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Message #01018
Re: lp:~openerp-community-reviewer/sale-wkfl/move_sale_exception_module_from_e-commerce-addons-jge into lp:sale-wkfl
After my split I have around 140 ligne of python in exception_rule and around 40 in sale_exception so I really think it's worth to split it because we will avoid to duplicate the 140 ligne in every module for nothing, it's not a lot but it's always better to no duplicate the code (on improvement improve all module). Moreover we use the same pop-up wizard in sale_exception and purchase_exception so it the same interface for the end user.
Here is my work :
(not ready to be merge yet, I have to be sure that I do not miss any improvement done by guewen here
Your team OpenERP Community Reviewer is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-community-reviewer/sale-wkfl/move_sale_exception_module_from_e-commerce-addons-jge.