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[Merge] lp:~the-clone-master/oemedical/oemedical_refactoring_step_I into lp:oemedical


Mario Arias has proposed merging lp:~the-clone-master/oemedical/oemedical_refactoring_step_I into lp:oemedical.

Requested reviews:
  OEmedical Commiter (oemedical-commiter)

For more details, see:

Module re-factoring after split:
* Updated __init__.py and __openerp__.py to allow all modules to be listed in OpenERP without errors.
* Changes to patient, physician and appointment, as well as helper models.
* Finished base classes clean up to comply with new standards (was missing Transient model change...)
* Added oemedical_first_name to allow splitting patient and physician name into first and last name
* Completed clean up of some leftovers from monolithic module structure.
Your team OEmedical Commiter is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~the-clone-master/oemedical/oemedical_refactoring_step_I into lp:oemedical.
=== modified file 'oemedical/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
-import oemedical_constants
 import models
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -41,51 +41,18 @@
     'depends': ['base', 'product'],
     'application': True,
     'description': """
 About OeMedical
-OeMedical is a multi-user, highly scalable, centralized Electronic
-Medical Record (EMR) and Hospital Information System for openERP.
-OeMedical provides a free universal Health and Hospital Information System,
-so doctors and institutions all over the world,
-specially in developing countries will benefit from a centralized,
-high quality, secure and scalable system.
-OeMedical at a glance:
-    * Strong focus in family medicine and Primary Health Care
-    * Major interest in Socio-economics (housing conditions, substance abuse,
-    education...)
-    * Diseases and Medical procedures standards (like ICD-10 / ICD-10-PCS ...)
-    * Patient Genetic and Hereditary risks : Over 4200 genes related to
-    diseases (NCBI / Genecards)
-    * Epidemiological and other statistical reports
-    * 100% paperless patient examination and history taking
-    * Patient Administration 
-    (creation, evaluations / consultations, history ... )
-    * Doctor Administration
-    * Lab Administration
-    * Medicine / Drugs information (vademécum)
-    * Medical stock and supply chain management
-    * Hospital Financial Administration
-    * Designed with industry standards in mind
-    * Open Source : Licensed under AGPL
+OeMedical is abasic module only to manage the schedule of a physician regarding
+with the attendance of patients.
+The Master Data considered here is:
+- Multiples Medical Centers.
+- Multiples Phycisians.
+- Patients basic information ( the minimal information ).
     "website": "http://launchpad.net/oemedical";,
     "licence": "AGPL v3",

=== modified file 'oemedical/models/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/models/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/models/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@
+import oemedical_constants
 import product_product
+import res_partner
 import oemedical_physician
-import res_partner
 import oemedical_patient
 import oemedical_appointment
 import oemedical_specialty

=== modified file 'oemedical/models/oemedical_appointment.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/models/oemedical_appointment.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/models/oemedical_appointment.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -39,17 +39,16 @@
                                    help='Patient Name'),
         'name': fields.char(size=256, string='Appointment ID', readonly=True),
         'appointment_date': fields.datetime(string='Date and Time'),
-        'appointment_day': fields.date(string='Date'),
-        'appointment_hour': fields.selection(hours,
-            string='Hour'),
-        'appointment_minute': fields.selection(minutes,
-            string='Minute'),
+#        'appointment_day': fields.date(string='Date'),
+#        'appointment_hour': fields.selection(hours,
+#            string='Hour'),
+#        'appointment_minute': fields.selection(minutes,
+#            string='Minute'),
         'duration': fields.float('Duration'),
         'doctor': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician',
                                   string='Physician', select=True,
                                   help='Physician\'s Name'),
-        'alias': fields.char(size=256, string='Alias', ),
         'comments': fields.text(string='Comments'),
         'appointment_type': fields.selection([
             ('ambulatory', 'Ambulatory'),
@@ -61,10 +60,10 @@
                                        help='Medical Center',
                                        domain="[('is_institution', '=', True)]"),
 #        'institution': fields.related('user_id','parent_id', type='many2one', relation='res.partner', string='Institution', store=True, domain="[('is_institution', '=', True)]"), #, readonly=True
-        'consultations': fields.many2one('product.product',
+        'consultations': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician.services',
                                          string='Consultation Services',
                                          help='Consultation Services',
-                                         domain="[('type', '=', 'service'), ]"),
+                                         domain="[('physician_id', '=', doctor), ]"),
         'urgency': fields.selection([
             ('a', 'Normal'),
             ('b', 'Urgent'),
@@ -88,18 +87,19 @@
     _defaults = {
         'name': lambda obj, cr, uid, context:
-            obj.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'oemedical.appointment'),
+            obj.pool['ir.sequence'].get(cr, uid, 'oemedical.appointment'),
         'duration': 30.00,
         'urgency': 'a',
         'state': 'draft',
         'user_id': lambda s, cr, u, c: u,
-                 }
+        'appointment_type':'outpatient',
+    }
     def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
-        date_time_str = vals['appointment_day'] + ' ' + vals['appointment_hour'] + ':' + vals['appointment_minute']
-        vals['appointment_date'] = datetime.strptime(date_time_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
+        #date_time_str = vals['appointment_day'] + ' ' + vals['appointment_hour'] + ':' + vals['appointment_minute']
+        #vals['appointment_date'] = datetime.strptime(date_time_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
         val_history['name'] = uid
         val_history['date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
     def button_back(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
         for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
             if order.state == 'confirm':
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
     def button_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
         self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'confirm'}, context=context)
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
     def button_waiting(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
         self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'waiting'}, context=context)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
     def button_in_consultation(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
         self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'in_consultation'}, context=context)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
     def button_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
         self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'done'}, context=context)
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
     def button_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         val_history = {}
-        ait_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.appointment.history')
+        ait_obj = self.pool['oemedical.appointment.history']
         self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'canceled'}, context=context)
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
-class OeMedicalAppointment_history(orm.Model):
+class OeMedicalAppointmentHistory(orm.Model):
     _name = 'oemedical.appointment.history'
     _columns = {
@@ -232,5 +232,4 @@
     _defaults = {
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== renamed file 'oemedical/oemedical_constants.py' => 'oemedical/models/oemedical_constants.py'
=== modified file 'oemedical/models/oemedical_patient.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/models/oemedical_patient.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/models/oemedical_patient.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -27,20 +27,14 @@
 from datetime import datetime
-class oemedical_patient_med_center_rel(orm.Model):
-    _name = 'oemedical.patient.med.center.rel'
-    _rec_name = 'patient_id'
-    _columns = {
-        'patient_id': fields.many2one('oemedical.patient', 'Patient', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade'),
-        'medical_center_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Medical Center', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade', domain="[('is_institution', '=', True)]"),
-        'identification_code': fields.char(size=256, string='ID', help='Patient Identifier provided by the Health Center.Is not the Social Security Number'),
-    }
-    _sql_constraints = [
-        ('uniq_patient_center', 'unique(patient_id, medical_center_id)', "You cannot have twice a medical center for a patient"),
-    ]
 class OeMedicalPatient(orm.Model):
+    '''
+    The concept of Patient included in oemedical.
+    A patient is an User with extra elements due to the fact that we will
+    re-use all the ACL related to users to manage the security of a patient
+    form around oemedical.
+    '''
     _name = 'oemedical.patient'
     _inherits = {
         'res.users': 'user_id',
@@ -82,7 +76,6 @@
         'sex': fields.selection([('m', 'Male'), ('f', 'Female'), ], string='Sex', required=True),
         'general_info': fields.text(string='General Information', help='General information about the patient'),
         'dob': fields.date(string='DoB'),
-        'medical_center_ids': fields.one2many('oemedical.patient.med.center.rel', 'patient_id', 'Related Medical Centers', readonly=True),
         'age': fields.function(_get_age, type='char', string='Age', help="It shows the age of the patient in years(y), months(m) and days(d).\nIf the patient has died, the age shown is the age at time of death, the age corresponding to the date on the death certificate. It will show also \"deceased\" on the field", multi=False),
         'marital_status': fields.selection([('s', 'Single'), ('m', 'Married'),
                                             ('w', 'Widowed'),
@@ -93,16 +86,24 @@
                                            string='Marital Status', sort=False),
         'deceased': fields.boolean(string='Deceased'),
         'dod': fields.datetime(string='Date of Death'),
-        'identification_code': fields.char(size=256, string='ID', help='Patient Identifier provided by the Health Center.Is not the Social Security Number'),
+        'identification_code': fields.char(size=256, string='Internal Identification', 
+        help='Patient Identifier provided by the Health Center. It is not the Social Security Number'),
         'active': fields.boolean('Active', help="If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the patient without removing it."),
+    _defaults = {
+        'is_patient': True,
+        'customer': True,
+    }
     def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
-        sequence = unicode(self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'oemedical.patient'))
-        vals['identification_code'] = sequence
-        vals['is_patient'] = True
-        vals['customer'] = True
+        '''
+        When we create a patient we need ensure it belong to the group with
+        ACL's patients.
+        '''
+        groups_proxy = self.pool['res.groups']
+        group_ids = groups_proxy.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'OEMedical User')], context=context)
+        vals['groups_id'] = [(6,0,group_ids)]
         return super(OeMedicalPatient, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical/models/oemedical_physician.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/models/oemedical_physician.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/models/oemedical_physician.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -23,10 +23,31 @@
 from openerp.osv import fields, orm
 from openerp.tools.translate import _
-from openerp.addons.oemedical.oemedical_constants import days, hours, minutes
-class oemedical_physician_schedule_template(orm.Model):
+from oemedical_constants import days, hours, minutes
+class OeMedicalPhysicianServices(orm.Model):
+    _name = 'oemedical.physician.services'
+    _inherits = {
+        'product.product': 'product_id',
+    }
+    _columns = {
+        'product_id': fields.many2one(
+            'product.product', 'Related Product', required=True,
+            ondelete='cascade', help='Product related information for Appointment Type'),
+        'physician_id': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician', 'Physician', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade'),
+        'service_duration': fields.selection(minutes,
+            string='Duration'),
+    }
+class OeMedicalPhysicianScheduleTemplate(orm.Model):
+    '''
+    Available schedule for the Physiscian.
+    ie: A physiscian will be able to say, in this schedule on this days.
+    The objective is to show the availbles spaces for every physiscian 
+    '''
     _name = 'oemedical.physician.schedule.template'
     _columns = {
         'physician_id': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician', 'Physician', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade'),
@@ -42,7 +63,32 @@
         'duration': fields.selection(minutes,
-    }
+    } ## numero de estaciones y la sucursal...
+class OeMedicalPhysicianAffiliations(orm.Model):
+    _name = 'oemedical.physician.affiliations'
+    _columns = {
+        'physician_id': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician', 'Physician', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade'),
+        'name': fields.char(size=256, string='Name'),
+    }
+class oemedical_physician_med_center_rel(orm.Model):
+    _name = 'oemedical.physician.med.center.rel'
+    _columns = {
+        'physician_id': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician', 'Physician', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade'),
+        'med_center_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Physician', required=True, select=1, ondelete='cascade'),
+        'building': fields.char(size=256, string='Building'),
+        'area': fields.char(size=256, string='Area'),
+        'building': fields.char(size=256, string='Building'),
+        'floor': fields.integer('Floor'),
+        'room': fields.integer('Room'),
+    }
 class OeMedicalPhysician(orm.Model):
@@ -60,16 +106,25 @@
         'info': fields.text(string='Extra info'),
         'active': fields.boolean('Active', help="If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the physician without removing it."),
         'schedule_template_ids': fields.one2many('oemedical.physician.schedule.template', 'physician_id', 'Related schedules'),
+        'service_ids': fields.one2many('oemedical.physician.services', 'physician_id', 'Services provided'),
+        'affiliation_ids': fields.one2many('oemedical.physician.affiliations', 'physician_id', 'Physician Affiliations'),
+    }
+    _defaults = {
+        'use_parent_address': True,
+        'is_doctor': True,
+        'supplier': True,
     def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
-        vals['is_doctor'] = True
-        vals['supplier'] = True
+        groups_proxy = self.pool['res.groups']
+        group_ids = groups_proxy.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'OEMedical Doctor')], context=context)
+        vals['groups_id'] = [(6,0,group_ids)]
         return super(OeMedicalPhysician, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
     def action_update_schedule(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-        schedule_template_proxy = self.pool.get('oemedical.physician.schedule.template')
+        schedule_template_proxy = self.pool['oemedical.physician.schedule.template']
         this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
         defined_templates = len(this.schedule_template_ids)

