability in a lot of use cases. Take a simple use case: show
Rhythmbox, do any rythmbox-specific action (like viewing the next
songs) and hide the window. Previously, it was only a matter of two
clicks on the same icon (ie very fast), now it's click, move mouse,
click, mouve mouse, click.

Secondly, it is currently way more inconsistent than before (how
ironic given the stated goal of reducing inconsistencies). Currently,
I have 6 applications in my notification area: xchat, liferea, pidgin,
skype, NetworkManager and rhythmbox. They all behave the same *except*
for rhythmbox: left-click = show/hide, right-click = menu with
options. To that list, you can also add Tomboy, which also behaves the
same even if it is an applet. How is the current situation more
consistent than having rhythmbox use the same behavior as other
applications as it does upstream?

Thanks for reading,
Gaëtan de Menten