Hi MPT If you're in the thick of things and don't have a chance to respond that's fine, please just copy this into the Me-Menu-Nifty spec as a placeholder for later discussion. == Broadcast Message Feedback == In order to provide feedback on the success or failure of broadcast messages and status updates sent from the Me Menu, we will use the following patterns: 1. Preserving Menu Interaction Menus have several key attributes: selecting or activating a menu item dismisses the menu, and a dismissed menu releases focus and disappears, clearing screen space. => So, we'll preserve the experience that putting a broadcast message in the me menu and pressing enter closes the menu immediately and completely. 2. A throbber for work-in-progress We often use a throbber or spinny to indicate that work is in progress in the background. The spinny is most effective if it is tightly associated with the item that is doing the work, or the place where the work is being done. In some cases, a generic throbber / spinny is used, in other cases like the wifi-connection we use a custom animation of the relevant state indicator. From hard experience, we've learned that the engineering of the spinny needs to be very performance-aware, otherwise it can create an unnecessary drain on CPU and battery. => So, we'll create a throbber / spinny animation for the Me Menu that will be active while the broadcast message is being sent. 3. A green flash for success In Launchpad and other web properties, we use a green flash to indicate the success of a transaction that does not create a long term change in state (where we'd use a persistent blue or green colour). It's desireable to have common patterns between web and desktop properties. We already use this approach in the desktop in the messaging menu, when we indicate that someone has come online (a notification tells you who). => So, when the message is sent successfully, the Me Menu will flash green. The flash will use standard timing and effects (harmonised with the messaging menu and other indicators which adopt the pattern). 4. Persistent red (or orange) for a warning or significant failure When we wish to signal a warning, we use orange or red depending on the criticality. We may use it in a persistent fashion or as a temporary indicator. For example, when you are disconnected from the wifi network, a red highlight appears on the wifi indicator. Also, when a security update has been installed but requires a restart to be effective, we introduce a red effect on the session menu ("on/off") indicator. We also have a pattern of signalling which element of the menu is associated with the warning - for example, the fact that the "Restart" menu item will be coloured red and changed in text when a restart is required from 10.10 onwards. => So, when a broadcast message fails, we will use an orange or red visual touch to indicate that. We need to debate and decide whether it should be a transient indication (a flash) or a persistent state indication (a red/orange element on the icon, or a red/orange effect around the icon). We also need to decide whether it is a warning (orange) or a failure (red), and if it is persistent, how to signal which element of the menu is associated to it. For example, we might choose to put a persistent orange glow on the Me Menu when the last broadcast failed, and to outline the text field in that menu in orange - distinct from the theme's focus colour - as well. Mark
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