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Community, Please pay more attention to the changes of OpenERP core


Hi All,

   I am very glad to see that may community projects cover great modules become more active, but I really worry about the core package now. 

    We know, the package openerp.com build every night is the first sight our potential customers know what OpenERP looks like. the quanlity of this part shouldn't be technically "not dump in runbot", it should be functionally "every changes are reasonable". So every community user should pay more attentions to the changes of openerp addons/server/web  everyday, "more eyeballs, less bugs", correct me if I am wrong. it costs about 10-15 minutes for a quick code review, but openerp community's future need this time funding from each member. 

    I write this mail because I begin to review the changes everyday from 2 months ago, I do found a problem:

     " Not all merged commit bind to a specific bug report, especial the opw ones."
    When I see that change, I have to guess what happened without this change. 50% times I can know that by some 10 minutes research, 50% times I don't know why this change is introduced. by the way, I have to say Oliver Dony always show best practice in the commit comments: 5W1H, and also the commits bind to specific bug, I can see who report it, what is the result he want, what is the result he got, how to reproduce at other's side... after all, I have to say, review the code changes in this 2 months cost me more time than I think it should. 

     give you a sample, yesterday we have this change


     [FIX] account: revert commit 9265, show every invoice line in the list view and do not force domain on it to remove 0 debit/credit lines

     so I go to
    [MERGE] [FIX] OPW 590066 account: remove accounting information lines from Journal items

    You know my English is very poor, I really cannot understand if "remove accounting information lines" equal to "remove 0 debit/credit lines"

    I just want to know the reason why this domain need this ['|',['debit', '!=', 0], ['credit', '!=', 0]] value from 2013-06-24 and never need it from 2013-10-08.  actually I want to know what opw 590066 says 3 months ago and why it's wrong yesterday. 

    Furthermore, we ALL are building solution to end users base on openerp core function, keep every merge to this repo touch everybody's eyeball, IMPO this is the open soure way.  for developers, I suggest every merge request should link a bug,  if there is none, create one. so that at least somebody can discuss this change later, or ask for an explain about why this change is needed.

Jeff Wang |  jeff@xxxxxxxxx | 18016291663 | 02158980787
@OpenERP_Jeff "As simple as possible, As complex as needed"
      Maintainer of Open ERP china community  

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