=== modified file 'oemedical/models/oemedical_specialty.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/models/oemedical_specialty.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/models/oemedical_specialty.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
         ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical/models/product_product.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/models/res_partner.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/models/res_partner.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/models/res_partner.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@
                             help='Check if the party is a health professional'),
         'is_patient': fields.boolean(string='Patient',
                                      help='Check if the party is a patient'),
-        'alias': fields.char(size=256, string='Alias',
-                             help='Common name that the Party is reffered'),
-        'internal_user': fields.many2one('res.users', string='Internal User',
-        help='In GNU Health is the user (doctor, nurse) that logins.When the' \
-        ' party is a doctor or a health professional, it will be the user' \
-        ' that maps the doctor\'s party name. It must be present.'),
         'activation_date': fields.date(string='Activation date',
                                        help='Date of activation of the party'),
         'lastname': fields.char(size=256, string='Last Name', help='Last Name'),
@@ -66,7 +60,10 @@
         #'insurance': fields.one2many('oemedical.insurance', 'relation_id',
         #                               string='Insurance', ),
         'patient_ids': fields.one2many('oemedical.patient.med.center.rel', 'medical_center_id', 'Related Patients'),
+        'building': fields.char(size=256, string='Building'),
+        'area': fields.char(size=256, string='Area'),
+        'floor': fields.integer('Floor'),
+        'room': fields.integer('Room'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== added file 'oemedical/oemedical_constants.py.bak'
--- oemedical/oemedical_constants.py.bak	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_constants.py.bak	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
+#    Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<http://www.techreceptives.com>)
+#    Special Credit and Thanks to Thymbra Latinoamericana S.A.
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+months = {
+    1: "January", 2: "February", 3: "March", 4: "April", \
+    5: "May", 6: "June", 7: "July", 8: "August", 9: "September", \
+    10: "October", 11: "November", 12: "December"
+days = [(1, 'Monday'), 
+        (2, 'Tuesday'),
+        (3, 'Wednesday'),
+        (4, 'Thursday'),
+        (5, 'Friday'),
+        (6, 'Saturday'),  
+        (7, 'Sunday'),  
+hours = [
+            ('0', '00'),
+            ('1', '01'),
+            ('2', '02'),
+            ('3', '03'),
+            ('4', '04'),
+            ('5', '05'),
+            ('6', '06'),
+            ('7', '07'),
+            ('8', '08'),
+            ('9', '09'),
+            ('10', '10'),
+            ('11', '11'),
+            ('12', '12'),
+            ('13', '13'),
+            ('14', '14'),
+            ('15', '15'),
+            ('16', '16'),
+            ('17', '17'),
+            ('18', '18'),
+            ('19', '19'),
+            ('20', '20'),
+            ('21', '21'),
+            ('22', '22'),
+            ('23', '23'),
+minutes = [
+            ('0', '00'),
+            ('5', '05'),
+            ('10', '10'),
+            ('15', '15'),
+            ('20', '20'),
+            ('25', '25'),
+            ('30', '30'),
+            ('35', '35'),
+            ('40', '40'),
+            ('45', '45'),
+            ('50', '50'),
+            ('55', '55'),
+# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== removed directory 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice'
=== removed directory 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n'
=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/de.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/de.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/de.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 04:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Federico Manuel Echeverri Choux <echeverrifm@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
-"Language-Team: German <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: de\n"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr "Ausstehend"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_order
-msgid "prescription order"
-msgstr "Verschreibung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The prescription is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Die Verschreibung ist rechnungsfrei"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"Das Objekt muss mit x_ beginnen und darf keine Sonderzeichen enthalten!"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr "Ungültiger Name des Models in der Definition der <action>"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Mindestens eine der gewählten Labortests ist bereits in Rechnung gestellt"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create invoices"
-msgstr "Erstelle Rechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoices"
-msgstr "Erstelle Labortest"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Prescription already invoiced"
-msgstr "Verschreibung bereits in Rechnung gestellt"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical Invoice"
-msgstr "Medical Rechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment
-msgid "medical.appointment"
-msgstr "medical.appointment"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment_invoice
-msgid "medical.appointment.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.appointment.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_appointment_invoice
-msgid "Create Invoice"
-msgstr "Erstelle Rechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,no_invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Rechnungsbefreit"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr "Fehler! Sie können keine rekursiven Menüs erstellen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoice Status"
-msgstr "Rechnungsstatus"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-msgid "Prescriptions to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Noch abzurechnende Verschreibungen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Mindestens eine der gewählten Verschreibungen kann nicht in Rechnung "
-"gestellt werden"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Today's Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Heutige abzurechnende Labortests"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "To be Invoiced"
-msgstr "Noch zu Berechnen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "status"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Möchten Sie diese Rechnung(en) erstellen?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this lab test"
-msgstr "Sie können diesen Labortest nicht in Rechnung stellen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_invoice
-msgid "medical.prescription.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.prescription.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-" \n"
-"        This module add functionality to create invoices for doctor's "
-"consulting charge.\n"
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Invoice of multiple appointments at a time.\n"
-"        "
-msgstr ""
-" \n"
-"        Dieses Modul fügt die Funktionalitäten zur Rechnungserstellung "
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Rechnungserstellung für mehrere Arztbesuch gleichzeitig.\n"
-"        "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The appointment is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Dieser Arztbesuch ist rechnungsbefreit"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this appointment"
-msgstr "Sie können diesen Arztbesuch nicht in REchnung stellen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_invoice_menu
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr "Rechnungen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Mindestens eine der gewählten Beschreibungen ist bereits in Rechnung gestellt"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Appointment already invoiced"
-msgstr "Arztbesuch bereits berechnet"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_lab_test_invoice
-msgid "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice"
-msgstr "Sie benötigen mindestens eine Position in der Rechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_lab_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoice"
-msgstr "Erstelle Laborrechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn mehrere Labortests ausgewählt sind, muss der Patient immer derselbe "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "UserError"
-msgstr "Benutzerfehler"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "Ungültige XML für die Architektur der View"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to generate the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Möchten Sie diese Rechnungen erstellen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.order:0
-msgid "Prescription"
-msgstr "Verschreibungen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn mehrere Verschreibungen ausgewählt sind, muss der Patient immer "
-"derselbe sein."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Patienteninformationen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments"
-msgstr "Kein Beratungsservice ist mit dem gewählten Termin verknüpft"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,appointment_validity_date:0
-msgid "Validity Date"
-msgstr "Bestätigungsdatum"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.appointment,consultations:0
-msgid "Consultation Services"
-msgstr "Beratungsleistung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Lab test already invoiced"
-msgstr "Labortest bereits in Rechnung gestellt"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-msgid "Appointments to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Zu Berechnende Arztbesuche"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Total amount this patient owes you"
-msgstr "Gesamtsumme, welche der Patient schuldig ist"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient_lab_test
-msgid "medical.patient.lab.test"
-msgstr "medical.patient.lab.test"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Mindestens einer der gewählten Termine kann nicht in Rechnung gestellt werden"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoices"
-msgstr "Erstelle Verschreibungsrechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Mindestens einer der gewählten Labortests kann nicht in Rechnung gestellt "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Invoices"
-msgstr "Erstelle Rechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create prescription invoices"
-msgstr "Erstelle Verschreibungsrechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn mehrere Termine ausgewählt sind, muss der Patient immer derselbe sein."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this prescription"
-msgstr "Sie können für diese Verschreibung keine Rechnung erstellen"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Zu berechnende Labortests"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_prescription_invoice
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoice"
-msgstr "Erstelle Verschreibungsrechnung"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Mindestens einer der gewählten Termine ist bereits in REchnung gestellt"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Abbruch"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the prescription invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Möchten Sie diese Verschreibungsrechnungen erstellen?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr "Rechnung erstellt"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/es.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/es.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/es.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 04:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Federico Manuel Echeverri Choux <echeverrifm@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: es\n"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr "A cobrar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_order
-msgid "prescription order"
-msgstr "receta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The prescription is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "La receta es exenta de factura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"El nombre del objeto debe empezar con x_ y no contener ningún carácter "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr "Nombre del modelo no vaĺido en la definición de acción."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Al menos una de las pruebas de laboratorio seleccionada ya está facturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create invoices"
-msgstr "Crear facturas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoices"
-msgstr "Crear facturas de laboratorio"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Prescription already invoiced"
-msgstr "Receta ya facturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical Invoice"
-msgstr "Medical Invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment
-msgid "medical.appointment"
-msgstr "medical.appointment"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment_invoice
-msgid "medical.appointment.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.appointment.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_appointment_invoice
-msgid "Create Invoice"
-msgstr "Crear factura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,no_invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Exento de factura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr "¡Error! Usted no puede crear  Menú recursivo."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoice Status"
-msgstr "Estado de la factura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-msgid "Prescriptions to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Recetas a facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Al menos una de las recetas seleccionadas no se puede facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Today's Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Pruebas de Laboratorio del día a facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "To be Invoiced"
-msgstr "Para  facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Estado"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "¿Quiere crear la factura(s)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this lab test"
-msgstr "No se puede facturar este examen de laboratorio"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_invoice
-msgid "medical.prescription.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.prescription.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-" \n"
-"        This module add functionality to create invoices for doctor's "
-"consulting charge.\n"
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Invoice of multiple appointments at a time.\n"
-"        "
-msgstr ""
-" \n"
-"        Este módulo añade la funcionalidad de crear facturas para la carga "
-"de consulta del médico. \n"
-"-Facturar varias citas a la vez.\n"
-"        "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The appointment is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "La cita es exenta de factura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this appointment"
-msgstr "No se puede facturar esta cita"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_invoice_menu
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr "Facturas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Al menos una de las recetas seleccionadas ya se ha facturado"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Appointment already invoiced"
-msgstr "La cita ya fue facturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_lab_test_invoice
-msgid "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice"
-msgstr "Necesita tener al menos un elemento recetado en su factura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_lab_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoice"
-msgstr "Crear Factura de Laboratorio"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuando múltiples pruebas de laboratorio son seleccionadas, el paciente debe "
-"ser el mismo"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "UserError"
-msgstr "UserError"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML no válido para la arquitectura vista!"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to generate the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "¿Quiere generar la factura(s)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.order:0
-msgid "Prescription"
-msgstr "Receta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr "Cuando se seleccionan varias recetas, el paciente debe ser el mismo"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Información relacionada con el paciente"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments"
-msgstr "No hay servicio de consulta relacionado con las citas seleccionadas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,appointment_validity_date:0
-msgid "Validity Date"
-msgstr "Fecha de validez"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.appointment,consultations:0
-msgid "Consultation Services"
-msgstr "Servicios de Consulta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Lab test already invoiced"
-msgstr "Prueba de Laboratorio ya facturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-msgid "Appointments to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Citas a facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Total amount this patient owes you"
-msgstr "Monto adeudado por el paciente"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient_lab_test
-msgid "medical.patient.lab.test"
-msgstr "medical.patient.lab.test"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Al menos una de las citas seleccionadas no puede ser facturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoices"
-msgstr "Crear Facturas de Receta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Al menos una de las pruebas de laboratorio seleccionada no se puede facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Invoices"
-msgstr "Crear facturas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create prescription invoices"
-msgstr "Crear facturas de receta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr "Cuando se seleccionan varias citas, el paciente debe ser el mismo"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this prescription"
-msgstr "No se puede facturar esta receta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Solicitudes de Laboratorio a facturar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_prescription_invoice
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoice"
-msgstr "Crear Factura de Receta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Al menos una de las citas seleccionadas ya fue facturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the prescription invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "¿Quiere crear la factura de la receta(s)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr "Facturado"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/it.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/it.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/it.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 04:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Federico Manuel Echeverri Choux <echeverrifm@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
-"Language-Team: Italian <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: it\n"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr "Crediti"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_order
-msgid "prescription order"
-msgstr "Ordine ricetta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The prescription is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "La prescrizione è esente fattura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"Il nome dell'oggetto deve iniziare con x_ e non contiene alcun carattere "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Almeno uno dei test di laboratorio selezionato è già fatturato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create invoices"
-msgstr "Creare le fatture"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoices"
-msgstr "Creare fatture Laboratorio"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Prescription already invoiced"
-msgstr "Ricette già fatturate"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical Invoice"
-msgstr "Fattura medica"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment
-msgid "medical.appointment"
-msgstr "medical.appointment"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment_invoice
-msgid "medical.appointment.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.appointment.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_appointment_invoice
-msgid "Create Invoice"
-msgstr "Creare Fattura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,no_invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Fattura esente"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr "Errore! Non è possibile creare Menu ricorsivi ."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoice Status"
-msgstr "Stato della Fattura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-msgid "Prescriptions to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Eicetta da fatturare"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Almeno una delle ricette selezionate non può essere fatturata"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Today's Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Le richieste di Laboratorio di oggi  da fatturare"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "To be Invoiced"
-msgstr "Da fatturare"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Stato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Vuoi creare la fattura (e)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this lab test"
-msgstr "Non è possibile fatturare tale test di laboratorio"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_invoice
-msgid "medical.prescription.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.prescription.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-" \n"
-"        This module add functionality to create invoices for doctor's "
-"consulting charge.\n"
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Invoice of multiple appointments at a time.\n"
-"        "
-msgstr ""
-" \n"
-"        Questo modulo aggiunge funzionalità nel creare fatture di pagamento  "
-"la consulenza medica.\n"
-"-Fatturazione  di multipli appuntamenti allo stesso tempo\n"
-"        "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The appointment is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "L'appuntamento è esente da fattura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this appointment"
-msgstr "Non è possibile fatturare questo appuntamento"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_invoice_menu
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr "Fatture"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Almeno una delle ricette selezionate è già stata fatturata"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Appointment already invoiced"
-msgstr "Appuntamento già fatturato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_lab_test_invoice
-msgid "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice"
-msgstr ""
-"È necessario disporre di almeno una voce della ricetta medica nella fattura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_lab_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoice"
-msgstr "Creare Fattura di Laboratorio"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Quando vari test di laboratorio sono stati selezionati , il paziente deve "
-"essere lo stesso"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "UserError"
-msgstr "UserError"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML non valido per l'Architettura Vista!"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to generate the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Vuole creare la fattura (e)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.order:0
-msgid "Prescription"
-msgstr "Ricetta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Quando si selezionano varie ricette, il paziente deve essere lo stesso"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Informazioni relative al paziente"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments"
-msgstr ""
-"Nessun servizio di consulenza è collegato con gli appuntamenti selezionati"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,appointment_validity_date:0
-msgid "Validity Date"
-msgstr "Data di validità"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.appointment,consultations:0
-msgid "Consultation Services"
-msgstr "Servizi di consulta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Lab test already invoiced"
-msgstr "Test di laboratorio già fatturato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-msgid "Appointments to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Appuntamenti da fatturare"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Total amount this patient owes you"
-msgstr "Totale debito del paziente"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient_lab_test
-msgid "medical.patient.lab.test"
-msgstr "medical.patient.lab.test"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Almeno uno degli appuntamenti selezionati non può essere fatturato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoices"
-msgstr "Creare fatture ricetta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Almeno uno dei test di laboratorio selezionato non può essere fatturato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Invoices"
-msgstr "Creare fatture"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create prescription invoices"
-msgstr "Creare fatture ricette"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Quando sono selezionatí vari appuntamenti, il paziente deve essere lo stesso"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this prescription"
-msgstr "Non è possibile fatturare questa ricetta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Richieste di Laboratorio da fatturare"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_prescription_invoice
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoice"
-msgstr "Creare Fattura ricetta"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Almeno uno degli appuntamenti selezionato è già stato fatturato"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Annulla"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the prescription invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Vuole creare la fattura per la ricetta (e)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr "Fatturato"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/pt_BR.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/pt_BR.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/pt_BR.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 04:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Serginho <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazilian) <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: pt_BR\n"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr "A Receber"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_order
-msgid "prescription order"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The prescription is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "A Receita é isenta de fatura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"O nome do Objeto deve começar com x_ e não conter nenhum caracter especial !"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr "Nome de Modelo inválido na definição da ação."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Pelo menos um dos testes de laboratório selecionados já foram faturados"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create invoices"
-msgstr "Criar faturas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoices"
-msgstr "Criar faturas de Laboratório"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Prescription already invoiced"
-msgstr "Receita já faturada"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical Invoice"
-msgstr "Fatura médica"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment
-msgid "medical.appointment"
-msgstr "medical.appointment"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment_invoice
-msgid "medical.appointment.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.appointment.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_appointment_invoice
-msgid "Create Invoice"
-msgstr "Criar Fatura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,no_invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Isento de Fatura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr "Erro ! Você não pode criar um Menu recursivo."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoice Status"
-msgstr "Status da Fatura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-msgid "Prescriptions to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Receitas para serem faturadas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Pelo menos uma das receitas selecionadas não podem ser faturadas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Today's Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Requisições de Laboratório para serem faturadas hoje"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "To be Invoiced"
-msgstr "A serem faturadas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Você gostaria de criar a(s) fatura(s) ?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this lab test"
-msgstr "Você não pode faturar este teste de laboratório"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_invoice
-msgid "medical.prescription.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.prescription.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-" \n"
-"        This module add functionality to create invoices for doctor's "
-"consulting charge.\n"
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Invoice of multiple appointments at a time.\n"
-"        "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The appointment is invoice exempt"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this appointment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_invoice_menu
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr "Faturas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Pelo menos uma das receitas selecionadas já estão faturadas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Appointment already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_lab_test_invoice
-msgid "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice"
-msgstr "Você precisa ter pelo menos um item de receita na sua fatura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_lab_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoice"
-msgstr "Criar Fatura de Laboratório"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Quando múltiplos testes de laboratório são selecionados, o paciente deve ser "
-"o mesmo"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "UserError"
-msgstr "Erro de Usuário"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML inválido para a arquitetura da Visão"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to generate the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Você gostaria de gerar a(s) fatura(s)?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.order:0
-msgid "Prescription"
-msgstr "Receita"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-"Quando múltiplas receitas são selecionadas, o paciente deve ser o mesmo"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Informação relacionada ao paciente"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,appointment_validity_date:0
-msgid "Validity Date"
-msgstr "Data de Validade"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.appointment,consultations:0
-msgid "Consultation Services"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Lab test already invoiced"
-msgstr "Teste de Laboratório já faturado"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-msgid "Appointments to be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Total amount this patient owes you"
-msgstr "Montante total que o paciente lhe deve"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient_lab_test
-msgid "medical.patient.lab.test"
-msgstr "medical.patient.lab.test"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoices"
-msgstr "Criar Faturas da Receita"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Pelo menos um dos Testes de Laboratório selecionados não pode ser faturado."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Invoices"
-msgstr "Criar Faturas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create prescription invoices"
-msgstr "Criar faturas da receita"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this prescription"
-msgstr "Você não pode faturar esta receita"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Requisições de Laboratório para serem faturadas"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_prescription_invoice
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoice"
-msgstr "Criar Fatura da Receita"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the prescription invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Você gostaria de criar a(s) fatura(s) da receita?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr "Faturado"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/tr.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/tr.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/tr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:21+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OEmedical Commiter <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Turkish <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: tr\n"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_order
-msgid "prescription order"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The prescription is invoice exempt"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Prescription already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical Invoice"
-msgstr "Tıbbi Fatura"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment
-msgid "medical.appointment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment_invoice
-msgid "medical.appointment.invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_appointment_invoice
-msgid "Create Invoice"
-msgstr "Fatura Oluştur"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,no_invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice exempt"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoice Status"
-msgstr "Fatura Durumu"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-msgid "Prescriptions to be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Today's Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "To be Invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Durum"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Fatura(lar) oluşturmak ister misiniz?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this lab test"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_invoice
-msgid "medical.prescription.invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-" \n"
-"        This module add functionality to create invoices for doctor's "
-"consulting charge.\n"
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Invoice of multiple appointments at a time.\n"
-"        "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The appointment is invoice exempt"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this appointment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_invoice_menu
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr "Faturalar"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Appointment already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_lab_test_invoice
-msgid "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_lab_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoice"
-msgstr "Laboratuvar Fatura Oluştur"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "UserError"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to generate the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.order:0
-msgid "Prescription"
-msgstr "Reçete"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Hasta ile ilgili bilgiler"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,appointment_validity_date:0
-msgid "Validity Date"
-msgstr "Geçerlilik Tarihi"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.appointment,consultations:0
-msgid "Consultation Services"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Lab test already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-msgid "Appointments to be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Total amount this patient owes you"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient_lab_test
-msgid "medical.patient.lab.test"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Invoices"
-msgstr "Faturalar oluştur"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create prescription invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this prescription"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_prescription_invoice
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Iptal"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the prescription invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr ""

