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[Merge] lp:~openerp-report/openobject-addons/report-dev-rch into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/report_dev


Jni (Open ERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-report/openobject-addons/report-dev-rch into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/report_dev.

Requested reviews:
  Jni (Open ERP) (jni-openerp)

Group by works correctly when zoom on graph view of Sale Application Dashboard.
Replace currency code with currency symbol.
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team OpenERP R&D Team is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/report_dev.
=== modified file 'account/account.py'
--- account/account.py	2010-11-19 07:56:09 +0000
+++ account/account.py	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
     def _get_company_currency(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context={}):
         result = {}
         for rec in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
-            result[rec.id] = (rec.company_id.currency_id.id,rec.company_id.currency_id.code)
+            result[rec.id] = (rec.company_id.currency_id.id,rec.company_id.currency_id.symbol)
         return result
     def _get_child_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context={}):

=== modified file 'account/account_unit_test.xml'
--- account/account_unit_test.xml	2010-10-04 08:49:09 +0000
+++ account/account_unit_test.xml	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-        <!-- This file must be loaded  _after_  account_demo.xml ! --> 
+        <!-- This file must be loaded  _after_  account_demo.xml ! -->
         <record id="test_invoice_1" model="account.invoice">
             <field name="currency_id" ref="base.EUR"/>
             <field name="company_id" ref="base.main_company"/>
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
             <field name="base">5.00</field>
             <field name="amount">100.00</field>
             <field name="account_id" ref="account.ova"/>
-            <field name="invoice_id" ref="test_invoice_1"/>            
-        </record>            
+            <field name="invoice_id" ref="test_invoice_1"/>
+        </record>
         <record id="test_invoice_1_line_1" model="account.invoice.line">
             <field name="name">Basic computer with Dvorak keyboard and left-handed mouse</field>
             <field name="invoice_id" ref="test_invoice_1"/>
@@ -34,19 +34,19 @@
             <field name="price_unit">800</field>
             <field name="quantity">2</field>
             <field name="account_id" ref="account.a_sale"/>
-        </record>        
+        </record>
         <assert id="test_invoice_1" model="account.invoice" string="The currency unit of Test invoice 1 is EUR">
-            <test expr="currency_id.code">EUR</test>
+            <test expr="currency_id.symbol">€</test>
         <assert id="test_invoice_1" model="account.invoice" severity="error" string="The amount of Test invoice 1 is correct">
             <test expr="sum([l.price_subtotal for l in invoice_line]) == 1850"/>
             <test expr="sum([l.price_subtotal for l in invoice_line]) == amount_untaxed"/>
         <workflow action="invoice_open" model="account.invoice" ref="test_invoice_1"/>
         <assert id="test_invoice_1" model="account.invoice" string="Test invoice 1 is now open">
             <test expr="state">open</test>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
             <!-- context = -->              <value eval="{}"/>
             <!-- name = -->                 <value eval="str('Payment from ASUStek')"/>
         <assert id="test_invoice_1" model="account.invoice" string="Test invoice 1 is now paid">
             <test expr="state">paid</test>

