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Message #04715
V8: shop_id gone - are shops deprecated?
I notice no shop_id in v8.
In v7, it was defined in:
and used in
(plus some others) - at v8 it is missing from all of these files.
Has the concept of stores been deprecated at v8?
This was very useful to separate online sales, point of sales, phone sales,
etc not to mention model stores at multiple locations each with their own
How do users manage multiple 'stores' without this concept? Anyone have
any information they can share about this?
Ray Carnes.
[image: Ursa Information Systems]
*Ray Carnes - Implementation Strategy*
Ursa Information Systems
1706 Plum Lane, Suite 127
Redlands, California, 92374
*Office: 1-855-URSA ERP x 703 1-855-877 2377 x 703Mobile:

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