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/vi.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/vi.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_invoice/i18n/vi.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 04:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Federico Manuel Echeverri Choux <echeverrifm@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
-"Language-Team: Vietnamese <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: vi\n"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr "Khoản phải thu"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_order
-msgid "prescription order"
-msgstr "để theo toa"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The prescription is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Đơn thuốc được miễn thanh toán"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"Tên phải được bắt đầu bằng x_ và không bao gồm bất kỳ ký tự đặc biệt nào !"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr "Tên mô hình không hợp lệ trong định nghĩa hành động"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Ít nhất một trong các xét nghiệm đã được ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create invoices"
-msgstr "Tạo hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoices"
-msgstr "Tạo hóa đơn xét nghiệm"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Prescription already invoiced"
-msgstr "Đơn thuốc đã được xuất hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical Invoice"
-msgstr "Y khoa: Hóa đơn thanh toán"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment
-msgid "medical.appointment"
-msgstr "medical.appointment"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_appointment_invoice
-msgid "medical.appointment.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.appointment.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_appointment_invoice
-msgid "Create Invoice"
-msgstr "Tạo hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,no_invoice:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,no_invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Miễn phí"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr "Lỗi ! Bạn không thể tạo trình đơn đệ quy."
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: field:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoice Status"
-msgstr "Tình trạng hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_prescription
-msgid "Prescriptions to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Đơn thuốc cần ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Ít nhất một trong các đơn thuốc không thể ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_today_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Today's Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Các xét nghiệm hôm nay chưa ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "To be Invoiced"
-msgstr "Chưa ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Tình trạng"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Bạn có muốn tạo hóa đơn ?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this lab test"
-msgstr "Bạn không thể ra hóa đơn cho xét nghiệm này"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_prescription_invoice
-msgid "medical.prescription.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.prescription.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_invoice.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-" \n"
-"        This module add functionality to create invoices for doctor's "
-"consulting charge.\n"
-"        Features:\n"
-"        -Invoice of multiple appointments at a time.\n"
-"        "
-msgstr ""
-" \n"
-"        Mô đun này thêm các chức năng tạo hóa đơn cho các lần thăm khám của "
-"bác sĩ.\n"
-"        Tính năng:\n"
-"        -Hóa đơn 1 lúc cho nhiều lần thăm khám.\n"
-"        "
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "The appointment is invoice exempt"
-msgstr "Cuộc hẹn này được miễn phí"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this appointment"
-msgstr "Bạn không thể lập hóa đơn cho cuộc hẹn này"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_invoice_menu
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr "Hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Ít nhất 1 trong các đơn thuốc được chọn đã được xuất hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Appointment already invoiced"
-msgstr "Cuộc hẹn đã được lập hoá đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_lab_test_invoice
-msgid "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-msgstr "medical.lab.test.invoice"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice"
-msgstr "Đơn thuốc cần có ít nhất một loại thuốc trên hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_lab_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Lab Invoice"
-msgstr "Tạo hóa đơn xét nghiệm"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr "Khi nhiều xét nghiệm cùng được chọn, bệnh nhân phải cùng một người"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "UserError"
-msgstr "Lỗi người dùng"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML không hợp lệ cho Kiến trúc Xem!"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to generate the invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Bạn có muốn tạo hóa đơn ?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.order:0
-msgid "Prescription"
-msgstr "Đơn thuốc"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr "Khi nhiều toa thuốc cùng được chọn, bệnh nhân phải cùng một người"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Thông tin liên quan đến bệnh nhân"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments"
-msgstr "Không có dịch vụ khám bệnh cho các cuộc hẹn được chọn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: field:medical.appointment,appointment_validity_date:0
-msgid "Validity Date"
-msgstr "Ngày hiệu lực"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.appointment,consultations:0
-msgid "Consultation Services"
-msgstr "Các dịch vụ thăm khám, tư vấn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Lab test already invoiced"
-msgstr "Xét nghiệm đã được ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_appointment
-msgid "Appointments to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Cuộc hẹn cần ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: help:medical.patient,receivable:0
-msgid "Total amount this patient owes you"
-msgstr "Tổng số tiền bệnh nhân này còn thiếu"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_invoice.model_medical_patient_lab_test
-msgid "medical.patient.lab.test"
-msgstr "medical.patient.lab.test"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-"Ít nhất một trong những cuộc hẹn được lựa chọn có thể không được lập hoá đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoices"
-msgstr "Tạo các hóa đơn cho đơn thuốc"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced"
-msgstr "Ít nhất một trong các xét nghiệm được chọn không thể ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-msgid "Create Invoices"
-msgstr "Tạo các hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Create prescription invoices"
-msgstr "Tạo các hóa đơn cho đơn thuốc"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same"
-msgstr "Khi nhiều cuộc hẹn được lựa chọn, bệnh nhân phải là cùng 1 người"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_prescription_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "You can not invoice this prescription"
-msgstr "Bạn không thể ra hóa đơn cho toa thuốc này"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.medical_action_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:medical_invoice.medical_tobeinvoiced_labtest_request
-msgid "Lab Requests to be invoiced"
-msgstr "Yêu cầu xét nghiệm chưa ra hóa đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:medical_invoice.action_create_prescription_invoice
-msgid "Create Prescription Invoice"
-msgstr "Tạo hóa đơn cho đơn thuốc"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: code:addons/medical_invoice/wizard/wizard_appointment_invoice.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced"
-msgstr "Ít nhất một trong những cuộc hẹn được chọn đã được lập hoá đơn"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.appointment.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.lab.test.invoice:0
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Hủy"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: view:medical.prescription.invoice:0
-msgid "Do you want to create the prescription invoice(s) ?"
-msgstr "Bạn có muốn tạo hóa đơn cho đơn thuốc ?"
-#. module: medical_invoice
-#: selection:medical.appointment,validity_status:0
-#: selection:medical.patient.lab.test,invoice_status:0
-#: selection:medical.prescription.order,invoice_status:0
-msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr "Đã ra hóa đơn"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_menu.xml'
--- oemedical/oemedical_menu.xml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_menu.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<data>
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_root" name="OeMedical" sequence="10" />
-<!--Menu Patient-->
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_patient_root" name="Patient" parent="oemedical_root"
-			sequence="10" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_patient" name=" Patient"
-			parent="oemedical_patient_root" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_patient_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_family" name=" Family" parent="oemedical_patient_root"
-			sequence="20" action="act_open_oemedical_family_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_family_member" name=" Family Member"
-			parent="oemedical_patient_root" sequence="30"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_family_member_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_appoitment_root" name="Appoitment"
-			parent="oemedical_root" sequence="20" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_appointment" name=" Appointment"
-			parent="oemedical_appoitment_root" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_appointment_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_prescription_root" name="Prescription"
-			parent="oemedical_root" sequence="30" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_prescription_order" name="Prescription Order"
-			parent="oemedical_prescription_root" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_prescription_order_view" />
-<!--       Laboratory    -->
-		<menuitem name="Laboratory" id="oemedical_laboratory_menu" 
-            parent="oemedical_root" sequence="4"/>
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_root_sub" name="Configuration"
-			parent="oemedical_root" sequence="100" />
-<!--       Laboratory       -->
-		<menuitem name="Laboratory" id="oemedical_conf_laboratory" 
-            parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="3"/>
-<!-- Diseases -->
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_root_disease" name="Disease"
-			parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="10" />
-<!--  Menu of Pathology-->
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_pathology_category" name=" Pathology Category"	
-            parent="oemedical_root_disease" sequence="10"	
-            action="act_open_oemedical_pathology_category_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_pathology" name=" Pathology" 
-            parent="oemedical_root_disease"   sequence="30" 
-            action="act_open_oemedical_pathology_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_pathology_group" name=" Pathology Group" 
-            parent="oemedical_root_disease" sequence="20"
-            action="act_open_oemedical_pathology_group_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_root_disease_cat" name="Categories"
-			parent="oemedical_root_disease" sequence="100" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_disease_group_members" name=" Disease Group"
-			parent="oemedical_root_disease_cat" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_disease_group_members_view" />
-<!-- Misc -->
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_root_misc" name="Misc"
-			parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="200" />
-<!-- Occupation  ( Config/misc/Occupation) )--> 
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_occupation" name=" Occupation"
-			parent="oemedical_root_misc" sequence="20"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_occupation_view" />
-<!-- Medical Specialty  ( Config/misc/specialty) )--> 
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_specialty" name=" Medical Specialty"
-            parent="oemedical_root_misc" sequence="10" 
-            action="act_open_oemedical_specialty_view" />
-<!-- Ethnicity  ( Config/misc/Ethnicity) )--> 
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_ethnicity" name="Ethnicity" parent="oemedical_root_misc"
-			sequence="10" action="act_open_oemedical_ethnicity_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_medicament_root" name="Medicaments"
-			parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="50" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_medicament" name="Medicaments"
-			parent="oemedical_medicament_root" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_medicament_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_medication_template" name=" Medication Template"
-			parent="oemedical_medicament_root" sequence="20"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_medication_template_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_medication_frequencies" name="Medication Frequencies"
-			parent="oemedical_medicament_root" sequence="30"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_medication_dosage_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_drug_route" name=" Drug Admin Route"
-			parent="oemedical_medicament_root" sequence="80"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_drug_route_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_drug_form" name=" Drug Form"
-            parent="oemedical_medicament_root" sequence="90"
-            action="act_open_oemedical_drug_form_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_medicament_category" name=" Medicament Category"
-			parent="oemedical_medicament_root" sequence="100"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_medicament_category_view" />
-<!--Hospital Centers-->
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_health_center_root" name="Health Center"
-			parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="10" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_hospital_building" name=" Hospital Building"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_hospital_building_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_hospital_unit" name=" Hospital Unit"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="20"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_hospital_unit_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_hospital_ward" name=" Hospital Ward"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="30"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_hospital_ward_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_hospital_or" name=" Hospital Or"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="40"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_hospital_or_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_hospital_bed" name=" Hospital Bed"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="50"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_hospital_bed_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_operational_area" name=" Operational Area"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="60"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_operational_area_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_operational_sector" name=" Operational Sector"
-			parent="oemedical_health_center_root" sequence="70"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_operational_sector_view" />
-<!--    Physician Conf    -->
-        <menuitem name="Health Professionals" id="oemedical_conf_physicians"
-            parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="20" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_physician" name=" Physician" parent="oemedical_conf_physicians"
-			sequence="10" action="act_open_oemedical_physician_view" />
-<!--    Insurance     -->
-        <menuitem name="Insurances" id="oemedical_conf_insurances"
-            parent="oemedical_root_misc" sequence="20" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_insurance" name=" Insurance" 
-            parent="oemedical_conf_insurances"	sequence="10" 
-            action="act_open_oemedical_insurance_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_insurance_plan" name=" Insurance Plan"
-			parent="oemedical_conf_insurances" sequence="20"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_insurance_plan_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis" name=" Diagnostic Hypothesis"
-			parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_predure" name=" Procedure" parent="oemedical_root_sub"
-			sequence="10" action="act_open_oemedical_procedure_view" />
-		<menuitem id="oemedical_vaccination" name=" Vaccination"
-			parent="oemedical_root_sub" sequence="10"
-			action="act_open_oemedical_vaccination_view" />
-	</data>

