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Re: Purpose of this List


Hi Charlie,

How do you expect things to work when a new feature or change is being
discussed? The line between "general discussion" and "implementation" is
sometimes blurry (as in "everything can be done as it would require too
much work, so let's see what we can actually do"), but neither mailing
list includes both parts of the discussion... So what do you propose?
Parallel discussions? Deciding on a case-by-case basis using good sense?
Or maybe I'm just didn't understand you correctly, and/or am needlessly
complicating things :)

Also, I'd make "Proposals for changes and discussions of proposed
changes, including the implementation of new features." a bit more
explicit, as that can confuse some people who don't immediately see the
difference between "changes" and "new features"... Especially since you
say "New feature ideas should first be proposed and discussed" elsewhere.
I can't, however, currently think of a better wording - maybe something
along the lines of "Discussing changes to existing NUnit features" and
"Discussing implementation details of new features"? But even so the
line between "user-visible changes" and "internal changes" is blurry...


- André

Charlie Poole wrote:
> Hi All
> So my *second* post to this list was not about any of the topics
> below. :-)
> Please add
> * Discussions of our own practices and how to do things like
>   setting up a repository, merging changes, etc.
> to the things we talk about.
> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nunit-dev-bounces+charlie=nunit.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>> [mailto:nunit-dev-bounces+charlie=nunit.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> t] On Behalf Of Charlie Poole
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:29 PM
>> To: nunit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: [Nunit-dev] Purpose of this List
>> Hi All,
>> Welcome to the NUnit Developers list. I thought I'd start out 
>> with a note describing the purpose I imagined for this list 
>> as well as the team itself. Since our move to Launchpad is a 
>> work in progress, a lot of it is open to discussion, so feel 
>> free to give some feedback at this point. Once we have a 
>> discussion - or if there is none - I'll create a shorter 
>> statement of purpose to be sent to any new enrollees.
>> There have been several iterations of change in the way the 
>> NUnit project communicates. Most recently, I set up 
>> nunit-discuss as a place for everything. It has covered user 
>> help, best practices, suggested features, internal project 
>> organization, nunit design and implementation issues and even 
>> submittal and review of patches.
>> Lately, however, I've seen us spend what seems to me to be 
>> too much time focused on technical developer discussion - how 
>> to implement something - rather than on the value of the 
>> feature under discussion - whether we want to implement it.
>> I wouldn't mind the dev-oriented discussion if it didn't 
>> drive out the user-oriented bit, but it seems that it does.
>> So, that's one reason for a separate list.
>> Another reason is that we are re-structuring NUnit from a 
>> single monolithic project to a set of projects. Currently, we 
>> have a framework project and others (the gui for example) 
>> will get set up as soon as that one is under way. I hope that 
>> multiple projects will lead to an increase in participation, 
>> which will lead to an increase in dev-oriented discussion, 
>> another reason for a separate list.
>> But the biggest reason to have nunit-dev is that it is the 
>> mail list or the nunit-xtp "superproject" - Launchpad calls 
>> it a project group - which I see as the public interface to 
>> nunit development. It should work no matter how we decide to 
>> structure our projects.
>> With that said, here is my proposed statement of purpose...
>>>>>>>>> This would be posted as our purpose
>> This list is used for discussions about the development of 
>> the NUnit Extended Testing Platform and its component 
>> projects on Launchpad. 
>> Topics that are appropriate for discussion here include:
>> * The design of NUnit, it's component projects and
>>   the interfaces between them.
>> * Assignment and status of work on NUnit.
>> * Scheduling of milestones and releases.
>> * Discussion of reported bugs when the correct behavior
>>   is not clear.
>> * Proposals for changes and discussions of proposed changes,
>>   including the implementation of new features.
>> * Coordinating the review of patches, at least until we
>>   define some other mechanism.
>> * Proposals for new projects under the NUnit umbrella.
>> * Discussions of responsibility between the different
>>   component projects.
>> Some topics belong elsewhere:
>> * User support questions are handled on the nunit-discuss list
>>   or - for some projects - the Launchpad Answers system.
>> * New feature ideas should first be proposed and discussed in
>>   a way that gives NUnit users an opportunity to provide feedback.
>>   (This is currently done on the nunit-discuss list or the
>>   NUnit ideatorrent on Sourceforge.)
>> * Bugs should be reported using the bug-tracking mechanism
>>   set up for each project.
>>>>>>>>>>>   End of Purpose Posting
>> Like I said, this is a draft, so let me know whether
>> you think it covers what needs to be said.
>> Charlie
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