=== modified file 'account/i18n/da.po'
--- account/i18n/da.po	2010-11-12 04:49:27 +0000
+++ account/i18n/da.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,123 +7,2201 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-28 16:01+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-11 09:29+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: qdp (OpenERP) <qdp-launchpad@xxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 09:29+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Pihl <martinpihl@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: Danish <da@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-12 04:46+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:50+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.template,description:0
-msgid "Internal Name"
-msgstr "Internt navn"
-#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
+msgid "System payment"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Other Configuration"
+msgstr "Andre indstillinger"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No journal for ending writing has been defined for the fiscal year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot remove/deactivate an account which is set as a property to any "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
+msgid "Journal Entry Reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer.modules,account_voucher:0
+msgid "Voucher Management"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Account Statistics"
+msgstr "Konto statistikker"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,residual:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,residual:0
+msgid "Residual"
+msgstr "Resterende"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please define sequence on invoice journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.period:0
+msgid "Error ! The duration of the Period(s) is/are invalid. "
+msgstr "Fejl! Varigheden af den periode(r) er ugyldige. "
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.line,currency_id:0
+msgid "Account currency"
+msgstr "Konto møntfod"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Children Definition"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_aged_receivable
+msgid "Aged Receivable Till Today"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,reconcil:0
+msgid "Include Reconciled Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
+msgid "Import from invoice or payment"
+msgstr "Importér fra faktura eller betaling"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_wizard_multi_charts_accounts
+msgid "wizard.multi.charts.accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+msgid "Total Debit"
+msgstr "Total Debet"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.unreconcile:0
+msgid ""
+"If you unreconciliate transactions, you must also verify all the actions "
+"that are linked to those transactions because they will not be disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+msgid "Accounting Entries-"
+msgstr "Konto posteringer-"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not delete posted movement: \"%s\"!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.line,origin:0
+msgid "Origin"
+msgstr "Oprindelse"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: field:account.account,reconcile:0
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
+#: field:account.move.line,reconcile_id:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
+msgid "Reconcile"
+msgstr "Afstem"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,ref:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,ref:0
+#: field:account.move,ref:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,ref:0
+#: field:account.subscription,ref:0
+msgid "Reference"
+msgstr "Henvisning"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Choose Fiscal Year "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_src_id:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,account_src_id:0
+msgid "Account Source"
+msgstr "Kontokilde"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_acc_analytic_acc_5_report_hr_timesheet_invoice_journal
+msgid "All Analytic Entries"
+msgstr "Alle analytiske poster"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_created_invoice_dashboard
+msgid "Invoices Created Within Past 15 Days"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,sign:0
+msgid "Negative"
+msgstr "Negativ"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.analytic.journal,type:0
+msgid ""
+"Gives the type of the analytic journal. When it needs for a document (eg: an "
+"invoice) to create analytic entries, OpenERP will look for a matching "
+"journal of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_template_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_template_form
+msgid "Tax Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+msgid "supplier"
+msgstr "leverandør"
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.refund_expenses_journal
+msgid "Expenses Credit Notes Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax
+msgid "account.tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"No period defined for this date: %s !\n"
+"Please create a fiscal year."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_select
+msgid "Move line reconcile select"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.model.line,sequence:0
+msgid ""
+"The sequence field is used to order the resources from lower sequences to "
+"higher ones"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax.code,notprintable:0
+#: help:account.tax.code.template,notprintable:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this box if you don't want any VAT related to this Tax Code to appear "
+"on invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invoice '%s' is paid partially: %s%s of %s%s (%s%s remaining)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
+msgid "Accounting entries are an input of the reconciliation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_management_belgian_reports
+msgid "Belgian Reports"
+msgstr "Belgiske rapporter"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not add/modify entries in a closed journal."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Calculated Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_use_model_create_entry
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_account_use_model
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_manual_recurring
+msgid "Manual Recurring"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
+msgid "Close Fiscalyear"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,allow_write_off:0
+msgid "Allow write off"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
+msgid "Select the Period for Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "St."
+msgstr "St."
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invoice line account company does not match with invoice company."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal.column,field:0
+msgid "Field Name"
+msgstr "Feltnavn"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.installer,charts:0
+msgid ""
+"Installs localized accounting charts to match as closely as possible the "
+"accounting needs of your company based on your country."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Can't find any account journal of %s type for this company.\n"
+"You can create one in the menu: \n"
+"Configuration/Financial Accounting/Accounts/Journals."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_unreconcile
+msgid "Account Unreconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:product.product:0
+#: view:product.template:0
+msgid "Purchase Properties"
+msgstr "Indkøb egenskaber"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account.type,sign:0
+msgid ""
+"Allows you to change the sign of the balance amount displayed in the "
+"reports, so that you can see positive figures instead of negative ones in "
+"expenses accounts."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "June"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_bank
+msgid ""
+"This view is used by accountants in order to record entries massively in "
+"OpenERP. Journal items are created by OpenERP if you use Bank Statements, "
+"Cash Registers, or Customer/Supplier payments."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_template
+msgid "account.tax.template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_accounts_wizard
+msgid "account.bank.accounts.wizard"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line,date_created:0
+#: field:account.move.reconcile,create_date:0
+msgid "Creation date"
+msgstr "Dato for oprettelse"
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+msgid "Purchase Refund"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+msgid "Opening/Closing Situation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,currency:0
+msgid "The currency used to enter statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.open.closed.fiscalyear,fyear_id:0
+msgid "Fiscal Year to Open"
+msgstr "Regnskabsår der skal åbnes"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,sequence_id:0
+msgid ""
+"This field contains the informatin related to the numbering of the journal "
+"entries of this journal."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,default_debit_account_id:0
+msgid "Default Debit Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+msgid "Total Credit"
+msgstr "Total kredit"
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,sign:0
+msgid "Positive"
+msgstr "Positiv"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
+msgid "Open For Unreconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,chart_template_id:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,chart_template_id:0
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,chart_template_id:0
+msgid "Chart Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
+msgid "The amount expressed in an optional other currency."
+msgstr "Det beløb udtrykt i anden valgfri valuta."
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_move_journal_line
+msgid ""
+"A journal entry consists of several journal items, each of which is either a "
+"debit or a credit. OpenERP creates automatically one journal entry per "
+"accounting document: invoices, refund, supplier payment, bank statements, "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal.period,state:0
+msgid ""
+"When journal period is created. The state is 'Draft'. If a report is printed "
+"it comes to 'Printed' state. When all transactions are done, it comes in "
+"'Done' state."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_tax_chart
+msgid ""
+"Chart of Taxes is a tree view reflecting the structure of the Tax Cases (or "
+"tax codes) and shows the current tax situation. The tax chart represents the "
+"amount of each area of the tax declaration for your country. It’s presented "
+"in a hierarchical structure, which can be modified to fit your needs."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,journal_id:0
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,journal_id:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,journal_id:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,journal_id:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,journal_id:0
+#: field:account.journal.period,journal_id:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: view:account.model:0
+#: field:account.model,journal_id:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,journal_id:0
+#: field:account.move.bank.reconcile,journal_id:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,journal_id:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,journal_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal
+#: field:validate.account.move,journal_id:0
+msgid "Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_confirm
+msgid "Confirm the selected invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.addtmpl.wizard,cparent_id:0
+msgid "Parent target"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.bs.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.common.journal.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.common.partner.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.common.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.general.journal,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.pl.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
+#: help:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
+msgid "Select Charts of Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:product.product:0
+msgid "Purchase Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_refund
+msgid "Invoice Refund"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Li."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,unreconciled:0
+msgid "Not reconciled transactions"
+msgstr "Ikke afstemt transaktioner"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "CashBox Balance is not matching with Calculated Balance !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position,tax_ids:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,tax_ids:0
+msgid "Tax Mapping"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_installer_modules
+msgid "account.installer.modules"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear_close_state
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state
+msgid "Close a Fiscal Year"
+msgstr "Luk et regnskabsår"
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_confirmstatementfromdraft0
+msgid "The accountant confirms the statement."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
+#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alle"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.report,address_invoice_id:0
+msgid "Invoice Address Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.installer,period:0
+msgid "3 Monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
+msgid ""
+"If you unreconciliate transactions, you must also verify all the actions "
+"that are linked to those transactions because they will not be disable"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+msgid "   30 Days   "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:ir.sequence,fiscal_ids:0
+msgid "Sequences"
+msgstr "Sekvenser"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
+msgid "Taxes Mapping"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+msgid "Centralized Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_amount:0
+msgid "Tax Code Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "SAJ"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
+msgid "closing balance entered by the cashbox verifier"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.period:0
+#: view:account.period.close:0
+msgid "Close Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_partner_report
+msgid "Account Common Partner Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,period_id:0
+msgid "Opening Entries Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_period
+msgid "Journal Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "To reconcile the entries company should be the same for all entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.account:0
+#: constraint:account.tax.code:0
+msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive accounts."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_report_general_ledger
+msgid "General Ledger Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Re-Open"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "Are you sure you want to create entries?"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
+msgid "Check"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,today_reconciled:0
+msgid "Partners Reconciled Today"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "The statement balance is incorrect !\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
+#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
+msgid "Percent"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_charts
+msgid "Charts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/project/wizard/project_account_analytic_line.py:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_project_account_analytic_line
+#, python-format
+msgid "Analytic Entries by line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can only change currency for Draft Invoice !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.journal:0
+#: field:account.analytic.journal,type:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
+#: field:account.invoice,type:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,type:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: field:account.journal,type:0
+#: field:account.move.reconcile,type:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,type:0
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription_line
+msgid "Account Subscription Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,reference:0
+msgid "The partner reference of this invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
+#: view:account.unreconcile:0
+#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_unreconcile_select
+msgid "Unreconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
+msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_Journal_report
+msgid "Account Analytic Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_automatic_reconcile
+msgid "Automatic Reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "Due date Computation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+msgid "J.C./Move name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "September"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account.template,nocreate:0
+msgid ""
+"If checked, the new chart of accounts will not contain this by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Can not %s invoice which is already reconciled, invoice should be "
+"unreconciled first. You can only Refund this invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form_new
+msgid "New Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term:0
+msgid "Computation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Next Partner to reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You can not do this modification on a confirmed entry ! Please note that you "
+"can just change some non important fields !"
+msgstr ""
+"Du kan ikke foretage denne ændring på en bekræftet post! Bemærk, at du kun "
+"kan ændre nogle ikke vigtige detaljer!"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,delay_to_pay:0
+msgid "Avg. Delay To Pay"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_chart
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_tree
+msgid "Chart of Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Create 3 Months Periods"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Due"
+msgstr "Forfalder"
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid ""
+"Exception made of a mistake of our side, it seems that the following bills "
+"stay unpaid. Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this "
+"payment in the next 8 days."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,price_total_tax:0
+msgid "Total With Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:validate.account.move:0
+#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:report.invoice.created:0
+msgid "Total Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account,type:0
+#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
+msgid "Consolidation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Extended Filters..."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+msgid "Sale Refund"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingstatemententries0
+msgid "Bank statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.line,move_id:0
+msgid "Move Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,tax_amount:0
+msgid ""
+"If the Tax account is a tax code account, this field will contain the taxed "
+"amount.If the tax account is base tax code, this field will contain the "
+"basic amount(without tax)."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Purchases"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.model,lines_id:0
+msgid "Model Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,code:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: field:account.account.template,code:0
+#: field:account.account.type,code:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: field:account.analytic.line,code:0
+#: field:account.fiscalyear,code:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: field:account.journal,code:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.period,code:0
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No Analytic Journal !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_balance
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_account_balance
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_partner_balance_report
+msgid "Partner Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,acc_name:0
+msgid "Account Name."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.chart.template,property_reserve_and_surplus_account:0
+#: field:res.company,property_reserve_and_surplus_account:0
+msgid "Reserve and Profit/Loss Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:report.account.receivable,name:0
+msgid "Week of Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bs.report,display_type:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,display_type:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,landscape:0
+msgid "Landscape Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_liability
+msgid "Bilanzkonten - Passiva - Kapitalkonten"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:board.board:0
+msgid "Customer Invoices to Approve"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.fiscalyear.close,fy_id:0
+msgid "Select a Fiscal year to close"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account,user_type:0
+#: help:account.account.template,user_type:0
+msgid ""
+"These types are defined according to your country. The type contains more "
+"information about the account and its specificities."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Applicability Options"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+msgid "In dispute"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_bank_statement_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.journal_cash_move_lines
+msgid "Cash Registers"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid "Profit & Loss (Expense Accounts)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "-"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Manager"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
+msgid "Generate Entries before:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
+msgid "Bank"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.period,date_start:0
+msgid "Start of Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_confirmstatementfromdraft0
+msgid "Confirm statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,tax_dest_id:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,tax_dest_id:0
+msgid "Replacement Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
+msgid "Credit Centralisation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0
+msgid "Cancel Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
+msgid "Unreconciliation transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_code_id:0
+#: field:account.tax,description:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,tax_code_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code
+msgid "Tax Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,currency_mode:0
+msgid "Outgoing Currencies Rate"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,move_id:0
+msgid "The move of this entry line."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,trans_nbr:0
+msgid "# of Transaction"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "Entry Label"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not modify/delete a journal with entries for this period !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,origin:0
+#: help:account.invoice.line,origin:0
+msgid "Reference of the document that produced this invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Others"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "UnknownError"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,writeoff_acc_id:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,account_id:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,account_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice,account_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,account_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,account_id:0
+#: field:account.journal,account_control_ids:0
+#: field:account.model.line,account_id:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,account_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.select,account_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line.unreconcile.select,account_id:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,account_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account
+#: field:report.account.sales,account_id:0
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,include_base_amount:0
+msgid "Included in base amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_entries_report_all
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_entries_report_all
+msgid "Entries Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,level:0
+msgid "Level"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,invoice_line_tax_id:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_taxes
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_tax_report
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_27
+msgid "Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Select a starting and an ending period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_template
+msgid "Templates for Accounts"
+msgstr "Skablon for kontoplan"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
+msgid "Search tax template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_reconcile_select
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_account_move_line_reconcile
+msgid "Reconcile Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_overdue
+#: view:res.company:0
+msgid "Overdue Payments"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "Initial Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Reset to Draft"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
+msgid "Bank Information"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+msgid "Report Options"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_entries_report
+msgid "Journal Items Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_22
+msgid "Partners"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingstatemententries0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_bankstatement0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierbankstatement0
+msgid "Bank Statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "Bank account owner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:res.partner,property_account_receivable:0
+msgid "Account Receivable"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer,config_logo:0
+#: field:account.installer.modules,config_logo:0
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,config_logo:0
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not use this general account in this journal !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
+msgid "With balance is not equal to 0"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Search Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_cost_ledger
+msgid "Account Analytic Cost Ledger"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.model:0
+msgid "Create entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,nbr:0
+msgid "# of Items"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,max_amount:0
+msgid "Maximum write-off amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Compute Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
+msgid "# of Digits"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,entry_posted:0
+msgid "Skip 'Draft' State for Manual Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Entry encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,price_total:0
+msgid "Total Without Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "# of Entries "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_temp_range
+msgid "A Temporary table used for Dashboard view"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree4
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree4
+msgid "Supplier Refunds"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid ""
+"Example: at 14 net days 2 percents, remaining amount at 30 days end of month."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Cannot create the invoice !\n"
+"The payment term defined gives a computed amount greater than the total "
+"invoiced amount."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree1
+msgid ""
+"Customer Invoices allows you create and manage invoices issued to your "
+"customers. OpenERP generates draft of invoices automatically so that you "
+"only have to confirm them before sending them to your customers."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer.modules,account_anglo_saxon:0
+msgid "Anglo-Saxon Accounting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account,type:0
+#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
+#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+#: selection:account.fiscalyear,state:0
+#: selection:account.period,state:0
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries
+msgid "Recurring Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_template
+msgid "Template for Fiscal Position"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.tax.code,name:account.account_tax_code_0
+msgid "Tax Code Test"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,reconciled:0
+msgid "Reconciled transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal.view,columns_id:0
+msgid "Columns"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
+msgid "and Journals"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,groups_id:0
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,amount_untaxed:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,amount_untaxed:0
+msgid "Untaxed"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.partner.reconcile.process:0
+msgid "Go to next partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Search Bank Statements"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_payable:0
+msgid "Payable Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,account_paid_id:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,account_paid_id:0
+msgid "Refund Tax Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,line_ids:0
+msgid "Statement lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+msgid "Date/Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.line,general_account_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,general_account_id:0
+msgid "General Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:res.partner,debit_limit:0
+msgid "Payable Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.move.line,invoice:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice
+#: model:res.request.link,name:account.req_link_invoice
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analytic0
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analyticcost0
+msgid "Analytic costs to invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:ir.sequence:0
+msgid "Fiscal Year Sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,seq_journal:0
+msgid "Separated Journal Sequences"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:ir.model:0
+msgid ""
+"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Responsible"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Sub-Total :"
+msgstr "Sub- Total:"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_report_account_type_sales_tree_all
+msgid "Sales by Account Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
+msgid ""
+"Cancel Invoice: Creates the refund invoice, validate and reconcile it to "
+"cancel the current invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.periodical_processing_invoicing
+msgid "Invoicing"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.chart.template,tax_code_root_id:0
+msgid "Root Tax Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
+msgid "Include initial balances"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,sum:0
+msgid "Year Sum"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.report_account_voucher_new
+msgid "Print Voucher"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.change.currency:0
+msgid "This wizard will change the currency of the invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_chart
+msgid ""
+"Display your company chart of accounts per fiscal year and filter by period. "
+"Have a complete tree view of all journal items per account code by clicking "
+"on an account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Error! You cannot define overlapping fiscal years"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "The account is not defined to be reconciled !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.cashbox.line,pieces:0
+msgid "Values"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "Supplier Debit"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.model.line,quantity:0
+msgid "The optional quantity on entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move_all
+msgid "Receivables & Payables"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have to provide an account for the write off entry !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_journal_report
+msgid "Account Common Journal Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
+msgid "All Partners"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Ref. :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
+msgid "Analytic Account Charts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "My Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Customer Ref:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "User %s does not have rights to access %s journal !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.period,special:0
+msgid "These periods can overlap."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftstatement0
+msgid "Draft statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Tax Declaration: Credit Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You cannot deactivate an account that contains account moves."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,credit:0
+msgid "Credit amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot change the type of account from 'Closed' to any other type which "
+"contains account entries!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.company:0
+msgid "Reserve And Profit/Loss Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_report_all
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_invoice_report_all
+msgid "Invoices Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+msgid "A/c No."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_period_close
+msgid "period close"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.installer:0
+msgid "Configure Fiscal Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_project_account_analytic_line_form
+msgid "Entries By Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+msgid "A/c Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,move_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice,move_name:0
+msgid "Journal Entry"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Tax Declaration: Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.cashbox.line,subtotal:0
+msgid "Sub Total"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+msgid "Treasury Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Analytic account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please verify that an account is defined in the journal."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,move_line_state:0
+#: selection:account.move.line,state:0
+msgid "Valid"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_print_journal
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_print_journal
+msgid "Account Print Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_product_category
+msgid "Product Category"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid "/"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bs.report,reserve_account_id:0
+msgid "Reserve & Profit/Loss Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
+msgid "Closing balance based on Starting Balance and Cash Transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_reconciliation0
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierreconciliation0
+msgid "Comparison between accounting and payment entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Tax Definition"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,seq_journal:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this box if you want to use a different sequence for each created "
+"journal. Otherwise, all will use the same sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.ledger,amount_currency:0
+#: help:account.report.general.ledger,amount_currency:0
+msgid ""
+"It adds the currency column if the currency is different then the company "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,allow_date:0
+msgid ""
+"If set to True then do not accept the entry if the entry date is not into "
+"the period dates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_pl_report
+msgid "Account Profit And Loss"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
+msgid "Payable Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_receivable
+msgid "Receivable Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Canceled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:report.invoice.created:0
+msgid "Untaxed Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bank.statement,name:0
+msgid ""
+"if you give the Name other then /, its created Accounting Entries Move will "
+"be with same name as statement name. This allows the statement entries to "
+"have the same references than the statement itself"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_reconcile
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_unreconcile_select
+msgid "Unreconcile Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.reconcile,line_partial_ids:0
+msgid "Partial Entry lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Fiscalyear"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal.select:0
+#: view:project.account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Open Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree4
+msgid ""
+"A vendor refund is a credit note from your supplier indicating that he "
+"refunds part or totality of the invoice sent to you."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,account_ids:0
+msgid "Accounts to Reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_filestatement0
+msgid "Import of the statement in the system from an electronic file"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_importinvoice0
+msgid "Import from invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "January"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Validations"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.close_journal
+msgid "End of Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "This F.Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.chart:0
+msgid "Account tax charts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.period:0
+msgid ""
+"Invalid period ! Some periods overlap or the date period is not in the scope "
+"of the fiscal year. "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
+msgid "Pro-forma"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid " Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"There is no default default debit account defined \n"
+"on journal \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account,type:0
+#: help:account.account.template,type:0
+#: help:account.entries.report,type:0
+msgid ""
+"This type is used to differentiate types with special effects in OpenERP: "
+"view can not have entries, consolidation are accounts that can have children "
+"accounts for multi-company consolidations, payable/receivable are for "
+"partners accounts (for debit/credit computations), closed for depreciated "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+msgid "Search Chart of Account Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.type:0
+#: field:account.account.type,note:0
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,name:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,name:0
+#: field:account.invoice.refund,description:0
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+#: field:account.payment.term,note:0
+#: view:account.tax.code:0
+#: field:account.tax.code,info:0
+#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,info:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,name:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,name:0
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "ECNJ"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
+msgid "Running"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+#: field:product.category,property_account_income_categ:0
+#: field:product.template,property_account_income:0
+msgid "Income Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "There is no Accounting Journal of type Sale/Purchase defined!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:product.category:0
+msgid "Accounting Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
+msgid "Entries Sorted By"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.change.currency,currency_id:0
+msgid "Change to"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "# of Products Qty "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_product_template
+msgid "Product Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.fiscalyear,name:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: field:account.journal.period,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.period,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear
+msgid "Fiscal Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.bs.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.common.journal.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.common.partner.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.common.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.general.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.pl.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: help:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
+msgid "Keep empty for all open fiscal year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move
+msgid "Account Entry"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,sequence_main_id:0
+msgid "Main Sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,payment_term:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,payment_term:0
+#: view:account.payment.term:0
+#: field:account.payment.term,name:0
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+#: field:account.payment.term.line,payment_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_payment_term
+#: field:res.partner,property_payment_term:0
+msgid "Payment Term"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form
+msgid "Fiscal Positions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.period.close,sure:0
+msgid "Check this box"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+msgid "Filters"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+#: selection:account.fiscalyear,state:0
+#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
+#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
+#: selection:account.period,state:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierdraftinvoices0
+msgid "Draft state of an invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account,reconcile:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this if the user is allowed to reconcile entries in this account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.partner.reconcile.process:0
+msgid "Partner Reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,tax_code_id:0
 #: view:account.tax.code:0
 msgid "Account Tax Code"
 msgstr "Konto momsklasse"
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree9
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree9
-msgid "Unpaid Supplier Invoices"
-msgstr "Ubetalte leverandør fakturaer."
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_entries
-msgid "Entries Encoding"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.todo,note:account.config_wizard_account_base_setup_form
-msgid "Specify The Message for the Overdue Payment Report."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_confirmstatementfromdraft0
-msgid "Confirm statement from draft"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_asset
-msgid "Asset"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
-msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,currency:0
-msgid "The currency used to enter statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account_use_models,init_form:0
-msgid "Select Message"
-msgstr "Vælg besked"
-#. module: account
-#: help:product.category,property_account_income_categ:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
-"This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,period_id:0
-msgid "Keep empty to use the period of the validation(invoice) date."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.automatic.reconcile,reconcile:0
-msgid "Reconciliation result"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_open_unreconciled
-msgid "Unreconciled entries"
+"Can't find any account journal of %s type for this company.\n"
+"You can create one in the menu: \n"
+"Configuration\\Financial Accounting\\Accounts\\Journals."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice.tax,base_code_id:0
-#: field:account.tax,base_code_id:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,base_code_id:0
 msgid "Base Code"
 msgstr "Base kode"
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.account:0
-msgid "Account Statistics"
-msgstr "Konto statistikker"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_vat_declaration
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_vat_declaration
-msgid "Print Taxes Report"
-msgstr "Udskriv skatte rapporter"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,parent_id:0
-msgid "Parent"
-msgstr "Forrige"
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Journal Voucher"
+#: help:account.invoice.tax,sequence:0
+msgid "Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of invoice tax."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,residual:0
-msgid "Residual"
-msgstr "Resterende"
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,base_sign:0
 #: field:account.tax,ref_base_sign:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,base_sign:0
@@ -132,68 +2210,39 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_unreconcile_select
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_unreconcile_select
-msgid "Unreconcile entries"
+#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid ""
+"This menu prints a VAT declaration based on invoices or payments. Select one "
+"or several periods of the fiscal year. The information required for a tax "
+"declaration is automatically generated by OpenERP from invoices (or "
+"payments, in some countries). This data is updated in real time. That’s very "
+"useful because it enables you to preview at any time the tax that you owe at "
+"the start and end of the month or quarter."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: constraint:account.period:0
-msgid "Error ! The duration of the Period(s) is/are invalid. "
-msgstr "Fejl! Varigheden af den periode(r) er ugyldige. "
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement.reconcile:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,line_ids:0
-#: field:account.move,line_id:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_open
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_move_line_form
-msgid "Entries"
-msgstr "Postering"
-#. module: account
 #: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
 msgid "Debit Centralisation"
 msgstr "Debet centralisering."
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_invoice_state_confirm
-msgid "Confirm draft invoices"
-msgstr "Bekræft udkast til fakturaer"
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.payment.term.line,days2:0
-msgid ""
-"Day of the month, set -1 for the last day of the current month. If it's "
-"positive, it gives the day of the next month. Set 0 for net days (otherwise "
-"it's based on the beginning of the month)."
-msgstr ""
-"Dag i måneden, set -1 for den sidste dag i måneden. Hvis positiv, indsættes "
-"dagen i efterfølgende måned. Sæt 0 for d.d. (ellers vil det være baseret på "
-"efterfølgende måned)"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move:0
-msgid "Total Credit"
-msgstr "Total kredit"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.config.wizard,charts:0
-msgid "Charts of Account"
-msgstr "Diagrammer af kontoen"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_move_line_select
-msgid "Move line select"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "Entry label"
+#: view:account.invoice.confirm:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_confirm
+msgid "Confirm Draft Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,day:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,day:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,day:0
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_renew_view
+msgid "Accounts to Renew"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -202,75 +2251,16 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,sum_period:0
-msgid "Period Sum"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Compute Code (if type=code)"
-msgstr "Computer kode (hvis type=code)"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move:0
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-msgid "Account Entry Line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.aged.trial.balance,init:0
-msgid "Aged Trial Balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries
-msgid "Recurrent Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,amount:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,amount:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile.line,amount:0
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.invoice.tax,amount:0
-#: field:account.move,amount:0
-#: field:account.tax,amount:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,amount:0
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Amount"
-msgstr "Beløb"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_ledger
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_third_party_ledger
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_third_party_ledger
-msgid "Partner Ledger"
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "EXJ"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:product.template,supplier_taxes_id:0
 msgid "Supplier Taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move:0
-msgid "Total Debit"
-msgstr "Total Debet"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-msgid "Accounting Entries-"
-msgstr "Konto posteringer-"
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,view_id:0
-msgid ""
-"Gives the view used when writing or browsing entries in this journal. The "
-"view tell Open ERP which fields should be visible, required or readonly and "
-"in which order. You can create your own view for a faster encoding in each "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leverandør moms"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.invoice,date_due:0
@@ -288,250 +2278,124 @@
 "dag, 50% om en måned."
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.tax,type:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
-msgid "Fixed"
-msgstr "Fast"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_overdue
-#: view:res.company:0
-msgid "Overdue Payments"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.account.balance.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.analytic.check.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.vat.declaration,init:0
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
 msgid "Select period"
 msgstr "Vælg periode"
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,origin:0
-#: field:account.invoice.line,origin:0
-msgid "Origin"
-msgstr "Oprindelse"
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_pp_statements
+msgid "Statements"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
 msgid "Move Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Reference"
-msgstr "Henvisning"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.subscription.generate,init:0
-msgid "Subscription Compute"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-msgid "Account Num."
-msgstr "Konto nummer."
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "Delta Debit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+msgstr "Flyt navn"
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.partner,property_account_position:0
+msgid ""
+"The fiscal position will determine taxes and the accounts used for the "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_tax
+#: report:account.invoice:0
 #: field:account.invoice,amount_tax:0
 #: field:account.move.line,account_tax_id:0
 msgid "Tax"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-msgid "Debit Trans."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,account_id:0
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,analytic_account_id:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,analytic_account_id:0
 #: field:account.invoice.line,account_analytic_id:0
+#: field:account.model.line,analytic_account_id:0
 #: field:account.move.line,analytic_account_id:0
-#: field:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal,account_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,analytic_id:0
 msgid "Analytic Account"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,child_depend:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
-msgid "Tax on Children"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-#: field:account.journal,name:0
-msgid "Journal Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.payment.term:0
-msgid "Description on invoices"
-msgstr "Beskrivelse på Faktura"
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:account.analytic.account:0
-msgid "Error! You can not create recursive analytic accounts."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_entry:0
-msgid "Total entries"
-msgstr "Totale posteringe"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_src_id:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,account_src_id:0
-msgid "Account Source"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,update_posted:0
-msgid "Allow Cancelling Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderbank0
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
-msgid "Payment Reconcilation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.expenses_journal
-msgid "Journal de frais"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_acc_analytic_acc_5_report_hr_timesheet_invoice_journal
-msgid "All Analytic Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_account_menu
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_accounts
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_analytic
+msgid "Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Configuration Error!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,price_average:0
+msgid "Average Price"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+#: report:account.overdue:0
 msgid "Date:"
 msgstr "Dato:"
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.type,sign:0
-msgid "Negative"
-msgstr "Negativ"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-msgid "(Account/Partner) Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Contra"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,state:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,state:0
-#: field:account.invoice,state:0
-#: view:account.move:0
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-#: view:account.subscription:0
-msgid "State"
-msgstr "Stat"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree13
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree13
-msgid "Unpaid Supplier Refunds"
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot modify company of this journal as its related record exist in "
+"Entry Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Accounting Information"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.tax:0
 #: view:account.tax.template:0
 msgid "Special Computation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_confirmstatementfromdraft0
-msgid "Confirm statement with/without reconciliation from draft statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.bank.reconcile,init:0
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.action_account_bank_reconcile_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_bank_reconcile_check_tree
+msgstr "Special beregning"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_bank_reconcile_tree
 msgid "Bank reconciliation"
 msgstr "Bankafstemning"
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
 msgid "Disc.(%)"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: field:account.model,ref:0
-#: field:account.move,ref:0
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-#: field:account.subscription,ref:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.overdue:0
 msgid "Ref"
 msgstr "Ref"
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
-msgid "Tax Use In"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
-msgid ""
-"Set if the amount of tax must be included in the base amount before "
-"computing the next taxes."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_periodical_processing
-msgid "Periodical Processing"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal:0
-msgid "Analytic Entries Stats"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_code_template_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_code_template_form
-msgid "Tax Code Templates"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Supplier invoice"
-msgstr "Leverandør faktura"
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_reconcilepaid0
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
-msgid "Reconcile Paid"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.chart,init,target_move:0
-msgid "Target Moves"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_template_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_template_form
-msgid "Tax Templates"
+#: help:account.move.line,tax_code_id:0
+msgid "The Account can either be a base tax code or a tax code account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_automatic_reconcile
+msgid "Automatic Reconciliation"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -540,108 +2404,56 @@
 msgstr "Betalt / Afstemt"
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account.type,close_method:0
-msgid "Deferral Method"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
-msgid "Include in Base Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,ref_base_code_id:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,ref_base_code_id:0
 msgid "Refund Base Code"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice.line:0
-msgid "Line"
-msgstr "Linje"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-msgid "J.C. or Move name"
-msgstr "J.C eller flyt navn"
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.tax,applicable_type:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_periodic_tree
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_tree
+msgid "Bank Statements"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
 #: selection:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
 msgid "True"
 msgstr "Sandt"
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.payment.term.line,days:0
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Dates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,parent_id:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,parent_id:0
+msgid "Parent Tax Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
 msgid ""
-"Number of days to add before computation of the day of month.If Date=15/01, "
-"Number of Days=22, Day of Month=-1, then the due date is 28/02."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax
-msgid "account.tax"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-msgid "Printing Date"
-msgstr "Udskrivnings dato"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-msgid "Mvt"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_aged_trial_balance
+"Automatically generate entries based on what has been entered in the  system "
+"before a specific date."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_aged_balance_view
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_aged_trial_balance
 msgid "Aged Partner Balance"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.journal:0
-msgid "Entry Controls"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.model.line,sequence:0
-msgid ""
-"The sequence field is used to order the resources from lower sequences to "
-"higher ones"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.chart,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.line,init:0
-msgid "(Keep empty to open the current situation)"
-msgstr "(Holdes tom for at åbne nuværende situation)"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account
-msgid "Accounts Fiscal Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,contact_id:0
-msgid "Contact"
-msgstr "Kontaktperson"
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.model.line,date:0
-#: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
-msgid "Partner Payment Term"
-msgstr "Partners betalings betingelse"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
-msgid "Account Entry Reconcile"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.move.bank.reconcile,init,open:0
-msgid "Open for bank reconciliation"
-msgstr "Ã…ben bank afstemning"
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
+msgid "Accounting entries"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice.line,discount:0
@@ -649,228 +2461,125 @@
 msgstr "Rabat (%)"
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full,writeoff:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,writeoff:0
-msgid "Write-Off amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.fiscalyear,company_id:0
-msgid "Keep empty if the fiscal year belongs to several companies."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_analytic_accounting
-msgid "Analytic Accounting"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Sub-Total :"
-msgstr "Sub- Total:"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,line_ids:0
-#: view:account.analytic.line:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_line_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_41
-msgid "Analytic Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
-msgid "month"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,partner_id:0
-msgid "Associated Partner"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,comment:0
-msgid "Additional Information"
-msgstr "Yderligere information"
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.invoice,type:0
-msgid "Customer Refund"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.chart,init:0
-msgid "Select the Period for Analysis"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_sign:0
-#: field:account.tax,tax_sign:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_sign:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,tax_sign:0
-msgid "Tax Code Sign"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:res.partner,credit:0
-msgid "Total amount this customer owes you."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-msgid "St."
-msgstr "St."
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_line_open
-msgid "account.move.line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplieranalyticcost0
-msgid "Analytic Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal.column,field:0
-msgid "Field Name"
-msgstr "Feltnavn"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,sign:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,sign:0
-msgid "Sign for parent"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscalyear,end_journal_period_id:0
-msgid "End of Year Entries Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:product.product:0
-#: view:product.template:0
-msgid "Purchase Properties"
-msgstr "Indkøb egenskaber"
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_paymententries0
-msgid "Can be draft or validated"
-msgstr "Kan være udkast eller valideret"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.pay,init,reconcile:0
-msgid "Partial Payment"
-msgstr "Delbetaling"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account_use_models,create:0
-msgid "Move Lines Created."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscalyear,state:0
-#: field:account.journal.period,state:0
-#: field:account.move,state:0
-#: field:account.move.line,state:0
-#: field:account.period,state:0
-#: field:account.subscription,state:0
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: help:account.journal,entry_posted:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this box if you don't want new journal entries to pass through the "
+"'draft' state and instead goes directly to the 'posted state' without any "
+"manual validation. \n"
+"Note that journal entries that are automatically created by the system are "
+"always skipping that state."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.server,name:account.ir_actions_server_action_wizard_multi_chart
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_act_ir_actions_bleble
+msgid "New Company Financial Setting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_report_account_sales_tree_all
+#: view:report.account.sales:0
+#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
+msgid "Sales by Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "This wizard will create recurring accounting entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No sequence defined on the journal !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Cancelled Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You have to define an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.tax:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_list
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_list
+msgid "Tax codes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_receivables
+msgid "Customers"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
 msgid "Period to"
 msgstr "Periode til"
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account.type,partner_account:0
-msgid "Partner account"
-msgstr "Partner konto"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.subscription.generate,init:0
-msgid "Generate entries before:"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_cost_ledger
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.account_analytic_account_cost_ledger_report
-msgid "Cost Ledger"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.account.balance.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.general.ledger.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.partner.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.third_party_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "(Keep empty for all open fiscal years)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,move_lines:0
-msgid "Move Lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.report_account_analytic_journal_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.report_account_analytic_journal_print
-msgid "Account cost and revenue by journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account.template,user_type:0
-msgid ""
-"These types are defined according to your country. The type contain more "
-"information about the account and it's specificities."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "6"
-msgstr "6"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_30
-msgid "Bank Reconciliation"
-msgstr "Bank afstemning"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_template
-msgid "Templates for Accounts"
-msgstr "Skablon for kontoplan"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_form
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_def_account
-msgid "Analytic Accounts"
-msgstr "Analyse konto"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.print.journal.report,init:0
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_print_journal
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_print_journal
-msgid "Print Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_accounts_wizard
-msgid "account.bank.accounts.wizard"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,date_created:0
-#: field:account.move.reconcile,create_date:0
-msgid "Creation date"
-msgstr "Dato for oprettelse"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.refund,init,cancel_invoice:0
-msgid "Cancel Invoice"
-msgstr "Annuller Faktura"
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "August"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The expected balance (%.2f) is different than the computed one. (%.2f)"
+msgstr ""
+"Den forventede balance (%.2f) er forskellig fra den beregnede. (%.2f)"
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
+msgid "Payment entries are the second input of the reconciliation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Number:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
+msgid "Reference Number"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "October"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,quantity:0
+msgid ""
+"The optional quantity expressed by this line, eg: number of product sold. "
+"The quantity is not a legal requirement but is very useful for some reports."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "Line 2:"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal.column,required:0
@@ -878,69 +2587,16 @@
 msgstr "Påkrævet"
 #. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
 #: field:product.category,property_account_expense_categ:0
 #: field:product.template,property_account_expense:0
 msgid "Expense Account"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum,journal_id:0
-msgid "Write-Off Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
-#: field:account.move.line,amount_currency:0
-msgid "Amount Currency"
-msgstr "Beløb Valuta"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense_categ:0
-msgid "Expense Category Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close,init,fy2_id:0
-msgid "New Fiscal Year"
-msgstr "Nyt regnskabsår"
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,tax_group:0
-msgid ""
-"If a default tax is given in the partner it only overrides taxes from "
-"accounts (or products) in the same group."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.open_closed_fiscalyear,init,fyear_id:0
-msgid "Fiscal Year to Open"
-msgstr "Regnskabsår der skal åbnes"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.config.wizard:0
-msgid "Select Chart of Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,quantity:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
-#: field:account.analytic.line,unit_amount:0
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.invoice.line,quantity:0
-#: field:account.model.line,quantity:0
-#: field:account.move.line,quantity:0
-msgid "Quantity"
-msgstr "Antal"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,date_to:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,date_to:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,date2:0
-msgid "End date"
-msgstr "Slut dato"
+#: help:account.invoice,period_id:0
+msgid "Keep empty to use the period of the validation(invoice) date."
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice.tax,base_amount:0
@@ -948,49 +2604,22 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,user_id:0
-msgid "The user responsible for this journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,default_debit_account_id:0
-msgid "Default Debit Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_tree
-msgid "Entries by Statements"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_analyticinvoice0
-msgid "analytic Invoice"
-msgstr "analyse Faktura"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,period_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,period_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.central.journal.report,init,period_id:0
-#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.journal.report,init,period_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,init,period_id:0
-#: field:account.journal.period,period_id:0
-#: field:account.move,period_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.journal,init,period_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,period_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.validate,init,period_id:0
-#: view:account.period:0
-#: wizard_field:account.print.journal.report,init,period_id:0
-#: field:account.subscription,period_nbr:0
-msgid "Period"
-msgstr "Periode"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-msgid "Grand total"
-msgstr "Grand total"
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_view
+msgid "Ansicht"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,sale_tax:0
+msgid "Default Sale Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
+msgid ""
+"The maturity date of the generated entries for this model. You can choose "
+"between the creation date or the creation date of the entries plus the "
+"partner payment terms."
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_accounting
@@ -998,163 +2627,75 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Net Total:"
-msgstr "Net Total:"
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_pl_report
+msgid "Profit And Loss"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.fiscal.position:0
 #: field:account.fiscal.position,name:0
 #: field:account.fiscal.position.account,position_id:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,position_id:0
 #: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,position_id:0
 #: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,position_id:0
 #: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
 #: field:account.invoice,fiscal_position:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,fiscal_position:0
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position
 #: field:res.partner,property_account_position:0
-msgid "Fiscal Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,product_uom_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,product_uom_id:0
-msgid "UoM"
-msgstr "UoM"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,page_split:0
-msgid "One Partner Per Page"
-msgstr "En partner pr. side"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,child_parent_ids:0
-#: field:account.account.template,child_parent_ids:0
-msgid "Children"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax
-msgid "Taxes Fiscal Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree2_new
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree2_new
-msgid "New Supplier Invoice"
-msgstr "Ny leverandør faktura"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,init,amount:0
-msgid "Amount paid"
-msgstr "Beløb betalt"
+msgid "Fiscal Position"
+msgstr "Nuværende position"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.ledger,initial_balance:0
+#: help:account.report.general.ledger,initial_balance:0
+msgid ""
+"It adds initial balance row on report which display previous sum amount of "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_line_form
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tree1
+msgid "Analytic Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"No fiscal year defined for this date !\n"
+"Please create one."
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.invoice,type:0
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
+#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_invoiceprocess0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
 msgid "Customer Invoice"
 msgstr "Kunde faltura"
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.open_closed_fiscalyear,init:0
-msgid "Choose Fiscal Year"
-msgstr "Vælg regnskabs år"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,sequence_main_id:0
-msgid "Main Sequence"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_journal_print
-msgid "Print Analytic Journals"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-msgid "Voucher Nb"
-msgstr "Kupon No"
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.payment.term.line,sequence:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
 msgid ""
-"The sequence field is used to order the payment term lines from the lowest "
-"sequences to the higher ones"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_new:0
-msgid "Total write-off"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Compute Code for Taxes included prices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice.tax:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_list
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_list
-msgid "Tax codes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,chart_template_id:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,chart_template_id:0
-#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,chart_template_id:0
-msgid "Chart Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income_categ:0
-msgid "Income Category Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.analytic_account_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_form
-msgid "New Analytic Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_template_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form_template
-msgid "Fiscal Mapping Templates"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.invoice.line,price_unit:0
-msgid "Unit Price"
-msgstr "Enhedspris"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-msgid "Period from :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_wizard_multi_charts_accounts
-msgid "wizard.multi.charts.accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.sales_journal
-msgid "Journal de vente"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
-msgid "The amount expressed in an optional other currency."
-msgstr "Det beløb udtrykt i anden valgfri valuta."
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,name:0
-msgid "Fiscal Mapping Template"
+"Set if the amount of tax must be included in the base amount before "
+"computing the next taxes."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,user_id:0
+msgid "The user responsible for this journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.period:0
+msgid "Search Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.change.currency:0
+msgid "Invoice Currency"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -1163,25 +2704,9 @@
 msgstr "Betingelser"
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-msgid "Tax Report"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.chart,init,open:0
-#: wizard_button:account.chart,init,open:0
-msgid "Open Charts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.fiscalyear.close.state,init:0
-msgid "Are you sure you want to close the fiscal year ?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på du vil afslutte regnskabsåret ?"
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Bank Receipt"
-msgstr "Bank kvittering"
+#: field:account.bank.statement,total_entry_encoding:0
+msgid "Cash Transaction"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: view:res.partner:0
@@ -1194,16 +2719,6 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
-msgid "Invoice import"
-msgstr "Faktura import"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.action_move_journal_line_form_select
-msgid "Standard entry"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: help:account.account,currency_mode:0
 msgid ""
 "This will select how the current currency rate for outgoing transactions is "
@@ -1220,164 +2735,68 @@
 "altid altuelle sats for dagen."
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account,company_currency_id:0
-msgid "Company Currency"
-msgstr "Firma valuta"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account_template
-msgid "Template Account Fiscal Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,parent_id:0
-msgid "Parent Analytic Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,addendum:0
-msgid "Reconcile With Write-Off"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,tax_amount:0
-msgid "Tax/Base Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
 msgid "No. of Digits to use for account code"
 msgstr "Antal decimaler til brug for konto koden"
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
-msgid "Ending Balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:product.product:0
-msgid "Purchase Taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.payment.term.line,name:0
 msgid "Line Name"
 msgstr "Linie navn"
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
-msgid "Fixed Amount"
-msgstr "Fast beløb"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "Analytic Credit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,reconcile_partial_id:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,partial:0
-msgid "Partial Reconcile"
-msgstr "Delvis afstemning"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,reconcile,unreconciled:0
-msgid "Not reconciled transactions"
-msgstr "Ikke afstemt transaktioner"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position,tax_ids:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,tax_ids:0
-msgid "Tax Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.config.wizard:0
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Fortsæt"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.payment.term.line,value:0
-msgid "Value"
-msgstr "Værdi"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,addendum,writeoff_acc_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum,writeoff_acc_id:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Search Fiscalyear"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.tax,applicable_type:0
+msgid "Always"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Total Quantity"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,writeoff_acc_id:0
 msgid "Write-Off account"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.model.line,model_id:0
+#: view:account.subscription:0
 #: field:account.subscription,model_id:0
 msgid "Model"
 msgstr "Model"
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_fiscalyear_close_state
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state
-msgid "Close a Fiscal Year"
-msgstr "Luk et regnskabsår"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,centralisation:0
-msgid "Centralised counterpart"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:wizard.company.setup:0
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
-msgid "Select invoices you want to pay and manages advances"
-msgstr "Vælg fakturaer, du ønsker at betale og administrere"
+#: help:account.invoice.tax,base_code_id:0
+msgid "The account basis of the tax declaration."
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.account,type:0
 #: selection:account.account.template,type:0
 #: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_root
-#: selection:account.analytic.account,type:0
-#: field:account.journal,view_id:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
 msgid "View"
 msgstr "Vis"
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,display_account:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,display_account:0
-#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alle"
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "BNK"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.move.line,analytic_lines:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_line
 msgid "Analytic lines"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,type:0
-msgid "The computation method for the tax amount."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingentries0
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
-msgid "Validated accounting entries."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.unreconcile,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.reconcile.unreconcile,init:0
-msgid ""
-"If you unreconciliate transactions, you must also verify all the actions "
-"that are linked to those transactions because they will not be disable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_electronicfile0
 msgid "Electronic File"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1388,500 +2807,2422 @@
 msgstr "Kunde krediter"
 #. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code_template
+msgid "Tax Code Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+msgid "Starts on"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_partner_ledger
+msgid "Account Partner Ledger"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal.column,sequence:0
+msgid "Gives the sequence order to journal column."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Tax Declaration"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account,currency_id:0
+#: help:account.account.template,currency_id:0
+#: help:account.bank.accounts.wizard,currency_id:0
+msgid "Forces all moves for this account to have this secondary currency."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_validate_account_move_line
+msgid ""
+"This wizard will validate all journal entries of a particular journal and "
+"period. Once journal entries are validated, you can not update them anymore."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_chart_template_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_chart_template_form
+msgid "Chart of Accounts Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_wizard_multi_chart
+msgid "Generate Chart of Accounts from a Chart Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_unreconcile_reconcile
+msgid "Account Unreconcile Reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account.type,close_method:0
+msgid ""
+"Set here the method that will be used to generate the end of year journal "
+"entries for all the accounts of this type.\n"
+" 'None' means that nothing will be done.\n"
+" 'Balance' will generally be used for cash accounts.\n"
+" 'Detail' will copy each existing journal item of the previous year, even "
+"the reconciled ones.\n"
+" 'Unreconciled' will copy only the journal items that were unreconciled on "
+"the first day of the new fiscal year."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Keep empty to use the expense account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,journal:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,journal_ids:0
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+#: field:account.common.report,journal_ids:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,journal_ids:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: view:account.journal.period:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,journal_ids:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,journal_ids:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_form
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_period_tree
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_journal
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_print_journal
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_journal_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_journals_report
+msgid "Journals"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,to_reconcile:0
+msgid "Remaining Partners"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+#: field:account.subscription,lines_id:0
+msgid "Subscription Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+#: view:account.model:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
+msgid "Purchase"
+msgstr "Indløb"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_installer
+msgid "Accounting Application Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_board_account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_board_account
+msgid "Accounting Dashboard"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_start:0
+msgid "Starting Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No Partner Defined !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_close
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_period_close_tree
+msgid "Close a Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
+msgid "Empty Accounts ? "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "VAT:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
+msgid ""
+"The amount expressed in the related account currency if not equal to the "
+"company one."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Journal:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
+#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
+msgid "Draft"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_configuration_installer
+msgid "Accounting Chart Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,notprintable:0
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,notprintable:0
+msgid "Not Printable in Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,chart_tax_id:0
+msgid "Chart of Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Search Account Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree_pending_invoice
+msgid "Pending Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
+msgid "year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Authorised Signatory"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
+msgid ""
+"All selected journal entries will be validated and posted. It means you "
+"won't be able to modify their accounting fields anymore."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot delete invoice(s) that are already opened or paid !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+msgid "Total :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_transfers
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  value amount: n.a"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart:0
+msgid "Account charts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid "Tax Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.installer:0
+msgid "Your bank and cash accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+msgid "Search Move"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,name:0
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,name:0
+msgid "Tax Case Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
+msgid "Draft Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Selected Invoice(s) cannot be cancelled as they are already in 'Cancelled' "
+"or 'Done' state!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot change the type of account from '%s' to '%s' type as it contains "
+"account entries!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.report,state:0
+msgid "Invoice State"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,categ_id:0
+msgid "Category of Product"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,narration:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,narration:0
+msgid "Narration"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_addtmpl_wizard_form
+msgid "Create Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_type_sales
+msgid "Report of the Sales by Account Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
+msgid "Detail"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree2
+msgid ""
+"Supplier Invoices allows you to enter and manage invoices issued by your "
+"suppliers. OpenERP generates draft of supplier invoices automatically so "
+"that you can control what you received from your supplier according to what "
+"you purchased or received."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "VAT :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer,charts:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_chart
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tree2
+msgid "Chart of Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.chart:0
+msgid "(If you do not select period it will take all open periods)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,centralisation:0
+msgid "Centralised counterpart"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_partner_reconcile_process
+msgid "Reconcilation Process partner by partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "2"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart:0
+msgid "(If you do not select Fiscal year it will take all open fiscal years)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,date:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,date:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.report,filter:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,date:0
+#: selection:account.general.journal,filter:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,date:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,date:0
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,date_p:0
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
+#: selection:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
+#: field:account.subscription.generate,date:0
+#: field:account.subscription.line,date:0
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,date:0
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.unreconcile:0
+#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
+msgid "Unreconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "The journal must have default credit and debit account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+msgid "Chart of Accounts Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Maturity date of entry line generated by model line '%s' of model '%s' is "
+"based on partner payment term!\n"
+"Please define partner on it!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Some entries are already reconciled !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot validate a Journal Entry unless all journal items are in same "
+"chart of accounts !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+msgid "Account Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting_budgets
+msgid "Budgets"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
+#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.general.journal,filter:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
+msgid "No Filters"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
+msgid "Situation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "History"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,applicable_type:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
+msgid ""
+"If not applicable (computed through a Python code), the tax won't appear on "
+"the invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Applicable Code (if type=code)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,product_qty:0
+msgid "Qty"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+msgid "Move/Entry label"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.report,address_contact_id:0
+msgid "Contact Address Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line,blocked:0
+msgid "Litigation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Search Analytic Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:res.partner,property_account_payable:0
+msgid "Account Payable"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.move:0
+msgid ""
+"You cannot create entries on different periods/journals in the same move"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
+msgid "Payment Order"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account.template,reconcile:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this option if you want the user to reconcile entries in this account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_account_balance_landscape
+msgid "Account balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,price_unit:0
+msgid "Unit Price"
+msgstr "Enhedspris"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to change tax !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,nbr:0
+msgid "#Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: field:account.account,user_type:0
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+#: field:account.account.template,user_type:0
+#: view:account.account.type:0
+#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,user_type:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_type
+#: field:report.account.receivable,type:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,user_type:0
+msgid "Account Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.state.open:0
+msgid "Open Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,factor_tax:0
+msgid "Multipication factor Tax code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
+msgid "Mapping"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,name:0
+#: field:account.account.template,name:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,name:0
+#: field:account.chart.template,name:0
+#: field:account.model.line,name:0
+#: field:account.move.line,name:0
+#: field:account.move.reconcile,name:0
+#: field:account.subscription,name:0
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_aged_trial_balance
+msgid "Account Aged Trial balance Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line,date:0
+msgid "Effective date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Standard Encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,analytic_journal_id:0
+msgid "Journal for analytic entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_invoice_tree3
+msgid ""
+"Customer Refunds helps you manage the credit notes issued/to be issued for "
+"your customers. A refund invoice is a document that cancels an invoice or a "
+"part of it. You can easily generate refunds and reconcile them from the "
+"invoice form."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingentries0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
+#: view:product.product:0
+#: view:product.template:0
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "Accounting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.central.journal,amount_currency:0
+#: help:account.common.journal.report,amount_currency:0
+#: help:account.general.journal,amount_currency:0
+#: help:account.print.journal,amount_currency:0
+msgid ""
+"Print Report with the currency column if the currency is different then the "
+"company currency"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+msgid "Entry No"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "General Accounting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Balance :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.fiscalyear.close,journal_id:0
+msgid ""
+"The best practice here is to use a journal dedicated to contain the opening "
+"entries of all fiscal years. Note that you should define it with default "
+"debit/credit accounts, of type 'situation' and with a centralized "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.installer:0
+#: view:account.installer.modules:0
+#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
+msgid "title"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.period:0
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+msgid "Set to Draft"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form
+msgid "Recurring Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
+msgid "Display Partners"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Validate"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_invoice_report_all
+msgid ""
+"From this report, you can have an overview of the amount invoiced to your "
+"customer as well as payment delays. The tool search can also be used to "
+"personalise your Invoices reports and so, match this analysis to your needs."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.confirm:0
+msgid "Confirm Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account,currency_mode:0
+msgid "Average Rate"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.state.open:0
+msgid "(Invoice should be unreconciled if you want to open it)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_from:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,period_from:0
+#: field:account.chart,period_from:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.common.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,period_from:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,period_from:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,period_from:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,period_from:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,period_from:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_from:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,period_from:0
+msgid "Start period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,name:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,name:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid "Tax Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_configuration
+#: view:res.company:0
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term
+msgid "30 Days End of Month"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_balance
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_balance
+msgid "Analytic Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/report/account_profit_loss.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Net Loss"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Search Tax Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.periodical_processing_journal_entries_validation
+msgid "Draft Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,shortcut:0
+#: field:account.account.template,shortcut:0
+msgid "Shortcut"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The Payment Term of Supplier does not have Payment Term Lines(Computation) "
+"defined !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_balance_menu
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_account_balance
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_general_Balance_report
+msgid "Trial Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_cancel
+msgid "Cancel the Selected Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "3"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplieranalyticcost0
+msgid ""
+"Analytic costs (timesheets, some purchased products, ...) come from analytic "
+"accounts. These generate draft supplier invoices."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Close CashBox"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,due_delay:0
+msgid "Avg. Due Delay"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "Acc.Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Global taxes defined, but are not in invoice lines !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,note:0
+#: field:account.account.template,note:0
+msgid "Note"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Overdue Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Paid"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice,tax_line:0
 msgid "Tax Lines"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:ir.sequence,fiscal_ids:0
-msgid "Sequences"
-msgstr "Sekvenser"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_type_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_type_form
-msgid "Account Types"
-msgstr "Kontotyper"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,journal_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,journal_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.central.journal.report,init,journal_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.journal.report,init,journal_id:0
-#: field:account.invoice,journal_id:0
-#: field:account.journal.period,journal_id:0
-#: field:account.model,journal_id:0
-#: field:account.move,journal_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.bank.reconcile,init,journal_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.journal,init,journal_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,journal_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.validate,init,journal_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.print.journal.report,init,journal_id:0
-#: field:fiscalyear.seq,journal_id:0
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_journal
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal
-#: wizard_field:populate_statement_from_inv,init,journal_id:0
-#: field:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal,journal_id:0
-msgid "Journal"
+#: field:account.tax,base_code_id:0
+msgid "Account Base Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move,state:0
+msgid ""
+"All manually created new journal entry are usually in the state 'Unposted', "
+"but you can set the option to skip that state on the related journal. In "
+"that case, they will be behave as journal entries automatically created by "
+"the system on document validation (invoices, bank statements...) and will be "
+"created in 'Posted' state."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "There is no expense account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "Customer Accounting Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,name:0
+msgid "Tax Description"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.balance.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.central.journal,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.chart,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.journal.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.general.journal,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.print.journal,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
+msgid "All Posted Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Statement %s is confirmed, journal items are created."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Error! The duration of the Fiscal Year is invalid. "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:report.aged.receivable,name:0
+msgid "Month Range"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
+msgid "Check if you want to display Accounts with 0 balance too."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+msgid "Default taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Free Reference"
+msgstr "Fri Reference"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_periodical_processing
+msgid "Periodical Processing"
+msgstr "Periode behandling"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,state:0
+msgid ""
+"When new move line is created the state will be 'Draft'.\n"
+"* When all the payments are done it will be in 'Valid' state."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,view_id:0
+msgid "Display Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_importinvoice0
+msgid "Statement from invoice or payment"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  day of the month: 0"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart
+msgid "Account chart"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+msgid "Account Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.fiscalyear.close,report_name:0
+msgid "Give name of the new entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_report
+msgid "Invoices Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
+msgid "Bank statements are entered in the system."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_reconcile.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Reconcile Writeoff"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Tax base different !\n"
+"Click on compute to update tax base"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+msgid "Account Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_real:0
+msgid "Closing Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Not implemented"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_select
+msgid "Account Journal Select"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Credit Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unable to find a valid period !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+msgid "Voucher No"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
+msgid "res_config_contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.unreconcile:0
+msgid "Unreconciliate transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "Create Entries From Models"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account.template,reconcile:0
+msgid "Allow Reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_subscription_form
+msgid ""
+"A recurring entry is a payment related entry that occurs on a recurrent "
+"basis from a specific date corresponding to the signature of a contract or "
+"an agreement with a customer or a supplier. With Define Recurring Entries, "
+"you can create them in the system in order to automate their entries in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Analytic Account Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
+msgid "Based On"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,price_include:0
+msgid "Tax Included in Price"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_cost_ledger_journal_report
+msgid "Account Analytic Cost Ledger For Journal Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_model_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_model_form
+msgid "Recurring Models"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "4"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "UserError"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,type_control_ids:0
+msgid "Type Controls"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,default_credit_account_id:0
+msgid "It acts as a default account for credit amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.ledger,reconcil:0
+msgid "Consider reconciled entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_validate_account_move_line
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_validate_account_moves
+#: view:validate.account.move:0
+#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
+msgid "Post Journal Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
+msgid "Cancelled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bank.statement,balance_end_cash:0
+msgid "Closing balance based on cashBox"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Please verify the price of the invoice !\n"
+"The real total does not match the computed total."
+msgstr ""
+"Kontroller prisen på fakturaen!\n"
+"Den rigtige total er ikke samme som den beregnede total."
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_subscription_generate
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_generate_subscription
+msgid "Generate Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.vat.declaration,chart_tax_id:0
+msgid "Select Charts of Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position,account_ids:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,account_ids:0
+msgid "Account Mapping"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Customer"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Confirmed"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
+msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You must define an analytic journal of type '%s' !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Couldn't create move with currency different from the secondary currency of "
+"the account \"%s - %s\". Clear the secondary currency field of the account "
+"definition if you want to accept all currencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.payment.term,active:0
+msgid ""
+"If the active field is set to true, it will allow you to hide the payment "
+"term without removing it."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.refund,date:0
+msgid "Operation date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
+msgid "Refund Tax Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:validate.account.move:0
+msgid ""
+"All draft account entries in this journal and period will be validated. It "
+"means you won't be able to modify their accounting fields anymore."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+msgid "Account Balance -"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invoice "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,date1:0
+msgid "Starting Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income:0
+msgid "Income Account on Product Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.partner,last_reconciliation_date:0
+msgid ""
+"Date on which the partner accounting entries were reconciled last time"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,fy2_id:0
+msgid "New Fiscal Year"
+msgstr "Nyt regnskabsår"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_res_partner_2_account_invoice_opened
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_invoices
+#: view:report.invoice.created:0
+#: field:res.partner,invoice_ids:0
+msgid "Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,user_id:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,user_id:0
+msgid "Salesman"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+msgid "Invoiced"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "Use Model"
+msgstr "Brug model"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.state.open:0
+msgid "No"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice.tax,tax_code_id:0
+msgid "The tax basis of the tax declaration."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
+msgid "Keep empty to use the current date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+msgid "Bank and Cheques"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.period.close:0
+msgid "Are you sure ?"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,statement_id:0
+msgid "The bank statement used for bank reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
+msgid "Draft invoices are validated. "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+msgid "Compute"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
+msgid "Tax Application"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_move_line
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_move_to_account_move_line_open
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_manual_reconcile
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_moves_all_a
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_moves_bank
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_moves_purchase
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_moves_sale
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_search
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_select
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_tree1
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_line_open
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_moves_all
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_moves_bank
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_eaction_account_moves_purchase
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_eaction_account_moves_sale
+#, python-format
+msgid "Journal Items"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid "Balance Sheet (Assets Accounts)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+msgid "Third Party (Country)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_open_closed_fiscalyear.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.Journal.report,date2:0
+#: field:account.analytic.balance,date2:0
+#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger,date2:0
+#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,date2:0
+#: field:account.analytic.inverted.balance,date2:0
+msgid "End of period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "Bank Details"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Taxes missing !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_analytic_journal_tree
+msgid ""
+"To print an analytics (or costs) journal for a given period. The report give "
+"code, move name, account number, general amount and analytic amount."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,refund_journal:0
+msgid "Fill this if the journal is to be used for refunds of invoices."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
+msgid "Generate Fiscal Year Opening Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
+msgid "Group Invoice Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0
+#: view:account.invoice.confirm:0
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,move_ids:0
+msgid "Moves"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_vat_declaration
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_vat_declaration
+msgid "Account Vat Declaration"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.period:0
+msgid "To Close"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,allow_date:0
+msgid "Check Date not in the Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You can not modify a posted entry of this journal !\n"
+"You should set the journal to allow cancelling entries if you want to do "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_folder
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,child_ids:0
+msgid "Child Tax Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Start period should be smaller then End period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "5"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+msgid "Analytic Balance -"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,target_move:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,target_move:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,target_move:0
+#: field:account.chart,target_move:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,target_move:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,target_move:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,target_move:0
+#: field:account.common.report,target_move:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,target_move:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,target_move:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,target_move:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
+#: field:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
+msgid "Target Moves"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.subscription,period_type:0
+msgid "Period Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,payment_ids:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,based_on:0
+msgid "Payments"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.subscription.line,move_id:0
+msgid "Entry"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,python_compute_inv:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,python_compute_inv:0
+msgid "Python Code (reverse)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal.column:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_column
+msgid "Journal Column"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_fiscalyear_form
+msgid ""
+"Define your company's fiscal year depending on the period you have chosen to "
+"follow. A fiscal year is a 1 year period over which a company budgets its "
+"spending. It may run over any period of 12 months. The fiscal year is "
+"referred to by the date in which it ends. For example, if a company's fiscal "
+"year ends November 30, 2011, then everything between December 1, 2010 and "
+"November 30, 2011  would be referred to as FY 2011. Not using the actual "
+"calendar year gives many companies an advantage, allowing them to close "
+"their books at a time which is most convenient for them."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_payment_term_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_payment_term_form
+msgid "Payment Terms"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal.column,name:0
+msgid "Column Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,year:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,year:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,year:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,name:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,name:0
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement,starting_details_ids:0
+msgid "Opening Cashbox"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "Line 1:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Integrity Error !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.template,description:0
+msgid "Internal Name"
+msgstr "Internt navn"
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
+msgid "month"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Journal Item \"%s\" is not valid"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term:0
+msgid "Description on invoices"
+msgstr "Beskrivelse på Faktura"
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
+msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,next_partner_id:0
+msgid "Next Partner to Reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,account_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line,tax_code_id:0
+msgid "Tax Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
+msgid "Reconciliation result"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_bs_report
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_bs_report
+msgid "Balance Sheet"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.final_accounting_reports
+msgid "Accounting Reports"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move,line_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_open
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_form
+msgid "Entries"
+msgstr "Postering"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "This Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.line,product_uom_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line,product_uom_id:0
+msgid "UoM"
+msgstr "UoM"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No Period found on Invoice!"
+msgstr "Ingen Periode fundet på faktura!"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Compute Code (if type=code)"
+msgstr "Beregn kode (når type = kode)"
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+#: view:account.model:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
+msgid "Sale"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,amount:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,amount:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,amount:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.tax,amount:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,amount:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,amount:0
+msgid "Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "End of Fiscal Year Entry"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_statemententries0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_validentries0
+msgid "Validation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,reconciled:0
+msgid ""
+"The Journal Entry of the invoice have been totally reconciled with one or "
+"several Journal Entries of payment."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,child_depend:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
+msgid "Tax on Children"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No period found !"
+msgstr "Ingen periode fundet!"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal,update_posted:0
+msgid "Allow Cancelling Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,sign:0
+msgid "Coefficent for parent"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+msgid "(Account/Partner) Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Transaction"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,base_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax,ref_base_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax,tax_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,base_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,ref_base_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,tax_code_id:0
+msgid "Use this code for the VAT declaration."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Debit/Credit"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal:0
+msgid "Analytic Entries Stats"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tax_code_template_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tax_code_template_form
+msgid "Tax Code Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_installer
+msgid "account.installer"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
+msgid "Include in Base Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.payment.term.line,days:0
+msgid ""
+"Number of days to add before computation of the day of month.If Date=15/01, "
+"Number of Days=22, Day of Month=-1, then the due date is 28/02."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Bank Journal "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:ir.rule:0
+msgid "Rule must have at least one checked access right !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Entry Controls"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
+#: view:project.account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "(Keep empty to open the current situation)"
+msgstr "(Holdes tom for at åbne nuværende situation)"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.Journal.report,date1:0
+#: field:account.analytic.balance,date1:0
+#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger,date1:0
+#: field:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report,date1:0
+#: field:account.analytic.inverted.balance,date1:0
+msgid "Start of period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You can not do this modification on a reconciled entry ! Please note that "
+"you can just change some non important fields !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_account_report
+msgid "Account Common Account Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,name:0
+msgid "Communication"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_analytic_accounting
+msgid "Analytic Accounting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:product.template,property_account_expense:0
+msgid ""
+"This account will be used for invoices instead of the default one to value "
+"expenses for the current product"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.invoice,type:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
+msgid "Customer Refund"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: field:account.account,tax_ids:0
+#: field:account.account.template,tax_ids:0
+msgid "Default Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_sign:0
+#: field:account.tax,tax_sign:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_sign:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,tax_sign:0
+msgid "Tax Code Sign"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_invoice_created
+msgid "Report of Invoices Created within Last 15 days"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscalyear,end_journal_period_id:0
+msgid "End of Year Entries Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Configuration Error !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,to_reconcile:0
+msgid ""
+"This is the remaining partners for who you should check if there is "
+"something to reconcile or not. This figure already count the current partner "
+"as reconciled."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription.line:0
+msgid "Subscription lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,quantity:0
+msgid "Products Quantity"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,move_state:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: selection:account.move,state:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Unposted"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.change.currency:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_change_currency
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_change_currency
+msgid "Change Currency"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingentries0
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
+msgid "Accounting entries."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Payment Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "6"
+msgstr "6"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_form
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_analytic_open
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_def_account
+msgid "Analytic Accounts"
+msgstr "Analyse konto"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid ""
+"According value related accounts will be display on respective reports "
+"(Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
+msgid "Sort By"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"There is no default default credit account defined \n"
+"on journal \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.model.line,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.move.line,amount_currency:0
+msgid "Amount Currency"
+msgstr "Beløb Valuta"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Specified Journal does not have any account move entries in draft state for "
+"this period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_move_line
+msgid "Lines to reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,quantity:0
+#: field:account.model.line,quantity:0
+#: field:account.move.line,quantity:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,unit_amount:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,quantity:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,quantity:0
+msgid "Quantity"
+msgstr "Antal"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Number (Move)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
+msgid "Refund Invoice Options"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid ""
+"Number of partial amounts that can be combined to find a balance point can "
+"be chosen as the power of the automatic reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.payment.term.line,sequence:0
+msgid ""
+"The sequence field is used to order the payment term lines from the lowest "
+"sequences to the higher ones"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,name:0
+msgid "Fiscal Position Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
+#: view:account.chart:0
+#: view:account.tax.chart:0
+msgid "Open Charts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
+msgid ""
+"If no additional entries should be recorded on a fiscal year, you can close "
+"it from here. It will close all opened periods in this year that will make "
+"impossible any new entry record. Close a fiscal year when you need to "
+"finalize your end of year results definitive "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.central.journal,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,amount_currency:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,amount_currency:0
+msgid "With Currency"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Open CashBox"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
+msgid "Reconcile With Write-Off"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type:0
+msgid "Fixed Amount"
+msgstr "Fast beløb"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+msgid "Valid Up to"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Invoicing Data"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_automatic_reconcile
+msgid "Account Automatic Reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Journal Item"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_journal
+msgid "Move journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear_close
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_fy_close
+msgid "Generate Opening Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Already Reconciled!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,type:0
+msgid "The computation method for the tax amount."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.installer.modules,account_anglo_saxon:0
+msgid ""
+"This module will support the Anglo-Saxons accounting methodology by changing "
+"the accounting logic with stock transactions."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:report.invoice.created,create_date:0
+msgid "Create Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.journal:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_def_analytic_journal
+msgid "Analytic Journals"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.account,child_id:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,child_ids:0
 msgid "Child Accounts"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account,check_history:0
-msgid "Display History"
-msgstr "Vis historik"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,date1:0
-msgid "        Start date"
-msgstr "        Start dato"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,display_account:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,display_account:0
-msgid "Display accounts "
-msgstr "Vis kontoer "
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement_reconcile_line
-msgid "Statement reconcile line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Keep empty to use the income account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement.reconcile:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,line_new_ids:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
 msgid "Write-Off"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,partner_bank:0
-msgid ""
-"The partner bank account to pay\n"
-"Keep empty to use the default"
-msgstr ""
-"Partners bank konto for betaling\n"
-"Holdes tom for default værdier"
-#. module: account
 #: field:res.partner,debit:0
 msgid "Total Payable"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.fiscalyear.close.state,init,close:0
-msgid "Close states"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_wizard_company_setup
-msgid "wizard.company.setup"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_line_extended_form
 msgid "account.analytic.line.extended"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,refund_journal:0
-msgid "Refund Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_income
-msgid "Income"
-msgstr "Indtægt"
-#. module: account
 #: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
 msgid "Supplier"
 msgstr "Leverandør"
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Tel. :"
-msgstr "Tel:"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_amount:0
-msgid "Tax Code Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.type,sign:0
-msgid "Positive"
-msgstr "Positiv"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.general.journal.report,init:0
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_general_journal
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_general_journal
-msgid "Print General Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_chart_template_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_chart_template_form
-msgid "Chart of Accounts Templates"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,move_id:0
-msgid "Invoice Movement"
-msgstr "Faktura bevægelser"
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_wizard_multi_chart
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard
-#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
-msgid "Generate Chart of Accounts from a Chart Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_legal_statement
-msgid "Legal Statements"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,parent_id:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,parent_id:0
-msgid "Parent Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile.select,init,open:0
-msgid "Open for reconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.bilan_journal
-msgid "Journal d'ouverture"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.tax,tax_group:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,tax_group:0
-msgid "VAT"
-msgstr "Moms"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_asset
+msgid "Bilanzkonten - Aktiva - Vermögenskonten"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "March"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:report.account.receivable:0
+msgid "Accounts by type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
 msgid "Account n°"
 msgstr "Konto no."
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Keep empty to use the expense account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,account_ids:0
-msgid "Account to reconcile"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.model.line,partner_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,partner_id:0
-msgid "Partner Ref."
-msgstr "Partner Ref."
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,result_selection:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,result_selection:0
+#: help:account.installer.modules,account_payment:0
+msgid ""
+"Streamlines invoice payment and creates hooks to plug automated payment "
+"systems in."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.payment.term.line,value:0
+msgid "Valuation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
 msgid "Receivable and Payable Accounts"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.subscription:0
-#: field:account.subscription,lines_id:0
-msgid "Subscription Lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
-#: selection:account.journal,type:0
-#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
-msgid "Purchase"
-msgstr "Indløb"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.analytic.line:0
-msgid "Total quantity"
-msgstr "Total antal"
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,date_due:0
-msgid "Due Date"
-msgstr "Forfaldsdato"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.period.close,init:0
-#: wizard_button:account.period.close,init,close:0
-msgid "Close Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Due"
-msgstr "Forfalder"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-msgid "Third party"
-msgstr "Tredie part"
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.journal:0
-msgid "Accounts Type Allowed (empty for no control)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_start:0
-msgid "Starting Balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init,journal:0
-#: view:account.journal.period:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_period_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_journal_period_tree
-msgid "Journals"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,position_id:0
+msgid "Fiscal Mapping"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_state_open
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_state_open
+msgid "Account State Open"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
 msgid "Max Qty:"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.refund,init,refund:0
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
 msgid "Refund Invoice"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_tree
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_period_close
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_period_close_tree
-msgid "Close a Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_acc_analytic_acc_2_report_hr_timesheet_invoice_journal
-msgid "Costs & Revenues"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:account.account:0
-msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive accounts."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-msgid "Account Number"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.config.wizard:0
-msgid "Skip"
+#: field:account.invoice,address_invoice_id:0
+msgid "Invoice Address"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_entries_report_all
+msgid ""
+"From this view, have an analysis of your different financial accounts. The "
+"document shows your debit and credit taking in consideration some criteria "
+"you can choose by using the search tool."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,progress:0
+msgid ""
+"Shows you the progress made today on the reconciliation process. Given by \n"
+"Partners Reconciled Today \\ (Remaining Partners + Partners Reconciled Today)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.payment.term.line,value:0
+msgid ""
+"Select here the kind of valuation related to this payment term line. Note "
+"that you should have your last line with the type 'Balance' to ensure that "
+"the whole amount will be threated."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice,period_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,period_id:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,period_id:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,period_id:0
 msgid "Force Period"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.account.type,sequence:0
-msgid "Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of account types."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Re-Open"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.fiscalyear.close,init:0
-msgid "Are you sure you want to create entries?"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,include_base_amount:0
-msgid "Include in base amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "Delta Credit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_reconcile_unreconcile
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_unreconcile
-msgid "Unreconcile Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierdraftinvoices0
-msgid "Pre-generated invoice from control"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "Cost Legder for period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_tree2
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_tree2
-msgid "New Statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.chart,init,from_date:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.line,init,from_date:0
-msgid "From"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_reconciliation0
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierreconciliation0
-msgid "Reconciliation of entries from invoice(s) and payment(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.central.journal.report,init:0
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_central_journal
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_central_journal
-msgid "Print Central Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.aged.trial.balance,init,period_length:0
-msgid "Period length (days)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
-#: selection:account.tax,type:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
-msgid "Percent"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_charts
-msgid "Charts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
-#: selection:account.journal,type:0
-#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
-msgid "Sale"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.account.balance.report,account_selection,checktype:0
-#: wizard_button:account.general.ledger.report,account_selection,checktype:0
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:res.partner,property_account_position:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,nbr:0
+msgid "# of Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "New currency is not confirured properly !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,filter:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.common.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,filter:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,filter:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,filter:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,filter:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
+msgid "Filter by"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not use an inactive account!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Entries are not of the same account or already reconciled ! "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,active:0
 msgid ""
-"The fiscal mapping will determine taxes and the accounts used for the "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-msgid "Date or Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,user_id:0
-msgid "Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-msgid "to :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full,debit:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,debit:0
-msgid "Debit amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
-msgid "year"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.account.balance.report,checktype,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.analytic.check.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.balance.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.journal.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.central.journal.report,init,print:0
-#: wizard_button:account.general.journal.report,init,print:0
-#: wizard_button:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,checkreport:0
-#: wizard_button:account.partner.balance.report,init,report:0
-#: wizard_button:account.print.journal.report,init,print:0
-#: wizard_button:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,checkreport:0
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,date_from:0
-msgid "Start date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.refund_expenses_journal
-msgid "x Expenses Credit Notes Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.journal,type:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
-#: field:account.invoice,type:0
-#: field:account.journal,type:0
-#: field:account.move,type:0
-#: field:account.move.reconcile,type:0
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.journal:0
-msgid "Accounts Allowed (empty for no control)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Untaxed amount"
+"If the active field is set to true, it will allow you to hide the tax "
+"without removing it."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -1891,38 +5232,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-msgid "Analytic Lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.invoice.pay,init:0
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_invoice_pay
-msgid "Pay invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Error: Invalid Bvr Number (wrong checksum)."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree5
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_invoice_draft
-msgid "Draft Customer Invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription_line
-msgid "Account Subscription Line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,state:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,state:0
-msgid "No Filter"
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_general_journal
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_general_journal
+msgid "Account General Journal"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -1931,43 +5243,20 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,reference:0
-msgid "The partner reference of this invoice."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,sortbydate:0
-msgid "Sort by:"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move,to_check:0
-msgid "To Be Verified"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:res.partner,debit:0
-msgid "Total amount you have to pay to this supplier."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
 msgid "7"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_transfers
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Li."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.chart,init:0
-msgid "Account charts"
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invalid action !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax_template
+msgid "Template Tax Fiscal Position"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -1976,24 +5265,21 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
 msgid "Printing date"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,date1:0
-msgid "          Start date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.journal.report,init:0
-msgid "Analytic Journal Report"
+#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type:0
+#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
+msgid "None"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+msgid "  365 Days  "
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2003,13 +5289,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-msgid "Tax Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
-msgid "J.C./Move name"
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "Amount Computation"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2018,132 +5299,62 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,name:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,name:0
-msgid "Tax Case Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,entry_posted:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if you don't want new account moves to pass through the "
-"'draft' state and instead goes directly to the 'posted state' without any "
-"manual validation."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,partner_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,partner_id:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: field:account.invoice,partner_id:0
-#: field:account.move,partner_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,result_selection:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,result_selection:0
-#: field:wizard.company.setup,partner_id:0
-msgid "Partner"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,number:0
-msgid ""
-"Unique number of the invoice, computed automatically when the invoice is "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Draft Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_expense
-msgid "Expense"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,invoice_sequence_id:0
-msgid "Invoice Sequence"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.automatic.reconcile,init:0
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_invoiceprocess0
-msgid "Customer Invoice Process"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Fiscal Mapping Remark :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close,init,period_id:0
-msgid "Opening Entries Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_validate_account_moves
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_validate_account_moves_line
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_validate_account_moves
-msgid "Validate Account Moves"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.subscription,period_type:0
-msgid "days"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,init,direction_selection:0
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,factor_base:0
+msgid "Multipication factor for Base code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "not implemented"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,company_id:0
+msgid "Company related to this journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Selected Invoice(s) cannot be confirmed as they are not in 'Draft' or 'Pro-"
+"Forma' state!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Fiscal Position Remark :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_analytic_entries_report
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_entries_report
+msgid "Analytic Entries Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_bank_statement_tree
+msgid ""
+"A bank statement is a summary of all financial transactions occurring over a "
+"given period of time on a deposit account, a credit card, or any other type "
+"of account. Start by encoding the starting and closing balance, then record "
+"all lines of your statement. When you are in the Payment column of the a "
+"line, you can press F1 to open the reconciliation form."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
 msgid "Past"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,company_currency_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,currency_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,currency:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_currency:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_second_currency:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: field:account.invoice,currency_id:0
-#: field:account.journal,currency:0
-#: field:account.model.line,currency_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,currency_id:0
-msgid "Currency"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_invoice_opened
-msgid "Unpaid invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
-msgid "Payment Reconcile"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_reconciliation_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_bank_reconcile_tree
 msgid "Statements reconciliation"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form_new
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_subscription_form_new
-msgid "New Subscription"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.payment.term:0
-msgid "Computation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
 msgid "Analytic Entry"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2155,9 +5366,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_tree
-msgid "Chart of Taxes"
+#: field:account.entries.report,date_created:0
+msgid "Date Created"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2166,18 +5376,10 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_reconcile_open
-msgid "Reconciled entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,address_contact_id:0
-msgid "Contact Address"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
-msgid "Create 3 Months Periods"
+#: help:account.journal,code:0
+msgid ""
+"The code will be used to generate the numbers of the journal entries of this "
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2186,73 +5388,32 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree8
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree8
-msgid "Draft Supplier Invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.refund,init,period:0
-msgid "Force period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
-msgid "Detail"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,type:0
-#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
-msgid "Consolidation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
+msgid ""
+"As soon as the reconciliation is done, the invoice's state turns to “done” "
+"(i.e. paid) in the system."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "is validated."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
 #: field:account.chart.template,account_root_id:0
 msgid "Root Account"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid ""
-"Exception made of a mistake of our side, it seems that the following bills "
-"stay unpaid. Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this "
-"payment in the next 8 days."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "VAT :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,account_selection,Account_list:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_tree
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_account_chart
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_tree2
-msgid "Chart of Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.check_journal
-msgid "x Checks Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_generate_subscription
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_generate_subscription
-msgid "Create subscription entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close,init,journal_id:0
-msgid "Opening Entries Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.config.wizard:0
-msgid "Create a Fiscal Year"
+#: field:res.partner,last_reconciliation_date:0
+msgid "Latest Reconciliation Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_line
+msgid "Analytic Line"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2261,68 +5422,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
-msgid "Date Invoiced"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account.balance.report,checktype,periods:0
-#: help:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,periods:0
-#: help:account.partner.balance.report,init,periods:0
-#: help:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,periods:0
-#: help:account.vat.declaration,init,periods:0
-msgid "All periods if empty"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_liability
-msgid "Liability"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "2"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.chart,init:0
-msgid "(If you do not select Fiscal year it will take all open fiscal years)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice.tax,base_code_id:0
-msgid "The account basis of the tax declaration."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-#: field:account.analytic.line,date:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,date:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,date:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,name:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,sortbydate:0
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-#: field:account.move,date:0
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-#: wizard_field:account.subscription.generate,init,date:0
-#: field:account.subscription.line,date:0
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,reference_type:0
-msgid "Reference Type"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.unreconcile,init,unrec:0
-#: wizard_button:account.reconcile.unreconcile,init,unrec:0
-msgid "Unreconcile"
+#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
+msgid "Create an Account based on this template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.type:0
+#: view:account.tax.code:0
+msgid "Reporting Configuration"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2332,128 +5439,32 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_statemententries0
-msgid "Statement Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,user_id:0
-#: field:account.journal,user_id:0
-msgid "User"
-msgstr "Bruger"
-#. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_template_form
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_template_form
 msgid "Account Templates"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.chart.template:0
-msgid "Chart of Accounts Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.refund_sales_journal
-msgid "Journal d'extourne"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-msgid "Voucher No"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_automatic_reconcile
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_automatic_reconcile
-msgid "Automatic reconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-msgid "Import Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "and Journals"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-msgid "Account Tax"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,move_id:0
-msgid "Move Line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,acc_no:0
-msgid "Account No."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,child_depend:0
-msgid ""
-"Set if the tax computation is based on the computation of child taxes rather "
-"than on the total amount."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-msgid "Journal Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,applicable_type:0
-msgid ""
-"If not applicable (computed through a Python code), the tax won't appear on "
-"the invoice."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.model,lines_id:0
-msgid "Model Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,date:0
-msgid "Date End"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-#: field:account.move.reconcile,line_id:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_search
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_tree1
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_move_line_search
-msgid "Entry Lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Applicable Code (if type=code)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.move.journal,init,open:0
-msgid "Open Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-msgid "KI"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.action_account_analytic_line
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.action_move_journal_line_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_entries_analytic_entries
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_move_journal_line_form
-msgid "Entries Encoding by Line"
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid "Tax Statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_company
+msgid "Companies"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot modify Company of account as its related record exist in Entry "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.fiscalyear.close.state,fy_id:0
+msgid "Select a fiscal year to close"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2462,92 +5473,78 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
-msgid "Period from"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_bankstatement0
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierbankstatement0
-msgid "Bank Statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.invoice.pay,addendum:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum:0
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_intracom
+msgid "IntraCom"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
 msgid "Information addendum"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
-msgid "Entries Reconcile"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_second_amount:0
-msgid "The amount in the currency of the journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,landscape:0
-msgid "Landscape Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_analyticinvoice0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplieranalyticcost0
-msgid "From analytic accounts, Create invoice."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.account.balance.report,account_selection,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.account.balance.report,checktype,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.aged.trial.balance,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.analytic.check.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.balance.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.chart,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.journal.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.line,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.automatic.reconcile,init,end:0
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.chart,fiscalyear:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.common.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,fiscalyear_id:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,fiscalyear_id:0
+msgid "Fiscal year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.reconcile:0
+msgid "Partial Reconcile Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
+#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
+#: view:account.analytic.Journal.report:0
+#: view:account.analytic.balance:0
+#: view:account.analytic.chart:0
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
+#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
-#: wizard_button:account.central.journal.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.chart,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.fiscalyear.close,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.fiscalyear.close.state,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.general.journal.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.general.ledger.report,account_selection,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,end:0
+#: view:account.change.currency:0
+#: view:account.chart:0
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
 #: view:account.invoice:0
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.pay,addendum,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.pay,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.refund,init,end:0
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
+#: view:account.journal.select:0