=== removed directory 'oemedical/oemedical_prescription_order'
=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_prescription_order/__init__.py'
--- oemedical/oemedical_prescription_order/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_prescription_order/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
-#    Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<http://www.techreceptives.com>)
-#    Special Credit and Thanks to Thymbra Latinoamericana S.A.
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import oemedical_prescription_order
-import report
-# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== removed directory 'oemedical/oemedical_prescription_order/report'
=== removed directory 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery'
=== removed directory 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n'
=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/ca.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/ca.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/ca.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# Catalan translation for oemedical
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2013
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the oemedical package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oemedical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-31 09:43+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Xavier Andorrà <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Catalan <ca@xxxxxx>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"El nom de l'objecte ha de començar amb x_ i no pot contenir cap caràcter "
-"especial !"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Medical: mòdul de cirurgia"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Classificació quirúrgica"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr ""

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/de.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/de.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/de.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:21+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OEmedical Commiter <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: German <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: de\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"Das Objekt muss mit x_ beginnen und darf keine Sonderzeichen enthalten!"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Medical : Operationen"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr "Hauptbeschwerde"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Operationsklassifikation"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr "Prozeduren Code, z.B. OPS"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr "Alter des Patienten zum Zeitpunkt der OP. Kann geschätzt werden"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr "Operateur"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "Optional"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "Ungültige XML für die Architektur der View"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr "Arzt, der die Operation durchgeführt hat"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Operationsmodule für Medical.\n"
-"Wenn Sie die Datenbank für die Prozeduren (Operationsschlüssel haben "
-"möchten, dann installieren sie das entsprechende Modul, medical_icd10\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Erforderlich"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr "Datum der Operation"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr "Operationen"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr "Prozeduren"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Code"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr "Hauptbeschwerde / Grund"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr "Dringend"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr "Extra Info"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr "Patientenalter"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Patienteninformationen"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr "Operation"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/es.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/es.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/es.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:21+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OEmedical Commiter <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: es\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"¡El nombre del Objeto debe empezar con x_ y no contener ningún carácter "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Medical: Módulo de Cirugía"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr "Condición Base"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Clasificación de la Intervención"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr ""
-"Códigos de Procedimiento, por ejemplo CIE-10-PCS Código de 7 caracteres"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr ""
-"Edad del paciente al momento de la intervención quirúrgica. Puede ser "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr "Cirujano"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "Opcional"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML inválido para la definición de la vista"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr "Cirujano que intervino en la operación"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Módulo de Cirugía para Medical.\n"
-"Si quiere incluir procedimientos estándar, por favor instale el "
-"correspondiente módulo del procedimiento (como medical_icd10)\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Requerido"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr "Fecha de la operación"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr "Cirugías"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr "Procedimiento"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Código"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr "Condición de base / Razón"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr "Urgente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr "Información Extra"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr "Edad del paciente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Información relativa al paciente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr "Cirugía"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/it.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/it.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/it.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:21+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OEmedical Commiter <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (Argentinian) <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: es_AR\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"¡El nombre del Objeto debe empezar con x_ y no contener ningún carácter "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Medical: Módulo de Cirugía"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr "Condición base"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Clasificación de la Intervención"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr ""
-"Códigos de Procedimiento, por ejemplo CIE-10-PCS Código de 7 caracteres"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr ""
-"Edad del paciente al momento de la intervención quirúrgica. Puede ser "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr "Cirujano"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "Opcional"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML inválido para la definición de la vista"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr "Cirujano que intervino en la operación"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Módulo de Cirugía para Medical.\n"
-"Si quiere incluir procedimientos estándar, por favor instale el "
-"correspondiente módulo del procedimiento (como medical_icd10)\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Requerido"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr "Fecha de la operación"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr "Cirugías"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr "Procedimiento"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Código"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr "Condición de base / Razón"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr "Urgente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr "Información extra"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr "Edad del paciente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Información relativa al paciente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr "Cirugía"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/pt_BR.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/pt_BR.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/pt_BR.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:21+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: brower <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazilian) <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: pt_BR\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"O nome do Objeto deve começar com x_ e não conter qualquer caractere "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Medical: Módulo Cirúrgico"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr "Condição de base"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Classificação Cirúrgica"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr ""
-"Código de Procedimento, por exemplo, código CID-10-PCS seqüência de 7 "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr "A idade do paciente no momento da cirurgia. Pode ser estimativa"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr "Cirurgião"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "Opcional"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML inválido para Visualização de Arquitetura!"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr "Cirurgião que fez o procedimento"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Módulo Cirúrgico para o Medical.\n"
-"Se você quiser incluir os procedimentos padrões, instale o módulo de "
-"procedimento correspondente (como o medical_icd10)\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Obrigatório"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr "Data da cirurgia"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr "Cirurgias"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr "Procedimento"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descrição"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Código"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr "Condição Básica / Razão"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr "Urgente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr "Informação extra"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr "Idade do paciente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Informação relacionada ao paciente"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr "Cirurgia"

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/tr.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/tr.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/tr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:22+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OEmedical Commiter <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Turkish <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: tr\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Tıp: Cerrahi modülü"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr "Temel koşul"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Cerrahi Sınıflandırma"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr "Cerrah"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "Isteğe bağlı"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr "Ameliyat tarihi"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr "Prosedür"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Açıklama"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Kod"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr "Baz Durumu / Sebep"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr "Acil"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr "İlave Bilgiler"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr "Hasta yaşı"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Hasta ile ilgili bilgiler"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr ""

=== removed file 'oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/vi.po'
--- oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/vi.po	2014-01-14 06:49:00 +0000
+++ oemedical/oemedical_surgery/i18n/vi.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of OpenERP Server.
-# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Medical\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/medical\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-05 21:38+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-08 01:22+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OEmedical Commiter <Unknown>\n"
-"Language-Team: Vietnamese <None>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-01-14 06:48+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16890)\n"
-"Language: vi\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-"Tên đối tượng phải bắt đầu bằng x_ và không bao gồm bất kỳ ký tự đặc biệt "
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid "Medical : Surgery module"
-msgstr "Y khoa: Mô đun Phẫu thuật"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base condition"
-msgstr "Tình trạng ban đầu"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Surgery Classification"
-msgstr "Phân loại phẫu thuật"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Procedure Code, for example ICD-10-PCS Code 7-character string"
-msgstr "Mã thủ tục, ví dụ ICD-10-PCS Mã chuỗi 7 ký tự"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age at the moment of the surgery. Can be estimative"
-msgstr "Tuổi bệnh nhân tại thời điểm phẫu thuật, có thể ước lượng"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon"
-msgstr "Bác sĩ phẫu thuật"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Optional"
-msgstr "Tùy chọn"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML không hợp lệ cho Kiến trúc Xem!"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,surgeon:0
-msgid "Surgeon who did the procedure"
-msgstr "Bác sĩ thực hiện phẫu thuật"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:medical_surgery.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Surgery Module for Medical.\n"
-"If you want to include standard procedures, please install the correspondant "
-"procedure module (such as medical_icd10)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Mô đun Phẫu thuật cho Y tế\n"
-"Nếu bạn muốn bao gồm các thủ tục tiêu chuẩn, hãy cài đặt các module thủ tục "
-"liên quan (ví dụ medical_icd10)\n"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Bắt buộc"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,date:0
-msgid "Date of the surgery"
-msgstr "Ngày phẫu thuật"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.patient:0
-#: field:medical.patient,surgery:0
-msgid "Surgeries"
-msgstr "Phẫu thuật"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.procedure:0
-msgid "Procedure"
-msgstr "Thủ tục"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,description:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Mô tả"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,name:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Mã"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: help:medical.surgery,pathology:0
-msgid "Base Condition / Reason"
-msgstr "Tình trạng ban đầu / Lý do"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: selection:medical.surgery,classification:0
-msgid "Urgent"
-msgstr "Khẩn"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,extra_info:0
-msgid "Extra Info"
-msgstr "Thông tin thêm"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: field:medical.surgery,age:0
-msgid "Patient age"
-msgstr "Tuổi bệnh nhân"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_patient
-msgid "Patient related information"
-msgstr "Thông tin liên quan đến bệnh nhân"
-#. module: medical_surgery
-#: model:ir.model,name:medical_surgery.model_medical_surgery
-#: view:medical.surgery:0
-msgid "Surgery"
-msgstr "Phẫu thuật"

