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Re: [Ayatana] Dash search vs Alt+F2 in 11.10

2011/9/26 Naba Kumar <naba.kumar@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Jo-Erlend,

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad
> Den 26. sep. 2011 13:21, skrev Naba Kumar:
>> y and is what others have pointed out. But what is there to lose if the
>> two are done through same interface - without any lose of functionality of
>> either? Some subtle difference between the two can be brought in, such as
>> like  joerlend suggested with "~". Or, having no difference in the input,
>> but instead additional command-prefix completion is shown below (lens?) in
>> addition to the free text
> I have not proposed anything like that. That was someone else ...

Yeah, I mixed up the replies, sorry :) It was Stefanos, who proposed

Indeed. Please note that I proposed a toggle button, not a command prefix. Huge difference.
> and I
> completely disagree with it. I don't want commands in the dash at all. They
> do not belong there. I like it just the way it is, but having an output
> section in the Alt+F2 screen would not be too bad. I don't think it's
> important.
What is "output section" - you mean a terminal output when running
terminal-only commands? Why not just start a terminal, then :)?

Window management (the lack of it), so you don't need to open and manage a new terminal for quick, one-shot commands (e.g. ping example.com). This is especially important for laptop screens, where you really don't have space to open any new windows, requiring both window and desktop management - and all that for a ping command (same for killall, top or other "quickies").

This is a surprisingly useful power-user feature that Unity can support without too much effort (just add an output window to Alt-F2 and a way to switch between Dash <-> Alt-F2). Right now, you can get a non-integrated version of this via drop-down terminals ala guake (try it on a 1366x768 screen to see just how useful it is!)