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Fwd: call for testing for coming release 5.0.7


Ola, fiquei sabendo que a versao 5.0.7 do OpenERP esta chegando. Por isso é
muito importante testar as ultimas revisoes da ramificçoes 5.0 para pelo
menos evitar regressoes (novos bugs).

Segue aqui e email que acabei de mandar para os membros mais ativos da

versao 5.0.7

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raphaël Valyi <rvalyi@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/12/3
Subject: call for testing for coming release 5.0.7
To: joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, nicolas.bessi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
office@xxxxxxxxxx, albert@xxxxxxxxxxx, qdp@xxxxxxxxxxx, fp@xxxxxxxxxxx,
Claude.Brule@xxxxxxxxx, christophe.chauvet@xxxxxxxxx, eric@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
henrique@xxxxxxxxx, gdukai@xxxxxxxxx, paulino1@xxxxxxx, erpsraps@xxxxxxxx,
ajuaristio@xxxxxxxxx, cjalmeida@xxxxxxxxx, sebastien.beau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
renato.lima@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Xavier.Fernandez@xxxxxxxx,
amad.diallo@xxxxxxxxx, ovnicraft@xxxxxxxxx, david.j@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
geoff.gardiner@xxxxxxxxx, office@xxxxxxxxxxxx, info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
jverlaan@xxxxxxxxxx, lfalcon@xxxxxxxxxxx, informatique@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
xrg@xxxxxxxxx, groche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, zyphos@xxxxxxxxx,
ruud.riem-vis@xxxxxxxxxxxx, alberto.garcia@xxxxxxxxxx, grzechu.g@xxxxxxxxxx,
erik.myllymaki@xxxxxxxxx, partners@xxxxxxx, Alexis de Lattre <
alexis.delattre@xxxxxxxxxx>, davide.corio@xxxxxxxxxxxx


For long people complained about the release management of OpenERP and the
fact the releases might have blocking regressions (eg bug that were not
present in previous versions).
This time, Tiny is investing a bit in order to involve better its community
and improve the quality.

I send you this email because I'm working part time (1 day a week for a
month at least) on this hand in hand with Tiny and I identified you roughly
as the community power users, the guys that are able to test and are
generally wiling to invest to make OpenERP a better product that will cost
less to implement and thus be more competitive. Sorry for the ones I missed
or the ones for the partner list I might  disturb instead.

I could free myself from our current projects only recently and learnt only
a few hours ago (from the commit messages) that 5.0.7 release was around the
So this is not going to be perfect at the first shot. Still, we can do
better than before and this is what actually counts.

So, this time, Tiny will give you 2 days, counting from now, to test
intensively last 5.0 branches revisions and make sure that no regression has
been made since the 5.0.x series and especially since 5.0.6.
Hopefully in the future we could give you more days. Also, as you all may
have seen, the overall quality of OpenERP is increasing, especially because:
- it's getting more mature overall
- community is getting bigger with more guys testing (human continuous
integration is a sad reality but ultimately it works for large open source
- automated test servers are being set up, see initiatives in Tiny here:
http://test.openobject.com/ and outside from Tiny here:
- Tiny is growing with more dev resources
So I personally hope this will lead to releases that might be usable out of
the box at the beginning of next year, with regressions begin an old
nightmare of the early adopters.

This is not the time to come and cry for a bug that has been always present,
no matter how important it is (unless security hole may be), or a feature
that might require time/effort to fix because waiting for those new fixes
will delay 5.0.7 and eventually introduce new regressions again over and
over. Please, do that after instead. So, during those 2 days, what is
important is to make sure that NO NEW BUG has been introduced, especially on
the basic perimeter. We all know that 5.0 is there only for bug fixing.
Well, a quick look at the bug tracker also remembers us this is theory and
regression are still made and fixed on a weekly basis on 5.0 branch, our job
is to make sure none is packaged in 5.0.7.

You all know how hard it is to sell OpenERP if we can't secure our
customers, telling they cannot safely rely on an officially released version
as at least as a starting point. OpenERP is still one of those rare
softwares not mature enough for reasonably large companies use without
highly professional bugfix around. This is all right nothing comes perfect
for free at first shot and I'm quite sure no open source ERP do better, but
that's still hard sell when in front of you you have customers expecting it
would be as stable as a Drupal, Linux or Firefox. So at least, this time you
get a chance to find eventual regressions in time and report them/fix them
before 5.0.7 is out.

I hope this call doesn't sound pessimistic, actually it's quite the
contrary, I've good reasons to think 5.0.7 will be the best release ever
with the least regression ever. Like you I just wish I can finally migrate
our customers to it without to much stress (eg regression fixing days
customer wouldn't want to pay).

All right, my call is done, I'll also soon get in touch with specialized
community members here to organize us better as specialized decentralized
hubs acting between Tiny and its community for more efficiency, especially
for building 5.2 release. But this is for a soon coming blog post, so please
just wait for it. Meanwhile, feel free to hang on #openobject on freenode
for reactive talks.

Best regards,

Raphaël Valyi