=== modified file 'oemedical/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/security/ir.model.access.csv	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/security/ir.model.access.csv	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,85 @@

=== modified file 'oemedical/security/oemedical_security.xml'
--- oemedical/security/oemedical_security.xml	2014-01-08 06:02:09 +0000
+++ oemedical/security/oemedical_security.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -13,31 +13,60 @@
         <field name="name">OEMedical Doctor</field>
         <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
         <field name="users" eval="[(4, ref('base.user_root'))]"/>
-        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user')),(4, ref('base.group_user'))]"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user'))]"/>
     <record id="group_oemedical_assistant" model="res.groups">
         <field name="name">OEMedical Assistant</field>
         <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
         <field name="users" eval="[(4, ref('base.user_root'))]"/>
-        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user')),(4, ref('base.group_user'))]"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_doctor'))]"/>
+    </record>
+    <record id="group_oemedical_call_center_operator" model="res.groups">
+        <field name="name">OEMedical Call Center Operator</field>
+        <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
+        <field name="users" eval="[(4, ref('base.user_root'))]"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user'))]"/>
     <record id="group_oemedical_center_manager" model="res.groups">
         <field name="name">OEMedical Center Manager</field>
         <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
-        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user')),(4, ref('group_oemedical_doctor'))]"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user'))]"/>
+    </record>
+    <record id="group_oemedical_sales_rep" model="res.groups">
+        <field name="name">OEMedical Sales Rep</field>
+        <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user'))]"/>
+    </record>
+    <record id="group_oemedical_country_manager" model="res.groups">
+        <field name="name">OEMedical Country Manager</field>
+        <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user'))]"/>
     <record id="group_oemedical_manager" model="res.groups">
         <field name="name">OEMedical Manager</field>
         <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_accounting_and_finance"/>
-        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_center_manager'))]"/>
+        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_center_manager')),(4, ref('group_oemedical_doctor'))]"/>
+<!-- -->
 <data noupdate="0">
+    <record id="oemedical_appointment_access_rule_patient" model="ir.rule">
+        <field name="name">Appointment Entry</field>
+        <field name="model_id" ref="model_oemedical_appointment"/>
+        <field name="global" eval="True"/>
+        <field name="groups" eval="[(4, ref('group_oemedical_user'))]"/>
+        <field name="domain_force">[('patient_id.user_id', '=', user.id)]</field>
+    </record>
     <record id="oemedical_appointment_access_rule_physician" model="ir.rule">
         <field name="name">Appointment Entry</field>
         <field name="model_id" ref="model_oemedical_appointment"/>
@@ -54,4 +83,5 @@
         <field name="domain_force">[('institution','=',user.parent_id.id)]</field>
+<!--    -->

=== removed directory 'oemedical/sequence'
=== removed file 'oemedical/sequence/oemedical_sequence.xml'
--- oemedical/sequence/oemedical_sequence.xml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/sequence/oemedical_sequence.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <data noupdate="1">
-        <!-- Sequences for oemedical.patient -->
-        <record id="seq_type_oemedical_patient" model="ir.sequence.type">
-            <field name="name">OeMedical Patient</field>
-            <field name="code">oemedical.patient</field>
-        </record>
-        <record id="seq_oemedical_patient" model="ir.sequence">
-            <field name="name">OeMedical Patient</field>
-            <field name="code">oemedical.patient</field>
-            <field name="prefix">IP</field>
-            <field name="padding">3</field>
-        </record>
-        <!-- Sequences for oemedical.appointment -->
-        <record id="seq_type_oemedical_appointment" model="ir.sequence.type">
-            <field name="name">OeMedical Appointment</field>
-            <field name="code">oemedical.appointment</field>
-        </record>
-        <record id="seq_oemedical_appointment" model="ir.sequence">
-            <field name="name">OeMedical Appointment</field>
-            <field name="code">oemedical.appointment</field>
-            <field name="prefix">AP</field>
-            <field name="padding">3</field>
-        </record>
-        <!-- Sequences for oemedical.prescription.order -->
-        <record id="seq_type_oemedical_prescription_order" model="ir.sequence.type">
-            <field name="name">OeMedical Prescription Order</field>
-            <field name="code">oemedical.prescription.order</field>
-        </record>
-        <record id="seq_oemedical_prescription_order" model="ir.sequence">
-            <field name="name">OeMedical Prescription Order</field>
-            <field name="code">oemedical.prescription.order</field>
-            <field name="prefix">PRO</field>
-            <field name="padding">3</field>
-        </record>
-    </data>
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'oemedical/static/src/img/icon.png' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/tests/insurance.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/tests/insurance_plan.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/tests/partners.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/tests/patient.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/tests/physician.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/tests/physician_speciality.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/views/oemedical_appointment_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/views/oemedical_appointment_view.xml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/views/oemedical_appointment_view.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 				<tree string="Oemedical Appointment" colors="grey:state=='cancel';green:state=='draft';blue:state in ('done');red:state in ('waiting')">
 					<field name="name" />
 					<field name="patient_id" />
-   					<field name="alias" />
 					<field name="appointment_date" />
 					<field name="doctor" />
 					<field name="appointment_type" />
@@ -44,27 +43,23 @@
 				            <field name="name"/>
                         <group col="4" colspan="4">
-                            <field name="institution" />
-			                <field name="consultations" />
     		                <field name="appointment_type" />
+        					<field name="patient_id" />
 			                <field name="urgency" />
                             <page string="Main">
-                                <group col="4" colspan="4">
-                					<field name="alias" />
-                                    <field name="patient_id" />
-					                <field name="doctor" />
-					                <field name="speciality" />
-                                    <group colspan="2" col="6">
-					                    <field name="appointment_date" nolabel="0"/>
-					                    <field name="appointment_day" nolabel="0"/>
-					                    <field name="appointment_hour" nolabel="1"/>
-					                    <field name="appointment_minute" nolabel="1"/>
+                                <group >
+                                    <group> 
+						                <field name="doctor" />
+			                            <field name="institution" />
+						                <field name="speciality" />
+					                </group>
+                                    <group>
+						                <field name="consultations" />
+					                    <field name="appointment_date"/>
+   					                	<field name="duration" widget="float_time"/>
-   					                <field name="duration" widget="float_time"/>
-       				                <field name="appointment_date" invisible="1"/>
                                 <group col="4" colspan="4" string="Notes">
 					                <field name="comments" colspan="4" nolabel="1"/>

=== modified file 'oemedical/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -76,21 +76,121 @@
              					<field name="marital_status" colspan="2"/> 
-                        <page string="Medical Centers">
-                            <field name="medical_center_ids">
-                                colspan="4"
-                                nolabel="1"
-                                <tree string="Medical Centers">
-                                    <field name="medical_center_id" />
-                                    <field name="identification_code" />
-                                </tree>
-                                <form string="Medical Centers">
-                                    <separator string="Medical Center Information" colspan="4" />
-                                    <field name="medical_center_id" />
-                                    <field name="identification_code" />
-                                </form>
-                            </field>
-                        </page>
+		                <page string="Medical Centers">
+		                    <field name="other_contact_ids" context="{'default_contact_id': active_id, 'default_name': name, 'default_use_parent_address': True, 'default_supplier': True, 'default_is_doctor': True}}" mode="kanban">
+		                        <kanban>
+		                            <field name="color"/>
+		                            <field name="name"/>
+		                            <field name="title"/>
+		                            <field name="email"/>
+		                            <field name="parent_id"/>
+		                            <field name="is_company"/>
+		                            <field name="function"/>
+		                            <field name="phone"/>
+		                            <field name="street"/>
+		                            <field name="street2"/>
+		                            <field name="zip"/>
+		                            <field name="city"/>
+		                            <field name="country_id"/>
+		                            <field name="mobile"/>
+		                            <field name="fax"/>
+		                            <field name="state_id"/>
+		                            <field name="has_image"/>
+		                            <templates>
+		                                <t t-name="kanban-box">
+		                                    <t t-set="color" t-value="kanban_color(record.color.raw_value)"/>
+		                                    <div t-att-class="color + (record.title.raw_value == 1 ? ' oe_kanban_color_alert' : '')" style="position: relative">
+		                                        <a t-if="! read_only_mode" type="delete" style="position: absolute; right: 0; padding: 4px; diplay: inline-block">X</a>
+		                                        <div class="oe_module_vignette">
+		                                        <a type="open">
+		                                            <t t-if="record.has_image.raw_value === true">
+		                                                <img t-att-src="kanban_image('oemedical.physician', 'image', record.id.value, {'preview_image': 'image_small'})" class="oe_avatar oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+		                                            </t>
+		                                            <t t-if="record.image and record.image.raw_value !== false">
+		                                                <img t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,'+record.image.raw_value" class="oe_avatar oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+		                                            </t>
+		                                            <t t-if="record.has_image.raw_value === false and (!record.image or record.image.raw_value === false)">
+		                                                <t t-if="record.is_company.raw_value === true">
+		                                                    <img t-att-src='_s + "/base/static/src/img/company_image.png"' class="oe_kanban_image oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+		                                                </t>
+		                                                <t t-if="record.is_company.raw_value === false">
+		                                                    <img t-att-src='_s + "/base/static/src/img/avatar.png"' class="oe_kanban_image oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+		                                                </t>
+		                                            </t>
+		                                        </a>
+		                                            <div class="oe_module_desc">
+		                                                <div class="oe_kanban_box_content oe_kanban_color_bglight oe_kanban_color_border">
+		                                                    <table class="oe_kanban_table">
+		                                                        <tr>
+		                                                            <td class="oe_kanban_title1" align="left" valign="middle">
+		                                                                <h4><a type="open"><field name="name"/></a></h4>
+		                                                                <i>
+		                                                                    <t t-if="record.parent_id.raw_value and !record.function.raw_value"><field name="parent_id"/></t>
+		                                                                    <t t-if="!record.parent_id.raw_value and record.function.raw_value"><field name="function"/></t>
+		                                                                    <t t-if="record.parent_id.raw_value and record.function.raw_value"><field name="function"/> at <field name="parent_id"/></t>
+		                                                                </i>
+		                                                                <div><a t-if="record.email.raw_value" title="Mail" t-att-href="'mailto:'+record.email.value">
+		                                                                    <field name="email"/>
+		                                                                </a></div>
+		                                                                <div t-if="record.phone.raw_value">Phone: <field name="phone"/></div>
+		                                                                <div t-if="record.mobile.raw_value">Mobile: <field name="mobile"/></div>
+		                                                                <div t-if="record.fax.raw_value">Fax: <field name="fax"/></div>
+		                                                            </td>
+		                                                        </tr>
+		                                                    </table>
+		                                                </div>
+		                                            </div>
+		                                        </div>
+		                                    </div>
+		                                </t>
+		                            </templates>
+		                        </kanban>
+		                        <form string="Centro Medico" version="7.0">
+		                            <sheet>
+		                                <field name="image" widget='image' class="oe_avatar oe_left" options='{"preview_image": "image_medium"}'/>
+		                                <div class="oe_title">
+		                                    <label for="name" class="oe_edit_only"/>
+		                                    <h1><field name="name" style="width: 70%%"/></h1>
+		                                </div>
+		                                <group>
+		                                    <!-- inherited part -->
+		                                    <field name="category_id" widget="many2many_tags" placeholder="Tags..." style="width: 70%%"/>
+		                                    <field name="parent_id" placeholder="Medical Center" required="True" string="Medical Center" domain="[('is_institution', '=', True)]"/>
+		                                    <!-- inherited part end -->
+		                                    <field name="function" placeholder="e.g. Sales Director"/>
+		                                    <field name="email"/>
+		                                    <field name="phone"/>
+		                                    <field name="mobile"/>
+		                                </group>
+		                                <div>
+		                                    <field name="use_parent_address" invisible="True"/>
+		                                </div>
+		                                <group>
+		                                    <label for="type"/>
+		                                    <div name="div_type">
+		                                        <field class="oe_inline" name="type"/>
+		                                    </div>
+		                                    <label for="street" string="Address"/>
+		                                    <div name="div_address">
+		                                        <field name="street" placeholder="Street..." attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+		                                        <field name="street2" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+		                                        <div class="address_format">
+		                                            <field name="city" placeholder="City" style="width: 40%%" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+		                                            <field name="state_id" class="oe_no_button" placeholder="State" style="width: 37%%" options='{"no_open": True}' on_change="onchange_state(state_id)" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+		                                            <field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" style="width: 20%%" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+		                                        </div>
+		                                        <field name="country_id" placeholder="Country" class="oe_no_button" options='{"no_open": True}' attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+		                                    </div>
+		                                    <field name="building" />
+		                                    <field name="area" />
+		                                    <field name="floor" />
+		                                    <field name="room" />
+		                                </group>
+		                                <field name="supplier" invisible="True"/>
+		                            </sheet>
+		                        </form>
+		                    </field>
+		                </page>

