openerp-community-leaders team mailing list archive
openerp-community-leaders team
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Message #00048
Re: Simple things we need from Tiny for better bug planning/management
Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
It's not a discussion on *how* something should be solved. It's simply that Tiny does not
have enough resources to fix things we all agree on how should be fixed.
My personal experience with Tiny is more of the sense that even if you
fix it yourself (and after peer community review) it's still a hassle to
get it accepted as Tiny indeed does have the right to not accept a
certain fix, but the problem now is that when they decide it's not good
enough other people might still feel ok with using that certain fix
instead of living with the bug.
As the situation is today you would have to look into 6 or more
community branches and combine them yourselves.
This is what my "bugfix" community branch proposal should fix. One place
for all community fixes to be properly integrated and tested.
The idea is to create a very attractive branch for Tiny to go pick
solutions from, so they can cherrypick and integrate it into their
"stable" version at their leisure.
If they neglect to backport fixes from the bugfix to the stable branch
people will then more and more rely on the bugfix branch and the
darwinian process should emerge then.
Niels 'Red15' Huylebroeck
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