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Re: [anybox.buildbot.openerp] source control for MANIFEST.cfg


On 03/06/2014 04:42 PM, Alexandre Fayolle wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it currently supported to maintain MANIFEST.cfg under source control
> and have the buildbot pull it regularly? If not, is it a wanted feature?
I don't think it would work easily from inside anybox.buildbot.openerp,
and I've considered it as a separate concern.

I'm doing this for our buildmasters (including the public one), though,
simply with a cron that does the pull
and issue a ``buildbot reconfig`` command (no risk of harming the
service if a wrong config got merged).

Note that ``reconfig`` will perform a standard Python reload on
master.cfg, which is enough to re-execute the configuration again, but
not to reload its dependencies, such as a.buildbot.o, hence the
factories and subfactories.

Georges Racinet
Anybox SAS, http://anybox.fr
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