=== modified file 'oemedical/views/oemedical_physician_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/views/oemedical_physician_view.xml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/views/oemedical_physician_view.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -33,46 +33,151 @@
+							<label for="ref"/> 
+							<field name="ref" style="width: 20%%"/> 
 							<label for="code"/> 
 	   					    <field name="code" style="width: 20%%"/>
 	   					    <label for="specialty"/>
 							<field name="specialty" style="width: 20%%"/>
-						<group>
-						<label for="ref"/> 
-						<field name="ref" style="width: 20%%"/> 
-						<field name="parent_id" />
-						<newline/>
-						<field name="info" colspan="4"/>
-						</group>
 	                        <page string="General Information"> 
-			                        <field name="active"/>
-			                        <field name="phone" placeholder="e.g. +506 5555 5555"/>
-			                        <field name="mobile"/>
-			                        <field name="fax"/>
-			                       	<field name="user_ids" invisible="1"/>
-			                        <field name="email" widget="email" attrs="{'required': [('user_ids','!=', [])]}"/>
-			                    </group> 
-			                    <group> 
-			                       	<label for="street" string="Address"/>
-			                        <div>
-			                            <field name="use_parent_address" invisible="1"/>
-			                            <field name="street" placeholder="Street..."  attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
-			                            <field name="street2"  attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
-			                            <div class="address_format">
-			                                <field name="city" placeholder="City" style="width: 40%%" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
-			                                <field name="state_id" class="oe_no_button" placeholder="State" style="width: 37%%" options='{"no_open": True}' on_change="onchange_state(state_id)" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
-			                                <field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" style="width: 20%%" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
-			                            </div>
-			                            <field name="country_id" placeholder="Country" class="oe_no_button" options='{"no_open": True}' attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
-			                        </div>
-			                    </group> 
-			                </page>
+				                    <group> 
+		                                colspan="2"
+				                        <field name="active"/>
+				                        <field name="phone" placeholder="e.g. +506 5555 5555"/>
+				                        <field name="mobile"/>
+				                        <field name="fax"/>
+				                       	<field name="user_ids" invisible="1"/>
+				                        <field name="email" widget="email" attrs="{'required': [('user_ids','!=', [])]}"/>
+				                    </group> 
+				                    <group> 
+		                                colspan="2"
+									</group> 
+									<field name="info" colspan="4"/>
+			                    </group> 
+			                </page>
+			                <page string="Medical Centers">
+			                    <field name="other_contact_ids" context="{'default_contact_id': active_id, 'default_name': name, 'default_use_parent_address': True, 'default_supplier': True, 'default_is_doctor': True}}" mode="kanban">
+			                        <kanban>
+			                            <field name="color"/>
+			                            <field name="name"/>
+			                            <field name="title"/>
+			                            <field name="email"/>
+			                            <field name="parent_id"/>
+			                            <field name="is_company"/>
+			                            <field name="function"/>
+			                            <field name="phone"/>
+			                            <field name="street"/>
+			                            <field name="street2"/>
+			                            <field name="zip"/>
+			                            <field name="city"/>
+			                            <field name="country_id"/>
+			                            <field name="mobile"/>
+			                            <field name="fax"/>
+			                            <field name="state_id"/>
+			                            <field name="has_image"/>
+			                            <templates>
+			                                <t t-name="kanban-box">
+			                                    <t t-set="color" t-value="kanban_color(record.color.raw_value)"/>
+			                                    <div t-att-class="color + (record.title.raw_value == 1 ? ' oe_kanban_color_alert' : '')" style="position: relative">
+			                                        <a t-if="! read_only_mode" type="delete" style="position: absolute; right: 0; padding: 4px; diplay: inline-block">X</a>
+			                                        <div class="oe_module_vignette">
+			                                        <a type="open">
+			                                            <t t-if="record.has_image.raw_value === true">
+			                                                <img t-att-src="kanban_image('oemedical.physician', 'image', record.id.value, {'preview_image': 'image_small'})" class="oe_avatar oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+			                                            </t>
+			                                            <t t-if="record.image and record.image.raw_value !== false">
+			                                                <img t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,'+record.image.raw_value" class="oe_avatar oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+			                                            </t>
+			                                            <t t-if="record.has_image.raw_value === false and (!record.image or record.image.raw_value === false)">
+			                                                <t t-if="record.is_company.raw_value === true">
+			                                                    <img t-att-src='_s + "/base/static/src/img/company_image.png"' class="oe_kanban_image oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+			                                                </t>
+			                                                <t t-if="record.is_company.raw_value === false">
+			                                                    <img t-att-src='_s + "/base/static/src/img/avatar.png"' class="oe_kanban_image oe_kanban_avatar_smallbox"/>
+			                                                </t>
+			                                            </t>
+			                                        </a>
+			                                            <div class="oe_module_desc">
+			                                                <div class="oe_kanban_box_content oe_kanban_color_bglight oe_kanban_color_border">
+			                                                    <table class="oe_kanban_table">
+			                                                        <tr>
+			                                                            <td class="oe_kanban_title1" align="left" valign="middle">
+			                                                                <h4><a type="open"><field name="name"/></a></h4>
+			                                                                <i>
+			                                                                    <t t-if="record.parent_id.raw_value and !record.function.raw_value"><field name="parent_id"/></t>
+			                                                                    <t t-if="!record.parent_id.raw_value and record.function.raw_value"><field name="function"/></t>
+			                                                                    <t t-if="record.parent_id.raw_value and record.function.raw_value"><field name="function"/> at <field name="parent_id"/></t>
+			                                                                </i>
+			                                                                <div><a t-if="record.email.raw_value" title="Mail" t-att-href="'mailto:'+record.email.value">
+			                                                                    <field name="email"/>
+			                                                                </a></div>
+			                                                                <div t-if="record.phone.raw_value">Phone: <field name="phone"/></div>
+			                                                                <div t-if="record.mobile.raw_value">Mobile: <field name="mobile"/></div>
+			                                                                <div t-if="record.fax.raw_value">Fax: <field name="fax"/></div>
+			                                                            </td>
+			                                                        </tr>
+			                                                    </table>
+			                                                </div>
+			                                            </div>
+			                                        </div>
+			                                    </div>
+			                                </t>
+			                            </templates>
+			                        </kanban>
+			                        <form string="Centro Medico" version="7.0">
+			                            <sheet>
+			                                <field name="image" widget='image' class="oe_avatar oe_left" options='{"preview_image": "image_medium"}'/>
+			                                <div class="oe_title">
+			                                    <label for="name" class="oe_edit_only"/>
+			                                    <h1><field name="name" style="width: 70%%"/></h1>
+			                                </div>
+			                                <group>
+			                                    <!-- inherited part -->
+			                                    <field name="category_id" widget="many2many_tags" placeholder="Tags..." style="width: 70%%"/>
+			                                    <field name="parent_id" placeholder="Medical Center" required="True" string="Medical Center" domain="[('is_institution', '=', True)]"/>
+			                                    <!-- inherited part end -->
+			                                    <field name="function" placeholder="e.g. Sales Director"/>
+			                                    <field name="email"/>
+			                                    <field name="phone"/>
+			                                    <field name="mobile"/>
+			                                </group>
+			                                <div>
+			                                    <field name="use_parent_address" invisible="True"/>
+			                                </div>
+			                                <group>
+			                                    <label for="type"/>
+			                                    <div name="div_type">
+			                                        <field class="oe_inline" name="type"/>
+			                                    </div>
+			                                    <label for="street" string="Address"/>
+			                                    <div name="div_address">
+			                                        <field name="street" placeholder="Street..." attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+			                                        <field name="street2" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+			                                        <div class="address_format">
+			                                            <field name="city" placeholder="City" style="width: 40%%" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+			                                            <field name="state_id" class="oe_no_button" placeholder="State" style="width: 37%%" options='{"no_open": True}' on_change="onchange_state(state_id)" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+			                                            <field name="zip" placeholder="ZIP" style="width: 20%%" attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+			                                        </div>
+			                                        <field name="country_id" placeholder="Country" class="oe_no_button" options='{"no_open": True}' attrs="{'readonly': [('use_parent_address','=',True)]}"/>
+			                                    </div>
+			                                    <field name="building" />
+			                                    <field name="area" />
+			                                    <field name="floor" />
+			                                    <field name="room" />
+			                                </group>
+			                                <field name="supplier" invisible="True"/>
+			                            </sheet>
+			                        </form>
+			                    </field>
+			                </page>
 	                        <page string="Schedule Template">
 	                            <field name="schedule_template_ids">
-	                                colspan="4"
 	                                <tree string="Schedule Template" editable="bottom">
 	                                    <field name="day" />
 	                                    <field name="start_hour" />
@@ -83,12 +188,29 @@
-                        </notebook> 
+	                        <page string="Services Definition">
+	                            <field name="service_ids">
+	                                <tree string="Physician Services" editable="bottom">
+	                                    <field name="name" />
+	                                    <field name="service_duration" />
+   	                                </tree>
+	                            </field>
+                            </page>
+	                        <page string="Physician Affiliations">
+	                            <field name="affiliation_ids">
+	                                <tree string="Physician Affiliations" editable="bottom">
+	                                    <field name="name" />
+   	                                </tree>
+	                            </field>
+                            </page>
+	                    </notebook> 
+ -->
 		<record id="view_oemedical_physician_search" model="ir.ui.view">
 			<field name="name">oemedical.physician.search</field>
 			<field name="model">oemedical.physician</field>

=== modified file 'oemedical/views/oemedical_sequence.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/views/oemedical_specialty_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/views/product_product_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical/views/res_partner_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical/views/res_partner_view.xml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical/views/res_partner_view.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
                             <field name="relative_id" />
                             <field name="is_doctor" />
                             <field name="is_patient" />
-                            <field name="alias" />
-                            <field name="internal_user" />
                             <field name="activation_date" />
                             <field name="is_work" />
                             <field name="is_person" />

