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Release 2.1.0 of the Connector framework, 2.3.0 of the Magento Connector and new project for connector_ecommerce


Dear community,

Thanks to the contributors, I'm pleased to announce you the following releases.

New releases

 - Version 2.1.0 of the OpenERP Connector framework
 - Version 2.3.0 of the Magento Connector
- The connector_ecommerce module has now its own project and has been released with a 2.1.0 tag [0]

Most notably, I underline the refactoring of the Mapper [1] and the fact that it introduces some backward incompatible API changes (documented in [1] and [2]). But also the possibility to give a custom description to a job, on_record_create/on_record_write events now receive the vals (keys+values) instead of the field names, a new API to generate special order lines, German translation and several fixes.

You can see the detailed changelogs here:

All the branches got bzr tags with their release number, I strongly encourage to use them for the production installations.

Branch lp:openerp-connector/7.0-e-commerce-addons deprecated

I started to deprecate the lp:openerp-connector/7.0-e-commerce-addons branch as it is a duplicate of lp:e-commerce-addons/7.0 (it was always intended to be a transient branch during the development of the connector)
What I have done so far is:
 - extracted the connector_ecommerce module in its own project [0]
- proposed (and got merged) the changes done in the other addons of the branch in the main branch (lp:e-commerce-addons/7.0).

Practically, when updating to the new release, the steps are:
- remove the old e-commerce-addons branch from the openerp-connector project - make a branch of lp:e-commerce-addons/7.0 in place of the old one so you get the standard branch - make a branch of lp:openerp-connector-ecommerce/7.0 to get connector_ecommerce
 - (then updating the modules etc. as usual)

I noticed one difference between the old and the main one:
the payments generated by the old sale_payment_method were linked to account moves, whereas the version in the standard e-commerce-addons links them to the account move lines (diff: [3]). You should be aware of that when upgrading to the new version.(if someone could propose a migration script for that it would be nice, it shouldn't be too hard) I'm conscious that this move can be an issue, so I'm leaving the old e-commerce-addons branch in the connector project (apart from the connector_ecommerce module) for a moment, but it won't be maintained.

There is 2 known bugs on the new e-commerce-addons branch [4] and [5], but I proposed fixes for them so I hope they will be merged within days.

The installation guide [6] has been updated with the branches as well as the buildout [7].

Have a nice day,

[0] https://launchpad.net/openerp-connector-ecommerce
[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-connector-core-editors/openerp-connector/7.0-connector-mapper-refactor/+merge/194485
    see also: http://openerp-connector.com/api/api_mapper.html
[2] https://lists.launchpad.net/openerp-connector-community/msg00046.html
[3] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extra-addons-commiter/e-commerce-addons/7.0/revision/282.1.25
[4] https://bugs.launchpad.net/e-commerce-addons/+bug/1269294
[5] https://bugs.launchpad.net/e-commerce-addons/+bug/1269291
[6] http://openerp-magento-connector.com/guides/installation_guide.html#openerp [7] https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-connector-core-editors/openerp-connector-magento/7.0-buildout

Guewen Baconnier
Business Solutions Software Developer

Camptocamp SA
PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 619 10 39
Office: +41 21 619 10 10