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Re: [Ayatana] Unity interface - my Beta review and proposals
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 5:35 AM, Michael Jonker
<citizen.jonker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On top of that it needs to run on the most simple of devices, for
> example the $35 tablet, reliably - so no fancy hiding and animation
> effects for the core functionality.
+1, many will appreciate this, but enable eye candy on higher spec
platforms. User interaction should be essentially the same on both so
no new learning curve.
BTW, I've found press of the home key to view running apps on Android
as easy to use as a task bar, although not as discoverable. Figuring
out how to invoke such a feature on netbooks and multiple touch /
non-touch platforms with / without keyboards is trickier.