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -34,57 +34,18 @@
-    'name': 'OeMedical EMR : Electronic Medical Record management for OeMedical',
+    'name': 'OeMedical EMR',
     'version': '1.0',
+    'summary': 'Electronic Medical Record management for OeMedical',
     'author': "OeMEdical Team",
     'category': 'Generic Modules/Others',
     'depends': ['oemedical'],
-    'application': True,
     'description': """
-About OeMedical EMR
+OeMedical EMR
 OeMedical EMR is a multi-user, highly scalable, centralized Electronic
 Medical Record (EMR) for openERP.
-OeMedical provides a free universal Health Information System,
-so doctors and institutions all over the world,
-specially in developing countries will benefit from a centralized,
-high quality, secure and scalable system.
-OeMedical at a glance:
-    * Strong focus in family medicine and Primary Health Care
-    * Major interest in Socio-economics (housing conditions, substance abuse,
-    education...)
-    * Diseases and Medical procedures standards (like ICD-10 / ICD-10-PCS ...)
-    * Patient Genetic and Hereditary risks : Over 4200 genes related to
-    diseases (NCBI / Genecards)
-    * Epidemiological and other statistical reports
-    * 100% paperless patient examination and history taking
-    * Patient Administration 
-    (creation, evaluations / consultations, history ... )
-    * Doctor Administration
-    * Lab Administration
-    * Medicine / Drugs information (vademécum)
-    * Medical stock and supply chain management
-    * Hospital Financial Administration
-    * Designed with industry standards in mind
-    * Open Source : Licensed under AGPL
     "website": "http://launchpad.net/oemedical";,
@@ -137,6 +98,6 @@
     "active": False,
-    "installable": True,
+    "installable": True
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
 import oemedical_signs_and_symptoms
 import oemedical_directions
 import oemedical_pathology
+#import oemedical_operational_area
 import oemedical_ethnicity
+#import oemedical_operational_sector
 import oemedical_prescription_order
 import oemedical_medicament_category
 import oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@
         'comments': fields.char(size=256, string='Comments'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_directions.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_directions.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_directions.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@
         'comments': fields.char(size=256, string='Comments'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_disease_group_members.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_disease_group_members.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_disease_group_members.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -34,5 +34,4 @@
                                 readonly=True ),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_drug_form.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_drug_form.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_drug_form.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
-        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
+        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name for Droug must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_drug_route.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_drug_route.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_drug_route.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
-        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
+        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name Droug Route must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_ethnicity.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_ethnicity.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_ethnicity.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
-        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
+        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name for Ethnicity must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_family.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_family.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_family.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -39,5 +39,4 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
         ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Family Code must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_family_member.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_family_member.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_family_member.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -34,5 +34,4 @@
                                      help='Family code'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medicament.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medicament.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medicament.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -89,5 +89,4 @@
         'composition': fields.text(string='Composition', help='Components'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medicament_category.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medicament_category.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medicament_category.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -38,5 +38,4 @@
         (orm.Model._check_recursion, 'Error ! You cannot create recursive \n' 
         'Category.', ['parent_id'])
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medication_dosage.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medication_dosage.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medication_dosage.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -38,5 +38,4 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
         ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medication_template.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medication_template.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_medication_template.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -71,5 +71,4 @@
         'dose_unit': fields.many2one('product.uom', string='dose unit', help='Unit of measure for the medication to be taken'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_occupation.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_occupation.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_occupation.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@
     _sql_constraints = [
         ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -45,5 +45,4 @@
 #    _sql_constraints = [
 #        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE(name)', 'Name must be unique!'),
 #    ]
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology_category.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology_category.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology_category.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -39,5 +39,4 @@
         (orm.Model._check_recursion, 'Error ! You cannot create recursive \n' 
         'Category.', ['parent_id'])
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology_group.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology_group.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_pathology_group.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -38,5 +38,3 @@
-# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -52,5 +52,4 @@
         'cod': fields.many2one('oemedical.pathology', string='Cause of Death',),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_disease.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_disease.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_disease.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -79,5 +79,4 @@
         ' go on the Extra info field'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_evaluation.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_evaluation.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_evaluation.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -203,5 +203,4 @@
         'diastolic': fields.integer(string='Diastolic Pressure'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_medication.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_medication.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_patient_medication.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -26,11 +26,10 @@
 class OeMedicalPatientMedication(orm.Model):
     _name = 'oemedical.patient.medication'
+    _rec_name = 'patient_id'
     _columns = {
         'patient_id': fields.many2one('oemedical.patient', string='Patient',),
-#        'name': fields.many2one('oemedical.patient', string='Patient',
-#                                readonly=True ),
         'doctor': fields.many2one('oemedical.physician', string='Physician', 
                                 help='Physician who prescribed the medicament'),
         'adverse_reaction': fields.text(string='Adverse Reactions',
@@ -47,5 +46,4 @@
         'discontinued': fields.boolean(string='Discontinued'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_prescription_line.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_prescription_line.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_prescription_line.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
 class OeMedicalPrescriptionLine(orm.Model):
     _name = 'oemedical.prescription.line'
     def _get_medicament(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
         print '_get_medicament', name, args, context, ids
         medication_obj = self.pool.get('oemedical.medication.template')
@@ -161,6 +159,4 @@
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_prescription_order.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_prescription_order.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_prescription_order.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -66,5 +66,4 @@
         return {'type': 'ir.actions.report.xml', 'report_name': 'prescription.order', 'datas': datas, 'nodestroy': True}
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_procedure.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_procedure.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_procedure.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -33,5 +33,4 @@
         'name': fields.char(size=256, string='Code', required=True),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_secondary_condition.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_secondary_condition.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_secondary_condition.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@
         'comments': fields.char(size=256, string='Comments'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_signs_and_symptoms.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_signs_and_symptoms.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr/models/oemedical_signs_and_symptoms.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -39,5 +39,4 @@
         'comments': fields.char(size=256, string='Comments'),
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/report/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/report/prescription_order.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/report/prescription_order.rml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_directions_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_disease_group_members_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_drug_form_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_drug_route_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_ethnicity_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_family_member_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_family_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_medicament_category_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_medicament_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_medication_dosage_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_medication_template_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_occupation_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_pathology_category_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_pathology_group_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_pathology_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_patient_disease_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_patient_evaluation_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_patient_medication_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_prescription_line_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_prescription_order_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_procedure_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_secondary_condition_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_sequence.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr/views/oemedical_signs_and_symptoms_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_emr_data/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_emr_data/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     'version': '1.0',
     'author': "OeMEdical Team",
     'category': 'Generic Modules/Others',
-    'depends': ['oemedical_emr'],
+    'depends': ['oemedical'],
     'application': True,
     'description': """

=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/WHO_list_of_essential_medicines.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/WHO_products.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/disease_categories.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/diseases.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/dose_units.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/drug_routes.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/ethnic_groups.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/health_specialties.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/medicament_categories.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/medicament_form.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/medication_frequencies.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/data/occupations.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/i18n/es_MX.po' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_emr_data/i18n/oemedical_data.po' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_genetics/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_genetics/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_genetics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_genetics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -163,6 +163,5 @@
     "active": False
-    "installable": False,}
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_genetics/data/disease_genes.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_genetics/oemedical_disease_gene.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_genetics/oemedical_disease_gene_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_genetics/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -90,22 +90,78 @@
     "website": "http://launchpad.net/oemedical";,
     "licence": "AGPL v3",
     "data": [
-        'views/oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics_view.xml',   # view has errors, please correct before enabling....
-        'views/oemedical_menu.xml',
+        'sequence/oemedical_sequence.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_secondary_condition_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_pathology_category_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_signs_and_symptoms_view.xml',
+        'views/product_product_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_physician_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_directions_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_insurance_view.xml',
+        'views/res_partner_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_pathology_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_operational_area_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_ethnicity_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_operational_sector_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_prescription_order_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_medicament_category_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_insurance_plan_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_diagnostic_hypothesis_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_procedure_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_medication_template_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_vaccination_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_medication_dosage_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_family_member_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_hospital_ward_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_hospital_or_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_drug_form_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_patient_medication_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_patient_evaluation_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_hospital_building_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_patient_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_prescription_line_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_patient_disease_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_drug_route_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_hospital_unit_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_appointment_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_specialty_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_family_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_hospital_bed_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_occupation_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_disease_group_members_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_medicament_view.xml',
+        'views/oemedical_pathology_group_view.xml',
+        #'views/oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics_view.xml',   # view has errors, please correct before enabling....
+        #'views/oemedical_lifestyle_view.xml',
+        'views/data/recreational_drugs.xml',
+        #'views/oemedical_disease_gene_view.xml',  # view has errors, please correct before enabling....
+        'views/data/disease_genes.xml',
+        #'views/oemedical_socioeconomics_view.xml', # view has errors, please correct before enabling....
+        #'views/oemedical_lab_view.xml',  # view has errors, please correct before enabling....
+        'security/oemedical_security.xml',
+        'oemedical_menu.xml',
     "demo": [
+            'test/physician.yml',
+            'test/patient.yml',
+            'test/partners.yml',
+            'test/insurance_plan.yml',
+            'test/insurance.yml',
+            'test/physician_speciality.yml'
     'css': [
     'js': [
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/models/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/models/oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/views/oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_gynecology_and_obstetrics/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_his/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_his/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_hospital_bed.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_hospital_building.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_hospital_or.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_hospital_unit.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_hospital_ward.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_operational_area.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/models/oemedical_operational_sector.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_hospital_bed_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_hospital_building_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_hospital_or_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_hospital_unit_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_hospital_ward_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_operational_area_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_his/views/oemedical_operational_sector_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_icu/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_icu/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_icu/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_icu/models/oemedical_icu.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_icu/views/oemedical_icu_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_insurance/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_insurance/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-from . import models
+import models
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_insurance/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_insurance/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/models/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/models/oemedical_insurance.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/models/oemedical_insurance_plan.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/tests/insurance.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/tests/insurance_plan.yml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/views/oemedical_insurance_plan_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/views/oemedical_insurance_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_insurance/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_invoice/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_invoice/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_invoice/models/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_appointment_invoice.py'
--- oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_appointment_invoice.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_appointment_invoice.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@
 # Check if the appointment is invoice exempt, and stop the invoicing process
 				if appointment.no_invoice :
-					raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('The appointment is invoice exempt'))				
+					raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('The appointment is invoice exempt'))				
 				if appointment.validity_status=='invoiced':
 					if len(apps) > 1:
-						raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'),_('At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'),_('At least one of the selected appointments is already invoiced'))
-						raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'),_('Appointment already invoiced'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'),_('Appointment already invoiced'))
 				if appointment.validity_status=='no':
 					if len(apps) > 1:
-						raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'),_('At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'),_('At least one of the selected appointments can not be invoiced'))
-						raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'),_('You can not invoice this appointment'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'),_('You can not invoice this appointment'))
 			if appointment.patient.name.id:
 				invoice_data['partner_id'] = appointment.patient.name.id
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
-					raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'),_('No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments'))
+					raise osv.except_osv(_('UserError'),_('No consultation service is connected with the selected appointments'))
 			product_lines = []
 			for prod_id, prod_data in prods_data.items():
@@ -111,5 +111,7 @@
-			raise orm.except_orm(_('UserError'),_('When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same'))
+			raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'),_('When multiple appointments are selected, patient must be the same'))

=== modified file 'oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_create_lab_invoice.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
                 logging.debug('test = %s', repr(test))
                 if test.invoice_status == 'invoiced':
                     if len(tests) > 1:
-                        raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced'))
+                        raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected lab tests is already invoiced'))
-                        raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('Lab test already invoiced'))
+                        raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('Lab test already invoiced'))
                 if test.invoice_status == 'no':
                     if len(tests) > 1:
-                        raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced'))
+                        raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected lab tests can not be invoiced'))
-                        raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('You can not invoice this lab test'))
+                        raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('You can not invoice this lab test'))
             logging.debug('test.patient_id = %s; test.patient_id.id = %s', test.patient_id, test.patient_id.id)
             if test.patient_id.name.id:
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
-            raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same'))
+            raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('When multiple lab tests are selected, patient must be the same'))

=== modified file 'oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_prescription_invoice.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_prescription_invoice.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_invoice/models/wizard_prescription_invoice.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@
 # Check if the prescription is invoice exempt, and stop the invoicing process
 				if pres.no_invoice :
-					raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('The prescription is invoice exempt'))				
+					raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('The prescription is invoice exempt'))				
 				if pres.invoice_status == 'invoiced':
 					logging.debug('pres.invoice_status = %s', repr(pres.invoice_status))
 					if len(prescriptions) > 1:
-						raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected prescriptions is already invoiced'))
-						raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('Prescription already invoiced'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('Prescription already invoiced'))
 				if pres.invoice_status == 'no':
 					if len(prescriptions) > 1:
-						raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('At least one of the selected prescriptions can not be invoiced'))
-						raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('You can not invoice this prescription'))
+						raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('You can not invoice this prescription'))
 			logging.debug('pres.name = %s', repr(pres.name))
 			if pres.name.name.id:
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 # Check for empty prescription lines
 				if not pres.prescription_line:
-					raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice'))			
+					raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('You need to have at least one prescription item in your invoice'))			
 				for pres_line in pres.prescription_line:
 					logging.debug('pres_line = %s; pres_line.medicament.name = %s; pres_line.quantity = %s', pres_line, pres_line.medicament.name, pres_line.quantity)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
-			raise  orm.except_orm(_('UserError'), _('When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same'))
+			raise  osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('When multiple prescriptions are selected, patient must be the same'))

=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_lab/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_lab/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
+#    Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<http://www.techreceptives.com>)
+#    Special Credit and Thanks to Thymbra Latinoamericana S.A.
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 #    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
@@ -16,6 +20,7 @@
-from . import models
+import models
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_lab/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_lab/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/models/oemedical_lab.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/views/oemedical_lab_report.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/views/oemedical_lab_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lab/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_lifestyle/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_lifestyle/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/data/recreational_drugs.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/models/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/models/oemedical_lifestyle.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/security/ir.model.access.csv' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/views/oemedical_lifestyle_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_lifestyle/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname'
=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/__init__.py'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Author: Nicolas Bessi. Copyright Camptocamp SA
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#from . import models

