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Giving credits to module contributors


Hello everyone, 

I would like to raise an issue regarding the subject. Depending on each of us, today we have a different way of managing contributors list. 

Here are some ways I have seen so far : 

    1. At the end of the description field in the module manifest 
    2. In a AUTHORS.txt file at the root of the module 
    3. In the header of each file of the source code 

I like the first one as it allows to give those contributors visibility when reading the description within OpenERP or on Apps. Displaying a long list of contributors also gives a good information about the popularity of a module. 

If everyone agrees on this, I would like to add this to the documentation. Contributors would be listed as "Firstname Lastname <email address>" 

What do you think ? 


Maxime Chambreuil 
+1 (514) 276-5468 #126 

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