 #: view:account.move:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.bank.reconcile,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.journal,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile.select,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.unreconcile,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.unreconcile.select,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.validate,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.open_closed_fiscalyear,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.partner.balance.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.period.close,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.print.journal.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.reconcile.unreconcile,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.subscription.generate,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account.vat.declaration,init,end:0
-#: wizard_button:account_use_models,init_form,end:0
-#: view:wizard.company.setup:0
-#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
+#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
+#: view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select:0
+#: view:account.open.closed.fiscalyear:0
+#: view:account.partner.reconcile.process:0
+#: view:account.period.close:0
+#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
+#: view:account.tax.chart:0
+#: view:account.unreconcile:0
+#: view:account.unreconcile.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: view:project.account.analytic.line:0
+#: view:validate.account.move:0
+#: view:validate.account.move.lines:0
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2557,42 +5554,11 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,base_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax,ref_base_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax,tax_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax.template,base_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax.template,ref_base_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
-#: help:account.tax.template,tax_code_id:0
-msgid "Use this code for the VAT declaration."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,blocked:0
-msgid "Litigation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.validate,init:0
-#: view:account.payment.term:0
-msgid "Information"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_tax_report
-msgid "Taxes Reports"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:res.partner,property_account_payable:0
-msgid "Account Payable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:populate_statement_from_inv,init:0
-msgid "Import Invoices in Statement"
+#: selection:account.account,type:0
+#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_receivable
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
+msgid "Receivable"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2606,27 +5572,23 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
-msgid "Payment Order"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account.template,reconcile:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this option if you want the user to reconcile entries in this account."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_40
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_analytic0
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_analyticcost0
-msgid "Analytic"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_invoiceinvoice0
-msgid "Create Invoice"
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  number of days: 30"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.analytic.line,currency_id:0
+msgid "The related account currency if not equal to the company one."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Current"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "CashBox"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -2635,166 +5597,76 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:wizard.company.setup,overdue_msg:0
-msgid "Overdue Payment Message"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code_template
-msgid "Tax Code Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-msgid "In dispute"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account.template,type:0
-msgid ""
-"This type is used to differenciate types with special effects in Open ERP: "
-"view can not have entries, consolidation are accounts that can have children "
-"accounts for multi-company consolidations, payable/receivable are for "
-"partners accounts (for debit/credit computations), closed for deprecated "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_end_year_treatments
-msgid "End of Year Treatments"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_generic_report
-msgid "Generic Reports"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type:0
+msgid "Percentage"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
+msgid "Journal & Partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
 msgid "Power"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.line,init:0
-msgid "Account Analytic Lines Analysis"
+#: field:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
+msgid "Refund Type"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
 msgid "Price"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "-"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-msgid "asgfas"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_analytic_account_chart
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_chart_balance
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_def_chart
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_account_tree2
-msgid "Analytic Chart of Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.line,init:0
+#: view:project.account.analytic.line:0
 msgid "View Account Analytic Lines"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.validate,init:0
-msgid "Select Period and Journal for Validation"
+#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid "Balance Sheet (Liability Accounts)"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,number:0
+#: field:account.invoice,internal_number:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,number:0
 msgid "Invoice Number"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.period,date_stop:0
-msgid "End of Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:populate_statement_from_inv,go,finish:0
-msgid "O_k"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,amount_untaxed:0
-msgid "Untaxed"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,include_base_amount:0
+msgid ""
+"Indicates if the amount of tax must be included in the base amount for the "
+"computation of the next taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_reconcile
+msgid "Reconciliation: Go to Next Partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_invert_balance
 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_inverted_balance
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.account_analytic_account_inverted_balance_report
 msgid "Inverted Analytic Balance"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,applicable_type:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,applicable_type:0
 msgid "Applicable Type"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice,reference:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,invoice_id:0
 msgid "Invoice Reference"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account,name:0
-#: field:account.account.template,name:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,name:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,name:0
-#: field:account.chart.template,name:0
-#: field:account.config.wizard,name:0
-#: field:account.model.line,name:0
-#: field:account.move,name:0
-#: field:account.move.line,name:0
-#: field:account.move.reconcile,name:0
-#: field:account.subscription,name:0
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial:0
-msgid "Reconciliation transactions"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.aged.trial.balance,init,direction_selection:0
-msgid "Analysis Direction"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:populate_statement_from_inv,init,go:0
-msgid "_Go"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:res.partner,ref_companies:0
-msgid "Companies that refers to partner"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,date:0
-msgid "Effective date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: help:account.tax.template,sequence:0
 msgid ""
 "The sequence field is used to order the taxes lines from lower sequences to "
@@ -2803,204 +5675,112 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.journal.column,view_id:0
-#: view:account.journal.view:0
-#: field:account.journal.view,name:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_view
-msgid "Journal View"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
-msgid "Credit Centralisation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Customer Ref:"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Partner ID"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.automatic.reconcile,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.invoice.pay,addendum:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum:0
-msgid "Write-Off Move"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-msgid "Total credit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree1_new
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree1_new
-msgid "New Customer Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,reconcile:0
-#: wizard_button:account.automatic.reconcile,init,reconcile:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,reconcile_id:0
-#: view:account.bank.statement.reconcile:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile.line,line_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,reconcile_id:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum,reconcile:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full,reconcile:0
-msgid "Reconcile"
-msgstr "Afstem"
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Best regards."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_hr_timesheet_invoice_journal
-msgid "Analytic account costs and revenues"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.invoice.refund,init:0
-msgid "Are you sure you want to refund this invoice ?"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_paid_open
-msgid "Open State"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,entry_posted:0
-msgid "Skip 'Draft' State for Created Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice.tax,account_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,tax_code_id:0
-msgid "Tax Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_statemententries0
-msgid "From statement, create entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,complete_name:0
-msgid "Full Account Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-msgid "1cm 27.7cm 20cm 27.7cm"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree12
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree12
-msgid "Draft Supplier Refunds"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingstatemententries0
-msgid "Accounting Statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Document: Customer account statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:product.product:0
-#: view:product.template:0
-#: view:res.partner:0
-msgid "Accounting"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
-msgid "Taxes Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.unreconcile,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.reconcile.unreconcile,init:0
-msgid "Unreconciliation transactions"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderbank0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderreconcilation0
-msgid "Reconcilation of entries from payment order."
+#: selection:account.account,type:0
+#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Liquidity"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_open_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_journal_entries
+msgid "Analytic Journal Items"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
+msgid ""
+"This wizard will generate the end of year journal entries of selected fiscal "
+"year. Note that you can run this wizard many times for the same fiscal year: "
+"it will simply replace the old opening entries with the new ones."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_bank_and_cash
+msgid "Bank and Cash"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_analytic_entries_report
+msgid ""
+"From this view, have an analysis of your different analytic entries "
+"following the analytic account you defined matching your business need. Use "
+"the tool search to analyse information about analytic entries generated in "
+"the system."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:account.journal:0
+msgid "The name of the journal must be unique per company !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account.template,nocreate:0
+msgid "Optional create"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Can not find account chart for this company, Please Create account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Enter a Start date !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: selection:account.invoice,type:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
+msgid "Supplier Refund"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_dashboard_acc
+msgid "Dashboard"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal.period,active:0
+msgid ""
+"If the active field is set to true, it will allow you to hide the journal "
+"period without removing it."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.bank.statement,move_line_ids:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_move_line
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line
 msgid "Entry lines"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.automatic.reconcile,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.reconcile.select,init:0
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_20
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_reconciliation0
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierreconciliation0
-msgid "Reconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.move.line,centralisation:0
 msgid "Centralisation"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice.tax,tax_code_id:0
-#: field:account.tax,description:0
-#: field:account.tax,tax_code_id:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,tax_code_id:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_code
-msgid "Tax Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-msgid "Analytic Journal -"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "Analytic Debit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,currency_mode:0
-msgid "Outgoing Currencies Rate"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree10
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree10
-msgid "Draft Customer Refunds"
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+#: view:account.analytic.journal:0
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: view:account.model:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+msgid "Group By..."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3009,28 +5789,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
-msgid ""
-"The maturity date of the generated entries for this model. You can chosse "
-"between the date of the creation action or the the date of the creation of "
-"the entries plus the partner payment terms."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
-#: selection:account.journal,type:0
-msgid "Situation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Document"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,move_id:0
-msgid "The move of this entry line."
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_pl_report
+msgid "Account Profit And Loss Report"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3039,74 +5799,36 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_receivable:0
-msgid "Receivable Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
+#: constraint:account.payment.term.line:0
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
 msgid ""
-"If this box is checked, the system will try to group the accounting lines "
-"when generating them from invoices."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full,trans_nbr:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,trans_nbr:0
-msgid "# of Transaction"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_invoice_state_cancel
-msgid "Cancel selected invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
+"Percentages for Payment Term Line must be between 0 and 1, Example: 0.02 for "
+"2% "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_sequence_fiscalyear
+msgid "account.sequence.fiscalyear"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
 #: view:account.analytic.journal:0
 #: field:account.analytic.line,journal_id:0
 #: field:account.journal,analytic_journal_id:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal
 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.analytic_journal_print
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.account_analytic_account_journal_report
 msgid "Analytic Journal"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-msgid "Entry Label"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
-msgid "Reconcilate the entries from payment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-msgid "("
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: view:account.period:0
-#: view:account.subscription:0
-msgid "Set to Draft"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,origin:0
-#: help:account.invoice.line,origin:0
-msgid "Reference of the document that produced this invoice."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,type:0
-#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
-#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,init,result_selection:0
-msgid "Payable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "Reconciled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
 #: field:account.invoice.tax,base:0
 msgid "Base"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3117,68 +5839,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,type:0
-#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
-msgid "Others"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "8"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: view:account.move:0
-#: wizard_button:account.move.validate,init,validate:0
-msgid "Validate"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.model:0
-#: field:account.model,legend:0
-msgid "Legend"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
-msgid "Proposed invoice to be checked, validated and printed"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_select
-msgid "account.move.line.select"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.account:0
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,account_selection,Account_list:0
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,writeoff_acc_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,account_id:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile.line,account_id:0
-#: field:account.invoice,account_id:0
-#: field:account.invoice.line,account_id:0
-#: field:account.journal,account_control_ids:0
-#: field:account.model.line,account_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,account_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile.select,init,account_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.unreconcile.select,init,account_id:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.journal,name:account.bank_journal
-msgid "Journal de Banque CHF"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,state:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,state:0
-msgid "By Date and Period"
+#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense_categ:0
+msgid "Expense Category Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Cash Transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_state_open.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invoice is already reconciled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:board.board:0
+msgid "Aged receivables"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3186,6 +5864,7 @@
 #: view:account.account.template:0
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
 #: field:account.bank.statement.line,note:0
+#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
 #: field:account.fiscal.position,note:0
 #: view:account.invoice.line:0
 #: field:account.invoice.line,note:0
@@ -3193,138 +5872,39 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,reconciled:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_analytic_entries_report
+msgid "Analytic Entries Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Entries: "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "Create manual recurring entries in a chosen journal."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Couldn't create move between different companies"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_bank_reconcile_tree
 msgid ""
-"The account moves of the invoice have been reconciled with account moves of "
-"the payment(s)."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.invoice.line,invoice_line_tax_id:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_27
-msgid "Taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.fiscalyear.close,init:0
-msgid "Close Fiscal Year with new entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,currency_mode:0
-msgid "Average Rate"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_bankstatement0
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierbankstatement0
-msgid "Statement encoding produces payment entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,code:0
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: field:account.account.template,code:0
-#: field:account.account.type,code:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
-#: field:account.analytic.line,code:0
-#: field:account.config.wizard,code:0
-#: field:account.fiscalyear,code:0
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-#: field:account.journal,code:0
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: field:account.period,code:0
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance
-msgid "Financial Management"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
-#: selection:account.tax,type:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
-msgid "None"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_fiscalyear_close
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_fy_close
-msgid "Generate Fiscal Year Opening Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_reconcile
-msgid "Reconcile Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.wizard_paid_open,init:0
-msgid "(Invoice should be unreconciled if you want to open it)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Additionnal Information"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,name:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,name:0
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-msgid "Tax Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.fiscalyear.close.state,init:0
-msgid " Close states of Fiscal year and periods"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.payment.term,name:account.account_payment_term
-msgid "30 Days End of Month"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.chart.template,tax_code_root_id:0
-msgid "Root Tax Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Error: BVR reference is required."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,notprintable:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,notprintable:0
-msgid "Not Printable in Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,move_id:0
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,tax_src_id:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,tax_src_id:0
-msgid "Tax Source"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_balance
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.account_analytic_account_balance_report
-msgid "Analytic Balance"
+"Bank Reconciliation consists of verifying that your bank statement "
+"corresponds with the entries (or records) of that account in your accounting "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_draftstatement0
+msgid "State is draft"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3333,35 +5913,17 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
-msgid "Pending"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
-msgid "Bank Information"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Entry \"%s\" is not valid !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
 msgid "Fax :"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_account_balance
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_partner_balance_report
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_partner_balance
-msgid "Partner Balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "Third Party Ledger"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: help:res.partner,property_account_receivable:0
 msgid ""
 "This account will be used instead of the default one as the receivable "
@@ -3369,7 +5931,6 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.tax,applicable_type:0
 #: field:account.tax,python_applicable:0
 #: field:account.tax,python_compute:0
 #: selection:account.tax,type:0
@@ -3381,36 +5942,21 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_bank_statement
-msgid "Bank statements"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_22
-msgid "Partner Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax.template,tax_group:0
-msgid ""
-"If a default tax if given in the partner it only override taxes from account "
-"(or product) of the same group."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-msgid "Real Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_importinvoice0
-msgid "Import invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: view:wizard.company.setup:0
-#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_balance_sheet.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Please define the Reserve and Profit/Loss account for current user company !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,update_posted:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this box if you want to allow the cancellation the entries related to "
+"this journal or of the invoice related to this journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close:0
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3420,118 +5966,32 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_line
-msgid "Invoice line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,shortcut:0
-#: field:account.account.template,shortcut:0
-msgid "Shortcut"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.validate,init:0
-msgid ""
-"All draft account entries in this journal and period will be validated. It "
-"means you won't be able to modify their accouting fields."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.model.line,date:0
-#: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
-msgid "Date of the day"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,amount_currency:0
-msgid ""
-"The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,parent_id:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,parent_id:0
-msgid "Parent Tax Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,user_type:0
-#: field:account.account.template,user_type:0
-#: view:account.account.type:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,type:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_account_type
-msgid "Account Type"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:res.partner:0
-msgid "Bank account owner"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.account.balance.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.general.ledger.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.partner.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.third_party_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "Filter on Periods"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:res.partner,property_account_receivable:0
-msgid "Account Receivable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.pay,addendum,reconcile:0
-msgid "Pay and reconcile"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_central_journal
-msgid "Central Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "Balance brought forward"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,child_consol_ids:0
-msgid "Consolidated Children"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,fiscalyear:0
-#: wizard_field:account.chart,init,fiscalyear:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,fiscalyear:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,fiscalyear:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,fiscalyear:0
-msgid "Fiscal year"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Balance :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,display_account:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,display_account:0
-msgid "With balance is not equal to 0"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "3"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  valuation: percent"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer,bank_accounts_id:0
+msgid "Your Bank and Cash Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Error !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_vat_declaration
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_vat_declaration
 msgid "Taxes Report"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3541,147 +6001,1447 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree4_new
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree4_new
-msgid "New Supplier Refund"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.model:0
-msgid "Entry Model"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,amount_currency:0
-msgid "With Currency"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.account:0
-msgid "Chart of accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.subscription.line,subscription_id:0
-msgid "Subscription"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.journal,code:0
-msgid "Journal code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.fiscalyear.close,init,close:0
-#: view:account.model:0
-msgid "Create entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
 msgid "Project line"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,max_amount:0
-msgid "Maximum write-off amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice.tax,manual:0
 msgid "Manual"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Compute Taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,code_digits:0
-msgid "# of Digits"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:res.partner,property_payment_term:0
-msgid ""
-"This payment term will be used instead of the default one for the current "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,addendum,comment:0
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,init,name:0
-msgid "Entry Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,account_id:0
-msgid "The partner account used for this invoice."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax.code,notprintable:0
-#: help:account.tax.code.template,notprintable:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if you don't want any VAT related to this Tax Code to appear "
-"on invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account.type,sequence:0
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
+msgid ""
+"For an invoice to be considered as paid, the invoice entries must be "
+"reconciled with counterparts, usually payments. With the automatic "
+"reconciliation functionality, OpenERP makes its own search for entries to "
+"reconcile in a series of accounts. It finds entries for each partner where "
+"the amounts correspond."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,to_check:0
+msgid "To Review"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_journal_line
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_move_journal_line_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_entries
+msgid "Journal Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.ledger,page_split:0
+msgid "Display Ledger Report with One partner per page"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.state.open:0
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Selected Entry Lines does not have any account move enties in draft state"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.balance.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.central.journal,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.chart,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.journal.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.common.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.general.journal,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.print.journal,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_move_line_list
+msgid "All Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal.select:0
+msgid "Journal Select"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Currnt currency is not confirured properly !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_reconcile
+msgid "Account Reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax
+msgid "Taxes Fiscal Position"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_general_ledger_menu
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_ledger
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_general_ledger
+msgid "General Ledger"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_paymentorderbank0
+msgid "The payment order is sent to the bank."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move,to_check:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this box if you are unsure of that journal entry and if you want to "
+"note it as 'to be reviewed' by an accounting expert."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.installer.modules,account_voucher:0
+msgid ""
+"Account Voucher module includes all the basic requirements of Voucher "
+"Entries for Bank, Cash, Sales, Purchase, Expenses, Contra, etc... "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+msgid "Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_chart
+msgid "Account tax chart"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Select entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You can specify year, month and date in the name of the model using the "
+"following labels:\n"
+"%(year)s: To Specify Year \n"
+"%(month)s: To Specify Month \n"
+"%(date)s: Current Date\n"
+"e.g. My model on %(date)s"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_income
+msgid "Income Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:report.invoice.created,origin:0
+msgid "Reference of the document that generated this invoice report."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,child_ids:0
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,child_ids:0
+msgid "Child Codes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.refund_sales_journal
+msgid "Sales Credit Note Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Data Insufficient !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree1
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree1
+msgid "Customer Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,writeoff:0
+msgid "Write-Off amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Sales"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.cash_journal
+msgid "Cash Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,state:0
+#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
+#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
+msgid "A statement with manual entries becomes a draft statement."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
+msgid ""
+"Aged Partner Balance is a more detailed report of your receivables by "
+"intervals. When opening that report, OpenERP asks for the name of the "
+"company, the fiscal period and the size of the interval to be analyzed (in "
+"days). OpenERP then calculates a table of credit balance by period. So if "
+"you request an interval of 30 days OpenERP generates an analysis of "
+"creditors for the past month, past two months, and so on. "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_journal_view
+msgid ""
+"Here you can personalize and create each view of your financial journals by "
+"selecting the fields you want to appear and the sequence they will appear."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,origin:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,origin:0
+msgid "Source Document"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_period_form
+msgid ""
+"Here, you can define a period, an interval of time between successive "
+"closings of the books of your company. An accounting period typically is a "
+"month or a quarter, corresponding to the tax year used by the business. "
+"Create and manage them from here and decide whether a period should be left "
+"open or closed depending on your company's activities over a specific period."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_open_unreconciled
+msgid "Unreconciled Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_menu_Bank_process
+msgid "Statements Reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Taxes:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,amount:0
+msgid "For taxes of type percentage, enter % ratio between 0-1."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,product_uom_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,product_uom_id:0
+msgid "Product UOM"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "9"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice.refund,date:0
+msgid ""
+"This date will be used as the invoice date for Refund Invoice and Period "
+"will be chosen accordingly!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_length:0
+msgid "Period length (days)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_invoice_partner_relation
+msgid "Monthly Turnover"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Analytic Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
+msgid ""
+"The normal chart of accounts has a structure defined by the legal "
+"requirement of the country. The analytic chart of account structure should "
+"reflect your own business needs in term of costs/revenues reporting. They "
+"are usually structured by contracts, projects, products or departements. "
+"Most of the OpenERP operations (invoices, timesheets, expenses, etc) "
+"generate analytic entries on the related account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.journal,line_ids:0
+#: field:account.tax.code,line_ids:0
+msgid "Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.bank_journal
+msgid "Bank Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Can not find account chart for this company in invoice line account, Please "
+"Create account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Account Tax Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal.select:0
+msgid "Are you sure you want to open Journal Entries?"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.state.open:0
+msgid "Are you sure you want to open this invoice ?"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_central_journal
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_central_journal
+msgid "Central Journals"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account.template,parent_id:0
+msgid "Parent Account Template"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_income
+msgid "Erfolgskonten - Erlöse"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,statement_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line,statement_id:0
+#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_statementprocess0
+msgid "Statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,default_debit_account_id:0
+msgid "It acts as a default account for debit amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.module.module,description:account.module_meta_information
+msgid ""
+"Financial and accounting module that covers:\n"
+"    General accountings\n"
+"    Cost / Analytic accounting\n"
+"    Third party accounting\n"
+"    Taxes management\n"
+"    Budgets\n"
+"    Customer and Supplier Invoices\n"
+"    Bank statements\n"
+"    Reconciliation process by partner\n"
+"    Creates a dashboard for accountants that includes:\n"
+"    * List of uninvoiced quotations\n"
+"    * Graph of aged receivables\n"
+"    * Graph of aged incomes\n"
+"The processes like maintaining of general ledger is done through the defined "
+"financial Journals (entry move line or\n"
+"grouping is maintained through journal) for a particular financial year and "
+"for preparation of vouchers there is a\n"
+"module named account_voucher.\n"
+"    "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,date_invoice:0
+msgid "Invoice Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.partner,credit:0
+msgid "Total amount this customer owes you."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_ir_sequence
+msgid "ir.sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.journal.period,icon:0
+msgid "Icon"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_view_bank_statement_tree
+msgid ""
+"Cash Register allows you to manage cash entries in your cash journals."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "Ok"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Unknown Partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Opening Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,centralisation:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this box to determine that each entry of this journal won't create a "
+"new counterpart but will share the same counterpart. This is used in fiscal "
+"year closing."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement,closing_date:0
+msgid "Closed On"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement_line
+msgid "Bank Statement Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,date2:0
+msgid "Ending Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.report,uom_name:0
+msgid "Default UoM"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,purchase_tax:0
+msgid "Default Purchase Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,partner_bank_id:0
+msgid ""
+"Bank Account Number, Company bank account if Invoice is customer or supplier "
+"refund, otherwise Partner bank account number."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,domain:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,domain:0
+msgid ""
+"This field is only used if you develop your own module allowing developers "
+"to create specific taxes in a custom domain."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You should have chosen periods that belongs to the same company"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,report_name:0
+msgid "Name of new entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.use.model:0
+msgid "Create Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting
+msgid "Reporting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:account.journal:0
+msgid "The code of the journal must be unique per company !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement,ending_details_ids:0
+msgid "Closing Cashbox"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Account Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_paidinvoice0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
+msgid "Paid invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,next_partner_id:0
+msgid ""
+"This field shows you the next partner that will be automatically chosen by "
+"the system to go through the reconciliation process, based on the latest day "
+"it have been reconciled."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,comment:0
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,domain:0
+#: field:account.tax.template,domain:0
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_use_model
+msgid "Use model"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_all_a
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_purchase
+msgid ""
+"This view is used by accountants in order to record entries massively in "
+"OpenERP. If you want to record a supplier invoice, start by recording the "
+"line of the expense account, OpenERP will propose to you automatically the "
+"Tax related to this account and the counter-part \"Account Payable\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.company,property_reserve_and_surplus_account:0
+msgid ""
+"This Account is used for transferring Profit/Loss(If It is Profit: Amount "
+"will be added, Loss : Amount will be deducted.), Which is calculated from "
+"Profit & Loss Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.line:0
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,invoice_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_line
+msgid "Invoice Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.balance.report,display_account:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,display_account:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,display_account:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
+msgid "Display accounts"
+msgstr "Vis kontoer"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account.type,sign:0
+msgid "Sign on Reports"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not have two open register for the same journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  day of the month= -1"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,type:0
+msgid ""
+"Select 'Sale' for Sale journal to be used at the time of making invoice. "
+"Select 'Purchase' for Purchase Journal to be used at the time of approving "
+"purchase order. Select 'Cash' to be used at the time of making payment. "
+"Select 'General' for miscellaneous operations. Select 'Opening/Closing "
+"Situation' to be used at the time of new fiscal year creation or end of year "
+"entries generation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "PRO-FORMA"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.installer.modules,account_followup:0
+msgid ""
+"Helps you generate reminder letters for unpaid invoices, including multiple "
+"levels of reminding and customized per-partner policies."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,move_line_state:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: selection:account.move.line,state:0
+msgid "Unbalanced"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Optional Information"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,user_id:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: field:account.journal,user_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,user_id:0
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Bruger"
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+msgid ":"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account,currency_mode:0
+msgid "At Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,date_maturity:0
+msgid ""
+"This field is used for payable and receivable journal entries. You can put "
+"the limit date for the payment of this line."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Bad account !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sales Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_tax
+msgid "Invoice Tax"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No piece number !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.expenses_journal
+msgid "Expenses Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:product.product:0
+#: view:product.template:0
+msgid "Sales Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_manual_reconcile
+msgid "Manual Reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Total amount due:"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.chart,to_date:0
+#: field:project.account.analytic.line,to_date:0
+msgid "To"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,fy_id:0
+#: field:account.fiscalyear.close.state,fy_id:0
+msgid "Fiscal Year to close"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.cancel:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_cancel
+msgid "Cancel Selected Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "May"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart_template
+msgid "Templates for Account Chart"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,code:0
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,code:0
+msgid "Case Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:validate.account.move:0
+msgid "Post Journal Entries of a Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:product.product:0
+msgid "Sale Taxes"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.sales_journal
+msgid "Sales Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_cash_moves
+#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
+#: selection:account.bank.accounts.wizard,account_type:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
+#: selection:account.journal,type:0
+msgid "Cash"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_dest_id:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,account_dest_id:0
+msgid "Account Destination"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaymentorder0
+msgid "Payment of invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,sequence:0
 #: field:account.invoice.tax,sequence:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
 #: field:account.journal.column,sequence:0
 #: field:account.model.line,sequence:0
 #: field:account.payment.term.line,sequence:0
 #: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,sequence_id:0
 #: field:account.tax,sequence:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,sequence:0
-#: field:fiscalyear.seq,sequence_id:0
 msgid "Sequence"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_template
-msgid "Template for Fiscal Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-msgid "Entry encoding"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.invoice.refund,init:0
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_invoice_refund
-msgid "Credit Note"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.todo,note:account.config_fiscalyear
-msgid "Define Fiscal Years and Select Charts of Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,addendum,period_id:0
-msgid "Write-Off Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.config.wizard,period:0
-msgid "3 Months"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.journal,init:0
-msgid "Standard entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account,check_history:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if you want to print all entries when printing the General "
-"Ledger, otherwise it will only print its balance."
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bs_report
+msgid "Account Balance Sheet Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,price_include:0
+msgid ""
+"Check this if the price you use on the product and invoices includes this "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
+msgid "Sales by Account type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,move_id:0
+msgid "Link to the automatically generated Journal Items."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.installer,period:0
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  number of days: 14"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.reconcile.process,progress:0
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,parent_id:0
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Parent"
+msgstr "Forrige"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer.modules,account_analytic_plans:0
+msgid "Multiple Analytic Plans"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.payment.term.line,days2:0
+msgid ""
+"Day of the month, set -1 for the last day of the current month. If it's "
+"positive, it gives the day of the next month. Set 0 for net days (otherwise "
+"it's based on the beginning of the month)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dag i måneden, set -1 for den sidste dag i måneden. Hvis positiv, indsættes "
+"dagen i efterfølgende måned. Sæt 0 for d.d. (ellers vil det være baseret på "
+"efterfølgende måned)"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_legal_statement
+msgid "Legal Reports"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,sum_period:0
+msgid "Period Sum"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,sequence:0
+msgid ""
+"The sequence field is used to order the tax lines from the lowest sequences "
+"to the higher ones. The order is important if you have a tax with several "
+"tax children. In this case, the evaluation order is important."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_cashbox_line
+msgid "CashBox Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_3rdparty_ledger
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_partner_ledger
+msgid "Partner Ledger"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+msgid "Year :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.tax.template,type:0
+msgid "Fixed"
+msgstr "Fast"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Warning !"
+msgstr "Advarsel !"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,move_line_state:0
+msgid "State of Move Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_line_reconcile_writeoff
+msgid "Account move line reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription.generate:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_subscription_generate
+msgid "Subscription Compute"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Amount (in words) :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_other
+msgid "Jahresabschlusskonten u. Statistik"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,partner_id:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,partner_id:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,partner_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,partner_id:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,partner_id:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: field:account.model.line,partner_id:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,partner_id:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,partner_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,partner_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_partner
+#: field:report.invoice.created,partner_id:0
+msgid "Partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Error! You can not create recursive analytic accounts."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.change.currency,currency_id:0
+msgid "Select a currency to apply on the invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Can not %s draft/proforma/cancel invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "No Invoice Lines !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,state:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,move_state:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+#: field:account.fiscalyear,state:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,state:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.journal.period,state:0
+#: field:account.move,state:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,state:0
+#: field:account.period,state:0
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+#: field:account.subscription,state:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,state:0
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Stat"
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.open.closed.fiscalyear,fyear_id:0
+msgid ""
+"Select Fiscal Year which you want to remove entries for its End of year "
+"entries journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
+msgid "Tax Use In"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_journal_form
+msgid ""
+"Create and manage your company's financial journals from this menu. A "
+"journal is a business diary in which all financial data related to the day "
+"to day business transactions of your company is recorded using double-entry "
+"book keeping system. Depending on the nature of its activities and number of "
+"daily transactions, a company may keep several  types of specialized "
+"journals such as a cash journal, purchases journal, and sales journal."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "The account entries lines are not in valid state."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account.type,close_method:0
+msgid "Deferral Method"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invoice '%s' is paid."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_electronicfile0
+msgid "Automatic entry"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.line:0
+msgid "Line"
+msgstr "Linje"
+#. module: account
+#: help:product.template,property_account_income:0
+msgid ""
+"This account will be used for invoices instead of the default one to value "
+"sales for the current product"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
+msgid ""
+"If this box is checked, the system will try to group the accounting lines "
+"when generating them from invoices."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.period,state:0
+msgid ""
+"When monthly periods are created. The state is 'Draft'. At the end of "
+"monthly period it is in 'Done' state."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+msgid "Inverted Analytic Balance -"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.bank.reconcile:0
+msgid "Open for bank reconciliation"
+msgstr "Ã…ben bank afstemning"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,page_split:0
+msgid "One Partner Per Page"
+msgstr "En partner pr. side"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,child_parent_ids:0
+#: field:account.account.template,child_parent_ids:0
+msgid "Children"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Associated Partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You must first select a partner !"
+msgstr "Du må først vælge en partner"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,comment:0
+msgid "Additional Information"
+msgstr "Yderligere information"
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.installer:0
+msgid "Bank and Cash Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,residual:0
+msgid "Total Residual"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_invoiceinvoice0
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierinvoiceinvoice0
+msgid "Invoice's state is Open"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_cost
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_cost_ledger
+msgid "Cost Ledger"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:res.groups:0
+msgid "The name of the group must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Proforma"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+msgid "J.C. /Move name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_open_closed_fiscalyear
+msgid "Choose Fiscal Year"
+msgstr "Vælg regnskabs år"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Purchase Refund Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax.template,amount:0
+msgid "For Tax Type percent enter % ratio between 0-1."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
+msgid "8"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
+msgid ""
+"Modify Invoice: Cancels the current invoice and creates a new copy of it "
+"ready for editing."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account.module_meta_information
+msgid "Accounting and Financial Management"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_manually0
+msgid "Manually"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.automatic.reconcile,period_id:0
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,period_id:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,period_id:0
+#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.journal.period,period_id:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: field:account.move,period_id:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,period_id:0
+#: view:account.period:0
+#: field:account.subscription,period_nbr:0
+#: field:account.tax.chart,period_id:0
+#: field:validate.account.move,period_id:0
+msgid "Period"
+msgstr "Periode"
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Net Total:"
+msgstr "Net Total:"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_generic_reporting
+msgid "Generic Reporting"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff,journal_id:0
+msgid "Write-Off Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.partner,property_payment_term:0
+msgid ""
+"This payment term will be used instead of the default one for the current "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Compute Code for Taxes included prices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income_categ:0
+msgid "Income Category Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_template_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form_template
+msgid "Fiscal Position Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+msgid "Int.Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line,tax_amount:0
+msgid "Tax/Base Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_vat_declaration
+msgid ""
+"This menu print a VAT declaration based on invoices or payments. You can "
+"select one or several periods of the fiscal year. Information required for a "
+"tax declaration is automatically generated by OpenERP from invoices (or "
+"payments, in some countries). This data is updated in real time. That’s very "
+"useful because it enables you to preview at any time the tax that you owe at "
+"the start and end of the month or quarter."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Tel. :"
+msgstr "Tel:"
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,company_currency_id:0
+msgid "Company Currency"
+msgstr "Firma valuta"
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "Chart of Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_paymententries0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_reconcilepaid0
+msgid "Payment"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_journal_period_tree
+msgid ""
+"You can look up individual account entries by searching for useful "
+"information. To search for account entries, open a journal, then select a "
+"record line."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:product.category,property_account_income_categ:0
+msgid ""
+"This account will be used for invoices to value sales for the current "
+"product category"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line,reconcile_partial_id:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
+msgid "Partial Reconcile"
+msgstr "Delvis afstemning"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_inverted_balance
+msgid "Account Analytic Inverted Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_common_report
+msgid "Account Common Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_filestatement0
+msgid "Automatic import of the bank sta"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_view
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_journal_view
+msgid "Journal Views"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_bank_reconcile
+msgid "Move bank reconcile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_type_form
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_type_form
+msgid "Account Types"
+msgstr "Kontotyper"
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot create invoice move on centralised journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid "P&L / BS Category"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_line_reconcile_select.py:0
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.periodical_processing_reconciliation
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_reconciliation0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierreconciliation0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Reconciliation"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
+#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_receivable:0
+msgid "Receivable Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+msgid "CashBox Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear_close_state
+msgid "Fiscalyear Close state"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.refund,journal_id:0
+#: field:account.journal,refund_journal:0
+msgid "Refund Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "Filter By"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: view:board.board:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_company_analysis_tree
+msgid "Company Analysis"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,account_id:0
+msgid "The partner account used for this invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax.code,parent_id:0
+#: view:account.tax.code.template:0
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,parent_id:0
+msgid "Parent Code"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3690,9 +7450,882 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.config.wizard,period:0
-#: field:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal,name:0
-msgid "Month"
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Purchase Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
+msgid "Refund Invoice: Creates the refund invoice, ready for editing."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.line,price_subtotal:0
+msgid "Subtotal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Partner Ref."
+msgstr "Partner Ref."
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid "Print Tax Statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.model.line:0
+msgid "Journal Entry Model Line"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: field:account.invoice,date_due:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,date_due:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,date_due:0
+msgid "Due Date"
+msgstr "Forfaldsdato"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_payables
+msgid "Suppliers"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:account.move:0
+msgid ""
+"You cannot create more than one move per period on centralized journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Accounts Type Allowed (empty for no control)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:res.partner:0
+msgid "Supplier Accounting Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  valuation: balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax.code:0
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.chart,from_date:0
+#: field:project.account.analytic.line,from_date:0
+msgid "From"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear_close
+msgid "Fiscalyear Close"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_type_form
+msgid ""
+"An account type is a name or code given to an account that indicates its "
+"purpose. For example, the account type could be linked to an asset account, "
+"expense account or payable account. From this view, you can create and "
+"manage the account types you need to be used for your company management."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_invoice_opened
+msgid "Unpaid Invoices"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line.reconcile,debit:0
+msgid "Debit amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:board.board:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_treasory_graph
+msgid "Treasury"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.aged.trial.balance:0
+#: view:account.analytic.Journal.report:0
+#: view:account.analytic.balance:0
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
+#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+msgid "Accounts Allowed (empty for no control)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_tree2
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_chart
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_analytic_account_tree2
+msgid "Chart of Analytic Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_configuration_misc
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.partner,debit:0
+msgid "Total amount you have to pay to this supplier."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_analytic0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_analyticcost0
+msgid "Analytic Costs"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.journal,name:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: field:account.journal,name:0
+msgid "Journal Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,blocked:0
+msgid ""
+"You can check this box to mark this journal item as a litigation with the "
+"associated partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,internal_number:0
+msgid ""
+"Unique number of the invoice, computed automatically when the invoice is "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Bad account!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.chart,fiscalyear:0
+msgid "Keep empty for all open fiscal years"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "The account move (%s) for centralisation has been confirmed!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.move.line,amount_currency:0
+msgid ""
+"The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,currency:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,currency_id:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: field:account.invoice,currency_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,currency_id:0
+#: field:account.journal,currency:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: field:account.model.line,currency_id:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: field:account.move.line,currency_id:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,currency_id:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,currency_id:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,currency_id:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,currency_id:0
+msgid "Currency"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bank.statement.line,sequence:0
+msgid ""
+"Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of bank statement lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_validentries0
+msgid "Accountant validates the accounting entries coming from the invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_acount_move_line_reconcile_open
+msgid "Reconciled entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,address_contact_id:0
+msgid "Contact Address"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.invoice,state:0
+msgid ""
+" * The 'Draft' state is used when a user is encoding a new and unconfirmed "
+"Invoice.             \n"
+"* The 'Pro-forma' when invoice is in Pro-forma state,invoice does not have "
+"an invoice number.             \n"
+"* The 'Open' state is used when user create invoice,a invoice number is "
+"generated.Its in open state till user does not pay invoice.             \n"
+"* The 'Paid' state is set automatically when invoice is paid.            \n"
+"* The 'Cancelled' state is used when user cancel invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice.refund,period:0
+msgid "Force period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_partner_balance
+msgid "Print Account Partner Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:res.partner,contract_ids:0
+msgid "Contracts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.cashbox.line,ending_id:0
+#: field:account.cashbox.line,starting_id:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,reconcile_id:0
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.fiscalyear.close,journal_id:0
+msgid "Opening Entries Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
+msgid "Draft invoices are checked, validated and printed."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.chart.template,property_reserve_and_surplus_account:0
+msgid ""
+"This Account is used for transferring Profit/Loss(If It is Profit: Amount "
+"will be added, Loss: Amount will be deducted.), Which is calculated from "
+"Profilt & Loss Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.invoice,reference_type:0
+msgid "Reference Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bs.report,reserve_account_id:0
+msgid ""
+"This Account is used for trasfering Profit/Loss(If It is Profit: Amount will "
+"be added, Loss : Amount will be duducted.), Which is calculated from Profilt "
+"& Loss Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger.journal.report:0
+msgid "Cost Ledger for period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax,child_depend:0
+#: help:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
+msgid ""
+"Set if the tax computation is based on the computation of child taxes rather "
+"than on the total amount."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.tax,applicable_type:0
+msgid "Given by Python Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.journal,code:0
+msgid "Journal Code"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.tax.code,sign:0
+msgid ""
+"You can specify here the coefficient that will be used when consolidating "
+"the amount of this case into its parent. For example, set 1/-1 if you want "
+"to add/substract it."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Residual Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
+#: field:account.invoice,move_lines:0
+#: field:account.move.reconcile,line_id:0
+msgid "Entry Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_open_journal_button
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_validate_account_move
+msgid "Open Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+msgid "KI"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+msgid "Period from"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Sales Refund Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot modify company of this period as its related record exist in "
+"Entry Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: view:account.payment.term:0
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_bankstatement0
+msgid "Registered payment"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
+msgid "Close states of Fiscal year and periods"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Product Information"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_40
+msgid "Analytic"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_invoiceinvoice0
+#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierinvoiceinvoice0
+msgid "Create Invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer,purchase_tax:0
+msgid "Purchase Tax(%)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Please create some invoice lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_tax_code_list
+msgid ""
+"A tax code is a reference of a tax that will be taken out of a gross income "
+"depending on the country and sometimes industry sector. OpenERP allows you "
+"to define and manage them from this menu."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Dear Sir/Madam,"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_form
+msgid ""
+"Create and manage accounts you will need to record financial entries in. "
+"Accounts are financial records of your company that register all financial "
+"transactions. Companies present their annual accounts in two main parts: the "
+"balance sheet and the income statement (profit and loss account). The annual "
+"accounts of a company are required by law to disclose a certain amount of "
+"information. They have to be certified by an external auditor yearly."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "SCNJ"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_analyticinvoice0
+msgid ""
+"Analytic costs (timesheets, some purchased products, ...) come from analytic "
+"accounts. These generate draft invoices."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.journal,view_id:0
+msgid ""
+"Gives the view used when writing or browsing entries in this journal. The "
+"view tells OpenERP which fields should be visible, required or readonly and "
+"in which order. You can create your own view for a faster encoding in each "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.period,date_stop:0
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_end_year_treatments
+msgid "End of Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer.modules,account_followup:0
+msgid "Followups Management"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid "Start Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot locate parent code for template account!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
+msgid "Analysis Direction"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:res.partner,ref_companies:0
+msgid "Companies that refers to partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.journal:0
+#: field:account.journal.column,view_id:0
+#: view:account.journal.view:0
+#: field:account.journal.view,name:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_view
+msgid "Journal View"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Total credit"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
+msgid "Accountant validates the accounting entries coming from the invoice. "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot cancel the Invoice which is Partially Paid! You need to "
+"unreconcile concerned payment entries!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Best regards."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: constraint:ir.rule:0
+msgid "Rules are not supported for osv_memory objects !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Unpaid"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_tax_code_tree
+msgid ""
+"The chart of taxes is used to generate your periodic tax statement. You will "
+"see here the taxes with codes related to your legal statement according to "
+"your country."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
+msgid "Document: Customer account statement"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Current currency is not confirured properly !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+msgid "Receivale Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Particulars"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Document"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
+msgid "Profit & Loss (Income Accounts)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.tax:0
+#: view:account.tax.template:0
+msgid "Keep empty to use the income account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.account,balance:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end_cash:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,balance:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: field:account.move.line,balance:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
+#: selection:account.tax,type:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: field:report.account.receivable,balance:0
+#: field:report.aged.receivable,balance:0
+msgid "Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierbankstatement0
+msgid "Manually or automatically entered in the system"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+msgid "Display Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+msgid "("
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.type:0
+msgid "Closing Method"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_partner_balance
+msgid ""
+"This report is analysis by partner. It is a PDF report containing one line "
+"per partner representing the cumulative credit balance."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account,type:0
+#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_payable
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
+msgid "Payable"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:report.account.sales:0
+#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
+#: view:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal:0
+msgid "This Year"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:board.board:0
+msgid "Account Board"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.model:0
+#: field:account.model,legend:0
+msgid "Legend"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_sale
+msgid ""
+"This view is used by accountants in order to record entries massively in "
+"OpenERP. If you want to record a customer invoice, select the journal and "
+"the period in the search toolbar. Then, start by recording the entry line of "
+"the income account. OpenERP will propose to you automatically the Tax "
+"related to this account and the counter-part \"Account receivable\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Cannot delete bank statement(s) which are already confirmed !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You must select accounts to reconcile"
+msgstr "Vælg konto for afstemning"
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_receivable_graph
+msgid "Balance by Type of Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
+msgid "Accounting entries are the first input of the reconciliation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Receiver's Signature"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+msgid "Filters By"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_manually0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
+msgid "Manual entry"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: field:account.move.line,move_id:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,move_id:0
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You can not change the tax, you should remove and recreate lines !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+msgid "A/C No."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_journal_2_account_bank_statement
+msgid "Bank statements"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.addtmpl.wizard,cparent_id:0
+msgid ""
+"Creates an account with the selected template under this existing parent."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
+msgid "Date of the day"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_bank_reconcile.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You have to define the bank account\n"
+"in the journal definition for reconciliation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile:0
+msgid "Reconciliation transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_common_menu
+msgid "Common Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+#: field:account.account,child_consol_ids:0
+msgid "Consolidated Children"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"The journal must have centralised counterpart without the Skipping draft "
+"state option checked!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_paymententries0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentorderbank0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_paymentreconcile0
+msgid "Payment entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "July"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+msgid "Chart of accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.subscription.line,subscription_id:0
+msgid "Subscription"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_balance
+msgid "Account Analytic Balance"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+msgid "End Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.common.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,chart_account_id:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,chart_account_id:0
+msgid "Chart of account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.move.line,date_maturity:0
+msgid "Due date"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.journal:0
+msgid "Standard entries"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3702,8 +8335,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
-#: field:account.move.line,date_maturity:0
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
+#: report:account.overdue:0
 msgid "Maturity date"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3713,72 +8345,51 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.print.journal.report,init,sort_selection:0
-msgid "By date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_config_wizard_form
-msgid "Account Configure Wizard "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.config.wizard,date1:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,date_from:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,date_from:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,date_from:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,date_from:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,date_from:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,date_from:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,date_from:0
+#: field:account.common.report,date_from:0
 #: field:account.fiscalyear,date_start:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,date_from:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: field:account.installer,date_start:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,date_from:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,date_from:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,date_from:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,date_from:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,date_from:0
 #: field:account.subscription,date_start:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,date_from:0
 msgid "Start Date"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.general.ledger.report,account_selection:0
-msgid "Select Chart"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.chart,init,target_move:0
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_move_line_list
-msgid "All Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftinvoices0
 #: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierdraftinvoices0
 msgid "Draft Invoices"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax_template
-msgid "Template Tax Fiscal Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Invoice Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
 msgid "Unreconciled"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account,note:0
-#: field:account.account.template,note:0
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:account.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Financial and accounting module that covers:\n"
-"    General accounting\n"
-"    Cost / Analytic accounting\n"
-"    Third party accounting\n"
-"    Taxes management\n"
-"    Budgets\n"
-"    Customer and Supplier Invoices\n"
-"    Bank statements\n"
-"    "
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Bad total !"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3787,102 +8398,38 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,type:0
-#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
-msgid "Closed"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_paymententries0
-msgid "Payment Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,tax_code_id:0
-msgid "The Account can either be a base tax code or tax code account."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.automatic.reconcile,init,account_ids:0
-msgid ""
-"If no account is specified, the reconciliation will be made using every "
-"accounts that can be reconcilied"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_wizard_company_setup_form
-#: view:wizard.company.setup:0
-msgid "Overdue Payment Report Message"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.tax,tax_group:0
-#: selection:account.tax.template,tax_group:0
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_ledger
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_general_ledger
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_general_ledger_report
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_general_ledger
-msgid "General Ledger"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal.view,columns_id:0
-msgid "Columns"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,sortbydate:0
-msgid "Movement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.period,special:0
-msgid "These periods can overlap."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:product.template,property_account_expense:0
-msgid ""
-"This account will be used instead of the default one to value outgoing stock "
-"for the current product"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_manually0
-msgid "Encode manually the statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_journal_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_journal_form
-msgid "Financial Journals"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,state:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,state:0
-msgid "By Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
-msgid "Keep empty to use the current date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,quantity_max:0
-msgid "Maximum Quantity"
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_period_tree
+msgid ""
+"A period is a fiscal period of time during which accounting entries should "
+"be recorded for accounting related activities. Monthly period is the norm "
+"but depending on your countries or company needs, you could also have "
+"quarterly periods. Closing a period will make it impossible to record new "
+"accounting entries, all new entries should then be made on the following "
+"open period. Close a period when you do not want to record new entries and "
+"want to lock this period for tax related calculation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Pending"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_analyticinvoice0
+#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplieranalyticcost0
+msgid "From analytic accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer.modules,account_payment:0
+msgid "Suppliers Payment Management"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.analytic.journal,active:0
+msgid ""
+"If the active field is set to true, it will allow you to hide the analytic "
+"journal without removing it."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -3891,28 +8438,13 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.analytic.journal,type:0
-msgid ""
-"Gives the type of the analytic journal. When a document (eg: an invoice) "
-"needs to create analytic entries, Open ERP will look for a matching journal "
-"of the same type."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,groups_id:0
-msgid "Groups"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
 msgid "Code/Date"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.account,active:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,active:0
 #: field:account.analytic.journal,active:0
-#: field:account.journal,active:0
 #: field:account.journal.period,active:0
 #: field:account.payment.term,active:0
 #: field:account.tax,active:0
@@ -3920,161 +8452,104 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_electronicfile0
-msgid "Import from your bank statements"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.chart.template:0
-msgid "Properties"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:res.partner:0
-msgid "Customer Accounting Properties"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-msgid "Select entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.chart,init,target_move:0
-msgid "All Posted Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.vat.declaration,init,based_on:0
-msgid "Base on"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Cash Payment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_payable:0
-msgid "Payable Account"
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"You cannot validate a non-balanced entry !\n"
+"Make sure you have configured Payment Term properly !\n"
+"It should contain atleast one Payment Term Line with type \"Balance\" !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:res.partner,property_account_payable:0
+msgid ""
+"This account will be used instead of the default one as the payable account "
+"for the current partner"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.period,special:0
+msgid "Opening/Closing Period"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.account,currency_id:0
 #: field:account.account.template,currency_id:0
+#: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,currency_id:0
 msgid "Secondary Currency"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_validate_account_move
+msgid "Validate Account Move"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
 #: field:account.account,credit:0
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,credit:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,credit:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
 #: field:account.model.line,credit:0
 #: field:account.move.line,credit:0
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-#: field:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal,cost:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: field:report.account.receivable,credit:0
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.tax.template,child_depend:0
-msgid ""
-"Indicate if the tax computation is based on the value computed for the "
-"computation of child taxes or based on the total amount."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,account_paid_id:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,account_paid_id:0
-msgid "Refund Tax Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,child_ids:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,child_ids:0
-msgid "Child Codes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,move_name:0
-msgid "Account Move"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,line_ids:0
-msgid "Statement lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.line,amount_taxed:0
-msgid "Taxed Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice.line,price_subtotal:0
-msgid "Subtotal w/o tax"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice.line,invoice_id:0
-msgid "Invoice Ref"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,general_account_id:0
-msgid "General Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,quantity:0
-msgid ""
-"The optional quantity expressed by this line, eg: number of product sold. "
-"The quantity is not a legal requirement but is very usefull for some reports."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,reconcil:0
-msgid "       Include Reconciled Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,blocked:0
-msgid ""
-"You can check this box to mark the entry line as a litigation with the "
-"associated partner"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree1
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree1
-msgid "Customer Invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:res.partner,debit_limit:0
-msgid "Payable Limit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,state:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,state:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,state:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,state:0
-msgid "Date/Period Filter"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.journal:0
+#: help:account.invoice.refund,journal_id:0
+msgid ""
+"You can select here the journal to use for the refund invoice that will be "
+"created. If you leave that field empty, it will use the same journal as the "
+"current invoice."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "Through :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_journal
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_general_journal
+msgid "General Journals"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.model:0
+msgid "Journal Entry Model"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Maturity date of entry line generated by model line '%s' is based on partner "
+"payment term!\n"
+"Please define partner on it!"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.cashbox.line,number:0
+#: field:account.invoice,number:0
+#: field:account.move,name:0
+msgid "Number"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0
 #: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
 #: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
 #: selection:account.journal,type:0
@@ -4082,44 +8557,28 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-msgid "Credit Trans."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,seq_journal:0
-msgid "Separated Journal Sequences"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_second_currency:0
-msgid "The currency of the journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.journal.column:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_column
-msgid "Journal Column"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.fiscalyear,state:0
-#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
-#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
-#: selection:account.period,state:0
-#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,periods:0
-#: field:account.config.wizard,period:0
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
+#: selection:account.balance.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.central.journal,filter:0
+#: view:account.chart:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.journal.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.common.partner.report,filter:0
+#: view:account.common.report:0
+#: selection:account.common.report,filter:0
 #: view:account.fiscalyear:0
 #: field:account.fiscalyear,period_ids:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,periods:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,periods:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,periods:0
-#: wizard_field:account.vat.declaration,init,periods:0
+#: selection:account.general.journal,filter:0
+#: field:account.installer,period:0
+#: selection:account.partner.balance,filter:0
+#: selection:account.partner.ledger,filter:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,filter:0
+#: selection:account.print.journal,filter:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: view:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_form
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_period_form
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_23
@@ -4127,68 +8586,27 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.move.line,invoice:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice
-#: model:res.request.link,name:account.req_link_invoice
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
-#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
-#: wizard_button:account.open_closed_fiscalyear,init,open:0
-#: wizard_button:account_use_models,create,open_move:0
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_29
-msgid "Search Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analytic0
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_analyticcost0
-msgid "Analytic costs to reinvoice purchases, timesheets, ..."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account,tax_ids:0
-#: field:account.account.template,tax_ids:0
-msgid "Default Taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:ir.model:0
-msgid ""
-"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account.type,sign:0
-msgid ""
-"Allows you to change the sign of the balance amount displayed in the "
-"reports, so that you can see positive figures instead of negative ones in "
-"expenses accounts."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.config.wizard,code:0
-msgid "Name of the fiscal year as displayed in reports."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,date_maturity:0
-msgid ""
-"This field is used for payable and receivable entries. You can put the limit "
-"date for the payment of this entry line."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-msgid "Third party (Country)"
+#: field:account.invoice.report,currency_rate:0
+msgid "Currency Rate"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
+msgid "For Value percent enter % ratio between 0-1."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "April"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.select:0
+msgid "Open for Reconciliation"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -4197,42 +8615,21 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,sequence_id:0
-msgid "The sequence gives the display order for a list of journals"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,type_control_ids:0
-msgid "Type Controls"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,name:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-msgid "Account Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,init,date:0
-msgid "Payment date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account_use_models,create,end:0
-msgid "Ok"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Taxes:"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree7
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree7
-msgid "Unpaid Customer Invoices"
+#: help:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
+msgid ""
+"Refund invoice base on this type. You can not Modify and Cancel if the "
+"invoice is already reconciled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.installer.modules,account_analytic_plans:0
+msgid ""
+"Allows invoice lines to impact multiple analytic accounts simultaneously."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer,sale_tax:0
+msgid "Sale Tax(%)"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -4242,147 +8639,146 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
 #: field:account.analytic.line,product_id:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,product_id:0
 #: field:account.invoice.line,product_id:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,product_id:0
 #: field:account.move.line,product_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,product_id:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,product_id:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,product_id:0
 msgid "Product"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_validate_account_move
+msgid ""
+"The validation of journal entries process is also called 'ledger posting' "
+"and is the process of transferring debit and credit amounts from a journal "
+"of original entry to a ledger book."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:res.partner,credit:0
-msgid "Total Receivable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_period
 msgid "Account period"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,init,journal_id:0
-msgid "Journal/Payment Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Canceled Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: view:account.subscription:0
 msgid "Remove Lines"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,soldeinit:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,soldeinit:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,soldeinit:0
-msgid "Include initial balances"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.account.template:0
-msgid "Account Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,sum:0
-msgid "Year Sum"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_filestatement0
-msgid "Import file from your bank statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
+#: selection:account.account,type:0
+#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
+msgid "Regular"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
 #: field:account.account,type:0
+#: view:account.account.template:0
 #: field:account.account.template,type:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,type:0
 msgid "Internal Type"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "9"
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "State:"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form_running
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_subscription_form_running
 msgid "Running Subscriptions"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Bank Payment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
+#: view:report.account.sales:0
+#: view:report.account_type.sales:0
+#: view:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal:0
+msgid "This Month"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.Journal.report:0
+#: view:account.analytic.balance:0
+#: view:account.analytic.cost.ledger:0
+#: view:account.analytic.inverted.balance:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_partner_ledger
+msgid "Select Period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: selection:account.entries.report,move_state:0
+#: view:account.move:0
 #: selection:account.move,state:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
 msgid "Posted"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Credit Notes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.config.wizard,date2:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,date_to:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,date_to:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,date_to:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,date_to:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,date_to:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,date_to:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,date_to:0
+#: field:account.common.report,date_to:0
 #: field:account.fiscalyear,date_stop:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,date_to:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: field:account.installer,date_stop:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,date_to:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,date_to:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,date_to:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,date_to:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,date_to:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,date_to:0
 msgid "End Date"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_open_closed_fiscalyear
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_wizard_open_closed_fy
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_open_closed_fiscalyear
 msgid "Cancel Opening Entries"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
-msgid "Manually statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.payment.term.line,days2:0
 msgid "Day of the Month"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.journal,line_ids:0
-#: field:account.tax.code,line_ids:0
-msgid "Lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Dear Sir/Madam,"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,sequence:0
-msgid ""
-"The sequence field is used to order the tax lines from the lowest sequences "
-"to the higher ones. The order is important if you have a tax with several "
-"tax children. In this case, the evaluation order is important."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Tax Declaration"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_filestatement0
-msgid "File statement"
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,tax_src_id:0
+#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,tax_src_id:0
+msgid "Tax Source"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/report/account_balance_sheet.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/report/account_profit_loss.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Net Profit"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -4391,33 +8787,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.model.line:0
-msgid "Entry Model Line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Account Tax Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: help:account.model,name:0
 msgid "This is a model for recurring accounting entries"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.wizard_paid_open,init:0
-msgid "Open Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_draftstatement0
-msgid "Set starting and ending balance for control"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.wizard_paid_open,init:0
-msgid "Are you sure you want to open this invoice ?"
+#: code:addons/account/account_analytic_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "There is no income account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -4426,263 +8803,96 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:res.partner:0
-msgid "Supplier Debit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.model.line,quantity:0
-msgid "The optional quantity on entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
 msgid "JNRL"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
+#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
+msgid "  value amount: 0.02"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
 #: view:account.fiscalyear:0
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
 #: view:account.period:0
 msgid "States"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.move:0
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_accountingentries0
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplieraccountingentries0
-msgid "Accounting Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move_unreconciled
-msgid "Receivables & Payables"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-msgid "General Ledger -"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal,quantity:0
-msgid "Quantities"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,date_start:0
-msgid "Date Start"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+#: view:account.bank.statement:0
 #: field:account.invoice,amount_total:0
 #: field:account.invoice,check_total:0
+#: field:report.account.sales,amount_total:0
+#: field:report.account_type.sales,amount_total:0
+#: field:report.invoice.created,amount_total:0
 msgid "Total"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliercustomerinvoice0
-msgid "Number of entries are generated"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
-#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_validentries0
-msgid "Valid Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_account_use_model
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_line_account_use_model
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_use_model
-msgid "Create Entries From Models"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account.template,reconcile:0
-msgid "Allow Reconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,state:0
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,state:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,state:0
-msgid "By Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree4
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree4
-msgid "Supplier Refunds"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.model.line,date:0
-msgid "The date of the generated entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.refund,init,modify_invoice:0
-msgid "Modify Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:res.partner:0
-msgid "Supplier Accounting Properties"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.analytic.account:0
-msgid "Analytic Account Statistics"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
+#: help:account.account,active:0
 msgid ""
-"This will automatically configure your chart of accounts, bank accounts, "
-"taxes and journals according to the selected template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,statement_id:0
-#: field:account.move.line,statement_id:0
-msgid "Statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_move_line_form_encode_by_move
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_encode_entries_by_move
-msgid "Entries Encoding by Move"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.analytic.account.chart,init:0
-msgid "Analytic Account Charts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.aged.trial.balance,init,result_selection:0
-msgid "Filter on Partners"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,price_include:0
-msgid "Tax Included in Price"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_tree2
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_journal_entries
-msgid "Analytic Entries by Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_validentries0
-msgid "Valid entries from invoice"
+"If the active field is set to true, it will allow you to hide the account "
+"without removing it."
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.account,company_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.account.balance.report,checktype,company_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.aged.trial.balance,init,company_id:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,company_id:0
+#: field:account.analytic.journal,company_id:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement,company_id:0
+#: field:account.bank.statement.line,company_id:0
+#: view:account.entries.report:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,company_id:0
 #: field:account.fiscal.position,company_id:0
 #: field:account.fiscalyear,company_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,company_id:0
+#: field:account.installer,company_id:0
 #: field:account.invoice,company_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.line,company_id:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,company_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.tax,company_id:0
+#: view:account.journal:0
 #: field:account.journal,company_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.partner.balance.report,init,company_id:0
+#: field:account.journal.period,company_id:0
+#: field:account.model,company_id:0
+#: field:account.move,company_id:0
+#: field:account.move.line,company_id:0
+#: field:account.period,company_id:0
 #: field:account.tax,company_id:0
 #: field:account.tax.code,company_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,company_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.vat.declaration,init,company_id:0
-#: field:wizard.company.setup,company_id:0
+#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
+#: field:analytic.entries.report,company_id:0
 #: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,company_id:0
 msgid "Company"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-msgid "Crebit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
-msgid "Running"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,include_base_amount:0
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_subscription_form
+msgid "Define Recurring Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.entries.report,date_maturity:0
+msgid "Date Maturity"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.bank.statement,total_entry_encoding:0
+msgid "Total cash transactions"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,today_reconciled:0
 msgid ""
-"Indicate if the amount of tax must be included in the base amount for the "
-"computation of the next taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftstatement0
-msgid "Draft statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.journal,name:0
-msgid "Journal name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
-msgid "Import invoice from statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "4"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear_form
-#: view:ir.sequence:0
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscalyear_form
-msgid "Fiscal Years"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_importinvoice0
-msgid "Import from invoices or payments"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_reconcile_select
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_reconcile_select
-msgid "Reconcile entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: xsl:account.transfer:0
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal.period,icon:0
-msgid "Icon"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_period
-msgid "Journal - Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_full,credit:0
-#: wizard_field:account.move.line.reconcile,init_partial,credit:0
-msgid "Credit amount"
+"This figure depicts the total number of partners that have gone throught the "
+"reconciliation process today. The current partner is counted as already "
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -4691,125 +8901,59 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.aged.trial.balance,init,print:0
-msgid "Print Aged Trial Balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.line,ref:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,ref:0
-#: field:account.model.line,ref:0
-#: field:account.move.line,ref:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "Ref."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,address_invoice_id:0
-msgid "Invoice Address"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "General Credit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,centralisation:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this box to determine that each entry of this journal won't create a "
-"new counterpart but will share the same counterpart. This is used in fiscal "
-"year closing."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
-msgid "Cancelled"
+#: field:account.tax.code.template,sign:0
+msgid "Sign For Parent"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_balance_report
+msgid "Trial Balance Report"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_bank_statement_draft_tree
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_bank_statement_draft_tree
 msgid "Draft statements"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:populate_statement_from_inv,init,date:0
-msgid "Date payment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-msgid "A/c No."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.report_account_analytic_journal_tree_month
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.report_account_analytic_journal_print_month
-msgid "Account cost and revenue by journal (This Month)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,result_selection:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,result_selection:0
-msgid "Receivable Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.move.line.unreconcile.select,init,open:0
-msgid "Open for unreconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,statement_line:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement_line
-msgid "Bank Statement Line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.automatic.reconcile,reconcile,end:0
-msgid "OK"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierinvoiceinvoice0
-msgid "Control Invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,type:0
-#: selection:account.account.template,type:0
-#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,init,result_selection:0
-msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_account_balance
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_account_balance_report
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_balance_report
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_balance_report
-msgid "Account Balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_analytic_check
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.account_analytic_account_analytic_check_report
-msgid "Analytic Check"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "VAT:"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Total:"
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_statemententries0
+msgid ""
+"Manual or automatic creation of payment entries according to the statements"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Invoice lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,period_to:0
+#: field:account.balance.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.bs.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.central.journal,period_to:0
+#: field:account.chart,period_to:0
+#: field:account.common.account.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.common.journal.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.common.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.general.journal,period_to:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,period_to:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,period_to:0
+#: field:account.pl.report,period_to:0
+#: field:account.print.journal,period_to:0
+#: field:account.report.general.ledger,period_to:0
+#: field:account.vat.declaration,period_to:0
+msgid "End period"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_state.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_balance_sheet.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_state_open.py:0
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_validate_account_move.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Warning"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -4818,283 +8962,123 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscal.position:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position,account_ids:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,account_ids:0
-msgid "Account Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:product.product:0
-msgid "Sale Taxes"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move_reconcile
-msgid "Account Reconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.account.balance.report,account_selection:0
-msgid "Select parent account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account.template,parent_id:0
-msgid "Parent Account Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,domain:0
-#: help:account.tax.template,domain:0
-msgid ""
-"This field is only used if you develop your own module allowing developers "
-"to create specific taxes in a custom domain."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_amount:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_second_amount:0
-msgid "Payment amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.analytic.account:0
-msgid "Analytic account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+msgid "On Account of :"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.automatic.reconcile:0
+#: view:account.move.line.reconcile.writeoff:0
+msgid "Write-Off Move"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_paidinvoice0
+msgid "Invoice's state is Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_sales
+msgid "Report of the Sales by Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account
+msgid "Accounts Fiscal Position"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
 #: selection:account.invoice,type:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
+#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_supplierinvoiceprocess0
+#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
 msgid "Supplier Invoice"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: selection:account.move.line,state:0
-msgid "Valid"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.account,debit:0
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,debit:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: rml:account.central.journal:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
+#: report:account.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.balance:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: field:account.entries.report,debit:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.ledger:0
+#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
 #: field:account.model.line,debit:0
 #: field:account.move.line,debit:0
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-#: field:report.hr.timesheet.invoice.journal,revenue:0
+#: report:account.move.voucher:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: report:account.tax.code.entries:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+#: report:account.vat.declaration:0
+#: field:report.account.receivable,debit:0
 msgid "Debit"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_42
-msgid "All Months"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.refund,init,date:0
-msgid "Operation date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice,invoice_line:0
 msgid "Invoice Lines"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.period,date_start:0
-msgid "Start of Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close,init,report_name:0
-msgid "Name of new entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account_use_models,init_form,create:0
-msgid "Create Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
-msgid "Refund Tax Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice.tax,name:0
-msgid "Tax Description"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice,move_id:0
-msgid "Link to the automatically generated account moves."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,reconcile,reconciled:0
-msgid "Reconciled transactions"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting
-msgid "Reporting"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "/"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_invoiceinvoice0
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierinvoiceinvoice0
-msgid "Have a number and entries are generated"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "Analytic Check -"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-msgid "Account Balance -"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal,group_invoice_lines:0
-msgid "Group invoice lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_configuration
-msgid "Configuration"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.analytic.line:0
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "Total amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.journal:0
-msgid "Account Journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.subscription.line:0
-msgid "Subscription lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.chart.template,property_account_income:0
-msgid "Income Account on Product Template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account,currency_id:0
-#: help:account.account.template,currency_id:0
-msgid "Force all moves for this account to have this secondary currency."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:populate_statement_from_inv,go,end:0
-#: wizard_button:populate_statement_from_inv,init,end:0
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.general.ledger.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.partner.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.third_party_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "Select Date-Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-msgid "Inverted Analytic Balance -"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_paidinvoice0
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
-msgid "Paid invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-msgid "Tax Definition"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,tax_group:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,tax_group:0
-msgid "Tax Group"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree3_new
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree3_new
-msgid "New Customer Refund"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,seq_journal:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this box if you want to use a different sequence for each created "
-"journal. Otherwise, all will use the same sequence."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_populate_statement_from_inv
-msgid "Import invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.unreconcile,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.move.line.unreconcile.select,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.reconcile.unreconcile,init:0
-msgid "Unreconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_fiscalyear_seq
-msgid "Maintains Invoice sequences with Fiscal Year"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account.balance.report,checktype,display_account:0
-#: selection:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,display_account:0
+#: help:product.category,property_account_expense_categ:0
+msgid ""
+"This account will be used for invoices to value expenses for the current "
+"product category"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.subscription:0
+msgid "Recurring"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Entry is already reconciled"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_receivable
+msgid "Receivable accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
+msgid "Partner Payment Term"
+msgstr "Partners betalings betingelse"
+#. module: account
+#: field:temp.range,name:0
+msgid "Range"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Can not create an automatic sequence for this piece !\n"
+"Put a sequence in the journal definition for automatic numbering or create a "
+"sequence manually for this piece."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.bs.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
+#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
 msgid "With movements"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,domain:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,domain:0
-msgid "Domain"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.account:0
 msgid "Account Data"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5105,79 +9089,45 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.subscription:0
-msgid "Subscription Periods"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_manually0
-msgid "Manually"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: view:account.tax:0
-#: view:account.tax.template:0
-#: selection:account.vat.declaration,init,based_on:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_res_partner_2_account_invoice_opened
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_invoices
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_invoice
-#: wizard_field:populate_statement_from_inv,go,lines:0
-msgid "Invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.partner.balance.report,init,result_selection:0
-#: selection:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,result_selection:0
-msgid "Payable Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice.line:0
-#: field:account.invoice.tax,invoice_id:0
-msgid "Invoice Line"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.pay,addendum,writeoff_journal_id:0
-msgid "Write-Off journal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.invoice.pay,init,writeoff_check:0
-msgid "Full Payment"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Journal Purchase"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Cash Receipt"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax,tax_dest_id:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.tax.template,tax_dest_id:0
-msgid "Replacement Tax"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoicemanually0
-msgid "Encode manually statement comes into the draft statement"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.next_id_43
-msgid "This Month"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.account.type,sign:0
-msgid "Sign on Reports"
+#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_expense
+msgid "Erfolgskonten - Aufwendungen"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "December"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_tree
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_analytic_journal_print
+msgid "Print Analytic Journals"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.analytic.line:0
+msgid "Fin.Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_receivable_graph
+#: view:report.aged.receivable:0
+msgid "Aged Receivable"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.tax,applicable_type:0
+msgid "Applicability"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "This period is already closed !"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5186,72 +9136,29 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.invoice,payment_ids:0
-#: selection:account.vat.declaration,init,based_on:0
-msgid "Payments"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingstatemententries0
-msgid "Accounting entries at statement's confirmation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account_use_models,create:0
-msgid "Use Model"
-msgstr "Brug model"
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.wizard_paid_open,init,end:0
-msgid "No"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move
-msgid "All account entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.invoice.tax,tax_code_id:0
-msgid "The tax basis of the tax declaration."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.account.balance.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.general.ledger.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.partner.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.third_party_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "Date Filter"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:populate_statement_from_inv,init:0
-msgid "Choose Journal and Payment Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
-#: selection:account.bank.statement,state:0
-#: selection:account.fiscalyear,state:0
-#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
-#: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
-#: selection:account.move,state:0
-#: selection:account.move.line,state:0
-#: selection:account.period,state:0
-#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
-msgid "Draft"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Paid"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree11
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree11
-msgid "Unpaid Customer Refunds"
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_invoiceimport0
+msgid ""
+"Import of the statement in the system from a supplier or customer invoice"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_periodical_processing_billing
+msgid "Billing"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.check_journal
+msgid "Checks Journal - (test)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account:0
+msgid "Parent Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_chart
+msgid "Account Analytic Chart"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5260,107 +9167,40 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.period.close,init:0
-msgid "Are you sure ?"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-msgid "PRO-FORMA"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.move.reconcile,line_partial_ids:0
-msgid "Partial Entry lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,statement_id:0
-msgid "The bank statement used for bank reconciliation"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscalyear:0
-msgid "Fiscalyear"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.analytic.line,init,open:0
-msgid "Open Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.account,type:0
-#: selection:account.move.line,centralisation:0
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_supplierinvoiceprocess0
-msgid "Supplier Invoice Process"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: rml:account.tax.code.entries:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-#: rml:account.vat.declaration:0
-msgid "Page"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move:0
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-msgid "Optional Information"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_payment_term_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_payment_term_form
-msgid "Payment Terms"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,init,result_selection:0
-msgid "Receivable and Payable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-msgid ":"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,reconcile_amount:0
-msgid "Amount reconciled"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.account,currency_mode:0
-msgid "At Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.move.line,tax_amount:0
-msgid ""
-"If the Tax account is tax code account, this field will contain the taxed "
-"amount.If the tax account is base tax code,                    this field "
-"will contain the basic amount(without tax)."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.bank.statement:0
-#: view:account.bank.statement.reconcile:0
-#: view:account.subscription:0
-msgid "Compute"
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_statistic_report_statement
+msgid "Statistic Reports"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.installer,progress:0
+#: field:account.installer.modules,progress:0
+#: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,progress:0
+msgid "Configuration Progress"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
+msgid "Accounts Mapping"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "Invoice '%s' is waiting for validation."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "November"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: sql_constraint:account.account:0
+msgid "The code of the account must be unique per company !"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5369,20 +9209,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
-msgid "Tax Application"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_subscription_form
-msgid "Subscription Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree6
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_invoice_tree6
-msgid "PRO-FORMA Customer Invoices"
+#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "The date of your Journal Entry is not in the defined period!"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5391,170 +9220,73 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.analytic.check.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.balance.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.journal.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init,date2:0
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,date2:0
-msgid "End of period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.move:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_move
-msgid "Account Entry"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_general_journal
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
 msgid "General Journal"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.account,balance:0
-#: rml:account.account.balance:0
-#: selection:account.account.type,close_method:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement,balance_end:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile,total_balance:0
-#: rml:account.general.ledger:0
-#: field:account.move.line,balance:0
-#: rml:account.partner.balance:0
-#: selection:account.payment.term.line,value:0
-#: selection:account.tax,type:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger:0
-#: rml:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
-msgid "Balance"
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+msgid "Search Invoice"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice:0
+#: view:account.invoice.refund:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
+#: view:account.invoice.report:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_invoice_refund
 msgid "Refund"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_tax
-msgid "Invoice Tax"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_def_analytic_journal
-msgid "Analytic Journal Definition"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_tax_template
-msgid "account.tax.template"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
 #: field:wizard.multi.charts.accounts,bank_accounts_id:0
 msgid "Bank Accounts"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: constraint:account.period:0
-msgid ""
-"Invalid period ! Some periods overlap or the date period is not in the scope "
-"of the fiscal year. "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.journal,invoice_sequence_id:0
-msgid "The sequence used for invoice numbers in this journal."
+#: field:res.partner,credit:0
+msgid "Total Receivable"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account:0
 #: view:account.account.template:0
 #: view:account.journal:0
-#: view:account.move:0
 #: view:account.move.line:0
 msgid "General Information"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:populate_statement_from_inv,init,journal_id:0
-msgid ""
-"This field allow you to choose the accounting journals you want for "
-"filtering the invoices. If you left this field empty, it will search on all "
-"sale, purchase and cash journals."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
-msgid "Error ! The duration of the Fiscal Year is invalid. "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.bank.statement.line,move_ids:0
-msgid "Moves"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.invoice,state:0
-msgid "Pro-forma"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_form
-msgid "List of Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:product.product:0
-#: view:product.template:0
-msgid "Sales Properties"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.general.journal:0
-msgid "Printing Date :"
-msgstr "Udskrifts dato:"
-#. module: account
+#: view:account.move:0
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Accounting Documents"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_validate_account_move_lines
+msgid "Validate Account Move Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_cost_ledger_journal
 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_analytic_account_quantity_cost_ledger
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.account_analytic_account_quantity_cost_ledger_report
 msgid "Cost Ledger (Only quantities)"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.move.validate,init:0
-msgid "Validate Account Entries"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.print.journal.report,init,sort_selection:0
-msgid "Reference Number"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-msgid "Total amount due:"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.chart,init,to_date:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.line,init,to_date:0
-msgid "To"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_open_form
-msgid "Entries of Open Analytic Journals"
+#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
+msgid "Invoice's state is Done."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_reconcilepaid0
+msgid "As soon as the reconciliation is done, the invoice can be paid."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: view:account.account.template:0
+msgid "Search Account Templates"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5563,74 +9295,18 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.model.line,date:0
-msgid "Current Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.move,type:0
-msgid "Journal Sale"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close,init,fy_id:0
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close.state,init,fy_id:0
-msgid "Fiscal Year to close"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.aged.trial.balance,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.analytic.check.report,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.balance.report,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger.report,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.inverted.balance.report,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.journal.report,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger.report,init,date1:0
-#: wizard_field:account.automatic.reconcile,init,date1:0
-msgid "Start of period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_template_folder
-msgid "Templates"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.vat.declaration,init,report:0
-msgid "Print VAT Decl."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_intracom
-msgid "IntraCom"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.analytic.account:0
-#: field:account.analytic.account,description:0
-#: field:account.analytic.line,name:0
-#: field:account.bank.statement.reconcile.line,name:0
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: field:account.invoice,name:0
-#: field:account.invoice.line,name:0
-#: wizard_field:account.invoice.refund,init,description:0
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
-#: field:account.payment.term,note:0
-#: field:account.tax.code,info:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,info:0
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:product.template,property_account_income:0
-msgid ""
-"This account will be used instead of the default one to value incoming stock "
-"for the current product"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,child_ids:0
-msgid "Child Tax Accounts"
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_low_level
+msgid "Low Level"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.analytic.account.quantity_cost_ledger:0
+#: report:account.central.journal:0
+#: report:account.general.journal:0
+#: report:account.invoice:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+msgid "Total:"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5639,197 +9315,78 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.account_account_menu
-msgid "Financial Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart_template
-msgid "Templates for Account Chart"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.config.wizard:0
-msgid "Account Configure"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:res.partner,property_account_payable:0
-msgid ""
-"This account will be used instead of the default one as the payable account "
-"for the current partner"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax.code,code:0
-#: field:account.tax.code.template,code:0
-msgid "Case Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,init,power:0
-msgid "5"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:product.category,property_account_income_categ:0
-#: field:product.template,property_account_income:0
-msgid "Income Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.period,special:0
-msgid "Opening/Closing Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.balance:0
-msgid "Analytic Balance -"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account_use_models,init_form,model:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_addtmpl_wizard
+msgid "account.addtmpl.wizard"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,result_selection:0
+#: field:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
+#: report:account.partner.balance:0
+#: field:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
+#: field:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "Partner's"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscalyear_form
+#: view:ir.sequence:0
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscalyear_form
+msgid "Fiscal Years"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.analytic.line,ref:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
+#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
+msgid "Ref."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: field:account.use.model,model:0
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_model
 msgid "Account Model"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:account.invoice:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_analytic_account_2_account_invoice_line
-msgid "Invoice lines"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
-msgid "Customer"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.subscription,period_type:0
-msgid "Period Type"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:product.category:0
-msgid "Accounting Properties"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_sequence_fiscalyear
-msgid "account.sequence.fiscalyear"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.print.journal.report,init,sort_selection:0
-msgid "Entries Sorted By"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.journal.period.print:0
-msgid "Print Journal -"
+#: selection:account.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:account.invoice.report,month:0
+#: selection:analytic.entries.report,month:0
+#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
+#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
+msgid "February"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.bank.accounts.wizard,bank_account_id:0
+#: view:account.chart.template:0
 #: field:account.chart.template,bank_account_view_id:0
-#: field:account.invoice,partner_bank:0
+#: field:account.invoice,partner_bank_id:0
+#: field:account.invoice.report,partner_bank_id:0
 msgid "Bank Account"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_model_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_model_form
-msgid "Models Definition"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_cash_moves
-#: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
-#: selection:account.journal,type:0
-msgid "Cash"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_dest_id:0
-#: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,account_dest_id:0
-msgid "Account Destination"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.overdue:0
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_central_journal
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_central_journal
+msgid "Account Central Journal"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: report:account.overdue:0
 msgid "Maturity"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: field:account.fiscalyear,name:0
-#: field:account.journal.period,fiscalyear_id:0
-#: field:account.period,fiscalyear_id:0
-#: field:account.sequence.fiscalyear,fiscalyear_id:0
-#: field:fiscalyear.seq,fiscalyear_id:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscalyear
-msgid "Fiscal Year"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,init,direction_selection:0
+#: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,direction_selection:0
 msgid "Future"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: help:account.account.balance.report,checktype,fiscalyear:0
-#: help:account.chart,init,fiscalyear:0
-#: help:account.general.ledger.report,checktype,fiscalyear:0
-#: help:account.partner.balance.report,init,fiscalyear:0
-#: help:account.third_party_ledger.report,init,fiscalyear:0
-msgid "Keep empty for all open fiscal year"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.invoice:0
-#: selection:account.invoice,type:0
-msgid "Supplier Refund"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_entriesreconcile0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
-msgid "Reconcile Entries."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.subscription.line,move_id:0
-msgid "Entry"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_paidinvoice0
-#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_reconcilepaid0
-#: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
-msgid "Paid invoice when reconciled."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.tax,python_compute_inv:0
-#: field:account.tax.template,python_compute_inv:0
-msgid "Python Code (reverse)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account.module_meta_information
-msgid "Accounting and financial management"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
-msgid "Accounts Mapping"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:product.category,property_account_expense_categ:0
-msgid ""
-"This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product "
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Search Journal Items"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5845,8 +9402,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: view:res.partner:0
-msgid "Bank Details"
+#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account_template
+msgid "Template Account Fiscal Mapping"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
@@ -5855,418 +9412,139 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
-#: rml:account.analytic.account.analytic.check:0
-msgid "General Debit"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.analytic.account,code:0
-msgid "Account Code"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.config.wizard,name:0
-msgid "Name of the fiscal year as displayed on screens."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.invoice,payment_term:0
-#: view:account.payment.term:0
-#: field:account.payment.term,name:0
-#: view:account.payment.term.line:0
-#: field:account.payment.term.line,payment_id:0
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_payment_term
-#: field:res.partner,property_payment_term:0
-msgid "Payment Term"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_form
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form
-msgid "Fiscal Mappings"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_statementprocess0
-msgid "Statement Process"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_bank_statement_reconcile
-msgid "Statement reconcile"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close,init,sure:0
-#: wizard_field:account.fiscalyear.close.state,init,sure:0
-#: wizard_field:account.period.close,init,sure:0
-msgid "Check this box"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.tax,price_include:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this if the price you use on the product and invoices includes this "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:account.journal.column,name:0
-msgid "Column Name"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.account.balance.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.general.ledger.report,checktype:0
-#: wizard_view:account.partner.balance.report,init:0
-#: wizard_view:account.third_party_ledger.report,init:0
-msgid "Filters"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.wizard_paid_open,init,yes:0
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.account,reconcile:0
-msgid ""
-"Check this if the user is allowed to reconcile entries in this account."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_button:account.subscription.generate,init,generate:0
-msgid "Compute Entry Dates"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-msgid "Analytic accounts to close"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-msgid "Draft invoices"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_board_account
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_board_account
-msgid "Accounting Dashboard"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_my_account
-msgid "Accounts to invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_line_to_invoice
-msgid "Costs to invoice"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-msgid "Aged receivables"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account.module_meta_information
-msgid "Board for accountant"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_income
-msgid "Income Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-msgid "My indicators"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-msgid "Account Board"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:board.board:0
-msgid "Aged income"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,show_columns:0
-msgid "Show Debit/Credit Information"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,account_choice:0
-msgid "All accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,period_manner:0
-msgid "Entries Selection Based on"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,zero_years:0
-msgid "Notification"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,period_manner:0
-msgid "Financial Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_account_balance
-#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_account_balance_landscape
-msgid "Account balance"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,init:0
-msgid "Select Period(s)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,compare_pattern:0
-msgid "Percentage"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,compare_pattern:0
-msgid "Compare Selected Years In Terms Of"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,init:0
-msgid "Select Fiscal Year(s)(Maximum Three Years)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,select_account:0
-msgid "Select Reference Account(for  % comparision)"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.wizard,name:account.wizard_account_balance_report
-msgid "Account balance-Compare Years"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:account.module_meta_information
-msgid ""
-"Account Balance Module is an added functionality to the Financial Management "
-"    This module gives you the various options for printing balance sheet.\n"
-"    1. You can compare the balance sheet for different years.\n"
-"    2. You can set the cash or percentage comparison between two years.\n"
-"    3. You can set the referential account for the percentage comparison for "
-"particular years.\n"
-"    4. You can select periods as an actual date or periods as creation "
-"    5. You have an option to print the desired report in Landscape format.\n"
-"    "
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-msgid "You have to select 'Landscape' option. Please Check it."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,landscape:0
-msgid "Show Report in Landscape Form"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.account.balance.landscape:0
-#: rml:account.balance.account.balance:0
-msgid "Total :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,format_perc:0
-msgid "Show Comparision in %"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,init:0
-msgid "Select Period"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,init:0
-msgid "Report Options"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,compare_pattern:0
-msgid "Don't Compare"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_field:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,account_choice:0
-msgid "Show Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-msgid "1. You have selected more than 3 years in any case."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account.module_meta_information
-msgid "Accounting and financial management-Compare Accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: rml:account.account.balance.landscape:0
-#: rml:account.balance.account.balance:0
-msgid "Year :"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-msgid "You can select maximum 3 years. Please check again."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-msgid ""
-"3. You have selected 'Percentage' option with more than 2 years, but you "
-"have not selected landscape format."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-msgid ""
-"You might have done following mistakes. Please correct them and try again."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: help:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,select_account:0
-msgid "Keep empty for comparision to its parent"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: selection:account.balance.account.balance.report,init,period_manner:0
-msgid "Creation Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,backtoinit:0
-msgid ""
-"2. You have not selected 'Percentage' option, but you have selected more "
-"than 2 years."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,zero_years:0
-msgid ""
-"You may have selected the compare options with more than 1 year with "
-"credit/debit columns and % option.This can lead contents to be printed out "
-"of the paper.Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,zero_years:0
-msgid "You have to select at least 1 Fiscal Year. Try again."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: wizard_view:account.balance.account.balance.report,init:0
-msgid "Customize Report"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:report.aged.receivable,name:0
-msgid "Month Range"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:report_account.action_view_created_invoice_dashboard
-msgid "Invoices Created Within Past 15 Days"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:report_account.model_report_invoice_created
-msgid "Report of Invoices Created within Last 15 days"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:report.invoice.created:0
-msgid "Total Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:report.account.receivable:0
-msgid "Accounts by type"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:report_account.model_report_aged_receivable
-msgid "Aged Receivable Till Today"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.model,name:report_account.model_report_account_receivable
-msgid "Receivable accounts"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:temp.range,name:0
-msgid "Range"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:report_account.module_meta_information
-msgid "A module that adds new reports based on the account module."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:report_account.module_meta_information
-msgid "Account Reporting - Reporting"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:report_account.action_account_receivable_graph
-#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:report_account.menu_account_receivable_graph
-msgid "Balance by Type of Account"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:report.account.receivable,name:0
-msgid "Week of Year"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: field:report.invoice.created,create_date:0
-msgid "Create Date"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:report_account.action_aged_receivable_graph
-#: view:report.aged.receivable:0
-msgid "Aged Receivable"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: account
-#: view:report.invoice.created:0
-msgid "Untaxed Amount"
-msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Display accounts"
-#~ msgstr "Vis kontoer"
+#: field:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0
+msgid "Amount currency"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You must enter a period length that cannot be 0 or below !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account
+#: code:addons/account/account.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You cannot remove an account which has account entries!. "
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Unpaid Supplier Invoices"
+#~ msgstr "Ubetalte leverandør fakturaer."
+#~ msgid "Print Taxes Report"
+#~ msgstr "Udskriv skatte rapporter"
+#~ msgid "Confirm draft invoices"
+#~ msgstr "Bekræft udkast til fakturaer"
+#~ msgid "Account Num."
+#~ msgstr "Konto nummer."
+#~ msgid "Total entries"
+#~ msgstr "Totale posteringe"
+#~ msgid "Supplier invoice"
+#~ msgstr "Leverandør faktura"
+#~ msgid "Printing Date"
+#~ msgstr "Udskrivnings dato"
+#~ msgid "J.C. or Move name"
+#~ msgstr "J.C eller flyt navn"
+#~ msgid "Contact"
+#~ msgstr "Kontaktperson"
+#~ msgid "Can be draft or validated"
+#~ msgstr "Kan være udkast eller valideret"
+#~ msgid "Partner account"
+#~ msgstr "Partner konto"
+#~ msgid "Status"
+#~ msgstr "Status"
+#~ msgid "Partial Payment"
+#~ msgstr "Delbetaling"
+#~ msgid "Bank Reconciliation"
+#~ msgstr "Bank afstemning"
+#~ msgid "Cancel Invoice"
+#~ msgstr "Annuller Faktura"
+#~ msgid "End date"
+#~ msgstr "Slut dato"
+#~ msgid "Printing Date :"
+#~ msgstr "Udskrifts dato:"
+#~ msgid "analytic Invoice"
+#~ msgstr "analyse Faktura"
+#~ msgid "Grand total"
+#~ msgstr "Grand total"
+#~ msgid "New Supplier Invoice"
+#~ msgstr "Ny leverandør faktura"
+#~ msgid "Voucher Nb"
+#~ msgstr "Kupon No"
+#~ msgid "Amount paid"
+#~ msgstr "Beløb betalt"
+#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to close the fiscal year ?"
+#~ msgstr "Er du sikker på du vil afslutte regnskabsåret ?"
+#~ msgid "Bank Receipt"
+#~ msgstr "Bank kvittering"
+#~ msgid "Invoice import"
+#~ msgstr "Faktura import"
+#~ msgid "Continue"
+#~ msgstr "Fortsæt"
+#~ msgid "Value"
+#~ msgstr "Værdi"
+#~ msgid "Select invoices you want to pay and manages advances"
+#~ msgstr "Vælg fakturaer, du ønsker at betale og administrere"
+#~ msgid "Display History"
+#~ msgstr "Vis historik"
+#~ msgid "        Start date"
+#~ msgstr "        Start dato"
+#~ msgid "Display accounts "
+#~ msgstr "Vis kontoer "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The partner bank account to pay\n"
+#~ "Keep empty to use the default"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Partners bank konto for betaling\n"
+#~ "Holdes tom for default værdier"
+#~ msgid "Invoice Movement"
+#~ msgstr "Faktura bevægelser"
+#~ msgid "Income"
+#~ msgstr "Indtægt"
+#~ msgid "VAT"
+#~ msgstr "Moms"
+#~ msgid "Total quantity"
+#~ msgstr "Total antal"
+#~ msgid "Third party"
+#~ msgstr "Tredie part"
+#~ msgid "Select Message"
+#~ msgstr "Vælg besked"
+#~ msgid "Charts of Account"
+#~ msgstr "Diagrammer af kontoen"

