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Re: Project Timesheet Behaviour


On 10/22/2012 04:26 PM, Nils Rumprecht wrote:

Hello - what would be usefull is to allow to set the biling rate both in





Hello Community,

The module description says "
Synchronization of project task work entries with timesheet entries.
This module lets you transfer the entries under tasks defined for
Project Management to the Timesheet line entries for particular date and
particular user with the effect of creating, editing and deleting either

Changes to the task.work.line object show the following behaviour:

- If a task.work.line is created the corresponding hr.analytic.timesheet
will be created.
- If a task.work.line is written the corresponding hr.analytic.timesheet
will be written, but not if there is no hr.analytic.timesheet related to
the task.work.line.
- If a task.work.line is unlinked all corresponding
hr.analytic.timesheet will be unlinked.

Changes to the hr.analytic.timesheet object show the following behaviour

- If a hr.analytic.timesheet is unlinked the relation to the
task.work.line will be set to NULL.

So the effect the module has is not either ways as described,
Here are some resulting problems:

1. If a User edits his timesheet entry the project.task.work is not updated.
2. If a User deletes a Timesheet entry the project.task.work will still
be in the project, but any change on the project.task.work will have no
effect on the timesheet entry.

As the Module is intended to be a synchronization module wich works in
both directions the behaviour is strange from my point of view, as you
will have task.works.lines with no timesheet entry and task.work.lines
with a different amount of hours spent.

kind regards,

Nils Rumprecht
