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Re: [Ayatana] Thoughts on quitting and window controls
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 20:04, Jan Claeys <lists@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Op maandag 17-05-2010 om 20:33 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Mark
> Shuttleworth:
>> Does the window manager know if closing the window will cause the app to
>> quit, or just close that window?
> The window manager can only know that if the application tells it so.
> Implementing this would involve standardising some new window manager
> hint (or whatever it's called again), and it would take some time before
> all applications implement it so that it can be considered somewhat
> consistent behaviour...
>> If so, we could consider styling the close button differently, for those
>> two scenarios.
> Is this really useful?
> Imagine 2 applications that implement a word processor:
> * the first application opens all documents in one process
> * the other application opens all documents in their own process
> Now, why would we want a different close button for those application's
> windows, as there is no (obvious) functional difference in how people
> use these two applications?
> IMNSHO, *if* we really want 2 different "close" buttons, we need to find
> a better definition of the 2 types of "close" first.
i understand most of your point, but what's wrong with "quit
application" vs "close window" ?