=== modified file 'account/i18n/de.po'
--- account/i18n/de.po	2010-11-20 05:08:54 +0000
+++ account/i18n/de.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,13 +7,22 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-19 09:33+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-22 00:51+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thorsten Vocks <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-20 05:07+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account
@@ -1078,7 +1087,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.partner.balance:0
 msgid "In dispute"
-msgstr "Lfd. Verfahren"
+msgstr "Nn Vollstreckung"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_bank_statement_tree
@@ -1195,7 +1204,7 @@
 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
 #: view:account.journal:0
 msgid "Others"
-msgstr "Sachkonto"
+msgstr "Sonstige"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
@@ -1361,7 +1370,7 @@
 #: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
 #: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
 msgid "With balance is not equal to 0"
-msgstr "Saldo ist nicht ausgeglichen"
+msgstr "Konten mit Saldo"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.tax:0
@@ -1541,7 +1550,7 @@
 #: field:account.tax,account_paid_id:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,account_paid_id:0
 msgid "Refund Tax Account"
-msgstr "Gutschrift Gegenkonto Steuer"
+msgstr "Gutschrift Steuerkonto"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
@@ -1699,7 +1708,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_partner_account_move_all
 msgid "Receivables & Payables"
-msgstr "Offene Rechnungen"
+msgstr "Debitoren & Kreditoren"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
@@ -1746,7 +1755,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.period,special:0
 msgid "These periods can overlap."
-msgstr "Diese Periode erlaubt Ãœberschneidungen"
+msgstr "Diese Perioden können sich überschneiden"
 #. module: account
 #: model:process.node,name:account.process_node_draftstatement0
@@ -1935,7 +1944,7 @@
 #: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
 #: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
 msgid "Payable Accounts"
-msgstr "Verbindlichkeitskonten"
+msgstr "Kreditorenkonten"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account:0
@@ -1945,7 +1954,7 @@
 #: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_aged_receivable
 msgid "Receivable Accounts"
-msgstr "Forderungskonten"
+msgstr "Debitorenkonten"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
@@ -2646,7 +2655,7 @@
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_tax_code_list
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_tax_code_list
 msgid "Tax codes"
-msgstr "Umsatzsteuer Nachweis"
+msgstr "Umsatzsteuererklärung"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_receivables
@@ -3091,7 +3100,7 @@
 #: view:account.tax.template:0
 #: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
 msgid "Purchase"
-msgstr "Beschaffung"
+msgstr "Einkauf"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_installer
@@ -3102,7 +3111,7 @@
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.open_board_account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_board_account
 msgid "Accounting Dashboard"
-msgstr "Finanzen Dashboard"
+msgstr "Pinnwand Finanzen"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.bank.statement,balance_start:0
@@ -3252,7 +3261,7 @@
 #: field:account.tax.code,name:0
 #: field:account.tax.code.template,name:0
 msgid "Tax Case Name"
-msgstr "Umsatzsteuer Nachweis"
+msgstr "Umsatzsteuervorgang"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.invoice:0
@@ -3977,7 +3986,7 @@
 #: selection:account.tax.chart,target_move:0
 #: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
 msgid "All Posted Entries"
-msgstr "Alle erzeugten Buchungen"
+msgstr "Alle gebuchten Positionen"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
@@ -4173,7 +4182,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,price_include:0
 msgid "Tax Included in Price"
-msgstr "Steuer im Preis"
+msgstr "Steuer Inklusive"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_analytic_cost_ledger_journal_report
@@ -4327,7 +4336,7 @@
 #: field:account.tax,ref_tax_code_id:0
 #: field:account.tax.template,ref_tax_code_id:0
 msgid "Refund Tax Code"
-msgstr "Storno Steuern"
+msgstr "Gutschrift Umsatzsteuer"
 #. module: account
 #: view:validate.account.move:0
@@ -4451,7 +4460,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
 msgid "Tax Application"
-msgstr "Steuer Anmeldung"
+msgstr "Steuer Anwendung"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.move:0
@@ -4594,7 +4603,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,child_ids:0
 msgid "Child Tax Accounts"
-msgstr "untergeordnete Steuerkoten"
+msgstr "untergeordnete Steuerkonten"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -5341,7 +5350,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:res.partner,debit:0
 msgid "Total Payable"
-msgstr "Gesamt Verbindlichkeiten"
+msgstr "Summe Kreditoren"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_account_line_extended_form
@@ -5400,7 +5409,7 @@
 #: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
 #: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
 msgid "Receivable and Payable Accounts"
-msgstr "Forderungen- und Verbindlichkeitskonten"
+msgstr "Debitoren und Kreditoren"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.fiscal.position.account.template,position_id:0
@@ -5421,7 +5430,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice.refund:0
 msgid "Refund Invoice"
-msgstr "Gutschrift Eingansrechnung"
+msgstr "Gutschrift Rechnung"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.invoice,address_invoice_id:0
@@ -5873,7 +5882,7 @@
 #: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_receivable
 #: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
 msgid "Receivable"
-msgstr "Forderungen"
+msgstr "Debitor"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice:0
@@ -5883,7 +5892,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal,default_credit_account_id:0
 msgid "Default Credit Account"
-msgstr "Habenkonto"
+msgstr "Standard Habenkonto"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
@@ -6190,7 +6199,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:board.board:0
 msgid "Aged receivables"
-msgstr "Überfällige Forderungen"
+msgstr "Überfällige Debitoren"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account:0
@@ -6265,7 +6274,7 @@
 "This account will be used instead of the default one as the receivable "
 "account for the current partner"
 msgstr ""
-"Dieses Konto wird als Forderungskonto für diesen Partner an Stelle des "
+"Dieses Konto wird als Debitorenkonto für diesen Partner an Stelle des "
 "Standardkontos verwendet"
 #. module: account
@@ -6420,7 +6429,7 @@
 #: selection:account.vat.declaration,target_move:0
 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account.account_move_line_list
 msgid "All Entries"
-msgstr "Alle Einträge"
+msgstr "Alle erstellten Buchungen"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.journal.select:0
@@ -6931,7 +6940,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.fiscalyear.close,report_name:0
 msgid "Name of new entries"
-msgstr "Bezeichnung neue Buchungen"
+msgstr "Buchungstext"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.use.model:0
@@ -7034,7 +7043,7 @@
 #: field:account.pl.report,display_account:0
 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
 msgid "Display accounts"
-msgstr "Anzeige Finanzkonten"
+msgstr "Anzeige Konten"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.account.type,sign:0
@@ -7245,7 +7254,7 @@
 #: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
 #: selection:account.journal,type:0
 msgid "Cash"
-msgstr "Kasse/Bank"
+msgstr "Kasse"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.fiscal.position.account,account_dest_id:0
@@ -7850,7 +7859,7 @@
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_type_form
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_type_form
 msgid "Account Types"
-msgstr "Kontoart"
+msgstr "Kontoartkonfiguration"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
@@ -7939,7 +7948,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Purchase Journal"
-msgstr "Journal Beschaffung"
+msgstr "Journal Einkauf"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice.refund:0
@@ -8232,7 +8241,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.fiscalyear.close,journal_id:0
 msgid "Opening Entries Journal"
-msgstr "Öffne Buchungsjournal"
+msgstr "Start Buchungsjournal"
 #. module: account
 #: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_customerinvoice0
@@ -8657,7 +8666,7 @@
 #: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_payable
 #: selection:account.entries.report,type:0
 msgid "Payable"
-msgstr "Verbindlichkeiten"
+msgstr "Kreditoren"
 #. module: account
 #: view:report.account.sales:0
@@ -8669,7 +8678,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:board.board:0
 msgid "Account Board"
-msgstr "Finanzen Anzeigetafel"
+msgstr "Pinnwand Finanzen"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.model:0
@@ -9034,13 +9043,13 @@
 "This account will be used instead of the default one as the payable account "
 "for the current partner"
 msgstr ""
-"Dieses Konto wird an Stelle des Standard Verbindlichkeiten Kontos für diesen "
-"Partner verwendet"
+"Dieses Konto wird an Stelle des Standard Kreditor Kontos für diesen Partner "
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.period,special:0
 msgid "Opening/Closing Period"
-msgstr "Eröffnungs- / Schlussperiode"
+msgstr "Eröffnungs- / Abschlussperiode"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.account,currency_id:0
@@ -9130,7 +9139,7 @@
 #: selection:account.bank.statement.line,type:0
 #: selection:account.journal,type:0
 msgid "General"
-msgstr "Allgemein"
+msgstr "Sonstige"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
@@ -9272,7 +9281,7 @@
 #: field:account.account.template,type:0
 #: field:account.entries.report,type:0
 msgid "Internal Type"
-msgstr "Intern"
+msgstr "Kontotyp"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
@@ -9337,7 +9346,7 @@
 #: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
 #: field:account.vat.declaration,date_to:0
 msgid "End Date"
-msgstr "End Datum"
+msgstr "Ende Datum"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_open_closed_fiscalyear
@@ -9638,7 +9647,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_receivable
 msgid "Receivable accounts"
-msgstr "Forderungskonten"
+msgstr "Debitoren"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.model.line,date_maturity:0
@@ -9670,7 +9679,7 @@
 #: selection:account.pl.report,display_account:0
 #: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
 msgid "With movements"
-msgstr "mit Buchungen"
+msgstr "Konten mit Buchungen"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.account:0
@@ -9680,7 +9689,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.tax.code.template:0
 msgid "Account Tax Code Template"
-msgstr "Umsatzsteuer Nachweis Vorlagen"
+msgstr "Umsatzsteuererklärung Vorlagen"
 #. module: account
 #: model:account.account.type,name:account.account_type_expense
@@ -9844,7 +9853,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:res.partner,credit:0
 msgid "Total Receivable"
-msgstr "Forderungen Gesamt"
+msgstr "Gesamt Forderungen"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account:0
@@ -10007,7 +10016,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.chart.template,property_account_expense:0
 msgid "Expense Account on Product Template"
-msgstr "Aufwandskonto für Produkte Template"
+msgstr "Aufwandskonto für Produktvorlage"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.analytic.line,amount_currency:0

