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Raising orm.except_orm or osv.except_osv


I was wondering which would be more appropriate to use for v7 seeing how we
now do a

from openerp.osv import orm, fields

and inherit our models from orm.Model instead of osv.osv

Afaik there is not difference on the client side, both exceptions are shown
as "clean" error messages as we've been used to with osv.except_osv

Personally I think it's more appropriate to use orm.except_orm because we
are (90%+ of the time) indicating an error on the actual data in the orm,
not really a problem with the orm service (osv)

Niels Huylebroeck
Lead Architect   --   Agaplan
Tel. : +32 (0) 93 95 98 90
Web : http://www.agaplan.eu