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[ANNC] MySQL Proxy 0.7.2 released


Hi all!

We are happy to announce that MySQL Proxy 0.7.2 is available in a source and binary release for all of our target platforms.

This latest release also brings back Windows support in both the source and binary release.

The list of important changes in this release is:
 * fixed memory leak proxy plugin (#45272)
 * fixed ro-balance.lua (#45408)
 * added CMake build files
 * fixed portability issues for Win32
 * added mysql-proxy-svc on Win32
 * updated INSTALL file to cover all the build steps on win32

Please report any problems on http://bugs.mysql.com, our Launchpad discussion mailing list at https://launchpad.net/~mysql-proxy-discuss or on IRC: #mysql-proxy on irc.freenode.net.

The focus of development is now on MySQL Proxy 0.8.

MySQL Proxy 0.7.2 is currently the recommended version to use unless you develop MySQL Proxy itself.

The binaries are available on our downloads page: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql-proxy/index.html



Kay Roepke
Software Engineer, MySQL Enterprise Tools

Sun Microsystems GmbH    Sonnenallee 1, DE-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Geschaeftsfuehrer:    Thomas Schroeder,  Wolfang Engels,  Wolf Frenkel
Vorsitz d. Aufs.rat.: Martin Haering                    HRB MUC 161028