=== modified file 'account/i18n/it.po'
--- account/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 04:49+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:49+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account
@@ -1603,7 +1613,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
 msgid "Error! You cannot define overlapping fiscal years"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Errore! Non è possibile definire anni fiscali sovrapposti"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
@@ -1645,12 +1655,12 @@
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
 msgid "All Partners"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tutti i partner"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
 msgid "Ref. :"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rif.:"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.chart:0
@@ -1732,7 +1742,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.installer:0
 msgid "Configure Fiscal Year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Configura anno fiscale"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_project_account_analytic_line_form
@@ -1758,7 +1768,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.cashbox.line,subtotal:0
 msgid "Sub Total"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sub totale"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account:0
@@ -1791,7 +1801,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_product_category
 msgid "Product Category"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Categoria prodotto"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.account.type,report_type:0
@@ -1870,7 +1880,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
 msgid "Canceled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Annullato"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice:0
@@ -1938,7 +1948,7 @@
 #: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
 #: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
 msgid "January"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gennaio"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.journal:0
@@ -1946,14 +1956,22 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
+<<<<<<< TREE
 #: model:account.journal,name:account.close_journal
 msgid "End of Year"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account
+#: model:account.journal,name:account.close_journal
+msgid "End of Year"
+msgstr "Fine dell'anno"
+#. module: account
 #: view:account.entries.report:0
 msgid "This F.Year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Questo anno fisc."
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.tax.chart:0
@@ -1981,7 +1999,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/installer.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid " Journal"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " giornale"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -2251,7 +2269,7 @@
 #: view:analytic.entries.report:0
 #: field:analytic.entries.report,day:0
 msgid "Day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Giorno"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.act_account_renew_view
@@ -2352,7 +2370,7 @@
 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
 #: field:account.invoice.report,price_average:0
 msgid "Average Price"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prezzo Medio"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
@@ -2404,7 +2422,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
 msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "L'ID certificato del modulo deve essere unico!"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_automatic_reconcile
@@ -2440,7 +2458,7 @@
 #: view:account.move:0
 #: view:account.move.line:0
 msgid "Dates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Date"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,parent_id:0
@@ -2510,7 +2528,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.invoice:0
 msgid "Cancelled Invoice"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fattura annullata"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -2532,7 +2550,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_receivables
 msgid "Customers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Clienti"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.analytic.account.cost_ledger:0
@@ -2548,7 +2566,7 @@
 #: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
 #: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
 msgid "August"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Agosto"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:0
@@ -2565,7 +2583,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.move.voucher:0
 msgid "Number:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numero:"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.print.journal,sort_selection:0
@@ -2579,7 +2597,7 @@
 #: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
 #: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
 msgid "October"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ottobre"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.move.line,quantity:0
@@ -2591,7 +2609,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
 msgid "Line 2:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Linea 2:"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal.column,required:0
@@ -2680,6 +2698,8 @@
 "No fiscal year defined for this date !\n"
 "Please create one."
 msgstr ""
+"Nessun anno fiscale definito per questa data!\n"
+"Per favore createne uno."
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.invoice,type:0
@@ -2711,7 +2731,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.change.currency:0
 msgid "Invoice Currency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valuta fattura"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.payment.term,line_ids:0
@@ -2968,7 +2988,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "No Partner Defined !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non è stato definito alcun Partner!"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_period_close
@@ -3062,7 +3082,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Cannot delete invoice(s) that are already opened or paid !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non si può/possono cancellare fattura/e già aperte o pagate !"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.account.balance.landscape:0
@@ -3150,7 +3170,7 @@
 #: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_addtmpl_wizard_form
 msgid "Create Account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea conto"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_report_account_type_sales
@@ -3188,6 +3208,7 @@
 #: view:account.tax.chart:0
 msgid "(If you do not select period it will take all open periods)"
 msgstr ""
+"(se non è selezionato nessun periodo verranno presi tutti quelli aperti)"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal,centralisation:0
@@ -3298,7 +3319,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_reporting_budgets
 msgid "Budgets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Budget"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.aged.trial.balance,filter:0
@@ -3317,7 +3338,7 @@
 #: selection:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
 #: selection:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
 msgid "No Filters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nessun Filtro"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.analytic.journal,type:0
@@ -3327,7 +3348,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:res.partner:0
 msgid "History"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Storico"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.tax,applicable_type:0
@@ -3349,7 +3370,7 @@
 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
 #: field:account.invoice.report,product_qty:0
 msgid "Qty"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Qtà"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.journal.period.print:0
@@ -3415,7 +3436,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:analytic.entries.report,nbr:0
 msgid "#Entries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# Voci"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account:0
@@ -3512,7 +3533,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.journal.period.print:0
 msgid "Entry No"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voce n."
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.line:0
@@ -3538,7 +3559,7 @@
 #: view:account.installer.modules:0
 #: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
 msgid "title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "titolo"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice:0
@@ -3555,7 +3576,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
 msgid "Display Partners"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza i Partner"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice:0
@@ -3671,7 +3692,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_cancel
 msgid "Cancel the Selected Invoices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Annulla le fatture selezionate"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
@@ -3801,7 +3822,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: constraint:account.fiscalyear:0
 msgid "Error! The duration of the Fiscal Year is invalid. "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Errore! La durata dell'anno fiscale non è valita. "
 #. module: account
 #: field:report.aged.receivable,name:0
@@ -3811,7 +3832,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.analytic.balance,empty_acc:0
 msgid "Check if you want to display Accounts with 0 balance too."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spunta se volete visualizzare anche i Conti con salto a zero."
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.account.template:0
@@ -3839,7 +3860,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal,view_id:0
 msgid "Display Mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modalità di visualizzazione"
 #. module: account
 #: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_importinvoice0
@@ -3849,7 +3870,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
 msgid "  day of the month: 0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "  giorno del mese: 0"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_chart
@@ -3907,7 +3928,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/report/common_report_header.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Not implemented"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non implementato"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal_select
@@ -3917,7 +3938,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.tax.template:0
 msgid "Credit Notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Note di credito"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -3934,7 +3955,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:wizard.multi.charts.accounts:0
 msgid "res_config_contents"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "res_config_contents"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.unreconcile:0
@@ -4008,7 +4029,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "UserError"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Errore Utente"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal,type_control_ids:0
@@ -4052,6 +4073,8 @@
 "Please verify the price of the invoice !\n"
 "The real total does not match the computed total."
 msgstr ""
+"Per favore verificare il prezzo della fattura!\n"
+"Il totale reale non corrisponde al totale calcolato."
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.subscription.generate:0
@@ -4084,12 +4107,12 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
 msgid "Confirmed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Confermato"
 #. module: account
 #: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
 msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Errore! Non è possibile creare un menù ricorsivo."
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
@@ -4140,7 +4163,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invoice "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fattura "
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.automatic.reconcile,date1:0
@@ -4181,12 +4204,12 @@
 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
 #: field:account.invoice.report,user_id:0
 msgid "Salesman"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Commerciale"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
 msgid "Invoiced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fatturato"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.use.model:0
@@ -4206,7 +4229,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.addtmpl.wizard:0
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aggiungi"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.invoice,date_invoice:0
@@ -4237,7 +4260,7 @@
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
 #: view:account.subscription:0
 msgid "Compute"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Calcola"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
@@ -4289,7 +4312,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Errore"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.analytic.Journal.report,date2:0
@@ -4353,7 +4376,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.period:0
 msgid "To Close"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Da chiudere"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal,allow_date:0
@@ -4383,7 +4406,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Start period should be smaller then End period"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inizio periodo deve essere minore di fine periodo"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
@@ -4427,7 +4450,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.subscription,period_type:0
 msgid "Period Type"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tipo di periodo"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice:0
@@ -4439,7 +4462,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.subscription.line,move_id:0
 msgid "Entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voce"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax,python_compute_inv:0
@@ -4486,7 +4509,7 @@
 #: field:report.account.sales,name:0
 #: field:report.account_type.sales,name:0
 msgid "Year"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anno"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.bank.statement,starting_details_ids:0
@@ -4496,7 +4519,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
 msgid "Line 1:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Linea 1:"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -4568,7 +4591,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.entries.report:0
 msgid "This Period"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Questo periodo"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.analytic.line,product_uom_id:0
@@ -4628,7 +4651,7 @@
 #: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_suppliervalidentries0
 #: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_validentries0
 msgid "Validation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Convalida"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.invoice,reconciled:0
@@ -4648,7 +4671,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_use_model.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "No period found !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Periodo non trovato !"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal,update_posted:0
@@ -4701,7 +4724,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_installer
 msgid "account.installer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "account.installer"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.tax.template,include_base_amount:0
@@ -4820,7 +4843,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Configuration Error !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Errore di configurazione!"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.partner.reconcile.process,to_reconcile:0
@@ -4854,7 +4877,7 @@
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_change_currency
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_change_currency
 msgid "Change Currency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cambio valuta"
 #. module: account
 #: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_accountingentries0
@@ -4865,7 +4888,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.invoice:0
 msgid "Payment Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Data di pagamento"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.automatic.reconcile,power:0
@@ -4890,7 +4913,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
 msgid "Sort By"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordina per"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -4993,7 +5016,7 @@
 #: field:account.print.journal,amount_currency:0
 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,amount_currency:0
 msgid "With Currency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Con valuta"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
@@ -5113,7 +5136,7 @@
 #: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
 #: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
 msgid "March"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Marzo"
 #. module: account
 #: view:report.account.receivable:0
@@ -5206,7 +5229,7 @@
 #: view:account.invoice.report:0
 #: field:account.invoice.report,nbr:0
 msgid "# of Lines"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# di Linee"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_change_currency.py:0
@@ -5231,13 +5254,13 @@
 #: field:account.report.general.ledger,filter:0
 #: field:account.vat.declaration,filter:0
 msgid "Filter by"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filtra per"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "You can not use an inactive account!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non si può usare un conto non attivo!"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
@@ -5307,7 +5330,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:analytic.entries.report:0
 msgid "  365 Days  "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "  365 giorni  "
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_invoice_tree3
@@ -5334,7 +5357,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_common.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "not implemented"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "non implementato"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.journal,company_id:0
@@ -5395,7 +5418,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.entries.report,date_created:0
 msgid "Date Created"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Data creazione"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.payment.term.line,value_amount:0
@@ -5425,7 +5448,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "is validated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "è convalidato."
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.chart.template:0
@@ -5479,7 +5502,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_res_company
 msgid "Companies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Company"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account.py:0
@@ -5492,7 +5515,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.fiscalyear.close.state,fy_id:0
 msgid "Select a fiscal year to close"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seleziona l'anno fiscale da chiudere"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.chart.template,tax_template_ids:0
@@ -5601,7 +5624,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.payment.term.line:0
 msgid "  number of days: 30"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "  numero di giorni: 30"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.analytic.line,currency_id:0
@@ -5626,7 +5649,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.tax,type:0
 msgid "Percentage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percentuale"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.report.general.ledger,sortby:0
@@ -5710,7 +5733,7 @@
 #: selection:account.account.template,type:0
 #: view:account.journal:0
 msgid "Liquidity"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Liquidità"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_analytic_journal_open_form
@@ -5760,7 +5783,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_report_aged_partner_balance.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Enter a Start date !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inserire una data d'inizio!"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.invoice:0
@@ -5773,7 +5796,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_dashboard_acc
 msgid "Dashboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dashboard"
 #. module: account
 #: help:account.journal.period,active:0
@@ -5812,7 +5835,7 @@
 #: view:account.tax.code.template:0
 #: view:analytic.entries.report:0
 msgid "Group By..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Raggruppa per..."
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal.column,readonly:0
@@ -5841,7 +5864,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_sequence_fiscalyear
 msgid "account.sequence.fiscalyear"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "account.sequence.fiscalyear"
 #. module: account
 #: report:account.analytic.account.journal:0

