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Message #00431
Re: Towards a contributor agreement for OpenERP
Raphaël named the enterprises in Spain that built spanish localization
modules. They were Nan, Zikzakmedia, Pexego and so many people not only
partners but also community people who contributed and they are still
contributing. Thanks to them it's possible today installing and implementing
OpenERP in Spain.
It's really a pity that Nan is moving to Triton and several others are
thinking about it. I think OpenERP doesn't know the value is loosing if they
let Nan go. It's my opinion.
I really think that OpenERP should listen a little bit more to partners and
community. I would like having open partners mailing lists without censoring
or moderation. We are all adult enough to read and valuate different
opinions and I really would like to know the feelings of all partners on
everything that concerns to OpenERP. Not only positive or censured opinion
but real opinions. It's a pity that we have to copy directly cc to people
that we want to read partner list mails when we know that they are not going
to be sent to the rest of partners. Sometimes it looks like it was a
children game.
Said that... I still did not lost all confidence in OpenERP SA. In Avanzosc,
we think that several things are changing and being better than in the past
but there is still much more things to be made better and we really want to
contribute to it if OpenERP let us to do.
For us... the biggest problems we have got to sale any OpenERP service are
the localization modules.
We have got near 30 localization modules installed in ALL spanish
implementations. It's not only the chart of accounts and a pair of
OpenERP should certify these modules in order to include them on enterprise
contract. But there is a problem about functionality since OpenERP could
certify modules technically but we believe that only spanish-community and
partners could functionally certify them. Even if modules has been built by
a few partners, there is a lot of people in spanish community who
contributes to evolve and make better these modules, so.. I don't think so
they should be mantained by OpenERP how can they certify or include
on enterprise contract? How can we sale enterprise contract if each one of
our customers has to pay extra lines fees to be migrated to next version?
Big deal. Not easy solution. But we SHOULD solve ASAP.
By the moment, as ALL services offered by OpenERP are related to Official
modules and the only one who includes not certified modules (migrations) are
not including localization modules, we can say that we are ready to sale
services offered by OpenERP but services are not ready to be sold in Spain
yet. As I said before, we are explaining same things and issues during
months (I would say... maybe for years) to OpenERP feeling they are not
listening, but I still expect they will do in short time. If we have to be
patience... ok. We will be. By the moment, I still have trust in OpenERP and
I think we will go by the right way.
I would agree in signing a contributor agreement and I would also like to be
able to offer to my customers an integral support and maintenance contract
Thank you very much:
2011/7/27 Albert Cervera i Areny <albert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> **
> A Dimecres, 27 de juliol de 2011 17:58:04, Raphael Valyi va escriure:
> > Okay, believe me the situation is just as annoying for us too. So I hope
> > you will start providing enough contractual guarantees about the SaaS and
> > may be make the exception only an additional option that is not something
> > uncontrolled so that contributors can start signing you contributor
> > agreements and everybody keep working altogether behind 6.1 and next
> > versions.
> Let me say that at NaN we fully agree with Raphaël point of view. He has
> explained things exactly as we feel them. There's only a difference: we
> already lost any confidence in OpenERP SA. Remember the censorship for
> several e-mails in the partners mailing list? is that a win-win
> relationship? In our opinion it's clear that OpenERP SA is working for their
> own benefit (which is very legitimate) but trying to convince everyone that
> its for everyone's benefit.
> All in all, we're another company in the increasing list of ex-partners
> that are moving to Tryton. It won't happen in just a few weeks, we will
> continue using OpenERP and we know there's a lot of work to do, but we've
> already started. We just can encourage people to join.
> --
> Albert Cervera i Areny
> Tel: +34 93 553 18 03
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Ana Juaristi Olalde
Avanzosc, S.L.
Partner OpenERP
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