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Re: [Ayatana] Combo Indicator Applets

hi jeremy

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 19:57, Jeremy Nickurak <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It seems like that would be a good way to encourage upstream adoption in particular... desktops that don't want to go full-hog into the indicator desktop experience can wade in slowly: "Here's a library that makes it easy to put stuff into the notification tray, with a consistent UI. Oh, and if you happen to have a more advanced implementation, it can do something cooler, but through precisely the same protocol!"

i'm with you in what you are stating.
About how fast upstream will move along:
Consistency is the way to go. Notification area icons have never cared much about consistency, is my guess, that's why they came in all kinds of colors, shapes and visual incompatibilites with each other and the panel itself. Behaviour was also totally random on click, doubleclick or secondary click.

To introduce a more advanced menu functionality is a step forward, and as long as nobody else codes something even half this advanced, i don't see how upstream will reject such valuable contribution to our common cause.

Remember: as long as we are contributing to a project, we're part of it.
If Ubuntu's contribution to GNOME is libindicator, let's make it worth everybody's while and give upstream not a reason to reject this major step forward.