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Re: dynmod branch landed


This is really nice work!

My random input on the todo list:

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 5:50 AM, Gustavo Machado Campagnani Gama <
gama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>      * rebase to main, push the branch as the 'official' unstable branch

Has a target date been set for the 'OpenCog Preview' release?

     * port the branch to win32; we currently use dlopen and will have to
> wrap it around windows' LoadLibrary API

Trent: can you be be enlisted to own the windows port?

>      * write the missing documentation

This seems a prerequisite for the 'OpenCog Preview' release?

     * integrate the 'rest' branch

Is this required for the 'OpenCog Preview' release?

>      * package opencog to Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc

If alien can produce usable RPMs, it may be a 'good enough' temporary

>      * other minor todos such as doxygen integration

It seems this can wait until after the 'OpenCog Preview' release, and even
then it could probably be scripted from buildbot or cron without requiring
cmake (unless you'd prefer it also use cmake).

>      * porting to Mac OS X

Cesar: can you be enlisted to own the MacOS port?

>      * looking at the 'enhancement' bugs in bugzilla

Bug and blueprint activities are planned for CogDev in October, and then
likely Cassio and Senna should comb both lists for crazy ideas, assignments,
priorities, etc.

