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Hmm, that's also not the case here.Due to the fact that half of Europe plus many other countries like US needs this module for stock accounting, it is at least strange that this merge is rejected by one person. When the problem did arise and the impact was clear (many countries), FP jumped into the discussion and assigned a resource (HDA) to solve this issue.
I did the functional part, HDA the technical part.Known this, I can't understand that someone who wasn't involved into the whole process and story, can reject it on a single basis, instead of giving his vote with a reason.
B.t.w. I can and will accept when the majority rejects, but then I guess a reason/explanation will be given.
Op 23-01-10 20:50, Albert Cervera i Areny schreef:
A Dissabte, 23 de gener de 2010, Raphaël Valyi va escriure:Sorry, but last counter-example of this is less than 10 minutes ago, Syleam vetoing again one more merge proposal: addons/+merge/14302 Again, I can't understand that stance: that module is for country where Syleam doesn't even have a single customer, so why veto it without even explaining?I don't think this is a counter-example. It is an example, indeed. In this case if most of us and most important those promoting the module said they want it *in* and they will mantain it. It simply goes in. If some do not want it in and have no arguments and they are a minority, they don't have nothing to do and must accept the will of the majority. We will all have to accept that there will be things we won't like.
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