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Message #00047
Re: Simple things we need from Tiny for better bug planning/management
A Dijous, 21 de gener de 2010, P. Christeas va escriure:
> On Thursday 21 January 2010, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
> > I just wanted to say that I share your worries. At the same time we don't
> > want a "community branch" because it could become a "community fork",
> > but currently there are "lots of individual branches" (Raphaël made a
> > list of them). Maybe a community branch could avoid many of those
> > branches.... (again I'm not sure about that).
> With all due respect: having many branches is not bad at all. It is a
> healthy fact that helps the Darwinian evolution of an open source project.
> The issue here, IMHO, is the selection algorithm which would complete that
> evolutionary cycle.
I don't fully agree with you. I think having branches is good when this means
there are different criterias or ways of solving things. For example, you've
made several interesting improvements you've kept in several branches and I
agree git is great for this things (I also prefer git over bazaar). But I
think the problem we are facing here is slightly different. It's not a
discussion on *how* something should be solved. It's simply that Tiny does not
have enough resources to fix things we all agree on how should be fixed.
> In our terms, a problem you[1] face is the maintainability of the branches
> and the technical burden of merging the various code-lines (as opposed to
> a patchset-management approach).
Although I personally also prefer git over bazaar I think we need to take into
account several things:
- Though a good version control system can improve productivity I don't think
git alone solves the problem we have at the moment.
- Bazaar has slightly better support on Windows than git has (at least that
was like this some time ago, please correct me if I'm wrong). Not that it
can't be used, but it's easier to use bazaar than git in that platform. I
don't use Windows very much but there are people that do..
- Moving everything to git at the moment would be very painful, the problem is
there are no resources and making such a change would require lots of
> [1] I am already using a better technology.
Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18
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