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Odoo (v8) Magento Connector



-this is the second time I’m trying to send this message, but I didn’t see the message show up in the archives. In case you’re reading this for the second time: my apologies!-

First mail to this list, so short intro: I’m Maarten Brouwers from The Netherlands and I’m researching the opportunity to use Odoo in a project for a client. I’m not sure whether I will do that implementation on my own, but I’m interested enough in Odoo to experiment & hack somewhat for learning sake :) 

Although Odoo v8 will have its own store frontend I was still interested in combining it with the full grown webshop package Magento. There the OpenERP Magento connector [1] should come in I thought, but installing it on a git-fresh Odoo [2] doesn’t work (KeyError: ‘sale.shop'). It seems though that development still takes place [3] on the OpenERP Magento connector, so I was wondering is anyone working on Odoo (v8) support? Or is there a consensus to stick with v7 for the time being?

I’m happy to dive into this if it would be something like remapping keys [4] it could be a nice project to dive into the code a bit, but on the other hand I don’t want to do duplicate work just for the sake of learning.

Thank you very much in forward!


Maarten Brouwers

[1] http://openerp-magento-connector.com/
[2] https://github.com/odoo/odoo
[3] https://github.com/OCA/connector-magento
[4] Like done here, but not sure it would be enough: https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/trunk-remove-sale.shop-sgo/+merge/168041

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