=== modified file 'account/i18n/pl.po'
--- account/i18n/pl.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account/i18n/pl.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,13 +7,21 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 19:57+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 09:00+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Grzegorz Grzelak (Cirrus.pl) <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:50+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account
@@ -258,12 +266,12 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:process.transition,note:account.process_transition_supplierentriesreconcile0
 msgid "Accounting entries are an input of the reconciliation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zapisy są elementem uzgodnień"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_management_belgian_reports
 msgid "Belgian Reports"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Raporty belgijskie"
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:0
@@ -274,24 +282,24 @@
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.bank.statement:0
 msgid "Calculated Balance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Obliczony bilans"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_use_model_create_entry
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_view_account_use_model
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_manual_recurring
 msgid "Manual Recurring"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ręczna rekurencja"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.fiscalyear.close.state:0
 msgid "Close Fiscalyear"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zamknięty rok podatkowy"
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.automatic.reconcile,allow_write_off:0
 msgid "Allow write off"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pozwól na odpisy"
 #. module: account
 #: view:account.analytic.chart:0
@@ -307,7 +315,7 @@
 #: code:addons/account/invoice.py:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invoice line account company does not match with invoice company."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Firma w pozycji faktury nie odpowiada firmie w fakturze."
 #. module: account
 #: field:account.journal.column,field:0
@@ -320,6 +328,9 @@
 "Installs localized accounting charts to match as closely as possible the "
 "accounting needs of your company based on your country."
 msgstr ""
+"Instaluje zlokalizowany plan kont, aby odpowiadać najlepiej, jak to tylko "
+"możliwe, wymaganiom księgowym w twojej firmie w oparciu o kraj, w którym "
+"firma funkcjonuje."
 #. module: account
 #: code:addons/account/wizard/account_move_journal.py:0
@@ -334,7 +345,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_unreconcile
 msgid "Account Unreconcile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kasowanie uzgodnień konta"
 #. module: account
 #: view:product.product:0
@@ -359,7 +370,7 @@
 #: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
 #: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
 msgid "June"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Czerwiec"
 #. module: account
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_moves_bank
@@ -388,7 +399,7 @@
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.journal,type:0
 msgid "Purchase Refund"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Korekta zakupu"
 #. module: account
 #: selection:account.journal,type:0

