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Re: [Ayatana] No "application bucket" needed
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 15:27, Frederik Nnaji
<frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Isn't the ordinary user's mental concept of closing the window via a red X rather closely related with quitting?
Hitting "close" on one web browser window doesn't terminate the web-browser process, and the other windows associated with it.
In the case of Empathy, I've (gradually, and begrudgingly) come around to the idea that the messaging menu *is* the application, and the "Contact List" window is just a dialog box that lets me interact with it. I'm starting to think the same about rhythmbox, but its UI is complicated enough that it's tricky. Evolution is another several steps of complexity above that.
I think the amount of state that the window represents is tied to whether or not I consider it a window independant of its indicator. Closing the window discards that state. (maybe?)
Jeremy Nickurak -= Email/XMPP: jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxx =-