About the functional need there is indeed necessity.
I think it should be extended to the all connectors objects (backend,
stores, shops, checkpoints etc.)
Eric Caudal
*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branch
/OpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner/ *
Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
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eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Elico Corp
On 03/20/2014 09:37 PM, Mignon, Laurent wrote:
Reply to myself...
At least two things are wrong in the way I propose to fill the
company_id field:
1. We need a way to keep the company_id blank (by default?)
2. The company_id should be taken on the job.user_id and not on the uid
if 'company_id' in self.session.context:
company_id = self.session.context['company_id']
= self.sesion.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr,
job.user_id, object='queue.job', field='company_id', context=context)
The 'OpenERPJobStorage.store' function should also be modified to
store the new field.
* add a new field company_id on the queue_job model (optional)
* modify the method OpenERPJobStorage.enqueue to fill the
company_id with the following logic:
company_id = self.session.context.get('company_id')
if not company_id:
= self.sesion.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr,
uid, object='queue.job', field='company_id', context=context)
job.company_id = company_id
* add a record rule on queue.job to restrict the visibility by
* modify the method QueueJob.subscribe_users to add the
company_id as parameter to the search method.
What do you think?
*/Laurent Mignon/*
/Senior Software Engineer/
/Tel : +352 20 21 10 20 32/
/Fax : +352 20 21 10 21/
/Gsm : +352 691 506 009/
/Email: laurent.mignon@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:laurent.mignon@xxxxxxxxx>/
/Acsone SA, Succursale de Luxembourg/
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/www.acsone.eu <http://www.acsone.eu>/
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