On 04/11/2014 05:25 PM, Antony wrote:
I'm talking about modules like product, product_custom_attributes,
product_images, product_images_olbs, etc... these modules made to
transfer Magento catalog into OpenErp.
I used the link you're talking about, I'm currently in the "After the
installation" part, /"3. //Create the Backend in//Connectors > Magento >
Antony USE
Le 11/04/2014 17:17, Guewen Baconnier a écrit :
On 04/11/2014 05:15 PM, Antony wrote:
I'm currently installing the Magento connector for OpenErp.
At the end of installation I don't have any Backend/Magento menu in the
Connector menu, I only find Connectors and Queue, even if I installed
some magento related modules.
What could be wrong in my installation ?
Thanks for your help !
Antony USE
What do you call "some magento related modules"?
The module you should install is "magentoerpconnect".
You will find more details here:
You don't need product_custom_attributes, product_images nor
product_images_olbs for this connector.
You only need to install magentoerpconnect and it will install the
dependencies anyway.
If you do not see the menu after the installation of magentoerpconnect,
try to press F5 to refresh the menus. If you still don't see, try to use
the menu "Modules > Apply Scheduled Upgrades", if you see modules on the
popup, something gone wrong during their installation and you would find
more details in the OpenERP logs.