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OpenERP job in Le Mans (France)


Dear community,
We are opening a *job position for an OpenERP engineer* in our IT team.
The job is based in Le Mans (Sarthe, France) and telecommuting is not possible for this position. Perfect French speaking is required. We have been end-users of OpenERP and active community members since 2009. We are not a consulting company.
*Please do not apply by e-mail !*
For more details and to apply for this job, please *check out our job offer at APEC* : http://cadres.apec.fr/offres-emploi-cadres/3_0_0_39324206W________offre-d-emploi-ingenieur-etude-et-developpement-metier-h-f.html?xtmc=numerigraphe&xtnp=1&xtcr=1
//PS: We //may //not have the Gangnam style, but //we do have a beautiful boat full of hearts,//which//saves diseased children. Ain't it cool//too//? - http://www.initiatives-coeur.fr//
Lionel Sausin.

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