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Re: [Ayatana] Restart Required

Hello Florian,

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 17:37, Florian Bruhin <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2010/8/2 Frederik Nnaji <frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx>:
> *Does* Ubuntu warn the user beforehand that the updates about to be made
> will eventually require a restart? I can't recall..

As fair as I know, it does not. However, a warning like this indicates
something like "Your system will not work at all when you don't
restart as soon as the update is complete". In fact, this would most
likely prevent some users from installing these updates, as they don't
have the time or aren't in the mood to restart the computer in the
middle of their workflow.

well then obviously yes, right?
If a restart is necessary and the system would become unstable otherwise, that's a clear danger on a production machine.
Not alerting the user about this consequence of an action he is about to make is like selling poison in water bottles.. me no like