openerp-community team mailing list archive
openerp-community team
Mailing list archive
Message #05162
Re: About OpenERP Enterprise contract value...
> Marcello, the last partner we trained in Brazil claimed they had the best
> "no all" on their blog (for know all).
Now this is me writing to fast and too late: so they were actually putting
on their page they had the best "nohall" for (know how). And that was in
italic font specifically, I mean not just by accident as I just did right
now:[image: Inline image 1]
This kind of funny lapsus still has the merit of illustrating quite well
that there are some "dead end" integrators running free here ;-)
Take care.
> Raphaël Valyi
> Founder and consultant
> <!/rvalyi>
> +55 21 2516 2954