=== modified file 'account/i18n/vi.po'
--- account/i18n/vi.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account/i18n/vi.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -8,13 +8,22 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 01:50+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Phong Nguyen <Unknown>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:31+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: Vietnamese <vi@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:50+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account

=== modified file 'account/invoice.py'
--- account/invoice.py	2010-11-16 07:15:54 +0000
+++ account/invoice.py	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@
         if (not round(total,self.pool.get('decimal.precision').precision_get(cr, uid, 'Account'))) or writeoff_acc_id:
             self.pool.get('account.move.line').reconcile(cr, uid, line_ids, 'manual', writeoff_acc_id, writeoff_period_id, writeoff_journal_id, context)
-            code = invoice.currency_id.code
+            code = invoice.currency_id.symbol
             # TODO: use currency's formatting function
             msg = _("Invoice '%s' is paid partially: %s%s of %s%s (%s%s remaining)") % \
                     (name, pay_amount, code, invoice.amount_total, code, total, code)

=== modified file 'account/report/account_general_ledger_landscape.rml'
--- account/report/account_general_ledger_landscape.rml	2010-11-22 05:14:17 +0000
+++ account/report/account_general_ledger_landscape.rml	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
   		<blockTable colWidths="45.0,55.0,72.0,64.0,64.0,77.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,88.0,80.0" style="Table7">[[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]]
@@ -627,6 +628,368 @@
+  	<pto>
+  	<pto_header>
+  		<blockTable colWidths="45.0,55.0,72.0,64.0,64.0,77.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,88.0,80.0" style="Table7">[[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]]
+	      <tr>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Date</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">JNRL</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Partner</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Ref</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Move</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Entry Label</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Counterpart</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Debit</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Credit</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Balance</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Currency</para>
+	        </td>
+	      </tr>
+	    </blockTable>
+  		<blockTable colWidths="45.0,54.0,85.0,70.0,70.0,130.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,90.0" style="Table10">[[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+	      <tr>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Date</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">JNRL</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Partner</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Ref</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Move</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Entry Label</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Counterpart</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Debit</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Credit</para>
+	        </td>
+	        <td>
+	          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Balance</para>
+	        </td>
+	      </tr>
+	    </blockTable>
+  	</pto_header>
+    <para style="terp_default_8">[[ repeatIn(objects, 'a') ]]</para>
+    <para style="terp_header_Centre">General Ledger</para>
+    <blockTable colWidths="110.0,110.0,110.0,110.0,128.0,93.0,110.0" style="Table1">
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">[[ data['model']=='account.account' and 'Company' or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">[[ data['model']=='ir.ui.menu' and 'Chart of Account' or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Fiscal Year</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Journals</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Display Account</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Filter By [[ get_filter(data)!='No Filter' and get_filter(data) ]]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Entries Sorted By</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Target Moves</para>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </blockTable>
+    <blockTable colWidths="110.0,110.0,110.0,110.0,128.0,93.0,110.0" style="Table2">
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_account(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_fiscalyear(data) or '' ]]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[', '.join([ lt or '' for lt in get_journal(data) ]) ]]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ (data['form']['display_account']=='bal_all' and 'All') or (data['form']['display_account']=='bal_movement' and 'With movements') or 'With balance is not equal to 0']]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_filter(data)=='No Filter' and get_filter(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para>
+          <blockTable colWidths="58.0,58.0" style="Table3">[[ get_filter(data)=='Date' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Start Date</para>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">End Date</para>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </blockTable>
+          <blockTable colWidths="58.0,58.0" style="Table4">[[ get_filter(data)=='Date' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ formatLang(get_start_date(data),date=True) ]]</para>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ formatLang(get_end_date(data),date=True) ]]</para>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </blockTable>
+          <blockTable colWidths="58.0,58.0" style="Table5">[[ get_filter(data)=='Periods' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Start Period</para>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">End Period</para>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </blockTable>
+          <blockTable colWidths="58.0,58.0" style="Table6">[[ get_filter(data)=='Periods' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_start_period(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_end_period(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </blockTable>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_sortby(data) ]]</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_target_move(data) ]]</para>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </blockTable>
+    <para style="terp_default_8">
+       <font color="white"> </font>
+    </para>
+    <blockTable colWidths="45.0,55.0,72.0,64.0,64.0,77.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,88.0,80.0" style="Table7">[[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]]
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Date</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">JNRL</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Partner</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Ref</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Move</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Entry Label</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Counterpart</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Debit</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Credit</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Balance</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Currency</para>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </blockTable>
+    <section>
+      <para style="terp_default_8">[[ repeatIn(get_children_accounts(a), 'o') ]]</para>
+      <blockTable colWidths="461.0,71.0,71.0,88.0,80.0" style="Table8">[[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]]
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9"><font color="white">[[ '..'*(o.level-1) ]]</font>[[ o.code ]] [[ o.name ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ formatLang(sum_debit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ formatLang(sum_credit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ formatLang(sum_balance_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ o.currency_id and formatLang(sum_currency_amount_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) + o.currency_id.code or '' ]]</para>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </blockTable>
+      <section>
+        <para style="terp_default_8">[[ repeatIn(lines(o), 'line') ]]</para>
+        <blockTable colWidths="45.0,55.0,72.0,64.0,64.0,77.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,88.0,80.0" style="Table9">[[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]]
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ formatLang(line['ldate'],date=True) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['lcode'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['partner_name'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['lref'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ line['move'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['lname'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ strip_name(line['line_corresp'].replace(', ',','),25) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_8">[[ formatLang(line['debit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_8">[[ formatLang(line['credit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_8">[[ formatLang(line['progress'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_9"><font size="8.0">[[ (line.has_key('currency_id') and line['currency_id']==None or line['amount_currency']==None) and removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ formatLang(line['amount_currency'])]] [[ line['currency_code'] or '']]</font></para>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </blockTable>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <blockTable colWidths="45.0,54.0,85.0,70.0,70.0,130.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,90.0" style="Table10">[[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Date</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">JNRL</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Partner</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Ref</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Move</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">Entry Label</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Centre">Counterpart</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Debit</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Credit</para>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <para style="terp_tblheader_Details_Right">Balance</para>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </blockTable>
+    <section>
+      <para style="Standard">[[ repeatIn(get_children_accounts(a), 'o') ]]</para>
+      <blockTable colWidths="540.0,71.0,71.0,90.0" style="Table11">[[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9"><font color="white">[[ '..'*(o.level-1) ]]</font>[[ o.code ]] [[ o.name ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ formatLang(sum_debit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ formatLang(sum_credit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <para style="terp_default_Bold_9_Right">[[ formatLang(sum_balance_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </blockTable>
+      <section>
+        <para style="Standard">[[ repeatIn(lines(o), 'line') ]]</para>
+        <blockTable colWidths="45.0,54.0,85.0,70.0,70.0,130.0,85.0,71.0,71.0,90.0" style="Table12">[[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ formatLang(line['ldate'],date=True) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['lcode'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['partner_name'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['lref'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ line['move'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_8">[[ line['lname'] ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ strip_name(line['line_corresp'].replace(', ',','),25) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_8">[[ formatLang(line['debit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_8">[[ formatLang(line['credit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]]</para>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <para style="terp_default_Right_8">[[ formatLang(line['progress'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]</para>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </blockTable>
+      </section>
+    </section>
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'account/report/common_report_header.py'
--- account/report/common_report_header.py	2010-10-04 11:31:09 +0000
+++ account/report/common_report_header.py	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
     def _get_currency(self, data):
         if data.get('form', False) and data['form'].get('chart_account_id', False):
-            return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, data['form']['chart_account_id']).company_id.currency_id.code
-        return '' 
+            return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, data['form']['chart_account_id']).company_id.currency_id.symbol
+        return ''
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'account_accountant/i18n/it.po'
--- account_accountant/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_accountant/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
 # Italian translation for openobject-addons
 # Copyright (c) 2010 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2010
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the openobject-addons package.
@@ -31,3 +32,38 @@
 #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account_accountant.module_meta_information
 msgid "Accountant"
 msgstr "Ragioniere"
+# Italian translation for openobject-addons
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2010
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the openobject-addons package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian <it@xxxxxx>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
+#. module: account_accountant
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "L'ID del certificato del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: account_accountant
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: account_accountant
+#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account_accountant.module_meta_information
+msgid "Accountant"
+msgstr "Ragioniere"

=== added file 'account_analytic_analysis/i18n/da.po'
--- account_analytic_analysis/i18n/da.po	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ account_analytic_analysis/i18n/da.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Danish translation for openobject-addons
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2010
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the openobject-addons package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 09:17+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Pihl <martinpihl@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
+"Language-Team: Danish <da@xxxxxx>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,hours_qtt_invoiced:0
+msgid ""
+"Number of hours that can be invoiced plus those that already have been "
+msgstr "Antal timer der kan faktureres plus de som allerede er faktureret."
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: constraint:ir.model:0
+msgid ""
+"The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
+msgstr ""
+"Objektnavnet skal starte med x_ og må ikke indeholde specialkarakterer!"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
+msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
+msgstr "Ugyldigt modelnavn i handlingsdefinitionen"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,remaining_ca:0
+msgid "Computed using the formula: Max Invoice Price - Invoiced Amount."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,remaining_hours:0
+msgid "Computed using the formula: Maximum Quantity - Hours Tot."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: code:addons/account_analytic_analysis/account_analytic_analysis.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "AccessError"
+msgstr "Adgangsfejl"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,ca_theorical:0
+msgid "Theorical Revenue"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,last_invoice_date:0
+msgid "Last Invoice Date"
+msgstr "Sidste faktureringsdato"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Modulets navn skal være unikt"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,last_invoice_date:0
+msgid "Date of the last invoice created for this analytic account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
+msgid "Error ! You can not create recursive Menu."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,theorical_margin:0
+msgid "Computed using the formula: Theorial Revenue - Total Costs"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,theorical_margin:0
+msgid "Theorical Margin"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,real_margin_rate:0
+msgid "Real Margin Rate (%)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Modulets certifikat-ID skal være unikt"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,last_worked_invoiced_date:0
+msgid ""
+"If invoice from the costs, this is the date of the latest work or cost that "
+"have been invoiced."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_analytic_analysis.menu_invoicing
+msgid "Billing"
+msgstr "Fakturering"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,last_worked_date:0
+msgid "Date of Last Cost/Work"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,total_cost:0
+msgid "Total Costs"
+msgstr "Samlet udgifter"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,hours_quantity:0
+msgid ""
+"Number of hours you spent on the analytic account (from timesheet). It "
+"computes on all journal of type 'general'."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,remaining_hours:0
+msgid "Remaining Hours"
+msgstr "Tilbageværende timer"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,ca_theorical:0
+msgid ""
+"Based on the costs you had on the project, what would have been the revenue "
+"if all these costs have been invoiced at the normal sale price provided by "
+"the pricelist."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,user_ids:0
+#: field:account_analytic_analysis.summary.user,user:0
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Bruger"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,ca_to_invoice:0
+msgid "Uninvoiced Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,real_margin:0
+msgid "Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount - Total Costs."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,hours_qtt_non_invoiced:0
+msgid "Uninvoiced Hours"
+msgstr "Ufakturerede timer"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,last_worked_date:0
+msgid "Date of the latest work done on this account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
+msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
+msgstr "Ugyldig XML for View Architecture!"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account_analytic_analysis.module_meta_information
+msgid "report_account_analytic"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_analytic_analysis.model_account_analytic_analysis_summary_user
+msgid "Hours Summary by User"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,ca_invoiced:0
+msgid "Invoiced Amount"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: code:addons/account_analytic_analysis/account_analytic_analysis.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s)."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,last_worked_invoiced_date:0
+msgid "Date of Last Invoiced Cost"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,hours_qtt_invoiced:0
+msgid "Invoiced Hours"
+msgstr "Fakturerede timer"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,real_margin:0
+msgid "Real Margin"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,ca_invoiced:0
+msgid "Total customer invoiced amount for this account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_analytic_analysis.model_account_analytic_analysis_summary_month
+msgid "Hours summary by month"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,real_margin_rate:0
+msgid "Computes using the formula: (Real Margin / Total Costs) * 100."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,hours_qtt_non_invoiced:0
+msgid ""
+"Number of hours (from journal of type 'general') that can be invoiced if you "
+"invoice based on analytic account."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: view:account.analytic.account:0
+msgid "Analytic accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,remaining_ca:0
+msgid "Remaining Revenue"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,ca_to_invoice:0
+msgid ""
+"If invoice from analytic account, the remaining amount you can invoice to "
+"the customer based on the total costs."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,revenue_per_hour:0
+msgid "Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount / Hours Tot."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,revenue_per_hour:0
+msgid "Revenue per Hours (real)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account_analytic_analysis.summary.month,unit_amount:0
+#: field:account_analytic_analysis.summary.user,unit_amount:0
+msgid "Total Time"
+msgstr "Tid i alt"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,month_ids:0
+#: field:account_analytic_analysis.summary.month,month:0
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "MÃ¥ned"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account_analytic_analysis.summary.month,account_id:0
+#: field:account_analytic_analysis.summary.user,account_id:0
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_analytic_analysis.model_account_analytic_account
+msgid "Analytic Account"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_analytic_analysis.action_account_analytic_managed_overpassed
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_analytic_analysis.menu_action_account_analytic_managed_overpassed
+msgid "Overpassed Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_analytic_analysis.action_hr_tree_invoiced_all
+#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_analytic_analysis.menu_action_hr_tree_invoiced_all
+msgid "All Uninvoiced Entries"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: field:account.analytic.account,hours_quantity:0
+msgid "Hours Tot"
+msgstr "Timer i alt"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr "Feltets størrelse kan aldrig være mindre end 1 !"
+#. module: account_analytic_analysis
+#: help:account.analytic.account,total_cost:0
+msgid ""
+"Total of costs for this account. It includes real costs (from invoices) and "
+"indirect costs, like time spent on timesheets."
+msgstr ""

=== modified file 'account_analytic_analysis/i18n/it.po'
--- account_analytic_analysis/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_analytic_analysis/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
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 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 13:41+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:57+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
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 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_analytic_analysis

=== modified file 'account_analytic_default/i18n/it.po'
--- account_analytic_default/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_analytic_default/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 15:33+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 13:20+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_analytic_default
@@ -77,7 +87,7 @@
 #. module: account_analytic_default
 #: model:ir.model,name:account_analytic_default.model_stock_picking
 msgid "Picking List"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Picking List"
 #. module: account_analytic_default
 #: view:account.analytic.default:0

=== modified file 'account_analytic_plans/i18n/it.po'
--- account_analytic_plans/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_analytic_plans/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
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 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 15:50+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_analytic_plans

