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Looking for feedback - Short options for MySQL Proxy


Hi everyone,

I decided to start working on this blueprint:

Chassis/Proxy should have short names for often used options

and I'm looking for some feedback. I think that we should have short
options being two/three letters, instead of only one.
This is so that we can append one letter for the plugin name, and then
another letter for the actual option.

These are my ideas:

(the ones with no short options are the ones _I_ think are not common,
but if you think this is not the case, please let me know :)

--user=<user>                -u
          Run mysql-proxy as user
  --basedir=<absolute path>
       Base directory to prepend to relative paths in the config
               PID file in case we are started as daemon
                   path to the plugins
  --plugins=<name>       -p
  plugins to load
  --log-level=(error|warning|info|message|debug)          log all
messages of level ... or higer
                   log all messages in a file
       log all messages to syslog
       try to invoke debugger on crash
 -k      try to restart the proxy if it crashed
       maximum number of open files (ulimit -n)

  --admin-address=<host:port>                -aa         listening
address:port of the admin-server (default: :4041)
  --admin-username=<string>                   -au        username to
allow to log in (default: root)
  --admin-password=<string>                   -ap        password to
allow to log in (default: )
  --admin-lua-script=<filename>                -as       script to
execute by the admin plugin

-pa                    listening address:port of the proxy-server
(default: :4040)
  --proxy-read-only-backend-addresses=<host:port>       -pro
                       address:port of the remote slave-server
(default: not set)
  --proxy-backend-addresses=<host:port>                       -pba
           address:port of the remote backend-servers (default:
                               disables profiling of queries (default:
                               fix bug #25371 (mysqld > 5.1.12) for
older libmysql versions
     -ps                          filename of the lua script (default:
not set)
                               don't start the proxy-module (default:
                                 don't use CHANGE_USER to reset the
connection coming from the pool (default: enabled)

Note: I still do not know if -as would work or if I need two dashes
before the option.


Diego Medina
Web Developer

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