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date_current in hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet obsolete? (6.2-dev)



I'm running the latest nightly build 6.2dev-20121021-230101-1.
When I try to create a new time HR timesheet, I get the following
error message in the web client:


    View error

    Can't find field 'date_current' in the following view parts
    composing the view of object model 'hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet':

    * hr.timesheet.sheet.form

    Either you wrongly customized this view, or some modules
    bringing those views are not compatible with your current data


The model "hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet" does not have a "date_current"
field, indeed. The database table "hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet" has the
field, however, probably from an older version. I did run openerp
with "--update=all", btw.

May I just drop the column from PostgreSQL? (Sth. like
"ALTER TABLE hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet DROP COLUMN date_current;"?

Thanks in advance!