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Re: buttons in list views


On 07/22/2011 03:03 PM, Viktor Nagy wrote:
> This is opened using a button click on an mrp.production:
> Unfortunately, the button does not appear in the web client.

As Thibaut wrote, buttons are not supported in hierachical tree views
(type=tree,mode=tree), only in the non-hierarchical list version

> Does the view as shown in the web client depend on context or some
> ir.value?

One thing that depends on ir.values entries is the action that is
triggered when you double-click on an item in a hierarchical tree view
(ir.values records with key2='tree_but_open').
You can bind global actions (same one for any item in the hierarchy,
with res_id = False) or per-item actions (res_id = item id). Best
example is the main menu, which is a hierarchical tree view on
ir.ui.menu, with per-item actions.
Have a look in the ir.values entries of a demo database for examples
(this API is a bit obscure and not well documented yet, unfortunately)
