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On 24/01/14 10:09, Geoff Smith wrote:
On 24/01/14 09:28, Geoff Smith wrote:On 24/01/14 08:30, Geoff Smith wrote:On 22/01/14 19:40, Geoff Smith wrote:On 22/01/14 09:48, Geoff Smith wrote:On 22/01/14 05:17, David Manuel Pires wrote:Hi, team.Firstly, just let me say that my hat is off for you, Geoff, for yet anothermagnificent idea.On 21 January 2014 14:20, Leigh Tate <leigh.tate@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I agree with Leigh and Svetlana. I think it would be preferable to have a way of distinguishing between a parent page, which by itself is important, and important pages that aren't parent pages, and the solution of using theOn 01/21/2014 09:00 AM, Leigh Tate wrote:I agree with Svetlana. And I still tend to want to designate parent pages separately from other important pages, although this may simply beThat would work since you are already inserting the wiki page's linkdue to the way I process information. If we do decide to includenon-parent pages in caps, perhaps something like putting "parent" inparenthesis after the page name.along with the text. PAGENAME (parent) works. Svetlana Belkin Goeff and David, what do you think about that?term "Parent" between parenthesis after the page name is perfect.Regarding the insertion of a note/warning in the Face-Page, Geoff is right.There is place for that insertion, without cluttering the Face-Page. Maybe something like:"Pages listed with the word *"Parent"* between parenthesis after theirname, are parent pages of the page's topic.Pages listed in *CAPITALS* are generally considered of greater importanceor interest."When we all agree on the final wording version of that banner, I'll add itto the Face-Page.As for the decision process to be taken, on which pages are important or of interest, I'm inclined to a vote/poll held on the forum's thread. That would not only bring an extra focus on what we're doing but a continuous one. Desirably people would get a feel of participation and commitment withthe NewDocs project and maybe it could turn out to be a sort of a recruitment process. And last, but not the least, I see as very important the NewDocs' "consumers opinion of what is/should be regarded as important. Cheers, David Team,Having thought the matter over overnight, I admit I had gone a little off the idea, but I am back on board now. Personally I think the simpler version is best. I'd be guessing, but I had thought the pages in Capitals would maybe make up 2 - 5 % of the total. As it is most likely that the choices would be Parent pages, I don't think they need to be labelled such at all. If the Page is important but not a Parent then it does not matter. The change over would take some time. The users could be advised of our intentions and asked on the thread to let us know of any pages that should be in Capitals. Anyway those are my current thoughts - now off to do the regular Posting.Cheers, Geoff.Hi Team,David, just wished you to know that I agree with the points you raised in your last comments. Also wanted to thank you for your kind words about me, although they were not necessary.Cheers, Geoff.Hi team,Should we take a vote on whether we go for marking a Parent page between parenthesis? My vote would be no, mainly because I think as I think that as most of the pages would be Parents, it would be unnecessary. I think that the general appearance would also be spoilt with so many pages marked with parenthesis. Anyway I will leave itto the rest of you to make the final decision. Cheers and have a good weekend, Geoff.Hi again Team,Having read the thread a little more carefully, it seems that I would be outvoted. Finally though, would users expect all Parent Pages to be so marked? If that was the case and if implemented, that may be a relatively high proportionof pages. Cheers, Geoff.Hi for the third time team lol,Possible wording to be posted in NewDocs Thread. Toss it around in your mind and offer any suggestions. NewDocs not yet amended with the examples. Also excuse any grammar errors.A proposed change in the NewDocs Menu System.The NewDocs Team have decided to obtain feedback on what we think will be an improvement in the present menu system. It is thought that if the letters in listed pages are in *CAPITALS*, that this would aid the user, inasmuch as the pages could be considered either more important or of greater interest. Having the larger letters it is thought would draw user's attention to the listing.Furthermore, it is also suggested that if Pages are listed with the word *"Parent"* between parenthesis after their name, that these are parent pages of the page's topic.Examples in NewDocs at present may be viewed with the pages BUMBLEBEE and TEAMS. It is not anticipated that the pages so highlighted would make up a very high percentage of the total pages, as that would defeat the purpose of the system.We therefore invite your views on such a system, including if you wish any pages that you think could be highlighted. Kindly post your thoughts in this thread.
Hi Team,Firstly I wish to say that I am embarrassed about my overzealous postings yesterday. Kindly accept my humble apology. I will leave it to you three the decision making and wording regarding the suggestion, assuming that you still go ahead with it.
Cheers, Geoff.
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