On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 18:25, Henrik Peytz
<henrik.peytz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Assuming that people would want to automatically be socially connected to the Ubuntu community on boot could be a point of discontent I could imagine, just saying.
exactly. Why not communicate with my already existing personal community?!
Only catch here: stationary user accounts. But we also have a remedy to this problem: UbuntuOne and OneConf
The dividing of people into different communities sounds a lot like the latest trend in social networking, stuff like Google+'s circles, Diasporas' aspects and facebook-groups comes to mind. Incorporating that, particularly Diaspora, into Ubuntu could be quite neat (I say Diaspora because it's open source and decentralized). Imagine that, bult-in social network from the get go, with your private information stored/restored from wherever you specify. Of course on an opt-in basis.
yop, that's more like it, Diaspora perhaps, but most not necessarily. Opt-in, as you say.
More important: a proper phone-book. How can it be more difficult to find someone in my 200 contacts on my 17" Ubuntu Notebook, than on my 3.2" Symbian Phone?
This is a situation which calls for urgent relief, and we already have solutions here, as Scott Kitterman pointed out.
It may be far fetched to ask for something as sophisticated as WebOS Synergy.. but Evolution PIM is not ready for this era, neither is Dexter or UbuntuOne Contacts, unless one of them finally receives a proper Lense. 2 clicks should be enough to find a person.