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Re: [Ayatana] Windicators
Annoyingly, this somehow ended up in a completely different thread due to the horrors of human error. I'm reposting here.
Sticking with the examples of Banshee and volume, for the sake of argument, we also recognise two sorts of window indicator:
A window indicator that stands alone as functionality dedicated to a
particular window. I call these “window-specific” window indicators.
b) A window indicator which is a candidate for merger with system
indicators under a “collapsing” indicator system, because they
encapsulate system-relevant behaviours. I call these “system-relevant”
window indicators.
With the collapsing idea in place, things are like this:
1. Banshee is maximised.
controls (as system-relevant) for Banshee are collapsed into the
appropriate system indicator. Window-specific window indicators for
Banshee are present to the left of the system indicators. No separate
window indicator for Banshee's volume is shown.
2. Banshee is not maximised.
Volume controls for Banshee are in a
window indicator, situated on Banshee's window decoration. Volume
controls for Banshee in the system indicator are now not present.
Other, window-relevant window indicators for Banshee are present on
Banshee's window decoration as well. System-relevant and
window-specific window indicators do not appear distinguishable at this
3. Banshee is minimised.
?????? (Banshee's volume cannot be changed?)
My concern is that the functionality of changing the volume of Banshee moves about quite a bit. It does this in two ways:
1) It moves from place to place in the interface- namely between the panel and the window decoration of Banshee.
2) When in Banshee's window decoration it literally changes place on the screen.
This will be true of all system-relevant window indicators.
Is such a degree of movement of functionality acceptable?
Something also needs to be said about the case of minimisation. Does
the volume control for Banshee end up back in the system indicator, or
does it simply become unavailable? Other window indicator functionality
would become unavailable in the case of minimisation, and it might be
argued that this is only natural and intuitive. However, we have two
sorts of indicators (window-specific and system-relevant), and we have
them for a reason- namely that some of them (system-relevant window
indicators) encapsulate system-relevant behaviours.
It is only natural for window-specific behaviours to disappear with
the window with which they are associated. Without the window being at
the forefront, its content does not affect us and the behaviours made
available by its window-specific window indicators is not important to
us. For that reason, having window-specific window indicators tied to
window decorations seems uncontroversial.
Should system-relevant behaviours, however, such as changing the
volume of some sound that is playing, be tied to specific windows in
this way? System-relevant behaviours (such as a playing sound) continue
to affect us regardless of the position or status of the windows of the
applications producing them.
Do we really want users to be unable to change the volume of Banshee
(or alter any other system-relevant thing for any application) when it
is minimised?
Putting the system-relevant window indicators for
minimised applications back in the panel adds yet another occasion on
which that functionality moves position.
Looking at things as they are, I do not think that having window-indicators for system relevant behaviours is remotely wise.
a behaviour is best placed inside a system indicator, my opinion is
that it stay there at all times at which it is available at all. In the
context of the example at hand- Banshee's volume would be present in
the system indicator when Banshee is running, and available nowhere else
at any other time.