=== modified file 'account_anglo_saxon/i18n/it.po'
--- account_anglo_saxon/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_anglo_saxon/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,14 +7,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 15:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <it@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+<<<<<<< TREE
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+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_anglo_saxon

=== modified file 'account_budget/i18n/it.po'
--- account_budget/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_budget/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 16:04+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:50+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_budget

=== modified file 'account_cancel/i18n/it.po'
--- account_cancel/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_cancel/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,14 +7,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 13:38+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <it@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
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+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_cancel

=== modified file 'account_chart/i18n/it.po'
--- account_chart/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_chart/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 16:06+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:50+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_chart

=== modified file 'account_coda/i18n/it.po'
--- account_coda/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_coda/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,14 +7,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 16:12+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <it@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:50+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_coda

=== modified file 'account_followup/i18n/it.po'
--- account_followup/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_followup/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 16:28+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 10:08+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:49+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:50+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_followup
@@ -123,14 +133,26 @@
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_followup.action_account_followup_definition_form
 #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account_followup.account_followup_menu
 msgid "Follow-Ups"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 msgstr "Follow up"
 #. module: account_followup
 #: view:account_followup.stat.by.partner:0
 msgid "Balance > 0"
 msgstr ""
-#. module: account_followup
+msgstr "Follow up"
+#. module: account_followup
+<<<<<<< TREE
+#: view:account_followup.stat.by.partner:0
+msgid "Balance > 0"
+msgstr "Saldo > 0"
+#. module: account_followup
 #: view:account.move.line:0
 msgid "Total debit"
 msgstr "Totale debiti"
@@ -189,11 +211,19 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account_followup
+<<<<<<< TREE
 #: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
 msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account_followup
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: account_followup
 #: view:account.followup.print.all:0
 msgid "%(user_signature)s: User name"
 msgstr "%(user_signature)s: Username"

=== modified file 'account_invoice_layout/i18n/it.po'
--- account_invoice_layout/i18n/it.po	2010-11-21 04:50:47 +0000
+++ account_invoice_layout/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-20 16:37+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 07:57+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+<<<<<<< TREE
 "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-21 04:50+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_invoice_layout

=== modified file 'account_payment/i18n/de.po'
--- account_payment/i18n/de.po	2010-11-07 04:49:34 +0000
+++ account_payment/i18n/de.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-06 06:59+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-22 00:54+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thorsten Vocks <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-07 04:49+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_payment
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
 msgstr "Partner Währung"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_payment
 #: view:payment.order:0
 msgid "Set to draft"
 msgstr "Setze auf Entwurf"
@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@
 #. module: account_payment
 #: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
 msgid "Invalid model name in the action definition."
-msgstr "Ungültiger Modellname in der Aktionsdefinition."
+msgstr "Ungültiger Modulname in der Aktionsdefinition."
 #. module: account_payment
 #: view:payment.line:0
@@ -72,12 +77,9 @@
 "minus des Betrages der bereits in Zahlungsvorschlägen bearbeitet wurde."
 #. module: account_payment
-#: help:payment.line,date:0
-msgid ""
-"If no payment date is specified, the bank will treat this payment line "
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn kein Zahlungsdatum vorgegeben ist, wird die Banks sofort überweisen."
+#: field:payment.mode,company_id:0
+msgid "Company"
+msgstr "Unternehmen"
 #. module: account_payment
 #: field:payment.order,date_prefered:0
@@ -160,10 +162,12 @@
 msgstr "Unmittelbar"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_payment.action_payment_line_form
+#: model:ir.model,name:account_payment.model_payment_line
+#: view:payment.line:0
 #: view:payment.order:0
-#: selection:payment.order,state:0
-msgid "Draft"
-msgstr "Entwurf"
+msgid "Payment Line"
+msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag Positionen"
 #. module: account_payment
 #: view:payment.line:0
@@ -177,6 +181,11 @@
 msgstr "Bestätigt"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: view:payment.order:0
+msgid "Select Invoices to Pay"
+msgstr "Wähle Rechnungen"
+#. module: account_payment
 #: help:payment.line,ml_date_created:0
 msgid "Invoice Effective Date"
 msgstr "Effektives Rechnungsdatum"
@@ -197,6 +206,11 @@
 msgstr "Strukturiert"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_payment
 #: view:payment.order:0
 #: field:payment.order,state:0
 msgid "State"
@@ -256,6 +270,11 @@
 msgstr "Datum Ausführung"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: help:payment.mode,journal:0
+msgid "Bank or Cash Journal for the Payment Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_payment
 #: selection:payment.order,date_prefered:0
 msgid "Fixed date"
 msgstr "festes Datum"
@@ -287,9 +306,9 @@
 msgstr "Erzeugt"
 #. module: account_payment
-#: view:payment.order:0
-msgid "Select Invoices to Pay"
-msgstr "Wähle Rechnungen"
+#: sql_constraint:ir.rule:0
+msgid "Rule must have at least one checked access right !"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account_payment
 #: view:payment.line:0
@@ -309,7 +328,7 @@
 #. module: account_payment
 #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account_payment.module_meta_information
 msgid "Payment Management"
-msgstr "Zahlungs Management"
+msgstr "Zahlungsvorschläge"
 #. module: account_payment
 #: field:payment.line,bank_statement_line_id:0
@@ -342,9 +361,12 @@
 msgstr "Adresse des Partners"
 #. module: account_payment
-#: field:payment.mode,company_id:0
-msgid "Company"
-msgstr "Unternehmen"
+#: help:payment.line,date:0
+msgid ""
+"If no payment date is specified, the bank will treat this payment line "
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn kein Zahlungsdatum vorgegeben ist, wird die Banks sofort überweisen."
 #. module: account_payment
 #: model:ir.model,name:account_payment.model_account_payment_populate_statement
@@ -372,12 +394,10 @@
 msgstr "Zahlbetrag in Währung des Partners"
 #. module: account_payment
-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_payment.action_payment_line_form
-#: model:ir.model,name:account_payment.model_payment_line
-#: view:payment.line:0
 #: view:payment.order:0
-msgid "Payment Line"
-msgstr "Zahlungsvorschlag Positionen"
+#: selection:payment.order,state:0
+msgid "Draft"
+msgstr "Entwurf"
 #. module: account_payment
 #: constraint:ir.ui.menu:0
@@ -406,9 +426,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account_payment
-#: view:account.move.line:0
-msgid "Total credit"
-msgstr "Gesamt Haben"
+#: sql_constraint:res.groups:0
+msgid "The name of the group must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account_payment
 #: help:payment.order,date_scheduled:0
@@ -540,6 +560,11 @@
 msgstr "Abbrechen"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_payment
 #: view:payment.line:0
 #: view:payment.order:0
 msgid "Information"
@@ -590,9 +615,10 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. module: account_payment
-#: help:payment.mode,journal:0
-msgid "Cash Journal for the Payment Mode"
-msgstr "Journal für Zahlungsmodus"
+#: view:payment.mode:0
+#: field:payment.mode,journal:0
+msgid "Journal"
+msgstr "Journal"
 #. module: account_payment
 #: field:payment.mode,bank_id:0
@@ -642,6 +668,11 @@
 msgstr "Bezeichnung"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: view:account.move.line:0
+msgid "Total credit"
+msgstr "Gesamt Haben"
+#. module: account_payment
 #: report:payment.order:0
 msgid "Bank Account"
 msgstr "Bank Konto"
@@ -668,6 +699,15 @@
 msgstr "Betrag gesammt"
 #. module: account_payment
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account_payment.action_payment_order_tree
+msgid ""
+"A payment order is a payment request that your company does in order to pay "
+"a supplier invoice or a customer credit note. Here you can register all "
+"payment orders that should be done, keep track of all payment orders and "
+"mention the invoice reference and the partner the payment should be done for."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_payment
 #: constraint:ir.rule:0
 msgid "Rules are not supported for osv_memory objects !"
 msgstr ""
@@ -694,12 +734,6 @@
 msgid "Bank Account for the Payment Mode"
 msgstr "Bankkonto für diesen Zahlungsmodus"
-#. module: account_payment
-#: view:payment.mode:0
-#: field:payment.mode,journal:0
-msgid "Journal"
-msgstr "Journal"
 #~ msgid "Execution date:"
 #~ msgstr "Ausführungsdatum:"
@@ -733,6 +767,9 @@
 #~ msgid "Draft Payment Order"
 #~ msgstr "Zahlungsaufträge Entwurf"
+#~ msgid "Cash Journal for the Payment Mode"
+#~ msgstr "Journal für Zahlungsmodus"
 #~ msgid "_Search"
 #~ msgstr "_Suche"

=== modified file 'account_voucher/i18n/de.po'
--- account_voucher/i18n/de.po	2010-11-09 04:49:59 +0000
+++ account_voucher/i18n/de.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-08 08:19+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-22 00:52+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thorsten Vocks <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-09 04:49+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: account_voucher
@@ -23,11 +23,6 @@
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
-msgid "Form view not available for Payment Lines"
-msgstr "Formular Ansicht nicht verfügbar für Zahlungspositionen"
-#. module: account_voucher
-#: view:account.voucher:0
 msgid "Payment Ref"
 msgstr "Zahlungsreferenz"
@@ -40,7 +35,7 @@
 #: report:voucher.cash_receipt.drcr:0
 #: report:voucher.print:0
 msgid "Particulars"
-msgstr "Personendaten"
+msgstr "Einzelpositionen"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
@@ -117,6 +112,15 @@
 msgstr "Storno Zahlungsausgleich"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account_voucher.action_sale_receipt
+msgid ""
+"When you sell products to a customer, you can give him a sales receipt or an "
+"invoice. When the sales receipt is confirmed, it creates journal items "
+"automatically and you can record the customer payment related to this sales "
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
 msgid "Pay Bill"
 msgstr "Bezahle Rechnung"
@@ -185,6 +189,16 @@
 msgstr "Anmerkungen"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account_voucher.action_vendor_receipt
+msgid ""
+"Sales payment allows you to register the payments you receive from your "
+"customers. In order to record a payment, you must enter the customer, the "
+"payment method (=the journal) and the payment amount. OpenERP will propose "
+"to you automatically the reconciliation of this payment with the open "
+"invoices or sales receipts."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: selection:account.voucher,type:0
 msgid "Sale"
 msgstr "Verkauf"
@@ -294,9 +308,9 @@
 "Sie müssen die Finanzkonten und Steuern für die Steuer '%s' konfigurieren."
 #. module: account_voucher
-#: report:voucher.print:0
-msgid "Account :"
-msgstr "Konto:"
+#: selection:account.voucher,pay_now:0
+msgid "Pay Later or Group Funds"
+msgstr "Bezahle später oder eröffne Finanzfunds"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: selection:account.voucher,type:0
@@ -327,6 +341,11 @@
 msgstr "Periode"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
 #: field:account.voucher,state:0
 msgid "State"
@@ -335,13 +354,18 @@
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:account_voucher.module_meta_information
 msgid "Accounting Voucher Entries"
-msgstr "Beleg Buchungen"
+msgstr "Zahlungsbeleg Buchungen"
+#. module: account_voucher
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_voucher.act_journal_voucher_open
 msgid "Voucher Entries"
-msgstr "Belegzeilen"
+msgstr "Zahlungsbeleg Buchungen"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: code:addons/account_voucher/account_voucher.py:0
@@ -433,6 +457,11 @@
 msgstr "Zahle Direkt und  Bar"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: view:account.voucher:0
+msgid "Voucher Items"
+msgstr "Zahlungspositionen"
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: field:account.statement.from.invoice,line_ids:0
 #: field:account.statement.from.invoice.lines,line_ids:0
 msgid "Invoices"
@@ -447,7 +476,7 @@
 #: field:account.voucher,line_ids:0
 #: model:ir.model,name:account_voucher.model_account_voucher_line
 msgid "Voucher Lines"
-msgstr "Auszugspositionen"
+msgstr "Zahlungspositionen"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: field:account.voucher,currency_id:0
@@ -460,9 +489,9 @@
 msgstr "Kreditoren und Debitoren"
 #. module: account_voucher
-#: selection:account.voucher,pay_now:0
-msgid "Pay Later or Group Funds"
-msgstr "Bezahle später oder eröffne Finanzfunds"
+#: report:voucher.print:0
+msgid "Account :"
+msgstr "Konto:"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
@@ -494,6 +523,15 @@
 msgstr "PRO-FORMA"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account_voucher.action_vendor_payment
+msgid ""
+"The supplier payment form allows you to track the payment you do to your "
+"suppliers. When you select a supplier, the payment method and an amount for "
+"the payment, OpenERP will propose to reconcile your payment with the open "
+"supplier invoices or bills."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
 msgid "Total Amount"
 msgstr "Gesamtbetrag"
@@ -535,6 +573,11 @@
 msgstr "Sende"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: view:account.voucher:0
+msgid "Extended Filters..."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: report:voucher.cash_receipt.drcr:0
 #: report:voucher.print:0
 msgid "Number:"
@@ -565,12 +608,7 @@
 #: selection:account.voucher.line,type:0
 #: report:voucher.cash_receipt.drcr:0
 msgid "Credit"
-msgstr "Guthaben"
-#. module: account_voucher
-#: view:account.voucher:0
-msgid "Extended options..."
-msgstr "Erweiterte Optionen.."
+msgstr "Konto entlasten (Haben)"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: code:addons/account_voucher/account_voucher.py:0
@@ -609,7 +647,7 @@
 #: view:account.voucher:0
 #: model:ir.model,name:account_voucher.model_account_voucher
 msgid "Accounting Voucher"
-msgstr "Buchungsbeleg"
+msgstr "Buchung Zahlungsbelege"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: field:account.voucher,number:0
@@ -641,7 +679,7 @@
 #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:account_voucher.report_account_voucher
 #: model:res.request.link,name:account_voucher.req_link_voucher
 msgid "Voucher"
-msgstr "Beleg"
+msgstr "Zahlungsbeleg"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: model:ir.model,name:account_voucher.model_account_invoice
@@ -649,9 +687,9 @@
 msgstr "Rechnung"
 #. module: account_voucher
-#: view:account.voucher:0
-msgid "Voucher Items"
-msgstr "Zahlungspositionen"
+#: sql_constraint:ir.rule:0
+msgid "Rule must have at least one checked access right !"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.statement.from.invoice:0
@@ -667,6 +705,11 @@
 msgstr "Pro-forma"
 #. module: account_voucher
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
 #: field:account.voucher,move_ids:0
 #: model:ir.model,name:account_voucher.model_account_move_line
@@ -704,7 +747,7 @@
 #: selection:account.voucher.line,type:0
 #: report:voucher.cash_receipt.drcr:0
 msgid "Debit"
-msgstr "Belastung"
+msgstr "Konto belasten (Soll)"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
@@ -714,7 +757,7 @@
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: field:account.voucher.line,name:0
 msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Beschreibung"
+msgstr "Buchungstext"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: report:voucher.cash_receipt.drcr:0
@@ -723,10 +766,9 @@
 msgstr "Abgebrochen"
 #. module: account_voucher
-#: code:addons/account_voucher/account_voucher.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Please change partner and try again !"
-msgstr "Bitte ändern Sie den Partner und versuchen Sie es dann nochmals !"
+#: view:account.voucher:0
+msgid "Vendor Invoices and Outstanding transactions"
+msgstr "Eingangsrechnung und offene Transaktionen"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: field:account.statement.from.invoice,journal_ids:0
@@ -772,7 +814,7 @@
 #: report:voucher.cash_receipt.drcr:0
 #: report:voucher.print:0
 msgid "Posted"
-msgstr "Versendet"
+msgstr "Gebucht"
 #. module: account_voucher
 #: view:account.voucher:0
@@ -801,12 +843,6 @@
 msgstr "Regeln werden für osv_memory Objekt nicht unterstützt"
 #. module: account_voucher
-#: code:addons/account_voucher/account_voucher.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid "Invalid Error !"
-msgstr "Invalid !Fehler"
-#. module: account_voucher
 #: help:account.voucher,date:0
 msgid "Effective date for accounting entries"
 msgstr "Effektives Datum für Buchungen"
@@ -821,11 +857,6 @@
 "Rechnung überprüfen, da diese nicht ausgeglichen ist."
 #. module: account_voucher
-#: view:account.voucher:0
-msgid "Vendor Invoices and Outstanding transactions"
-msgstr "Eingangsrechnung und offene Transaktionen"
-#. module: account_voucher
 #: field:account.voucher.line,untax_amount:0
 msgid "Untax Amount"
 msgstr "Nicht versteuerter Betrag"
@@ -1023,3 +1054,17 @@
 #~ msgid "Entry Lines"
 #~ msgstr "Buchungen"
+#~ msgid "Extended options..."
+#~ msgstr "Erweiterte Optionen.."
+#~ msgid "Form view not available for Payment Lines"
+#~ msgstr "Formular Ansicht nicht verfügbar für Zahlungspositionen"
+#, python-format
+#~ msgid "Please change partner and try again !"
+#~ msgstr "Bitte ändern Sie den Partner und versuchen Sie es dann nochmals !"
+#, python-format
+#~ msgid "Invalid Error !"
+#~ msgstr "Invalid !Fehler"

=== modified file 'analytic/i18n/de.po'
--- analytic/i18n/de.po	2010-10-30 05:55:00 +0000
+++ analytic/i18n/de.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-11 07:17+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ferdinand-chricar <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-22 00:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thorsten Vocks <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: German <de@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-10-30 05:53+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: analytic
@@ -46,10 +46,15 @@
 "Module for defining analytic accounting object.\n"
 "    "
 msgstr ""
-"Diese Module definiert analytische Kostenrechnung\n"
+"Anwendung für die Definition von Analytischen Konten.\n"
 "    "
 #. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,state:0
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Status"
@@ -57,7 +62,7 @@
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,user_id:0
 msgid "Account Manager"
-msgstr "Konto Manager"
+msgstr "Verantw. Mitarbeiter"
 #. module: analytic
 #: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
@@ -67,7 +72,7 @@
 #. module: analytic
 #: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
 msgid "Closed"
-msgstr "Abgeschlossen"
+msgstr "Beendet"
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,debit:0
@@ -77,7 +82,7 @@
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,type:0
 msgid "Account Type"
-msgstr "Kontoart"
+msgstr "Kontotyp"
 #. module: analytic
 #: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
@@ -87,18 +92,23 @@
 #. module: analytic
 #: selection:account.analytic.account,state:0
 msgid "Pending"
-msgstr "Unerledigt"
+msgstr "In Wartestellung"
+#. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: analytic
 #: model:ir.model,name:analytic.model_account_analytic_line
 msgid "Analytic Line"
-msgstr "Analyse Zeile"
+msgstr "Analytische Buchungszeile"
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,description:0
 #: field:account.analytic.line,name:0
 msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Beschreibung"
+msgstr "Buchungstext"
 #. module: analytic
 #: selection:account.analytic.account,type:0
@@ -109,7 +119,12 @@
 #: field:account.analytic.account,company_id:0
 #: field:account.analytic.line,company_id:0
 msgid "Company"
-msgstr "Mandant"
+msgstr "Unternehmen"
+#. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:res.groups:0
+msgid "The name of the group must be unique !"
+msgstr ""
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,quantity_max:0
@@ -148,11 +163,14 @@
 "Calculated by multiplying the quantity and the price given in the Product's "
 "cost price. Always expressed in the company main currency."
 msgstr ""
+"Berechnet durch Multiplikation von Menge und Herstellungskosten bzw. "
+"Anschaffungskosten des Produkts. Die Angabe erfolgt immer in der Standard "
+"Währung des Unternehmens."
 #. module: analytic
 #: help:account.analytic.account,quantity_max:0
 msgid "Sets the higher limit of quantity of hours."
-msgstr "Obergrenze der Stunden"
+msgstr "Definiere Obergrenze der Stunden"
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,credit:0
@@ -185,16 +203,18 @@
 "If you select the View Type, it means you won't allow to create journal "
 "entries using that account."
 msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie als Kontotyp Ansicht wählen, bedeutet dieses, daß Sie keine "
+"Buchungen auf diesem Konto ausführen können."
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,date:0
 msgid "Date End"
-msgstr "Enddatum"
+msgstr "Ende Datum"
 #. module: analytic
 #: constraint:ir.rule:0
 msgid "Rules are not supported for osv_memory objects !"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Regeln werden für osv_memory Objekt nicht unterstützt"
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,code:0
@@ -204,7 +224,7 @@
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,complete_name:0
 msgid "Full Account Name"
-msgstr "vollständiger Kontoname"
+msgstr "Vollständige Kontobezeichnung"
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.line,account_id:0
@@ -219,9 +239,14 @@
 msgstr "Ansicht"
 #. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.rule:0
+msgid "Rule must have at least one checked access right !"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,partner_id:0
 msgid "Partner"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Partner"
 #. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,date_start:0
@@ -238,6 +263,11 @@
 msgid "Analytic Entries"
 msgstr "Analytische Buchungen"
+#. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr ""
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "The amount expressed in the related account currency if not equal to the "
 #~ "company one."

=== modified file 'analytic/i18n/it.po'
--- analytic/i18n/it.po	2010-10-30 05:55:00 +0000
+++ analytic/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-22 10:23+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Andrea Amoroso <andrea.amoroso@xxxxxxxx>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 13:20+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <it@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-10-30 05:53+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: analytic
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@
 "    "
 #. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,state:0
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stato"
@@ -90,6 +95,11 @@
 msgstr "In sospeso"
 #. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "L'ID certificato del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: analytic
 #: model:ir.model,name:analytic.model_account_analytic_line
 msgid "Analytic Line"
 msgstr "Linea conto analitico"
@@ -112,6 +122,11 @@
 msgstr "Compagnia"
 #. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:res.groups:0
+msgid "The name of the group must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del gruppo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,quantity_max:0
 msgid "Maximum Quantity"
 msgstr "Quantità massima"
@@ -223,6 +238,11 @@
 msgstr "Visualizza"
 #. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.rule:0
+msgid "Rule must have at least one checked access right !"
+msgstr "La regola deve avere almento un diritto di accesso spuntato!"
+#. module: analytic
 #: field:account.analytic.account,partner_id:0
 msgid "Partner"
 msgstr "Partner"
@@ -242,6 +262,11 @@
 msgid "Analytic Entries"
 msgstr "Voci Conto Analitico"
+#. module: analytic
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr "La dimensione del campo non può mai essere minore di 1!"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "* When an account is created its in 'Draft' state.                           "
 #~ "       \n"

=== modified file 'analytic_journal_billing_rate/i18n/it.po'
--- analytic_journal_billing_rate/i18n/it.po	2010-10-30 05:55:00 +0000
+++ analytic_journal_billing_rate/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,17 +6,22 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 5.0.4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-17 09:58+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 18:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-10-30 05:45+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:51+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "L'ID certificato del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
 #: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
 msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
 msgstr "XML non valido per Visualizzare l'architettura!"
@@ -46,6 +51,11 @@
 msgstr "Conto analitico"
 #. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
 #: model:ir.model,name:analytic_journal_billing_rate.model_analytic_journal_rate_grid
 msgid "Relation table between journals and billing rates"
 msgstr "Tabella di relazione tra Giornali e tassi di fatturazione"
@@ -65,7 +75,7 @@
 #. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
 #: model:ir.model,name:analytic_journal_billing_rate.model_account_invoice
 msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fattura"
 #. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
 #: field:analytic_journal_rate_grid,rate_id:0
@@ -75,7 +85,12 @@
 #. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
 #: model:ir.model,name:analytic_journal_billing_rate.model_hr_analytic_timesheet
 msgid "Timesheet Line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Linea del Timesheet"
+#. module: analytic_journal_billing_rate
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr "La dimensione del campo non può mai essere minore di 1!"
 #~ msgid "Analytic Journal Billing Rate"
 #~ msgstr "Giornale Conti Analitici Tasso di fatturazione"

=== modified file 'analytic_user_function/i18n/it.po'
--- analytic_user_function/i18n/it.po	2010-11-10 05:03:50 +0000
+++ analytic_user_function/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,17 +6,22 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 5.0.4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-09 08:07+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 10:10+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-10 05:03+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: analytic_user_function
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "L'ID certificato del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: analytic_user_function
 #: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
 msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
 msgstr "XML non valido per Visualizzazione Architettura!"
@@ -52,12 +57,9 @@
 msgstr "Conto Analitico"
 #. module: analytic_user_function
-#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"There is no expense account define ' \\n                                    "
-"'for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
-msgstr ""
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
 #. module: analytic_user_function
 #: view:account.analytic.account:0
@@ -71,6 +73,12 @@
 msgstr "Nome utente"
 #. module: analytic_user_function
+#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:0
+#, python-format
+msgid "There is no expense account define for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: analytic_user_function
 #: model:ir.model,name:analytic_user_function.model_analytic_user_funct_grid
 msgid "Relation table between users and products on a analytic account"
 msgstr "Tabella di collegamento tra utenti e prodotti su un conto analitico"
@@ -81,12 +89,9 @@
 msgstr "Funzione di utente analitico"
 #. module: analytic_user_function
-#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:0
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"There is no expense account define ' \\n                                'for "
-"this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
-msgstr ""
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr "La dimensione del campo non può mai essere minore di 1!"
 #. module: analytic_user_function
 #: view:analytic_user_funct_grid:0

=== modified file 'association/i18n/it.po'
--- association/i18n/it.po	2010-11-13 04:57:40 +0000
+++ association/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -6,37 +6,17 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0dev\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@xxxxxxxxxxx\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-12 11:38+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Marius Marolla <mariusmarolla@xxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 18:03+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-13 04:57+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: association
-#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,wiki:0
-msgid "Wiki"
-msgstr "Wiki"
-#. module: association
-#: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
-msgid "Event Management"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
-#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project_gtd:0
-msgid "Getting Things Done"
-msgstr "Getting Things Done (GTD)"
-#. module: association
-#: model:ir.module.module,description:association.module_meta_information
-msgid "This module is to create Profile for Associates"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
 #: constraint:ir.model:0
 msgid ""
 "The Object name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !"
@@ -45,36 +25,9 @@
 #. module: association
-#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,progress:0
-msgid "Configuration Progress"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
-#: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
-msgid "title"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
 #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,event_project:0
 msgid "Helps you to manage and organize your events."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
-#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,config_logo:0
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
-#: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,hr_expense:0
-msgid ""
-"Tracks and manages employee expenses, and can automatically re-invoice "
-"clients if the expenses are project-related."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
-#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
-msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
-msgstr "XML non valido per Visualizzazione Architettura!"
+msgstr "Aiuta a gestire e organizzare gli eventi."
 #. module: association
 #: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project_gtd:0
@@ -87,9 +40,9 @@
 "il modulo di Gestione Progetti di OpenERP."
 #. module: association
-#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:association.module_meta_information
-msgid "Association profile"
-msgstr ""
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
 #. module: association
 #: constraint:ir.actions.act_window:0
@@ -97,27 +50,50 @@
 msgstr "Nome di modulo non valido nella definizione dell'azione."
 #. module: association
-#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,hr_expense:0
-msgid "Expenses Tracking"
-msgstr "Monitoraggio spese"
-#. module: association
 #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
 msgid "Resources Management"
 msgstr "Gestione Risorse"
 #. module: association
-#: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,wiki:0
-msgid ""
-"Lets you create wiki pages and page groups in order to keep track of "
-"business knowledge and share it with and  between your employees."
-msgstr ""
-#. module: association
-#: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project:0
-msgid ""
-"Helps you manage your projects and tasks by tracking them, generating "
-"plannings, etc..."
+#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,event_project:0
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Eventi"
+#. module: association
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "L'ID certificato del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: association
+#: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
+msgid "Event Management"
+msgstr "Gestione Eventi"
+#. module: association
+#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,progress:0
+msgid "Configuration Progress"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: association
+#: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
+msgid "title"
+msgstr "titolo"
+#. module: association
+#: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,hr_expense:0
+msgid ""
+"Tracks and manages employee expenses, and can automatically re-invoice "
+"clients if the expenses are project-related."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: association
+#: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:association.module_meta_information
+msgid "Association profile"
+msgstr ""
+#. module: association
+#: model:ir.module.module,description:association.module_meta_information
+msgid "This module is to create Profile for Associates"
 msgstr ""
 #. module: association
@@ -126,9 +102,14 @@
 msgstr "profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard"
 #. module: association
-#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,event_project:0
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr ""
+#: constraint:ir.ui.view:0
+msgid "Invalid XML for View Architecture!"
+msgstr "XML non valido per Visualizzazione Architettura!"
+#. module: association
+#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,hr_expense:0
+msgid "Expenses Tracking"
+msgstr "Monitoraggio spese"
 #. module: association
 #: view:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard:0
@@ -136,6 +117,40 @@
 msgid "Project Management"
 msgstr "Gestione progetti"
+#. module: association
+#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,wiki:0
+msgid "Wiki"
+msgstr "Wiki"
+#. module: association
+#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project_gtd:0
+msgid "Getting Things Done"
+msgstr "Getting Things Done (GTD)"
+#. module: association
+#: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,project:0
+msgid ""
+"Helps you manage your projects and tasks by tracking them, generating "
+"plannings, etc..."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: association
+#: field:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,config_logo:0
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagine"
+#. module: association
+#: help:profile.association.config.install_modules_wizard,wiki:0
+msgid ""
+"Lets you create wiki pages and page groups in order to keep track of "
+"business knowledge and share it with and  between your employees."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: association
+#: sql_constraint:ir.model.fields:0
+msgid "Size of the field can never be less than 1 !"
+msgstr "La dimensione del campo non può mai essere minore di 1!"
 #~ msgid "Relationship Management"
 #~ msgstr "Gestione deile Relazioni"

=== modified file 'base_action_rule/i18n/it.po'
--- base_action_rule/i18n/it.po	2010-10-30 05:55:00 +0000
+++ base_action_rule/i18n/it.po	2010-11-22 11:51:23 +0000
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-18 17:46+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-22 10:43+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: OpenERP Administrators <Unknown>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-11-18 16:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-21 13:16+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nicola Riolini - Micronaet <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <it@xxxxxx>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-10-30 05:54+0000\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-11-22 04:52+0000\n"
 "X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
 #. module: base_action_rule
@@ -122,6 +122,15 @@
 #. module: base_action_rule
+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base_action_rule.base_action_rule_act
+msgid ""
+"Create actions automatically triggered based on a user activity in the "
+"system.E.g.: an opportunity created by a specific user can be automatically "
+"maintained with a specific sales team, or an opportunity which still has "
+"status pending after 14 days triggers an automatic reminder email."
+msgstr ""
+#. module: base_action_rule
 #: view:base.action.rule:0
 msgid "Conditions on Model Partner"
 msgstr "Condizioni sul Modello Partner"
@@ -152,6 +161,11 @@
 msgstr "Speciali parole chiave da utilizzare nel Corpo"
 #. module: base_action_rule
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The name of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "Il nome del modulo deve essere unico!"
+#. module: base_action_rule
 #: field:base.action.rule,trg_state_from:0
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stato"
@@ -162,6 +176,11 @@
 msgstr "ID Email della persona a cui le mail vanno spedite"
 #. module: base_action_rule
+#: sql_constraint:ir.module.module:0
+msgid "The certificate ID of the module must be unique !"
+msgstr "L'ID certificato del m