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Message #05185
Re: [Merge] lp:~sylvain-legal/server-env-tools/7.0-auth_admin_passkey into lp:server-env-tools
Thanks for your reviews and for your interests.
@Stefan :
Sorry if was not clear : I'm not sure that is possible to do that with a glue module, and how. I just guess !
What I want :
- define in a predictive way the order of the call of the 2 functions : auth_crypt.res_users.check_credentials() and auth_admin_passkey.res_users.check_credentials()
What I know :
1/ I tested my module with 'auth_crypt' and it works depending of installation order (what I wrote in my description) ;
2/ I developed a glue module testing differents thinks like changing order of module in the 'depends' value, but it didn't seem to work ;
Reference :
[Sep 2009] talk about alphabetic order but it contradicts my observation #1 ;
[2013] talk about the order in 'depends' value but it contradicts my observation #2 ;
Dependencies tree (for your information) :
base : []
web : []
auth_crypt : ['base']
web_kanban : ['web']
base_setup : ['base', 'web_kanban']
mail : ['base', 'base_setup']
auth_admin_passkey : ['mail']
If somebody knows more about module order and how to manage that case ...
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