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On 01/18/2013 10:36 PM, Fabrice Henrion wrote:
In my opinion, we need to solve the following issues to have a working bank statement reconciliation flow: - introduce the concept of deposit ticket (with account_deposit). - have only one view for the bank statements reconciliation that allows to import open customer invoices, posted payments, or posted deposit tickets. This view will allow to compare the starting and ending balances. - probably improve the matching algorithm between the csv downloaded from the bank website and the records in OpenERP (based on amounts comparison and string distance). - reuse the conflict management mechanisms of the interactive reconciliation of the banking-addons (from ). - change the terms to make them more meaningful according to en_US practices.
Why so complicated? The "things" that are reconciled against a bank statement aren't invoices, deposit tickets, etc. They are simply the debits and credits to the account, and OpenERP already has those.
One simply needs a dialog where one selects an account and enters a statement date and closing balance. The opening balance must be the sum of all credits and debits that have been previously reconciled through this mechanism. The user is then presented with a list of unreconciled debits and credits, and checks them off until adding or subtracting them to the sum makes the new balance equal to the closing balance, and the total debits and total credits equal to those two numbers on the statement. The reconciliation is then confirmed, and now all of these debits and credits that were checked are marked as reconciled. Some automated matching algorithm is useful, but by no means necessary. A great many (most, perhaps) companies reconcile from paper statements, around here.
The important point here is that there is _no other way_ than a bank statement reconciliation to set this flag on a credit or debit. Also, _accounts_ are reconciled, not journals, and _any_ account may be reconciled. It makes the most sense for credit cards and checking accounts, but there are times it is useful for even income and expense accounts.
It's typical for this statement reconciliation dialog to offer, in a small number of clicks, to create a new accounting record for amounts discovered on the statement that were not present in the company's records. So if I discover a deposit of $10, I can apply it to an invoice, or credit an interest income account. This seems to me to be a superset of the functionality offered by "Bank Statements" in 7.0.
Lastly, this doesn't replace the already present reconciliation of payments and invoices. There seems to be an understanding on this list that "reconciliation" means only that. I don't know if it's OpenERP terminology, or differing accounting jargon in other countries, or a translation of non-english terms that is causing the confusion here, but "to reconcile" has a broad meaning that doesn't apply to just one thing:
rec·on·cile Verb1. Restore friendly relations between: "she wanted to be reconciled with her father".
2. Cause to coexist in harmony; make or show to be compatible.An accountant in the US will probably think of reconciling accounts to statements first, but would also understand reconciling payments to invoices. The two are not mutually exclusive: they are reconciling two entirely different things. I don't find the existing terminology confusing, but this missing functionality is a pretty big deal.
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