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Suggestion for OCA conventions



I would like propose adding the following to the Module section in

Each XML and python script should be separated and named by model.


_name = 'sale.order'  # goes in a file named sale_order.py and the class
name should be SaleOrder

_inherit = 'sale.order.line'  # goes in a file named sale_order_line.py
and the class name should be SaleOrderLine

<!-- Goes in a file named res_partner_data.xml -->
<!-- Or goes in a file named res_partner_demo.xml -->
<record name="example_partner" model="res.partner">...</record>

<!-- Goes in a file named res_company_view.xml -->
<record id="res_company_form" model="ir.ui.view">
  <field name="model">res.company</field>

<!-- Goes in a file named purchase_order_workflow.xml -->
<record id="purchase_order_workflow" model="ir.ui.view">
  <field name="osv">purchase.order</field>

<!-- Goes in a file named payment_order_report.xml -->
<report id="payment_order_report"

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