Please see the following picture of the Apple Ipad for an example of "lightened" black toolbars that are not the same darkness as the OS's top panel and represent a good design:
Note that although the toolbar is technically "black" it is a "faded/lightened" black. That is, it is NOT the same color/shade as the Top-Panel! This is GOOD design. This is what I describe and have been arguing for in my previous e-mails regarding this topic. There are potent reasons why the Iphone & Ipad are such strong sellers. Interface design choices like this are part of the reason why these devices are such strong sellers and well liked. Application toolbars should NOT be a "dark" color that shroud the tools in darkness. And they should NOT be the same color/shade as the Top-Panel that represents the OS. Apple's design is very strong. A "dark" top-panel and a "middle-colored" toolbar that transitions to the "white-content." Why can't Oneiric Ocelot adopt this design pattern? |