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Re: [Ayatana] Thoughts on quitting and window controls
Op maandag 17-05-2010 om 20:33 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Mark
> Does the window manager know if closing the window will cause the app to
> quit, or just close that window?
The window manager can only know that if the application tells it so.
Implementing this would involve standardising some new window manager
hint (or whatever it's called again), and it would take some time before
all applications implement it so that it can be considered somewhat
consistent behaviour...
> If so, we could consider styling the close button differently, for those
> two scenarios.
Is this really useful?
Imagine 2 applications that implement a word processor:
* the first application opens all documents in one process
* the other application opens all documents in their own process
Now, why would we want a different close button for those application's
windows, as there is no (obvious) functional difference in how people
use these two applications?
IMNSHO, *if* we really want 2 different "close" buttons, we need to find
a better definition of the 2 types of "close" first.
Jan Claeys