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mysql-proxy-replication master plugin



I'm trying to get the master plugin from mysql-proxy-replication branch to work. For a start I just want to get the Jan's script to work. This script can be found on: http://jan.kneschke.de/projects/mysql/druckbetankung/

Well, I've tried to complete the script and you can see it here: http://pastebin.com/aGVG97iW

When running the proxy with the master plugin and the Lua script, I try to connect it with a slave instance and get the following error on the proxy: attempt to index global 'binlog' (a nil value)

On the slave I get the following error: The slave I/O thread stops because a fatal error is encountered when it try to get the value of SERVER_ID variable from master. Error: MySQL Proxy Lua script failed to execute. Check the error log.

What is missing in the script?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Miguel Araújo