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Novice question; Add field to 6.1 Employee form?


Please pardon my novice question!

I hope to add some fields to the Miscellaneous tab of the Employee form.
I've gotten the fields into the DB and Developper mode, view fields says
the fields are there, but; they don't appear.

In /usr/share/pyshared/openerp/addons/hr_contract/hr_contract.py after

string='Contract', type='many2one', relation="hr.contract", help='Latest
contract of the employee'),

I added

        'drivers_license': fields.char('Drivers License', size=30),
        'drivers_license_expires': fields.date('Drivers License Expires
        'auto_insurance': fields.char('Auto Insurance Policy', size=30),
        'auto_insurance_expires': fields.date('Auto Insurance Expires

I used pgadmin to add the fields to hr_employee. In
/usr/share/pyshared/openerp/addons/hr_contract/hr_contract_view.xml after

                        <field name="children"/>

I added

                        <field name="drivers_license"/>
                        <field name="drivers_license_expires"/>
                        <field name="auto_insurance"/>
                        <field name="auto_insurance_expires"/>

Then I Updated Modules. But Human Resources, Employees, pick an employee,
Miscellaneous tab does not have the 4 new fields.

Thanks for any help you can provide,