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Songza integration implementation questions


Hi, I'm a fan of Nuvola Player and I started investigating what it would take to write a Songza integration.

It turns out there's a relatively straightforward way to get access to a player API that includes play/pause, skip, and thumbs up/down, and current track metadata information.

There's an example showing how to get access to the player object that contains these methods here (it was augmented by a Songza employee):


So one would think a Songza service integration would be pretty easy, but when I tried the simple thing of forking the newservicetemplate, updating the metadata.conf accordingly and loading it, I couldn't get Songza to actually play anything.

It looks like what's going on is that the advertisements' Javascript code isn't running correctly, possibly due to a same origin policy error, and as a result Songza won't actually play any audio.

Here's what I have in metadata.conf:

name = Songza
home_page = http://songza.com/
sandbox_pattern = .*
maintainer_name = Ramesh Dharan
maintainer_link = https://launchpad.net/~rameshdharan
version = 1
version_minor = 0
api_major = 2
flash_plugin = no
requirements_specified = yes

I've experimented with this a bunch, e.g. I tried enabling Flash, changing the home_page to https://songza.com, and enabling various sandbox patterns, but no luck.

Any ideas for how I should go about debugging this? I don't see any JavaScript errors in the console with --debug-javascript and the configuration above.

When I tried specifying the home_page as https://songza.com, I saw a lot of same origin errors, and I also at least once saw an error saying that the track wouldn't play because of an ad serving error.

Happy to experiment further but I'm kind of stuck at the moment...