=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/__openerp__.py'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/__openerp__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Author: Nicolas Bessi. Copyright Camptocamp SA
+#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+{'name': 'Patient/Physician  first name, last name',
+ 'description':  """Split first name and last name on oemedical_patient and oemedical_physician.
+The field 'name' becomes a stored function field concatenating lastname, firstname
+ 'version': '1.0.1',
+ 'author': 'Camptocamp',
+ 'category': 'MISC',
+ 'website': 'http://www.camptocamp.com',
+ 'depends': ['partner_firstname', 'oemedical'],
+ 'data': [
+     'views/oemedical_patient_view.xml',
+     'views/oemedical_physician_view.xml',
+     ],
+ 'demo': [],
+ 'test': [],
+ 'auto_install': False,
+ 'installable': True,
+ 'images': []

=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/controllers'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/data'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/doc'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n'
=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/de.po'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/de.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/de.po	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Translation of OpenERP Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+#	* partner_firstname
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 7.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,lastname:0
+msgid "Lastname"
+msgstr "Name"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,firstname:0
+msgid "Firstname"
+msgstr "Vorname"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: model:ir.model,name:partner_firstname.model_res_partner
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr "Partner"

=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/en.po'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/en.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/en.po	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Translation of OpenERP Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+#	* partner_firstname
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 7.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,lastname:0
+msgid "Lastname"
+msgstr "Lastname"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,firstname:0
+msgid "Firstname"
+msgstr "Firstname"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: model:ir.model,name:partner_firstname.model_res_partner
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr "Partner"

=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/fr.po'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/fr.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/fr.po	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Translation of OpenERP Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+#	* partner_firstname
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 7.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,lastname:0
+msgid "Lastname"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,firstname:0
+msgid "Firstname"
+msgstr "Prénom"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: model:ir.model,name:partner_firstname.model_res_partner
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr "Partenaire"

=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/nl.po'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/nl.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/nl.po	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Translation of OpenERP Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+#	* partner_firstname
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 7.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-04 10:36+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,lastname:0
+msgid "Lastname"
+msgstr "Achternaam"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,firstname:0
+msgid "Firstname"
+msgstr "Voornaam"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: model:ir.model,name:partner_firstname.model_res_partner
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr "Relatie"

=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/partner_firstname.pot'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/partner_firstname.pot	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/i18n/partner_firstname.pot	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Translation of OpenERP Server.
+# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
+#	* partner_firstname
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 7.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-03 16:09+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-03 16:09+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,firstname:0
+msgid "Firstname"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: field:res.partner,lastname:0
+msgid "Lastname"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: partner_firstname
+#: model:ir.model,name:partner_firstname.model_res_partner
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr ""

=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/models'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/security'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/static'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/static/description'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/static/src'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/static/src/img'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/static/src/js'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/static/src/xml'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/tests'
=== added directory 'oemedical_partner_firstname/views'
=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/views/oemedical_patient_view.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  <data>
+    <record id="view_patient_form_firstname" model="ir.ui.view">
+      <field name="name">oemedical.patient.form.firstname</field>
+      <field name="model">oemedical.patient</field>
+      <field name="inherit_id" ref="oemedical.view_oemedical_patient_form"/>
+      <field name="arch" type="xml">
+        <field name="name" position="attributes">
+            <attribute name="attrs">{'invisible': True, 'required': False}</attribute>
+        </field>
+        <field name="name" position="after">
+            <field name="firstname" placeholder="First Name" style="width: 10%%" />
+            <field name="lastname" placeholder="Last Name" style="width: 10%%" />
+		</field>
+        <!-- Add firstname and last name in inner contact form of child_ids 
+        <xpath expr="//form[@string='Contact']/sheet/div" position="after">
+           <group attrs="{'invisible': [('is_company', '=', True)]}">
+            <field name="lastname" attrs="{'required': [('is_company', '=', False)]}"/>
+            <field name="firstname"/>
+           </group> 
+        </xpath>
+        <xpath expr="//form[@string='Contact']/sheet/div/h1" position="after">
+           <field name="is_company" on_change="onchange_type(is_company)" class="oe_inline"/>
+           <label for="is_company" string="Is a Company?"/>)
+        </xpath>
+		-->
+      </field>
+    </record>
+  </data>

=== added file 'oemedical_partner_firstname/views/oemedical_physician_view.xml'
--- oemedical_partner_firstname/views/oemedical_physician_view.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ oemedical_partner_firstname/views/oemedical_physician_view.xml	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  <data>
+    <record id="view_physician_form_firstname" model="ir.ui.view">
+      <field name="name">oemedical.physician.form.firstname</field>
+      <field name="model">oemedical.physician</field>
+      <field name="inherit_id" ref="oemedical.view_oemedical_physician_form"/>
+      <field name="arch" type="xml">
+        <field name="name" position="attributes">
+            <attribute name="attrs">{'invisible': True, 'required': False}</attribute>
+        </field>
+        <field name="name" position="after">
+            <field name="firstname" placeholder="First Name" style="width: 10%%" />
+            <field name="lastname" placeholder="Last Name" style="width: 10%%" />
+		</field>
+        <!-- Add firstname and last name in inner contact form of child_ids 
+        <xpath expr="//form[@string='Contact']/sheet/div" position="after">
+           <group attrs="{'invisible': [('is_company', '=', True)]}">
+            <field name="lastname" attrs="{'required': [('is_company', '=', False)]}"/>
+            <field name="firstname"/>
+           </group> 
+        </xpath>
+        <xpath expr="//form[@string='Contact']/sheet/div/h1" position="after">
+           <field name="is_company" on_change="onchange_type(is_company)" class="oe_inline"/>
+           <label for="is_company" string="Is a Company?"/>)
+        </xpath>
+		-->
+      </field>
+    </record>
+  </data>

=== modified file 'oemedical_pediatrics/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_pediatrics/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_pediatrics/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
+#    Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<http://www.techreceptives.com>)
+#    Special Credit and Thanks to Thymbra Latinoamericana S.A.
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 #    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
@@ -16,6 +20,7 @@
-from . import models
+import models
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_pediatrics/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_pediatrics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_pediatrics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_pediatrics/oemedical_vaccination/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_pediatrics/oemedical_vaccination/oemedical_vaccination.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_pediatrics/oemedical_vaccination/oemedical_vaccination_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_pediatrics/views/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_socioeconomics/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_socioeconomics/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_socioeconomics/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
+#    Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<http://www.techreceptives.com>)
+#    Special Credit and Thanks to Thymbra Latinoamericana S.A.
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 #    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
@@ -16,7 +20,7 @@
-from . import models
+import models
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_socioeconomics/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_socioeconomics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_socioeconomics/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_socioeconomics/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_socioeconomics/oemedical_socioeconomics/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_socioeconomics/oemedical_socioeconomics/oemedical_socioeconomics.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_socioeconomics/oemedical_socioeconomics/oemedical_socioeconomics_view.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'oemedical_surgery/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_surgery/__init__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_surgery/__init__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#    Tech-Receptives Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
+#    Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY Tech-Receptives(<http://www.techreceptives.com>)
+#    Special Credit and Thanks to Thymbra Latinoamericana S.A.
 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 #    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
@@ -16,7 +20,7 @@
-from . import models
+import models
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_surgery/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- oemedical_surgery/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ oemedical_surgery/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     'qweb': [
-    "active": False,
-    "installable": False,
+    "active": False
 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

=== modified file 'oemedical_surgery/oemedical_menu.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== removed file 'prescription_order.rml'
--- prescription_order.rml	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ prescription_order.rml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
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-  <story>
-  <pto>
-  <para style="terp_default_8">[[repeatIn(objects,'o')]]</para>
-    <blockTable colWidths="292.0,272.0,20.0" >
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-            <para style="P12r">Fecha [[ formatLang(o.prescription_date,date = True)  ]]</para>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P12l">Paciente: [[ o.patient_id.name ]]</para>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-    </blockTable>
-    <section>
-      <para style="terp_default_1">[[ repeatIn(o.prescription_line,'pres_line') ]]</para>
-      <blockTable colWidths="292.0,270.0,20.0" >
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <para style="P7l">  </para>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    <para style="P12l">Medicamento: [[ (pres_line.template.medicament_id.product_id.name) or '' ]]</para>
-                    <para style="P12l">Nombre Generico: [[ (pres_line.template.medicament_id.active_component) or '' ]]</para>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    <para style="P7l">  </para>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td>
-                    <para style="P7l">  </para>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    <para style="P11l">Dosis: [[  (pres_line.dose) or '0' ]] [[ (pres_line.dose_unit.name) or '0' ]] [[ pres_line.duration ]] [[ pres_line.duration_period ]] - Frecuencia: [[  (pres_line.frequency) or '0' ]]  ( [[ (pres_line.admin_times) ]] ) </para>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                    <para style="P7l">  </para>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-      </blockTable>
-    </section>
-    <blockTable colWidths="292.0,272.0,20.0" >
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-            <para style="P6">
-                <font color="white"> </font>
-            </para>
-            <para style="P12l">[[ o.physician_id.name ]]</para>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-    </blockTable>
-    <para style="terp_default_9">
-      <font color="white"> </font>
-    </para>
-  </pto>
-  </story>

=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/__openerp__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- web_doc_oemedical/__openerp__.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ web_doc_oemedical/__openerp__.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-    'name': 'OeMedical CMS',
+    'name': 'CMS',
     'category': 'CMS',
 OeMedical Documentation management.
-This module is to manage all documentation embedded on OeMedical.
+This module is to manage all documentation embebed on OeMedical.
     'author': 'OeMedical Team',
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
     'css': [],
     'qweb' : [],
     'auto_install': False,
+    'active': True,

=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/controllers/__init__.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/controllers/main.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/HOW_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/Makefile' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_static/02_mvc_diagram.png' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_static/02_openerp_architecture.png' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_static/03_module_gen_view.png' (properties changed: -x to +x)
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=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_static/icon.png' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_static/openerp.png' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_templates/sidebarintro.html' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_templates/sidebarlogo.html' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/.gitignore' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/LICENSE' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/README' (properties changed: -x to +x)
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=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/flask/relations.html' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/flask/static/flasky.css_t' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/flask/static/small_flask.css' (properties changed: -x to +x)
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=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/_themes/flask_theme_support.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/api_oemedical_index.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- web_doc_oemedical/doc/api_oemedical_index.rst	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ web_doc_oemedical/doc/api_oemedical_index.rst	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 OeMedical API Documentation.
-.. autoclass:: oemedical_appointment.OeMedicalAppointment
-  :special-members: __all__
+This is the autodoc information in oemedical set of modules, the objective is
+add here all the models documented in the system.
+If a modules is not documented here may be it is not ready for production.
 .. autoclass:: oemedical_patient.OeMedicalPatient
-  :special-members: __all__
+.. autoclass:: oemedical_physician.OeMedicalPhysicianScheduleTemplate

=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/conf.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- web_doc_oemedical/doc/conf.py	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ web_doc_oemedical/doc/conf.py	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
 #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
 #Necesary to import orm.Model in autodoc
-SERVERPATH = "/home/nhomar/instancias/7.0/server/openerp"
-#Necesary to import openerp in autodoc
-OPENERPPATH = "/home/nhomar/instancias/7.0/server"
-#OeMEdical Relative path.
+if os.path.isdir("../../../server/openerp"):
+    SERVERPATH = "../../../server/openerp"
+    OPENERPPATH = "../../../server"
 OEMEDICALPATH = '../../oemedical'
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
 master_doc = 'index'
 # General information about the project.
-project = u'OeMedical Technical and Users Documentation'
+project = u'OeMedical Documentation'
 copyright = u'2012, OeMedical Team'
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for

=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/contribute.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/gyneco.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- web_doc_oemedical/doc/gyneco.rst	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ web_doc_oemedical/doc/gyneco.rst	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -31,4 +31,8 @@
-This is a very complete menu that deals with the care of all women's reproductive tracts and their children through specific tabs of perinatal and puerperium info. This section considers important factors such as the number of pregnancies and prenatal evaulations, perinatal info, puerperium monitors or characteristics of the fetus.
+This is a very complete menu that deals with the care of all women's
+reproductive tracts and their children through specific tabs of perinatal and
+puerperium info. This section considers important factors such as the number of
+pregnancies and prenatal evaulations, perinatal info, puerperium monitors or
+characteristics of the fetus.

=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/index.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)
--- web_doc_oemedical/doc/index.rst	2014-01-15 10:20:02 +0000
+++ web_doc_oemedical/doc/index.rst	2014-01-20 06:31:04 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
     :maxdepth: 2
-    gyneco.rst
 Module web_doc_oemedical
@@ -33,6 +32,11 @@
 OeMedical API.
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 2
+    api_oemedical_index.rst
 Coding Guidelines
@@ -40,9 +44,3 @@
     :maxdepth: 2
-.. toctree::
-    :maxdepth: 2
-    api_oemedical_index.rst

=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/index_oemedical.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/intro.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/snnipets/snnipets.py' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'web_doc_oemedical/doc/web_doc_oemedical_index.rst' (properties changed: -x to +x)

Follow ups