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Re: XML files indent style standard


On 11/07/2013 10:21 AM, Yannick Vaucher wrote:
Dear Community,

I'm launching a little vote for community code conventions as Pedro suggested here:
The question to answer is what do we want as a standard for indent 
style in XML files?
So far in comments of the previous MP votes are the following:

 * 2 spaces: 2
 * 4 spaces: 1

As the one voting for 4 spaces, my argument was that this seems to be the defacto standard in the official OpenERP code (even if violated at times). Can someone from OpenERP SA confirm that this is an explicit guideline internally? I think it would be very wise not to deviate from that then, except if OpenERP SA would be open to switch for new code as a smaller tab width does make for more readable code.
