openerp-community-leaders team mailing list archive
openerp-community-leaders team
Mailing list archive
Message #00066
Re: Simple things we need from Tiny for better bug planning/management
A Dissabte, 23 de gener de 2010, Jan Verlaan - Veritos va escriure:
> Hmm, that's also not the case here.
> Due to the fact that half of Europe plus many other countries like US
> needs this module for stock accounting, it is at least strange that this
> merge is rejected by one person.
> When the problem did arise and the impact was clear (many countries), FP
> jumped into the discussion and assigned a resource (HDA) to solve this
> issue.
> I did the functional part, HDA the technical part.
> Known this, I can't understand that someone who wasn't involved into the
> whole process and story, can reject it on a single basis, instead of
> giving his vote with a reason.
> B.t.w. I can and will accept when the majority rejects, but then I guess
> a reason/explanation will be given.
What I meant, is that in the "community branch" it won't be possible that one
individual with no arguments rejects a merge proposal, while it can happen
with the current model. So I think it's an argument in favor of the "community
> Op 23-01-10 20:50, Albert Cervera i Areny schreef:
> > A Dissabte, 23 de gener de 2010, Raphaël Valyi va escriure:
> >> Sorry, but last counter-example of this is less than 10 minutes ago,
> >> Syleam vetoing again one more merge proposal:
> >>
> >>ra- addons/+merge/14302
> >>
> >> Again, I can't understand that stance: that module is for country where
> >> Syleam doesn't even have a single customer, so why veto it without even
> >> explaining?
> >
> > I don't think this is a counter-example. It is an example, indeed. In
> > this case if most of us and most important those promoting the module
> > said they want it *in* and they will mantain it. It simply goes in. If
> > some do not want it in and have no arguments and they are a minority,
> > they don't have nothing to do and must accept the will of the majority.
> >
> > We will all have to accept that there will be things we won't like.
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Albert Cervera i Areny
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