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Re: lp:~luc-demeyer/account-financial-report/7.0-account_move_line_report_xls into lp:account-financial-report



We already fixed this problems in the version that you find on our V7 "apps.openerp.com" launchpad branch, cf. ~noviat/openobject-addons/extra-7.0. 
This version also extends the inherit concept to add new fields (in order to support add-on modules that add account_move_line fields and also add french and dutch translations). 

I have uploaded the new version to https://code.launchpad.net/~luc-demeyer/account-financial-report/7.0-account_move_line_report_xls/


-----Original Message-----
From: bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alexis de Lattre
Sent: zaterdag 14 december 2013 0:17
To: mp+192250@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Merge] lp:~luc-demeyer/account-financial-report/7.0-account_move_line_report_xls into lp:account-financial-report

About the crash that I mentionned 2 comments above, the reason is quite obvious when you look at the code in report/move_line_list_xls.py in the function generate_xls_report() : the variable debit_pos is declared and initialized in a block of code under :

if 'balance' in wanted_list':

and then it is used in a block of code which is executed in all cases.
You are the owner of lp:~luc-demeyer/account-financial-report/7.0-account_move_line_report_xls.

Your team Account Report Core Editors is subscribed to branch lp:account-financial-report.
