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[Ayatana] Clock Menu Redesign [was: Evolution && is: progress]

Yes, you're right, we don't need the software suite Evolution anymore.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 18:09, Conscious User <conscioususer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
While I'm not sure if Thunderbird is the answer, I feel
I should also mention that an argument usually presented
in favor of Evolution, its integration with the
gnome-panel, might become moot with the advent of

Thanks, Conscious, you just fired the starting shot for the Clock Menu Redesign discussion ;)

I asked David Barth for advice on replacing the task section of the current Clock Menu implementation with tasque (in place of what is currently being provided by Evolution Tasks).
As he was about to redirect my query towards Ted Guold, since i had labelled my query "Tasque Indicator" or so..

Here the last design Mockups from MPT:

let's talk.